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File: 77 KB, 329x339, espresso_romeo_low1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3876477 No.3876477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've had 2 espresso machines that i purchased from wal-mart and target. They were alright but i think im ready to step up to something decent. I don't want anything too expensive but i certainly dont want another mr.coffee bullshit appliance.

What Espresso maker does /ck/ recommend?

>> No.3876486

Ariete Elisir Cafe 1331, Saeco HD8323, DeLonghi EN-90GY, Bialetti Mokona CF40 (this one is cute), Gaggia New Baby Class and Ariete Roma Deluxe.
Any of those are quite good. As near-to Neapolitan espresso-bar quality espresso as you're likely to get in the home.

>> No.3876510
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I have the basic La Pavoni model - pull-lever espresso machine with nary a pressure gauge.

It takes some practice and the proper grind, but I think it's worth it. You do need to have a bit of a DIY attitude.

>> No.3876514

Check steam pressure that the produce.

Higher the better.

>> No.3876518

To be honest, unless you have your own grinder, or drink expresso in large quantities.
Having such a high standard for your machine means little when your coffee beans/grind is going bad in your cabinet.
Grinded beans can only last a few days for freshness. And it's even hard to find fresh beans in the first place.

>> No.3876524

Guess it depends on how big the coffee scene is in your city or town. I'm in Fort Collins, CO, not exactly a metropolis, but we have numerous roasters in town.

I will say that you need a burr grinder if you're making espresso. Blade grinders macerate the beans and produce a really uneven grain size.

>> No.3877123


go with a classic: rancilio silvia. get one used, replacement parts are cheap and theyre built like a fuckin volvo.


currently in production, but its basically a reverse-engineered silvia with PID controls

OR cheapest

gaggia classic. shitty for steaming milk, but still pulls a decent shot.

>> No.3877136

many machines advertise >15bars.

industry-standard cafe machines will pull at 9-12 bars.

>> No.3877143



Fuck off.

>> No.3877148


Explain this bar business to me please, I am newfag to drinking fancy beverages. I only drink coffee but I want to start drinking espresso so I'm not pissing 3 times over the next hour.

>> No.3877172

Bars are a measure of pressure.
Espresso is brewed by pressurisation.

>> No.3877187


cool thanks

>> No.3877207

Checkout the reviews at Coffee Geek... or just get this:


They even make some crazy mods for this thing incase you feel the need to have laboratory level thermal accuracy!

>> No.3877280

pisses me off when people call it that too.

>> No.3877294


I just chock it up to alliteracy. Niggardly errors like that effect not just the ascetics of a sentance, but communication it's self.

>> No.3877342
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Fuck you, too.

>> No.3877345

I was going to rip on you for your reasoning on why you want to start drinking espresso but fuck me, it's refreshing to not hear someone talk like a hipster asswipe when espresso is brought up.

>> No.3877351


Well, I also like the taste of espresso but I don't have a machine to make it. Only time I have it is when I'm out somewhere or at my sister's place. I was considering it as a viable alternative, because drinking coffee early in the morning tends to give me indigestion, makes me shit at inconvenient times and pushes my bladder to unacceptable levels of tension.

>> No.3877359


Grammar nazi fail.

>> No.3877362

I believe the optimum time is 15 minutes, not several days. Atleast that is what I learnt at a barista course I did.

Take this persons advice on the grinder. >>3876524

>> No.3877374
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Oh dear.

>> No.3877377


>Atleast that is what I learnt at a barista course I did.

oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooood please be shitting me

>> No.3877402

I'm not an espresso snob but I've had a good experience with my Breville BCG450XL grinder. I would say it's a great entry level grinder, and with a mod I've been able to get a finer more consistent grind than pre-packaged espresso ground coffee. It was a refurb and $80 CAD if I'm not mistaken.
Take my suggestion or not, coffeegeek guides will tell you to spend double on your grinder than your espresso machine (which I think is a silly rule). Regardless, I would invest in something nice like a Rancilio Silvia as another anon suggested. Something that will take the light, everyday use.

>> No.3877528
File: 56 KB, 410x433, Lavazza_Espresso_Point_Coffee_Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best machine IMHO but works with capsules and I'm afraid you could not find them in your Country