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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3867512 No.3867512 [Reply] [Original]

How does this work? Someone in the documentary said that "when Jiro dies, sushi may never reach that level ever again."

It's fucking sushi. A slice of raw meat on a piece of rice.

What's the difference between a great sushi chef and a good sushi chef, and a good sushi chef and a mediocre one?

Does it all depend on the quality of the tuna?

>> No.3867521

It's all a matter of how intensely weird you can deliver your mission statement. This guy chose documentary. Which is a reflection of his grandiose belief in his own self worth, which in turn, is the reason he charges $260 per plate of raw shit.

>> No.3867526

But it's so much more than that. It's the rice, the way it's cooked, the rice-vinegar ratio, the temperature the rice is at when it's served, the amount of wasabi, the quality of the fish, how long it was aged, the way the fish is cut... It's a delicate balance. Eat at a truly great sushi restaurant, and you'll see.

>> No.3867528

Same could be said about other things.

>> No.3867529

Troll much?

>> No.3867531

Whats probably going to happen now is a series of replies by people claiming to know how amazing jiro is, how god like his sushi is, how only idiots would think that his sushi is not worth the money, how its so very very complex.

In reality, no one here has eaten Jiro's sushi (that im aware of) so no one can give an objective view of whether its really that good, and also, whenever a thread is made about an expensive restaurant that isnt Sushi or something similar, /ck/ rages with things such as 'pretentious food fag', 'waste of money', 'this is shit'

Basically, most of /ck/ doesnt appear to like to spend a lot of money on fine food/restaurants, but claim that Jiro is god.

>> No.3867533

It's how pretentious you are, and how well you can fool people into thinking they are eating something magical, and then charge out the ass for it.

It's the same in any high end restaurant.

>> No.3867536

>Same could be said about other things.
>>Same could be said about other things.
Like what?

>> No.3867551

Unless you're making your own dishes, cooking is just following directions. That's why people who claim to be unable to cook are usually looked down upon here.

>> No.3867558

I plan on eating jiros sushi next year most likely. I want to get over there before he dies and im traveling around the world.

>I'll let you guys know how it is even though no one will remember me but still

I'll get a bunch of pics too if possible.

>> No.3867560

THANK YOU! Someone had to say it. Its fish and rice. In fact, all food is simplistic and cooks are given FAR too much appreciation for just being able to follow directions.

>> No.3867563

sounds pretty pretentious...

>> No.3867564

unrefined american palates and asian jealousy ITT

>> No.3867565

Wouldn't quality of ingredients matter?

yes, I can make a slamming baked fish recipe utilizing shit from kroger, but if I got the fish right out the ocean, picked my own vegetables, milked cows, etc. my food would be "That" much better

>> No.3867566

hmmm...Pretentious much?

>> No.3867572

Don't discourage that anon, I'm curious.

>> No.3867585


How much is it to eat here? I thought i read about £300?

What makes you want to spend your money there, rather that some other restaurant.

>> No.3867587


Like I said it'd be next year but still I look forward to it. If your here still you'll see it eventually.

>> No.3867590

OP here. OK, I'm 3/4 through the documentary and even with the granular details of sushi making revealed it still sounds simple.

Their rice is supposedly really good because... they cook with under really high pressure. Jiro has a "rice guy" who provides really good rice.

The temperature of the sushi and the rice is important.

Jiro's menu is ad hoc, based on whichever fish is good that day, which is true for all great restaurants (menus are day to day).

Their method sounds really simple. Good fish, good rice, sushi must be eaten immediately after it's made.

>> No.3867595

The black slab marble "plate" looks magnificent though, and the whole place is really clean.

>> No.3867599


Cause at the rate me and my brothers business is taking off i'm going to have a lot more money next year and can do what i want basically. Its more you pay for the experience if anything i'd imagine.

He's one of the most famous sushi chefs in the world and hes only going to be alive for so much longer. And ya it goes for somewhere around $300 i thought.

>> No.3867600

10/10 troll trad.

Will go on for days just like the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that

>> No.3867610


Fair enough. Im not adverse to spending that much on a meal, but when you consider the worlds best restaurant charge $250 for their menu, i still struggle to see value in going for this sushi.

Sure its a nice experience, but any michelin star restaurant will provide you with a nice experience, thats not something unique to Jiro

>> No.3867611

just like papa john says!

>> No.3867615

Great, another thread where people can measure the length and girth of their pretentiousness.

>> No.3867620

Jiro is a racist piece of shit that hates white people and is only recognized because he decided to be judged by the Michelin people.

I don't doubt he has good sushi, incredible sushi, but too many of my friends have had bad experiences with racism there for me to take him seriously. There are lots of equally good sushi places in Japan if you're a connoisseur and they actually won't treat you like shit for paying them 300 dollars for your meal.

And the difference between a great sushi chef and a shitty one is the same thing as it is for all chefs. Attention to every fucking detail, from ingredients to execution.

>> No.3867622


What do you find pretentious?

>> No.3867628

You don't actually think anyone that participates in these threads has ever actually eaten at a higher caliber restaurant than Olive Garden, do you? The silly kids eat ramen and fast food every day. Notice the distinct lack of OC here? That's because they can't cook either. Be realistic.

>> No.3867629
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> mfw white people still being butt frustrated for not getting the white god treatment that their fantasies told them they should get

A learning experience for your friends, I see.

>> No.3867636


I think they're entitled to racism cause one of them is a golddigging bimbo and they bitch about it more than I'd like, but if you're plopping down for a 3 star meal and shelling out hundreds of dollars per person then "service" should be assumed, white or not.

>> No.3867679

I'd love to go to his restaurant. The best place I've been to is Sushi Yasuda in NYC, and I have no idea how that compares to sushi in Japan.

>> No.3868898
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>mfw minorities act like all white people should be held responsible and punished for the actions of asshole white people

>> No.3868905

I look forward to it X3

>> No.3868925

He's good enough for 3 Michelin stars.

>> No.3868935

You know how Jiro warms the sushi with his hand so that it's the proper temperature when it's placed over the rice? I use the same philosophy in my life. I like to stick my hand in my pants before I shake hands with someone new.

>> No.3868953

If Jiro can get 3 michelin stars, then I'm sure I'm good for at least 6 of them if people come eat at my house. I use food I grow myself and pick my own rice from the paddies. I even mine my own salt! Salt, vegetables and rice. I don't think you can ask for anything more.

>> No.3868959

All you're getting is a gold star sticker the retards in special-ed enjoy, buddy.

>> No.3868970
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>> No.3868973

>>3868970 tumblr_ma5bnpbnpG1qb8njr.png

>> No.3868980

Can't help it. That's how Google is nowadays.

>> No.3868982

Google displays images from all sites.

tumblr hurts your but, and thats fine, however the source of a file doesn't always mean anything.

>> No.3868993


There are a lot of restaurants out there that are good enough for 3 michelin stars that don't charge $300. Especially when you consider Jiro is only a 30 minute experience.

>> No.3868996

Which ones? List some please.

>> No.3869005

At Jiros level? hmmm, maybe Family Mart or Sushi Station. Seriously, only rice and fish.

>> No.3869008

So those places are good enough for 3 Michelin stars? Okay, name some places that makes stuff other than sushi.

>> No.3869013


Gordon Ramsay - Royal Hospital Road
Heston Blumenthal - The Fat Duck
Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester

>> No.3869020

You're saying their meals don't cost $300?

>> No.3869022


These are just three that come to mind because im UK and these are 3 of the 4 in the UK. No doubt i could find more if i searched...

>> No.3869027

Also he said, "good enough" which means they don't have their stars.

>> No.3869030


Ramsay and Ducasse both charge about $200 for their tasting menu.

I dont know whether its Michelin starred or not, but Noma, voted worlds best restaurant twice in a row is $260 for food.

>> No.3869035

One Block West in Winchester, Va. Absolutely spectacular food.

>> No.3869044

This is dinner though.

>£155 + A discretionary 12.5% gratuity will be added to your bill.

>Menu Price is £180 per person. An optional 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill.

>> No.3869047

Acutally, it looks nice and the prices are decent. Not sure if 3 star quality but hey, I don't want to pay 3 star prices either. ;)

>> No.3869070


If you actually look at the website, Ramsay Menu Prestige is £125 and Alain Ducasse is £120 for the tasting menu.

Youre looking at different menus for the ones i stated the price for. And an optional tip is optional, so why would you include that in the price?

>> No.3869075

I'll remember you.
You better come back and post, nigga.

>> No.3869094


A tip is not optional if they add it to your bill. I don't know their requirements for adding it or not. So I just added it. I can be removed.

>> No.3869110


As i said, those are not the tasting menus, they are the seasonal inspiration menus.

A tip is optional even if they add it to the bill

>> No.3869118

>A tip is optional even if they add it to the bill


>> No.3869136


>Optional tip added to the bill
>Discretionary tip added to the bill

You know what optional and discretionary mean right? At the choice of the customer. If not, it would be called a compulsory tip. Ive eaten at Ramsays, im aware of how it works.

This isnt the USA, tipping isnt expected regardless of the experience, only if you feel its up to standard.

>> No.3869163

Why can't it be 5%?

>> No.3869289

Probably the same people who say that Macbooks are the best just cause the price. I wouldn't mind tasting this sushi, sushi is pretty good. Still, would rather buy books or video games or something with how much it costs.

>> No.3869316

I think that if I was invited to eat at ol' chinky eyes restaurant, I would decline. I would rather go and get taco bell and eat in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy my food than eat at Jiros. People who eat at Jiros restaurant dont go there to enjoy the food, they eat there so they can tell people they ate there. Thats pretty pretentious.

>> No.3869763

I'm going to have to agree with this anon. I rememebered this thread and dug back through a few pages to find it because I decided to watch the documentary.

He seems like Douchey Japanese Old Guard. And having a seasonal menu and balanced simple ingredients doesn't entitle you to exorbitant prices. It's 100% pure pretentiousness you're paying for a 15 minute shitty experience where some old japanese dude stairs at you while you snack on his raw hand fish.

come on man.

>> No.3869776
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> mfw white people finally grasp that racism is a real thing, and are outraged, OUTRAGED


>> No.3869793

the same is true for any art... a fine balance of refined talent and raw bullshit

>> No.3869794


Macbooks are not expensive and the analogy is irrelevant to this thread.

In addition, you are not a "computer nerd" just because you stuck some cards in some slots and clicked Next twenty five times on a graphical install wizard. And while I'm at it, the tooth fairy is not real, and your parents probably regret having you.

In conclusion, stop being poor.

>> No.3869811

>not expensive

Choose one.

Nigga macs are shit, but I don't want to start a Windows/Linux vs. Mac battle. But suffice to say that Jiros sushi is the Apple of the sushi world. Built on the idea of simplicity and snookering people into paying way to much for something that can be had for a much lesser price if they weren't lazy,stupid or gullible.

>> No.3869828


But you already did. People who use "the mac of the such-and-such world" all the time are just showing their butthurt.

I don't even have a mac aside from an old ass one that I bought 10 years ago, I'm just flagging you as the thread dunce.

Now dance, monkey, and throw a tantrum about how you're a "hacker" because you know how to ping.

>> No.3869844

so now I guess you can't dislike shoddy workmanship and consumerism without being a fanboy? Apple juices the fuck out of their customers.
>i'm flagging you as the thread dunce
And who cares what you call me, you've got to be like 13. Hurr durr you're stupid because you have an opinion about a consumer product. Go back to bed Jiro.

>> No.3869847


Serious question: are you drunk?

>> No.3869870

All that poster said was that Jiro was overpriced for what he delivers and in trying to claim same old bullshit as new and innovative and his own secret technique, just like Apple. Why can't you go be butthurt elsewhere?

>> No.3869883

Except, macs are expensive/overpriced. If I wanted Foxconn boards and valuram I'll... I'll... actually I don't want any of that.

>> No.3869905

Dude pretty sure Foxconn makes like 80% of the world's computer jsut like luxxoptica makes like 99% of sunglasses.

>> No.3869912

Luxottica. FTFY

>> No.3869963

What really rustles my jimmies about this guy, is that he fucking tells his kids not to go to school for what they want, and basically cons them into his shill business.

Even his son with the resturant in Roppongi knows that that shit's not gonna fly. He lowered his prices because people with any sense aren't going to pay 300 bucks to be a rube in some guys fish Stradivarius con.

>> No.3869987

They blatantly say that it's just people being pretentious, on guy says even if the sushi of the son is twice as good as his fathers, people will still only thinking it's as good as his fathers because of his legacy.

It's fucking stupid, he keeps saying "oh well I don't care about money". Then why the fuck are you charging that much for fish,rice, vinegar and seaweed?

>> No.3869999

I'm pretty sure I don't value the opinion of anyone in this thread, because none of you faggots have actually eaten there. Your palates are shit. Some of the world's greatest food critics think this place has the best sushi in the world.

>> No.3870036

fuck you, fuck your quads,fuck your ugly ass boot cut jeans, fuck your mother, fuck your father, fuck his ball sac for spawning you, fuck jiro, fuck the yen, fuck the Sea of Japan, fuck O-toro,fuck chutoro, fuck akema,fuck critics, fuck a Michelin star, fuck wasabi, fuck Takashi, fuck /ck/, and most of all fuck a 300 dollar piece of sushi.

eat a dick. take a nap. and die in your sleep bitch nigga.

>> No.3870052

Except I've known people who did. When I went to japan last year my friends got a reservation there, I decided not to because I still have to pay for uni tuition. They all said it was good but it wasn't OMGSEXSEXSEXFUCKAFISHINTHEEYEDURRLICIOUS.

tl;dr It's good, do it for the experience but way too overrated.

>> No.3870054

I love you.

>> No.3870055
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>> No.3870074

mein sides

>> No.3870084
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>> No.3870091
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>> No.3870097

that was a bit much don't you think?

>> No.3870102

anyone who watched that doco and didnt take away a very specific message from it should just an hero right now.


the message was, in order to be the best at what you do, you have to make that passion your life. jiro has become so popular and recognised because he didnt quit.

>> No.3870103

But there really are better chefs at better restaurants and unfortunately that costs more.

Most restaurants make much worse food than you could easily do on your own.

>> No.3870122

that's like saying you should take a very specific message away from a peta video. The video was framed in a way that tried to make it seem like he did something out of the ordinary.

He went and bought fish, tenderized it, flavored it and served it. Big fucking deal.Anyone that says out their own mouth, "it's not about the money for me" and then charges a nigga 300 bucks for fish is a hustler.

I respect his pimp game and his hustle, but that doesn't make his passion or his food any better or the fact that he's a shill

>> No.3870133

It is out of the ordinary to have the same job for 60 or so years. And he tries to improve everyday.

>> No.3870142

$300 for a course of fish, 20 - 30 pieces. $15 a piece. they have to pay rent, electricity, for the higher quality cuts of meat, advertising, the line cook's wages, plus have enough left over for profits.

but the point is he loves what he does so much that he became succesful. he pursued his dream and became on of the best and no gets talked about by jelly donut scoffing neckbeards on /ck/, like he's some snake oil merchant.

go fuck yourself with a srisacha coated spanish salami you faggot.

>> No.3870144

>...out of the ordinary to have the same job for 60 or so years

No, not really. My differentials prof has been at it for 60+ years, works at JPL, and tries to improve everyday.

>> No.3870147

It actually has to do with Japanese mentality. They don't really believe in perfection, but doing better each time. They are saying that his experience dies with him.

>> No.3870162

he is, and just because you want to suck the jizz out of his wrinkled old cock and tell it taste like snozzberries doesn't change that.

It's fucking fish, and it's only "good" because of his reputation. Not because his fish is any more or less fishy, but just because he cultivated this ideal.

Pretentious black cock cravers like you are the reason that the culinary world is so full of abstract ass con artists selling shit anyone can buy for themselves and do for top dollar.

They're preying on the fact that your dad didn't hug you enough and and uncle Gary hugged you too much in your special area but that you don't feel special, just empty inside. An emptiness that could only be filled by warm fish from an old mans hands.

>> No.3870163


... Well, you don have a point.

>> No.3870167

He is also out of the ordinary.

>> No.3870239

I feel like you're one of those guys who's never really tried at anything in his life. You just sit there and say "above average is good enough".

For some people, just above average isn't good enough. Maybe Jiro's sushi is only one slightly better than the next closest guy to a nearly immeasurable degree. To some people who are really striving for the best, that matters. If you're a critic who tried all the sushi across the entire country of Japan, that's going to make an impact.

The movie wasn't about sucking Jiro's dick, it was about showing the price of perfection and the face of obsession. If you want to go above the 90% mark. Above the 99% mark. Above the 99.9% mark. If you want to be so good that only a handful of people in the world can really tell the difference, this is what it takes. He barely saw his children. He hates holidays. He's been working on it his entire life. He dreams about making sushi.

Why sushi? Because it's simple. There's three ingredients. Fish, rice, glaze. But even in something so simple, there's so much room for improvement. Just think of where you could go with other things if Jiro can go this in depth with sushi?

I know you're being willfully ignorant here, but there was a message, and it wasn't "EVERYONE SUCK JIRO'S WRINKLED OLD COCK". Enjoy mediocrity.

>> No.3870244

I feel like you're one of those guys who can't even pull his own fucking weight and then accuse everyone else of slacking around because you're self-projecting. There are thousands of sushi makers, each perhaps a little worse or a little better, and it is only the combination of fame (part of which was gained by courting controversy with such a high price - like the emperor with no clothes, no person who paid $300 per dish is going to admit afterwards "boy gee I was a sucker") and this documentary that causes you to suddenly up and defend his ass like he needs or wants defending.

He is not going "in depth" with his sushi. His techniques are common amongst many sushi shops. His sushi is not the pinnacle of food experience, or quite possibly even the sushi experience - it's rather telling that his son who has presumably inherited all the techniques and all the sources to buy the fish from is not selling the items at the same price.

If you took your head out of your ass, you will notice hundreds of professionals every day striving for improvement and dreaming about their jobs.

>> No.3870257

Costs nearer $500 per person there, every review has been near that price. You can't eat there unless you speak Japanese or know a national (or work for Michelin). Atmosphere is described as tense. Seems like a lot of hot air this place.

>> No.3870258
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>> No.3870260


>Enjoy mediocrity

We will. Seems to me those who strive for perfection only attain unhappiness.

>> No.3870263

Few of them are as succesful or respected as Jiro, though. A disappearingly small margin of them have what it takes. Masters exist, and this is one of them. No matter how much you try to deconstruct the deserved reputation and respect surrounding the man, it will not diminish the experience he provides for his guests - something you will never understand, thanks to your seething, jealous, overbearing inferiority complex alone.

>> No.3870265

So as long as you bring a Japanese speaking National, tourists can't eat there? Is it a communication issue?

>> No.3870267

I think it might just be that having a foreigner would harm the atmosphere, as the place seems fairly intimate. I can understand it, I certainly dislike having niggers or americans in the restaurant the same time I'm dining out.

>> No.3870280

Watch a rich foreigner try to eat there, get kicked out because he doesnt know the language, and then buys the restaurant and turns it into a dildo hut.
All because he was denied an old chinks sushi

>> No.3870287

I've been there and the food is very mediocre. Don't listen to this idiot.

>> No.3870288

What's the difference between a sushi joint and a dildo hut? dildos smell like fish harharharharhar

>> No.3870289

Seriously? You went ahead and typed that?

>> No.3870294

The fine quality of the booze I am drinking produces responses of the finest quality.

>> No.3870301

Wishful thinking on your part, of course. The man is under no obligation to sell, but furthermore probably wealthier than most noveau rich hicks that would lack the contacts, prestige and sense of etiquette to dine there.

>> No.3870312

Doubt it. He probably leases or rents that spot from a bank. Money talks, old chinks with stuck up pretentious values walk...into an old folks home and talks to the nurses about how great he USED to be.

>> No.3870324

The documentary looked nice and made me crave sushi but it was pretty pretentious.

They made it looks as if the skill celling when it comes to Jiro's sushi is about as far as the moon is from earth compared to the next best sushi maker. And I refuse to believe that it is so.

Of course, I'm not saying that it's not amazing and that the taste won't won't stay with you for the rest of your life, it very well may be so. But the difference with other sushi masters can't be that big.

Also, I felt bad for his family. Jiro seemed like an unappreciative slave driver that preferred work to spending time with his friends and family. I understand his passion and drive but I do feel bad for people around him.

Also, I'm hungry now. I wonder what I should make...

>> No.3871061

This thread is solid gold.
Pretentious sushi apologists on one side.
Uncultured swine on the other.
And laughs all around!

>> No.3871331


well the doc made a big deal out of three main things

1) very well designed menus
2) very high standard of preparation
3) very selective attitude to ingredients

there are a huge amount of variables that can contribute to the quality of a piece of raw fish on some rice. i think probably the most significant one is the quality of the fish, followed closely by the standard of preparation. the way fish is slaughtered and then broken down can make a huge difference to the way it eats. you pay a premium for the experience of eating the best fish available treated in the best possible way.

also, there was a more abstract philosophical idea going on whereby the fact that jiro was the first to prepare sushi to such a high standard means that you can only be as good as him by doing it better than him - if you see what i mean. just learning how to reproduce his food perfectly isn't sufficient to reaching his level, you have to actively improve on it in order to even match him.

>> No.3871360

The best of anything, no matter how simple it is, is worth paying money for. Maybe you love steak, well, steak is simple. If someone tells you they can sell you THE best steak IN THE WORLD from the best chef for steak in the world alive, then people are willing to pay a lot of money for that.

The amount of effort put into the sushi is extreme, and if you worked in the business world you know that you're even paying money for the connections he's formed in order to get a steady supply of premium quality produce over his years of experience.

If it's so easy, we would be making sushi as good as that ourselves. We can't. Or at least, I cannot. I don't have the means to find world class fish procurers to find me the perfect fresh tuna, nor am I buddy buddy with the man who sells the finest rice.

If you like sushi, you want to try the best sushi around just once in your life. How sad if you don't have aspirations like that.

>> No.3871361

The difference is that Jiro doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom and hence imparts flavours into the sushi that only he can create.

>> No.3871920

The sushi he makes is truly a magnificent accomplishment but at the same time it's only marginally better than sushi made by some with only half his skill.

This is because in everything requiring skill to produce you get smaller and smaller increases in quality the greater and greater the applied skill is; mathematically, either there is a limit that is approached as more and more skill is applied or the growth is logarithmic (rate of growth decreases as you go forward).

>> No.3871968

Is it true that all japanese people's poop smells like fishsticks?

>> No.3872144

basically this, but not entirely so. you can easily get better sushi if you stop being a PC fag and just start breeding and inventing fish that have the perfect sushi taste. people forget that lots of skills are interconnected and the best way to improve your diminishing skills is to do so laterally and use the synergy.

>> No.3872429

This whole thread has reached such new levels of pretentious faggotry that it can literally destroy a city the size of San Francisco that is filled with hipsters.

>> No.3872437

This man is such an inspiration. He drives for perfection every day and every minute. And then he is humble in the fact that he knows he has not attained it, and may never.

He is the true essence of Bushido - a real samurai.

>> No.3872535

> Dried up old sushi chef.
> A real samurai.

Oh gods my sides.

>> No.3874239

Look at the pics. Quality and diversity is key. I can pretty much understand the fascination.