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File: 28 KB, 380x380, Rosemary%20Roasted%20Chicken[1].ashx_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868279 No.3868279 [Reply] [Original]

Every morning I fry 200g of chicken breast in oil for use in a sandwich. Oil is fucking up my calories.

200g chicken + the bread + alittle mayo = about 500cals

Now I find out the oil could be adding 100-150 extra cals

How else can I cook it to make it delicious? I find grilling it makes it kinda dry. And I want it to be quick, tasty and easy to clean up

>> No.3868280

>I want it to be quick, tasty and easy to clean up

>> No.3868301


>> No.3868305

poach it or sou vide it.

>> No.3868311

steam it

>> No.3868314

bake it.

>> No.3868327

If I place the chicken on a piece of foil then put the foil on top of the steamer will it work?

Want clean up to be easy and I get paranoid about anything touching the chicken

>> No.3868334

Trick to grilling it is to not overcook it, I tend to cook it quite hot and pull it slightly before fully cooked. Due to carryover it reaches the "safe" temperature while still being moist

>> No.3868338

How about you stop eating a chicken sandwich every die, you fucking faggot?

>> No.3868394

Quit eating boneless skinless breast and switch to thighs or something.

Or you could brine the breasts.

>> No.3868419

No thighs, fuck that

Already frozen the chicken so cant brine


I'll try steaming some tonight on a piece of foil

>> No.3868424

poach that shit

>> No.3868430

OP, there is no way the oil is screwing up your calorie count.

first off, you only need a tiny bit of oil to saute a chicken breast. 1 tablespoon is plenty to cook in. Second, you are only eating a tiny bit of that oil. Unless you're drinking the leftover juices out of the pan then most of the oil gets thrown out when you are done cooking.

>> No.3868459

0 calorie cooking spray

>> No.3868492

microwave it

>> No.3868499

Arrange the chicken breast on a paper plat and cook till its no longer wet inside. Sprinkle with a little bit o salt and you're good to go.

>> No.3868508


"zero calorie cooking spray" is marketing BS. It's just oil in a spray can. It is no different than normal cooking oil, except that it costs much more. Why does it say "zero calorie"? Simple. They claim the serving size is incredibly low, something like a one-half second spray (seriously, read the back of the can sometime). With that little oil, the calories can be rounded down to zero on the label. However if you read the ingredient list and apply your brain you will realize that it's nothing other than overpriced canola oil in a spray can, which says "zero calories" on the front because they claim a serving is so small.

>> No.3868524

I eat chicken quite often. What I do for a ready meal at anytime is this:

1. Pan with foil, then olive oil
2. Put whole chicken breasts on sheet. Season mildly.
3. Roast in oven, not covered, at 350ish for 1-1.5 hours. I usually then store them in the fridge.

You can slice them in half for sammiches, chop them up for chicken burritos or a number of other things, or eat them whole as a nice, lean meal.

>> No.3868526


What are you, fucking idiots? Just buy the breasts in packages, or whole chickens, or whole any piece. Never buy frozen chicken, it's not any cheaper per pound and tastes like ass.

>> No.3868538


Wow no, he's using oil not butter

>> No.3868541

>not using water to fry your chicken

>> No.3868542

I eat 2-3 chicken breasts a day everyday I cover mine in hot sauce Texas Pete or sriracha and cover it with freshly chopped red onions

One for lunch with a cup of raw broccoli and a 1/4 cup of chick peas

Sounds bland but I'm not a fatasfatass

>> No.3868544


What's your point? Sauteing can be done with either. They're both fats, they're interchangeable.

>> No.3868771

>it's not any cheaper per pound

Are you serious right now? I can buy frozen chicken for around a dollar a pound. Fresh for around 2.

>> No.3868817


Whole, fresh, chickens are rarely more than $1 per pound.

>> No.3868822

I pay 57 cents per pound for fresh boneless chicken breasts at a restaurant depot.

>> No.3868826

>be 2012
>not brine chicken overnight

Dissolve 1/2 cup kosher salt (If you are using Morton kosher salt, reduce by 25%. If using regular table salt, reduce by 50%) and 1/4 cup sugar in 1 quart of cold water. Place chicken breasts in a zipper-lock bag and add brine. Transfer to refrigerator and let sit for at least 6 hours and up to overnight.

Full info http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/07/homemade-chick-fil-a-sandwiches-recipe.html

>> No.3868837

>kosher salt
what's the difference with regular salt?
I mean, it's fucking salt...

>> No.3868848

Kosher salt has bigger grains and doesn't have iodine in it. Some people prefer it because that makes it taste cleaner and less metallic.

>> No.3868855

belgian here, never heard of it. Is it just seasalt? (kinda seems to fit your description)

>> No.3868864

They're similar, but kosher salt is unrefined and has no additives. Sea salt is refined and has magnesium and calcium added to it.

>> No.3868883
File: 37 KB, 248x187, Angie-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You always use the Jew because Alton said so, don't you?

Because there is no other type of coarse salt, right? Kosher salt is like downgraded salt since it does not have iodide or anything.

Again, it is a salt supplement designed for religious purposes, I would not wonder if Alton is recommending this stuff just because he himself belongs to some sort of yank cult.

Most kosher salt does not have iodide. Nor does it taste any different from normal salt.

And honestly, Alton is good for inspiring children to cook but don't take his "cooking" hints as your guidelines in life. They are so effing stupid. The guy cannot even cook properly but yet he likes to throw these irrelevancies that he has come up with around.

>> No.3868939

First off, stop eating the same thing every day, you freak. Second, frozen chicken is stupid, buy an extra large "club pack" or whatever and freeze it yourself if you must. Third, thighs are INFINITELY better than breasts, in like, 90% of applications. They sure as shit taste better than boring ass breast. Fourth, if you are drying it out when you grill it, it's because you don't know how to grill things. Plus, as you say, you're using breasts, which dry out like a motherfucker.

Also, you just now figured out that oil has calories, but you're still telling half these good people to fuck off with their advice? I think you would do well to listen to them, dude! It seems like maybe we cook more than you. Or at least better.

>> No.3869048


I'm glad you posted with an Angie pic so we know to ignore everything you say

>> No.3869050

I got a new no-stick surface frying pan.
It still requires oil, but seriously, like half a teaspoon of oil now suffices.
So don't change your recipe, just reduce amount of oil to absolute minimum. And use wooden spatula for flipping the bird.

Also, cleanup is really a breeze, soft sponge, water, no detergent, just gently brush it and it's clean.

>> No.3869057

Also, scrap mayo, use spices. Spices are calorie-free and a well spiced chicken beats any mayo.
Just grab a bunch of various BBQ spice mixes and use some every time.

>> No.3869067

>Every morning I fry 200g of chicken breast in oil for use in a sandwich.

Fuck that sounds gross OP.

>> No.3869103

Take a look at how much water is in your frozen chicken.

>> No.3869105

Not him, but there is an insignificant difference and not enough to unbalance his point in the least.

>> No.3869114

Use a small amount of broth in the pan instead of oil. By small amount, I mean about 1/4 cup. As the chicken cooks, you may have to a bit more to keep it from sticking, but just add it by the spoonful. Done.

>> No.3869285

The 2% water solution added to the chicken does not at all change the fact that it remains cheaper (even if you take out the water) than fresh.