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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 300x228, MRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3868017 No.3868017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/k/ommando reportin in, how do I make my Ramen and MREs taste better /ck/, yall should know how to do that shit you people cook and what not

>> No.3868022


Isn't part of being a /k/ommando being a military type guy? And wouldn't a military guy watch his health? Ramen is disturbingly heavily processed and the flavor packet has way too much sodium

>> No.3868024

Use the heat pack that comes with the MRE to heat your MRE.

And go for the ones with MnMs.

And stop trolling, you can't make an MRE taste better because you can't control which ones you get unless you have enough options to use common sense and/or cook something else.

>> No.3868027


Field Ramen is not a joke, ramen is dry carbs that transports anywhere and can survive being crunched, mangled and comes in a water resistant packet, which the ramen can be boiled in.

But dressing up field ramen, is. Just boil it.

>> No.3868028

I knew this guy who aight some ramen and pronounced it 'rammin'. That shit was messed up, nigro.

>> No.3868029


I work out enough to stay in shape and eat whatever, also I heard if you pour a 4 tablespoons of salt into maruchan ramen it tastes godly

>> No.3868032

I know this one sicks guy who aight nein.
Said it washeaven
Am I get ten through two you, anyone

>> No.3868034

It does not. You were lied to.

>> No.3868040
File: 28 KB, 120x149, 1265507509933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I work out enough to stay in shape and eat whatever

That's not how health works

>also I heard if you pour a 4 tablespoons of salt into maruchan ramen it tastes godly

High blood pressure and heart attacks

>> No.3868043

also how can I store my ramen in my plate carrier?

>> No.3868053


actually excersizing and working out is how health works

>> No.3868057

>>That's not how health works.

Yes it is.

>>also how can I store my ramen in my plate carrier?

No idea.

>> No.3868082


Do you know what those fucks eat? Part of the reason I respect those dudes so much is how they manage, if they do, to keep on weight and stay the fuck alert on the shit they eat.

Anyway, for Ramen:
-Add an egg
-Add whatever cheap (CANNED) veggies you can find, mushrooms are great
-Drain water, then add flavor packet

>> No.3868097

cheap and quick for ramen;

add a teaspoon of dark soy sauce

or oyster sauce

or an oxo cube

>> No.3868103


the soy sauce we got tastes like shit, and theres no such thing as oyster sauce, we don't got any of that bullyon shit round here either

>> No.3868110
File: 48 KB, 472x631, 1334386413838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grow up and stop buying everything from a fucking military surplus store with the shitty money you make from your fucking construction job, you fat fuck.

>> No.3868115

well dont complain that your food tastes like shit then

>> No.3868124

ramen- crack and drop in 2 eggs after cooking, just after taking off the heat. cover that shit and let it sit for at least 3 minutes.

season with sirracha or soy sauce to your liking.

>> No.3868125

Hot sauce /k/ommando. Hot sauce.

>> No.3868128


No, that's how you gain and keep muscle. Eating junk food won't make you a healthy person regardless of how much you exercise

>> No.3868130
File: 28 KB, 477x358, Dale thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>4 tablespoons of salt
>"it's okay, I work out"

There's no IQ test to join the military, I take it...

>> No.3868131




projecting much? god damn filthy troll get back under your bridge.

>> No.3868133

To be fair there's the initial logic test when you sign up for the military. It's easy as fuck (you can get example tests online) so easy that if you fail it you should probably just shoot yourself in the head already.

>> No.3868134


There is, but you can pass it if you can read and do math at a sixth-grade level.

>> No.3868186

>inb4 50% pass rate

>> No.3868200

My grandfather forced my father and uncle to try and join the army when they were younger (early 20'), they both purposefully failed the math tests.

Dunno why I felt the need to share that, but they said it was piss easy and they felt stupid for putting down the wrong answers.

>> No.3868294

>hot sauce
>leftover meat/etc
Pretty much anything you think will taste good will work.

>> No.3868339

>in the military

get real. those of us that are actually in the military don't eat MREs unless we have to. unless you're in the fucking air force or something and you think they're a novelty

>> No.3868368

MREs are almost always terrible food. the only time i could stomach any was during a week-long field training when the only alternative was to hunt for my own food.

>> No.3868369


that being said, the chicken pesto pasta one is actually good when you heat it up. I wouldn't eat it over anything I make, but I would choose it over, say, a can of campbell's.

>> No.3868414

>Watching your health
Im sorry but the sodium and shit is like a years on top of years on top of years problem they slowly builds up. Where as not eating enough calories in the field can end your life much quicker. You all are retarded if you think they are like oh noes this might give me cancer in 30 years better starve in battle because I can't get a fresh meal.

>> No.3868512

I add the flavor to the water, then add the noodle brick. Get some of the flavor into the noodles themselves. If I don't have something better than the powdered crap, that is.

If you've got jerky, toss that in for extra meat flavor. It'll get nice and soft, too.

Veggie broth instead of water, add in the flavor powder anyways.

I've got this organic soy sauce that someone in the house got. Best soy sauce ever. Maybe the hint of alcohol for preserving purposes adds to that love, though. Been adding it to the broth.

...yeah, I'm probably getting too much salt, but I'd rather live happy than live to a hundred and survive on bland things.

>> No.3868622
File: 85 KB, 800x406, cheese_tortellini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MREs have definitely gotten better but you need to, if you have the chance, grab the ones that you know aren't shit.

Plain vegetarian tortellinis tend to be wful, though the pasta ones tend to be good, like eating Chef Boyardee in packet form.

But anyways, you shouldn't be eating MREs unless you're actually in the military doing shit. The things tend to be at least 2000 calories each for a reason.

>> No.3868624

Wow that post got fucked up.

"Plan vegetarians tend to be wful, though the pasta ones (Especially the vegetarian tortellini) tend to be good"

Fucking mouse

>> No.3868638

I ate them all throughout basic and every now and again since. Eat it cold. Don't be picky. Trade for what you prefer. I always drop crackers for wheat snack bread. I ALWAYS trade for more tabasco sauce. And get beef ravioli. Pour tabasco up in the bitch and feast. Good shit.

>> No.3868651

Why not make decent food ahead of time for yourself? Look at /diy/'s thread. >>3868141

>> No.3868695
File: 17 KB, 371x400, 1299104986723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did MREs get so god damn expensive?

$40+ for a case of 12? I mean, doesn't bother me one way or the other since I get them for free (roommate works on post at Ft. Knox), but damn people must be crazy paying that much for them these days.

>> No.3868723

Do you people really buy military food ... to eat at home?
wth man those things are barely made edible and a shit ton of calories and stuff to get energy quick without eating alot.

>> No.3868747

when people started freaking out about the eminent apocalypse.
there's money to be had on survivalism

>> No.3868757

Wait a second, I am military and I love MREs.
But then again I grew up eating canned food and scrounging snacks, no parents to cook for me and what not.
MREs aren't gourmet or anything, but they are better then a lot of food I've had the pleasure of surviving off of.

>> No.3868759

Surely not that many people buy into that shit.

Maybe I should look into selling some of these things.

>> No.3869111

Mres are better than any of this gay ass faggot division sucking food on /ck/

>> No.3869127
File: 26 KB, 400x293, tumblr_lvgskoNAdv1qgqmkxo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3869130

>no IQ test to join the military

>> No.3869137

Yeah, because they won't take morons.


>> No.3869153

>how do I make my Ramen and MREs taste better /ck/

Smear fresh dog shit on them. Not saying it will taste good but it will probably be a step up for this retarded garbage.

>> No.3869170

You're a troll. Specifically, a Mumintroll.

>> No.3869205

The ASVAB is more of a test to see what job is appropriate for you.

You'd more or less have to be autistic to not pass it

>> No.3869278

Dis yo gotti car

>> No.3869301

Chicago has the best teachers

>> No.3869304

>mfw 96 on asvab and 99 is max.

When I was at the hotel there was a nig in the pool and he got a 29. May have been OP

>inb4 blacks can't swim, pool was shallow.

>> No.3869307

Blacks also simply refuse to swim when given the chance. Their nasty ass hair tends to leave a film on the water.

Anyways yeah I got like 92 on the ASVAB because it's pretty much fucking easy bullshit. Only thing I fucked up on was Hardware and Automotive.

No I don't know what the fuck kind of Washer to use

>> No.3869311

Thailand has the best mres

>> No.3870699

Naturally tobasco sauce or any other hot sauce that comes in handy little bottles. Then you could use those dried chilli flakes or freeze dried peas, carrots etc... then there is always beef jerky, crumble and sprinkle to give your mre a beefy boost. One thing I do but others consider weird would be to sprinkle nuts in the foil pouch and mix it up. The nuts add a nice crunch and taste as well as giving you variation like honey roasted, salted, spicy etc...

When it comes to mres the world is your oyster and anything you would eat normally can be added. I don't use American rations so I don't know if they have a dessert meal but the ones I get do in my country do and people pour their hot chocolate powder on the dessert to give it a chocolate boost.

>> No.3870704

That's three things.

>> No.3870710

I forgot to add, if you can get it, a shot of whiskey in the chocolaty dessert goo is really nice (or just make a slit in the side of a banana, put a piece of chocolate in the slit and add a shot of whiskey and roast over an open fire was what we did when we could get ahold of the stuff).

If you want something completely different but is lite and filling get some cous cous. You literally pour hot water on it and leave it covered for a few minutes and it is done. You could use a stock cube, bouillon cube or even a powdered soup sachet to give it flavour. You could also bring a dehydrated mashed potato or instant stuffing sachet for variation.