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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3860287 No.3860287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've decided to start packing myself a lunch for when I go places. The idea of Bento really appeals to me, and I figure a lot of people here know how to make it. So could I get some begginer tips on what to do? Like, what commonly goes into Bento, how to keep it cool, etc.

>> No.3860294

Surprise, surprise - another weeabo faggot.

>> No.3860314


>> No.3860318

Check out the dozens of bento recipe sites. and start making them.

>> No.3860316


>> No.3860344

>international food
>on a cooking board


>> No.3860355

Youre going to get your ass kicked walking around like a fairy with one of those. Way to be pretentious

>> No.3860740

Hahahahaha, where the fuck do you live? I'm born and raised Japanese, and I live in Ireland, people just get jealous that I have a really great lunch, when they're stuck with sandwiches.
Seriously, getting your ass kicked over a lunchbox?

Sorry, I just don't get it.

>> No.3860800


>> No.3860807

The bad thing about bentos is that you have to let everything cool down and shit before you pack it up or else it spoils. Nastee.

>> No.3860823

I cook mine the night before, fridge it, and eat it before 1pm.
Works well, nice and fresh.

>> No.3860848

anything that you want to eat and that could survive the experience could be a part of your packed lunch.

For hot things I have used a "food jar" which is basically a stubby, extra-wide mouth thermos bottle. That was pretty cool (well, eatable and warm) having some tasty spiced meatballs in the middle of a cross-country roadtrip. Smart person pre-heats/pre-chills their thermos device by filling with boiling water or icecubes and water, letting it heat or cool before dumping out and adding the lunch.

>> No.3860854

I believe you; you're definitely arrogant enough.

>> No.3860857


>> No.3860867

Make sure your bento box has 2 or more kotoba (that's japanese for 2 compartments). If it's 1 kotoba then the gohan (rice) will touch the other things (it can get wet and you would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.3860870

you're welcome

>> No.3860887

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.3860905

It always annoys me when people say things like "you'll look like a faggot" to things that are entirely normal.
Like... having a bento, for example.
The only people that will get shit like that are the people who eat from a bento while dressed like Naruto.

Bento comes from "convenient", so while it is a "lunchbox", it's usually laid out in a different way, buying and preparing a lunchbox by western means will be much different from buying and preparing a bento.
Clam down.

>> No.3860909

I used to laugh at this because of how weeaboo it is, now, I laugh because of how hilariously uninformed this person is, and how wrong the entire thing is...

>> No.3860931

This is starting to sounds really...Pretentious. Do you also eat your food with chopsticks?

>> No.3860935

I don't know why, but bentos make me rage. I guess it's just because I can't look past the whole weeaboo thing, and that frustrates me. Plus, it never seems like it would be part of any kind of a filling lunch. The thing in OP's pic would have me starving 30 minutes later. That's not being lol "Amerifat," it's just that a nice sandwich with some fiber will be more satisfying.

But that said, do whatever you want to, OP. Just realize that if we work together, I'll be silently judging you.

>> No.3861041

There's that word again.
Yes, I eat my food with chopsticks, I'm Japanese, I've lived in Japan for most of my life.

And I don't have a problem with whites using chopsticks, especially with Asian food.

>> No.3861956

So what's the deal with you people harassing those with weaboo favorites.

There are a lot of Asian-Americans browsing this "4weaboo" so it's best to just stop messing around.

Sent by a Japanese-American here in 4chan since 2005.

>> No.3862450


Uhm, no. That bento in the picture would have way more fiber than any sandwich you had for lunch unless your sandwich was full of salad veg or fruit.

I think you mean carbs.

>> No.3863543

I doubt that. The only thing I see with a substantial amount of fiber would be the 3 pieces of broccoli. You need like half a cup of it to get 2 grams of fiber. If anything it would have an equivalent amount of fiber. Unless said sandwich is a sub using white bread.

>> No.3863547

That looks totally unsatisfying. Good luck with that OP.

>> No.3863604

Eh, I make bentos time to time. Mostly because the boxes are small enough for me to pack and bring to school.
You should go on justbento OP
And some common Bento do's are wait for the food to cool, make it packed tightly as for things not to move, and depending on your diet, the right sizes for protein, veggies , and etc.
Oh, and if your gonna bring rice, invest in some Umeboshi. Even if you dont eat it it'll preserve the rice.

>> No.3863660

bragging about how long you've been here usually is a red flag that you're new.

>> No.3863811

i just don't know how people have the time to make this shit. I mean, if my mom were making it for me before school it would be one thing, but I am grown and have a life.

>> No.3863878

I live in the U.S. and honestly, someone would seriously get their ass kicked if they brought this into my work (financial institution in NYC).

>> No.3863905


Must be some boiler room operation.

>> No.3863907

Midroom ibanking. Not quite but close.

>> No.3863939

I dunno. I've always found bento lunches appealing, and that's about as far as my interest in Asian culture goes...I don't think that makes me much of a weeaboo.

>> No.3863944

That's because everyone in the financial sector are conformists who crave acceptance and praise

>> No.3863945

what a mature workplace you must bein to beat someone up over what food they choose to bring.then again you live in new York.

>> No.3863948

It not because of their food, its because we'd assume they were queer. No tolerance for that nonsense here.

>> No.3863955
File: 47 KB, 480x280, 16bento1.480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't got my ass kicked yet for bringing in bento box everyday at work, and I work in a shipyard as a welder. I usually get comments on how I can eat such rabbit portions or why I never buy my lunch.

>> No.3863962

Maybe, I'm just letting you know if someone came in with that trash here they'd get beaten or at very least passed over for promotion on suspicion of being a homosexual.

>> No.3863976

I bet your popular with all of that tolerance.

>> No.3863977
File: 72 KB, 404x446, freddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hating gays
Get out

>> No.3863979

Remember kids - this is the face of Wall Street.

>> No.3863980

I don't have an issue with gays bro. I'm just letting you know how my work environment is. I'm sorry you're so filled with hate that you feel the need to direct tour rage at individuals. Wouldn't surprise me if you were a closeted homo with some self resentment.

>> No.3863982
File: 166 KB, 1594x1196, fuck yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3863987
File: 32 KB, 482x500, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't have an issue with gays bro
>> I'm sorry you're so filled with hate that you feel the need to direct tour rage at individuals
>>Wouldn't surprise me if you were a closeted homo with some self resentment.
Can't tell if you retarded,high or trolling just get the fuck out you bigot.

>> No.3863988

Alcohol in the office is also not acceptable. Maybe a few glasses of wine with lunch but thats all. MERICA <3

>> No.3863992


My sister has this book and it's pretty good. It organises ingredients by colour at the end, so that's helpful.

The main thing is to get a box you like and just start making food to put in it. Even if they're just sandwiches or rice with asian-style chicken, you're going to start thinking about the way it looks and.. well, like I said, just do it. There are plenty of websites too.

>> No.3863997

None of the above options. Letting you know I don't have any personal issues with LGBT peoples is retarded/high/trolling? Get real. Also, anyone feels the need to get that defensive & lash out at someone, who is simply conveying information, likely has a deeper issue.

>> No.3864002


i'm a grrl btw ;3

>> No.3864029

Intentionally stupid or...? Who gets JEALOUS of bentos? Bentos are for personal enjoyment and nothing more.

>> No.3864034

Disgusting the way you feel the need to stereotype people. Thats like saying I know a faggot who was a rapist so all gays are evil. You're the biggest hate-monger in this thread.

>> No.3864051

I've never even fucking seen one before, but I think I'm gonna get one. I'm half asian though.

>> No.3864499

Have people in this thread never worked in an office? Nobody cares if you bring a lunch box. They only care if the food is smelly when you heat it up in the microwave.