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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 536 KB, 800x533, WWBread_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3854372 No.3854372 [Reply] [Original]

so what's the deal with whole wheat bread

it's better for you right? So why does anyone buy white?

>> No.3854378

Because not everybody sacrificed taste for placebo benefits.

>> No.3854382

because white tastes better

>> No.3854384

I never noticed much difference

If I'm eating a sandwich or something, the taste of the bread doesn't really come up, unless it's one of them fancy flavored breads

if it's just plain bread, it might as well be wheat right? I mean can you really tell the difference amid a mouthful of meats cheeses vegetables and condiments?

>> No.3854388

The bread makes the sandwich. If you don't have good bread, your sandwich is an automatic failure.

>> No.3854390

But, white bread has less flavor than whole grain breads.

Because of expense, the lack of knowledge, and lack of refined tastes.

Grain used for white bread has had everything removed from it except the starch. It then has 5 vitamins and minerals added back to it; which is required by law to do, otherwise they would not be added back. Whole grain used for whole grain bread has everything, something like 20-30 vitamins and minerals.

>> No.3854393

i don't understand why people like white better

it tastes too airy

whole wheat has more taste and weight

>> No.3854407
File: 519 KB, 1024x1520, DSCN0104a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I make my breads with whole grain and make them pretty dense (pic related). I don't eat bread with sandwiches though and instead normally toast it and eat it with sauces and soup or even as a bread bowl. A small amount goes a long way to fill you up too and I don't have as many cravings with I'm done eating.

>> No.3854415

>refined taste
you probably only eat certain shit to appeal to other circles of hipster faggots
P.s I don't even like white bread but you're a faggot. You can't deny that.

>> No.3854441
File: 85 KB, 604x458, Duuuude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dat bread

A knight wielding a kukri trying to save a short haired maiden from being eaten by a carnivorous plant.

What do you see /ck/

>> No.3854451

I garden and eat what I grow, including a few types of whole grains. Right now I'm sitting down to a bowl of spicy salsa and some dark toasted bread I made.

You seem to have a great amount of anger.

>> No.3854457
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, DSCN0101a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was one of 2 loaves I baked at the same time.

ground whole grain wheat
half of a peach
1 banana
yeast starter
Mix, knead, divide, knead, and bake without a first raise. The trick is to get enough watermelon to supply the yeasts with plenty of sugars and give the bread a slightly sweet flavor, without giving it a watermelon flavor, which is pretty easy since watermelon is so mild when paired with whole grain wheat.

No other ingredients.

>> No.3854459

white bread is too plain

whole grain has more complex tastes and textures

fuck I'm becoming a hipster noooooooooo

>> No.3854465

I eat whole wheat/multigrain because it tastes better. I grew up on white, never tasted others until later in life. I always wonder why no one eats it, then I remember, I live in 'Murica.

>> No.3854470

>Not eating food made for trailer trash makes you a hipster
Yessiree, God damn them faggots with ther "hole grain" and ther "Braw-klee", why you and me know right, there ain't no better way ta eat than a good old fashion hamburger like what dey make down der at the Micky Dee.

God forgive us for lettin those homosexuals go free.

>> No.3854476

Are you me?

I never had it until I was in my early 20s. I'm never going back to white bread.

>> No.3854504

white rice or brown rice?

>> No.3854513

Whole grain > polished

All polished rice is white rice, but not all white rice is polished rice. The white rice you get in 99% of stores is polished rice. There are strains of rice that are naturally white so simply saying white or brown is better than the other won't be correct. There are even black rices, red rices, etc. All the whole grain rices will be better than the polished rices. Polished rice is like white flour for white bread. It has been stripped of everything and had 5 vitamins and minerals added back to it by law. Whole grain rice has tons of different vitamins and minerals. Polished rice doesn't have any flavor while whole grain rices do have flavor.

>> No.3855138

I was raised on whole wheat bread, and only had white for the first time as a teenager. It was so disgusting I almost threw up. I prefer bread that doesnt taste like flavorless mush.

>> No.3855152

White is full of suger

multigrain master race

>> No.3855153

This shit has always blown my mind. Strip the food items of everything and then "add vitamins" back by law? THE FUCK? Supplementation like that isn't even sure to be effective like eating the whole, actual food. And the most insane part is that the overly processed and re-enriched items are at LOWER prices than the more intact versions.

It's absurd.

>> No.3855156

Both are full of sugar depending on where you're buying.

Best bet is to buy quality whole grain flour and bake at home so you can eat simple, nutritional foods without the salt/sugar bomb factor.

>> No.3855158

That's why you read the nutritional facts provided ya dummy!

Type 1 diabetic master race

>> No.3855159

In the bread aisle where I shop, there are no actually healthy options. I guess specialty health stores probably carry decent stuff. Is that where you get bread?

>> No.3855174

it's fucking bread. it's almost entirely carbs except for some negligible amounts of fiber and micronutrients. whole wheat bread is a scam. also please work out

>> No.3855177

Read: >>3854457
>no sugar
>no salt

Homemade > everything else

>> No.3855181

>no sugar
>watermelon, peach, banana
u wot m8. not that it matters anyway

>> No.3855182

Hows the new fag, oh sorry I meant fad diet working out for you this year?

>> No.3855184

did you quote the wrong post? i didn't mention any fad diets

>> No.3855187

Yeah, no added sugar. Watermelon is not processed sugar.

>> No.3855192
File: 85 KB, 480x600, son_i_am_disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new fag
>is the most newfag in /ck/ tonight

>> No.3855190

>processed sugar
that doesn't really mean anything nutrition wise

>> No.3855191


Do you move?

>> No.3855193

I think that eating isolated, refined sugars is different than eating fruits which contain sugar..

>> No.3855195
File: 41 KB, 400x448, reddit_58ge3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people implying that whole foods are the same as refined industrial sugars

>> No.3855197

>posting for 4 years

>> No.3855201

>shitposting for 4 years*
>shitposting in troll thread

Stay classy, /ck/.

>> No.3855204

>been here Jan 2004


>> No.3855208

Delicious tears.

>> No.3855214

yeah, bananas are just loaded with fiber and micronutrients. if anything they're worse for you because they have more fructose in them

>> No.3855215

>trolled bitch! XD

It's past your bedtime, kid.

>> No.3855219

>equal amount of banana versus an equal amount of refined sugar = identical foods.

This is what students in the USA are taught in their schools. They are taught that fruits like bananas are bad for you because they are entirely made of sugars.

I'm dead serious about that too. I wish I wasn't fucking making that shit up.

>> No.3855225


this is why wheat bread is better I'm assuming.

>> No.3855235

>take foods class in high school
>we learned fruits have better sugars than junk food
You just live in some backwards ass place or are from Europe.

>> No.3855239

Unfortunately, I live in the USA.

>backwards ass place

You could say that. They have elementary kids in 2nd grade doing all their work on PCs now with an on screen cartoon "teacher" program that guides them through their lessons while the teachers do other shit. Each kid has little dividers on the long desk so they are essentially in a fucking cubicle.

>> No.3855255

better sugars....

>> No.3855269

I can't stand white bread, it has no flavour and it's all squishy and spongy. Not as bad when it's toasted, though.

>> No.3855271

Yeah, this thread is turning into a nightmare. lol

For everyone else,

Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars - These carbs are broken down and digested very quickly, but most simple carbs contain refined sugars and very few essential vitamins and minerals. Examples include table sugar, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, honey, molasses, maple syrup and brown sugar.

Complex carbohydrates - the complex carbs take longer to digest and are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Examples include vegetables, whole grain breads, oatmeal, legumes, brown rice and wheat pasta.

>> No.3855293

>not being part of the potato bread master race

What the fuck?

>> No.3855297
File: 1.06 MB, 1772x1332, BreadoftheEarth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's at least one other person ITT that is and has already posted their bread that has potato in it.

>not being part of the bread of the earth master race

>> No.3855328

Wonder Bread master race. Fuck yeah. It has 8 essential sugars without all the filler.

>> No.3855423

Not everyone wants to break their jaw on whole wheat bread.

That said, store-bought whole wheat tastes better than store-bought white. All bets are are off for bakery/homemade though.

>> No.3855465

>Sandwiches sold in shops
Wow, brown is really nice.
>Eating toast at home
Eh, brown isn't nice. I'll stick with white.

>> No.3855526

I once left my refrigerator potato bread to rise for like 2 days. Shit was turning into vodka before I got it into the oven.

>> No.3855574

>implying any bread is healthy

>> No.3855779

>not healthy

Does your bread even lift?

>> No.3855789

Shitty bagged wheat bread is better than shitty bagged white bread

But most "good" whole wheat loaves I've had have been too dense and aren't very good

>> No.3855820

What the hell has even become of here? It just seems to be trolls trolling trolls, and anyone you disagree with is hipster. I don't even know what that means anymore.

>> No.3855835


Deal with it. Compared to most boards this is board is shockingly functional. Go on /mu/ or /v/ or /tv/ or really anywhere for like 2 minutes and you'll see how nice it is here.

>> No.3855842

White-bread toast is versatile and you can add/dip anything to it.

Multi-grain toast doesn't really go well with my cappuccino in the morning.

>> No.3856222

You're mistaking whole grain bread with cereal bread.

Whole grain bread is made from flour that has pretty much the whole grain milled. (there's still some cleaning though)

Cereal bread on the other hand can easily be white flour bread with added whole grains.

The reason for white flour is basically history and health. Bad grain control resulted in a lot of fungi on grain which was a relative serious health hazard in a lot of cases. On top of that, grains that still have the germ spoil far far far faster than those without. As the germ has a lot of fats.

So they started completely cleaning the bran and germ off grains. There's also the issue that white flour is often easier to work with than whole grain flour.

So why is white flour generally cheaper - can be stored for much longer, easier to transport and handle.

Whole grain flour on the other hand has a far shorter shell life.

And people are more used to white flour as well.

>> No.3856237
File: 25 KB, 314x364, 13049500689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating rye bread instead of white bread

No wonder you guys are so fucking fat.
-Scandinavian master race

>> No.3856271

>calls others fat
>posts picture of himself being angry and fat