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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3849561 No.3849561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is responsible for keeping MSG legal?

Who's making the money?

>> No.3849570

mcdonalds makes it legal and china makes it


>> No.3849569

I could ask the same about salt.

>> No.3849571

kernal sanders

>> No.3849573

oh look, its someone who has no idea what MSG is

have fun trying to ban something that occurs naturally in your own body

>> No.3849575

I am.

>> No.3849576


DMT occurs naturally in your body and is a class A illegal drug.

>> No.3849579

Its delicious, try it sprinkled on popcorn.

>> No.3849588 [DELETED] 

I liku the MSG because it's super kawaii and my Asian idols use it in everything! It maku my foods glisten and shine!!! (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.3849589


>trace heavy metals occur naturally in everyone's body
>this means we should put Lead and Arsenic in our food

USA! I'm glad you cleared that up Kraft Food Corp.

>> No.3849592
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>mfw someone insinuates salt should be illegal

this board is beyond parody

>> No.3849594

those will kill you, MSG wont

which is just as bullshit as trying to ban MSG?
you cant ban something that is in all meat

>> No.3849595

>hurr durr hurr how do i into moderation

>> No.3849598


I'm just saying you're wrong about not being able to ban something that occurs in your body. Nice reading comprehension faggot.

>> No.3849600

Makes as much sense as saying MSG should be illegal.

>> No.3849604

DMT for drug use is synthetic, MSG used for food consumption is extracted, huge difference numb nuts

>> No.3849607

MSG causes heart attacks in people that over saturate their diet with sodium. Otherwise, it causes nothing.

DMT causes vivid hallucinations both when your body accesses its own stores upon death/near-death, or when you ingest the synthesized drug.

>> No.3849609


get used to it.

>> No.3849611


Wow, are you guys that dense? Stop comparing DMT to MSG, that's not the point I was making.

For the record DMT is harmless anyway, it would have a more positive effect on your health than eating MSG.

>> No.3849614

>MSG causes heart attacks in people that over saturate their diet with sodium

its sodium in general doing that, that has nothing to do with MSG specifically

>> No.3849616

DMT harmless? Perhaps. The only people who fuck with it are filthy wooks and Joe Rogan.

>> No.3849620


DMT is illegal and a Class A drug.
MSG is legal and can be bought in unlimited amounts by anyone at any grocery store.

Everything you need to know about American politics right there.

>> No.3849621


Nope. Myself and many of my friends have taken it and none of them are "filthy wooks". Stay ignorant to one of the most rewarding experiences of your life pleb.

>> No.3849623

>dangerous substance is illegal
>harmless seasoning is legal
>"hurr durr politics"

>> No.3849624
File: 458 KB, 720x644, tails sweating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sodium causes heart attacks in people that over saturate their diet with sodium

>> No.3849626

>people who eat nothing but carrots turn orange and die too
>ban carrots

>> No.3849627


1) I don't see how whether it's synthetic or extracted from something is relevant in any way
2) DMT for drug use can and usually is extracted from something too, retard.

>> No.3849628


It's not dangerous, learn about it before you talk shit. People like you are the reason weed is still illegal.

>> No.3849631

>Who is responsible for keeping MSG legal
scientists, and people who like things that taste good

>> No.3849644


>That chemical that every person's brain produces naturally and which produces no ill effects is illegal
>That industrial food additive invented in a laboratory (look it up that became famous for causing dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, unconsciousness, high blood pressure, and which has been demonstrated to amplify the effects of sodium overconsumption which is already the leading cause of death in America is legal
>Nothing is wrong with this

>> No.3849645

MSG is only harmful if you have asthma or heart problems, but you'll have to consume a huge amount of MSG to have it affect you.

>> No.3849643


I'm neither of those stereotypes, and I have more DMT than i'll ever smoke.

White master race reporting in.

>> No.3849649

is this a troll thread?

msg may be unhealthy because its sodium based but people can't be allergic to it and it cause no severe issues.

people are just fucking drama queens


>> No.3849651

>invented in a laboratory
fucking hippies, just because science created it doesn't make it bad. Take a god damn biochemistry class

>> No.3849654


Of course there ain't nothin' wrong with it. If this "DMT" were so safe and enjoyable, there'd be a nice corporation selling it to us in the stores like with the MSG, which is produced by big companies with lots of money that they can use to prove to the government how safe it is. You sound like one of those god-durned lib'rals that the news warned me about!

>> No.3849655

>no mention of "that's msg in meat"

So many newfags in here...

>> No.3849657

A lot of non-chinese restaurants use MSG too. MSG is also found in a lot of everyday foods.

>> No.3849661


That's exactly the point. They aren't doing this when it is safe.

>> No.3849663

>While many people believe that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the cause of these symptoms, an association has never been demonstrated under rigorously controlled conditions, even in studies with people who were convinced that they were sensitive to the compound.

Funny that it doesn't say who conducted these "rigorously controlled" studies, or who funded them, does it?

Remember that back in the 30s and 40s there were hundreds upon hundreds of "rigorously controlled scientific studies" conducted by "unbiased medical researchers" that "proved" that smoking cigarettes was totally harmless and, in fact, was good for you. The fact that those researchers were getting all their funding from tobacco companies surely had no impact on their science ...

captcha: precious oilsolve

>> No.3849668


How is DMT a "dangerous substance"?

>> No.3849673

>science denier
Boy, that tinfoil hat must really chafe, to make you so irritated.

>> No.3849681

salt ≠ msg
sodium chloride ≠ mono sodium glutamate

get it right you fucking idiots

>> No.3849685

ask the FDA

>> No.3849693

If MSG is so terrible why do most East Asians (the ones who really love the shit) live longer than the average person of European descent? Besides, it's also "natural" in the sense it's in a lot of things we eat, just not always in an extracted form so to speak.

I personally don't add MSG to my food but I give no shits if restaurants do.

I'm just saying...

>> No.3849695


lol I remember the first time this image was posted on /ck/ a number if years ago with the text, "So, /ck/, what's it like knowing you're eating chemicals?"

So much trolling, so many tears, and it was back when there was a larger thread length and it was like 500-600 posts. lol

>> No.3849698


We know. You missed the points, which are:

1) both contain sodium, so if you have to watch your sodium intake, you need to be concerned about both of them.

2) banning MSG makes just as much sense as banning salt.

>> No.3849709

I don't disagree with the first point.
However, the second point is pretty fucking stupid.
Glutamate and glutamic acids are known excitotoxins, and increasing the amount, aside from naturally occurring forms of it within your body, by consuming additional forms of it, is completely deleterious to your central nervous system.

Salt isn't inherently dangerous to the CNS, on the other hand.

>> No.3849724

Then there's shit like this,

>5 hour Energy commercial with commentary

>> No.3849739

Actually, I'd not care one bit if there was a ban on salt added to foods.

I stopped eating processed foods and anything with added salt over a year ago. Everyone said I would die and I needed x amount of salt in my diet. Cool thing is, food contains sodium in it naturally. I eat a lot of high potassium foods too so any sodium I get is used to good effect. I eat whole foods so there's nothing removed then enriched so I'm not losing anything.

My current doctor said that "whatever ever you are doing, keep doing it" because all my blood work came back in what he said as being "perfect". I feel good to top it off.

So, I don't see

>> No.3849743
File: 52 KB, 500x500, ml2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is responsible for keeping MSG legal?
FDA, because the danger of it is greatly exaggerated. If anything, it should be banned for allowing people to pass off shit food as "flavorful", which brings me to your next question...

Who's making the money?
Fast food corporations.

>> No.3849749

It's not challenging to get "ideal" blood work this day and age, even you even follow a mediocre 'healthy diet'. The standards are very low.

>> No.3849753


Your link doesn't answer the question at all.

>> No.3849756

Don't forget every non-perishable food item that has "artificial flavoring" in it.
Which is pretty much every non-perishable food item.

>> No.3849766

[citation needed]

>> No.3849839

How do I cook with msg?

>> No.3849855

A lot of recipes call for "accent" google up recipes that have that as an ingredient. You can easily learn from there.

>> No.3849851

remove placenta from fresh ghost pepper or habanero
sprinkle msg on the placenta
place placenta into rectum

...Now you're cookin'!

>> No.3849869

>Look at me I'm making up scary claims on 4chan pay attention to me! IT'S ALL A CPONSPIRAYC GUYS I TELL YOU

schedule 1 drug guidelines in the US

1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
2.The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

DMT meets all of these. deal with it you fucking hippy.

>> No.3849883

>Ban meat, soy sauce, cheeses, eggs, and so forth

PETAfag in disguise detected

>> No.3849885

I'll use it in almost anything that I'd add salt to. I make a lot of poorfag soup, and it adds a good quality of flavor to vegetarian dishes. You can use a lot less salt when using MSG.

Whatever you do, try to mix it with liquid. MSG doesn't taste bad, but crunching on a crystal is a bit jarring.

>> No.3849888

>cites U.S. drug guidelines as if they mean anything

lol learn to science bro

>> No.3849890

Cannabis is a Class 1 drug.

So yeah... I wouldn't put much faith in that classification.

>> No.3849894

Yes, all of those do contain slight levels of MSG. However, the MSG that is dangerous is produced from long, high temperature processing of certain plant based matter which already contains high amounts as it is. The processing further synthesizes more of it.

A little isn't so much of a problem (because it's also produced naturally, just at ever-so-slight levels; it's really only you ingest incredibly high amounts (which you probably won't get from even cooking your meat, heating your cheese, etc.,).

>> No.3849921

And, it harms your health, your social ability, and people say things like, "I can quit anytime I want! I just don't want to."

>> No.3849928

>D.A.R.E. to be you!


>> No.3849929

Are you talking about alcohol or...?

>> No.3849938

And free thought and dissent.

>> No.3849937

Alcohol and cigarettes need to be banned too.

>> No.3849943


>DMT meets all of these

Proof? Also define "abuse" in this context.

>> No.3849953
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Straight-edgefag detected.

>> No.3849964

Open free though and dissent, yes. It undermines the popular establishment. Free though and free speech are actually tools to enslave a people and don't actually make you free in any way except to trick you that you are free. The ultimate trap is the illusion of freedom of choice.

One simple example of this is the United States presidential election of 2000. Al Gore won, but George W. Bush was the one made president. This is because while Al Gore won the Popular Vote (the vote that voters like you and me do) does not count if the electoral colleges decide to counter it. In a sense, you get to see first hand how your "freedom" isn't really a freedom at all and merely an illusion. There are many other examples but I'm sure you get the point.

>> No.3849969

>3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.

Almost every Schedule 1 can be used safely, especially under medical supervision.

>> No.3849973

>have fun trying to ban something that occurs naturally in your own body

Then why not just ban its usage in products intended for human consumption?

>> No.3849981

14yo logic

>> No.3849988
File: 26 KB, 190x297, sodium-fluoride-insecticide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same people who put sodium fluoride in the water

>> No.3850004

Actually they use one or more of these,

sodium fluoride
fluorosilicic acid
sodium fluorosilicate


There's actually places in the USA where the ground water has naturally occurring fluoride above the safe drinking levels.