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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3849410 No.3849410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT foods that pretentious people only pretend to enjoy when others are around and would never eat alone

>black coffee
>rare steak
>green tea
>chicken breasts

>> No.3849414


they both taste like shit.
why is beer so famous?
there is so much better alcohol out there.

cider/vodka/ and everthing else that doesn't taste like beer.

cider is the shit.

gree tea tastes bitter too but it's drinkable.
unlike coffee.
which is a million times more bitter

>> No.3849419


Op is a troll and you are not.

>> No.3849421

ITT foods that people eat because they frequently eat with their friends

>> No.3849428

I very rarely leave the house or have people over, yet I drink massive amounts of beer.

>> No.3849431

ofc i am not.
that's my honest opinion about beer.
i can't stand the taste.

>> No.3849440

i do drink beer alone, you are a bunch of pussys, dont like the taste? fag

>> No.3849441

>Trying to impress people by pretending to like things.

Sure is pussified modern man in here.

>> No.3849442

So in other words, someone liking things you don't makes them pretentious.

>> No.3849443

try harder

>> No.3849445

Jokes on you I'm drinking beer right now and I'm alone! Alcoholism fuck yeah!

>> No.3849446
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>> No.3849447

i found out that lots of people who drink beer actually don't like it but they just do because it is really well integrated in the western society

>> No.3849458

>what are acquired tastes?

>> No.3849461

why would you force yourself to eat something that you obviously don't like, until you like it?

what stupid logic is that?

>> No.3849462

op is 12 yrs old

santa isn't real you little fucker... how do ya like them apples?

>> No.3849464

so...um.. some people genuinely like things that you don't

>> No.3849466


That's pretty sad.

I think if you're a man who has a good understanding and sense of self-direction who enjoys perceived "girly drinks", you should drink them without giving a fuck.

>> No.3849469

Why the fuck is jerky on that list? I've never met a person who didn't like some sort of jerky. Also, I enjoy black coffee because I don't have the palatte of a child.

>> No.3849471

>being this retarded

god damn, i didn't expect to see retardation like this on here

>> No.3849477

trolled hardcore

>> No.3849480


Drinking it alone right now. Beer is the working man's bread. As they say here, 'a beer for your nerves'.


With pizza or chilli con carne, it is necessary.


Doesn't taste too good, but in times of poverty it's the best dinner.

>black coffee

I don't much like coffee, and I would never, ever praise black coffee beyond a cappuccino like dem Bosnians and Turks.


Unknown in my country.

>rare steak

No-one in this country would eat meat rare if it's not steak tartare or carpaccio.

>green tea

Pretty good, but I like mint tea better.

>chicken breasts

Steamed chicken breasts are national cuisine here, but I don't like it. And to tell you the truth, I'd rather have a čevap than grilled chicken breast.

>> No.3849483

by franks I ment the hot sauce : p

>> No.3849486

because good things dont come easy.

>> No.3849491

I'll bite.
beer is fucking delicious. I bet you hate coffee t-
I don't really use it, but I don't doubt other people would
you mean like hot dogs? they're usually a social gathering food. don't really see how cheap meat is pretentious
>black coffee
you obviously haven't had good coffee. people drink this every morning
OP confirmed for prepubescent girl
>rare steak
I actually cut up a piece of steak into tartar the other day just because I was too lazy to cook it. Rare steak is best steak
>green tea
it tastes fine
>chicken breast
chicken breast is pretentious now? I better go tell /fit/ that 80% of their meals are hipster bullshit.

>> No.3849493
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>not liking jerky or rare steak
What is wrong with this world?

>> No.3849490

>why is beer so famous?

Cause it's light alcohol and yet tastes distinctive and fizzy. You can drink a beer or two a day for decades and not feel any ill effects.

>> No.3849498

Is there a marked difference between franks and tabasco? Here on the old continent, hot sauce in general is an exotic American import and not a table fixture, even if most households do hold it.

>> No.3849499

cider is not a girly drink.

i went to france for one week and they love that shit.
cidre, to be precise.
it has a lot to do with culture.
we kinda reached a point where it seems odd that a male person of age 16 or older does not like beer.

cider is light alcohol too and basically pretty much like beer except that it tastes sweeter.

>> No.3849500
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>: p

>> No.3849506

Hate it
Hate it
>black coffee
Hate it
Love it
>rare steak
Love it
>green tea
Hate it
>chicken breasts
Love it

>> No.3849507

>cider is light alcohol too and basically pretty much like beer except that it tastes sweeter.

In my country, cider is only consumed in October directly after the wine harvest during large family gatherings. It's just a thing of drinking tradition, much like brandy is considered a drink for drunks here, unlike in France or Serbia. Besides, the 5% alcohol that European beer has offers the opportunity to get shitfaced if the want to do so arises.

>> No.3849547

interestingly enough i found that even people who like beer seem to be more likely to puke from it than any other alcohol.

i live in europe too but not in england and cider in my case is not available in super markets.
only in irish pubs for about 5 euros per pint.
but they have it the whole year.
(bulmers to be precise).
though i think there is a slight difference between english cider and french cidre.
from what i epxerienced so far cider tastes more like beer than cidre does.
both is good and still better than beer imo.

>> No.3849557

>interestingly enough i found that even people who like beer seem to be more likely to puke from it than any other alcohol.

I get wasted on beer every Friday, but I only puke from spirits and sometimes wine. Seriously, I could down 12 beers in a day of drinking and not puke. Not that I usually do, though.

>> No.3849562

i don't like the feel of being drunk on beer.
other alcohols do a better job for me.

which reminds me of something: i still need to drink absynthe.
apparently it's less like being drunk and more like being high cause it contains substances that can be found in poppy.

>> No.3849578

I experimented with it in my teenage years, but I found the taste too repulsive to ever get properly drunk with it. It's strange, cause I like herbal liquors of many types, from Jaegermeister to travarica. I sound like a proper drunk, but in reality beer is my weekly drink, wine is drunk when the budget is tight, and the rest is just past reminiscences.

>> No.3849591
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OP confirmed for worst troll of the day. I can't even be mad at his post, it's so bad.

>> No.3849593

>wine is drunk when the budget is tight

isn't beer usually the cheaper of both alcohols?
i mean yes, you can get pretty cheap versions of both but if you compare your standard beer with your standard wine, wine should be more expensive i guess.

herbal liquors are interesting.
they give you quite a kick.

>> No.3849625
File: 29 KB, 349x642, troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP thinks he's trolling, but all he's done is made himself look like an idiot. It's a shame everyone is anonymous here.

>> No.3849640

I eat rare steak drink beer alone all the time, they taste delicious

>> No.3849641

I can't stand jerky. Maybe it's because i've never had good jerky, but it's all so dry and chewy and bland-tasting.

>> No.3849660

>rare steak
>juiced ginger
>egg sushi

>> No.3849666

It's dried meat, it's supposed to be dry and chewy, shouldn't be bland though.

>> No.3849684

I suspected this was a troll thread as soon as I read the premise, but then:

Okay, maybe he's not a troll but just stupid
Yep, he's an idiot.
>black coffee
Eh, I can kinda see that.
Nevermind, he's retarded again.
>rare steak
No wait, definite troll.
>green tea
>chicken breasts
Not even a mildly convincing troll anymore, this ruined the entire post. Should have just left that out, OP.

5L box of Franzia red wine here is about 11-12 bucks at 13% abv. A 12-pack of beer is about 4.25L and would be anywhere from 8+ bucks, but the abv wouldn't be nearly that high, so the wine would technically be the cheaper way to get drunk.

>> No.3849735

Homebrewer here I'm pretty sure I enjoy beer
Not my favorite hot sauce but it goes well with plenty of dishes Chicken and dumplings without it would be gross
Not my favorite, but its cheap, filling, and can be good with the right toppings
>black coffee
2 sugars and done. cream ruins the taste
>rare steak
can be a little chewy but I'll take this any day over medium well
>green tea
not a tea fan in general
>chicken breasts
A properly prepared chicken breast is delicious. It will never have the flavor of the thighs but its plenty good

>> No.3849748


>> No.3849763

All the stuff the OP mentions is pretty regular stuff(except franks, have no idea what that is), i think everyone male likes that stuff.. you are the pretentious one, OP.

>> No.3850785


Beer tastes a million times better when it's poured into a glass. I can't stand the beer straight from the bottle.

>> No.3850801

it's 12:26 am and I'm drinking a beer by myself right now. Not to get drunk, mind you.

I drink all my coffee black (except iced coffee).

Jerky is fucking delicious and I will fite you.

Rare steak is also fucking delicious and I will fite you.

Don't care about the other items on the list.

>> No.3850802

nope. happen to enjoy it while alone. it's just a bad habit to drink alone.
actually, i don't care for tabasco myself, but i know people that love it.
lies. lies and damnation.
>black coffee
pffffffffffffffhahaha that's the best way to drink it, regardless of who's around
i have a bag in my desk for snacking in my room
>rare steak
again, the best way to have it
>green tea
actually, i only drink this by myself, because i normally drink tea before anyone in my place is up
>chicken breasts
shit nigga, you ain't even a good troll

>> No.3850918

>troll accidently incites interesting, meanwhile discussion
Owch, man, i dunno if thats funny or cringeworthy. oh well.

Anyways, this makes me think of something that comes to mind here and there. Shitty, troll teir food and excellent food both have their places, and if you cant enjoy both, atleast in one aspect, then your not really a food conniesuer. The man who only enjoys the "perfect" steak virtually never enjoys a meal, and a the person who cant be bothered to cook misses out on a journey of culinary discovery. But they all have their place. Yes, most fast food places are shit, but thats why they are fast food and not resturants. Making good food fast is hard, and even bland, uninteresting food has its place in the rest of the developing world.

Its like, having someone come up to you and call themselves a auto-expert or whatever, and the conversation going like this
>so you like cars yeah, what do you think of mass transportation, comparing it to smaller systems like buses and taxis?
>what bro, i only care for fast cars, fuck that shit
>how the state of hybrid, and low enviromental impact cars are coming along?
>lol my car fast
>how about old classic cars
>fuck old cars my car is fast!

the douchebag being the guy who only likes a perfect steak and nothing else.

>> No.3850921

did you drink it right, sugar cube and the slow mix so it goes cloudy white and shit?

or did you just bang that shit straight

>> No.3850925

try turkey jerkey, tends to be really sweet but its good as fuck. then move on to more higher teir jerkies. Shitty jerky will be shitty, but if you need to acquire the taste, so be it. Its worth it, good jerky is a damn good thing to have around

>> No.3851006

lol at the number of people misreading OP's post as calling all these foods pretentious

>> No.3851024
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>Here on the old continent, hot sauce in general is an exotic American import
Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.3851030

>on anything, especially pizza

troll post

>> No.3851035

Look tabasco is one of the worst hot sauces i the world I cant even stand the smell. I suggest you start looking into biying other hot sauces, everyone has their wn taste so whatever.

>> No.3851038

>>doesn't like hot dogs or green tea
poorfag detected. I bet you think Parmesan is bland too? Protip, there is better food out there than powdered parmisan, packaged throw away scraps of green tea leaves, and pig eyes cooked in the shape of a sausage. Why don't you get on food stamps and treat yourself to some real food. bottom barrel prices are for things like grains and produce.

>> No.3851049

>Why don't you get on food stamps and treat yourself to some real food.

How about he gets a fucking job and treats himself to some real food?

Why is going on the dole the first thing that comes to mind when a person needs more money?

>> No.3851050

if you've never had beer and franks then you've never truly been alone.

>> No.3851059

because the foods we're talking about aren't kobe beef tier dipshit. These foods aren't expensive, if you can't afford a decent pack of hotdogs every once in a while you'll never be able to even afford fucking tomatoes peppers onions etc. You retards want people to eat shit then you complain when they want health care for all the shitty problems they got from eating the only food they could afford, bread and meat, and occasionally a lime. why is it that you can get a job in this country that pays you only enough to eat like that, (minimum wage full time if youre lucky) that people will first thing out of their mouth suggest you get a fucking job? Most people on food stamps already have a fucking job. A job in the restaurant industry or other shitty bottom barel jobs where they wash dishes and floors all day and get paid shit, have no health coverage despite full time employment, get forced to work longer hours for no extra pay or be fired, The entire blue collar work force is a poop shoot.

>> No.3851064

Blatant troll thread. Don't reply to this thread guys.

>> No.3851068


>> No.3851072

aside from rare steak and jerky you couldnt be farther from the truth. i would literally fight you if you said this to my face

>> No.3851079

>because the foods we're talking about aren't kobe beef tier dipshit. These foods aren't expensive

which is why you ought not to need government fucking assistance to be able to afford them. how ruined is your life that you have to draw welfare to buy a pack of shitty hot dogs? kill yourself

>> No.3851084

I know, aught to for sure. Too bad reality doesn't match your delusions. If you want a roof over your head, heat to warm you, water, food is going to take a back seat, always. 9 dollars an hour is not enough to fucking subsist on, medical bills with no insurance, rent, transportation, you make barely enough to fucking subsist. thats a fucking fact. If you have a problem with it, tell your rich faggots to stop hording money and give it to people who fucking need it.

>> No.3851092

> If you have a problem with it, tell your rich faggots

what the fuck are you talking about

who are "my" rich faggots

i make ten dollars an hour and i'm surviving just fine because i know how to budget myself and not spend a hundred dollars a week on groceries at trader fucking joe's

i don't know any rich guys and i don't see how they affect my ability to not shop like a retard
what are you projecting onto me

>> No.3851096

I eat beef jerky daily and I don't spend time around humans, so fuck you.

>> No.3851112

I was referring to the rich faggots that inhabit your broken political party

buying things in trader joe's is a fucking dumb idea but it has no relevance, buying cheap items at places that are smart to shop at will still net most people who live on 10 dollars an hour a bare minimum subsistence lifestyle.

>> No.3851118

>I was referring to the rich faggots that inhabit your broken political party

i didn't say anything about any political party

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.3851124

>>Youre so poor you have to draw from welfare to afford a shitty pack of hotdogs? _kill yourself_
>>what the fuck is wrong with you?

are you seriously asking me that question?
Look dumbass, if you don't have a political party, you still have a political view. No matter what it is I hate it, because you clearly think it's acceptable for me to live on nothing but meat and bread with barely a roof over my head, just because I don't have the good fortune to be born into a rich family, where most wealth they have that could easily feed me (and does, thanks to government welfare) is being spent on shitty things like buying 20 cars, or living in a freaking mansion, or, and this is the most frequent offense by far; siting stagnant in their bank account.

>> No.3851127
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>thread is about chicken breasts, franks and tabasco
> just because I don't have the good fortune to be born into a rich family

Go earn some fucking money for yourself you demented shit. Jesus dick.
your garbage job is not Abe Lincoln's fault

>> No.3851130
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This guy is shitposting in three or four threads right now trying to derail them all into US politics. You can tell it's him because he keeps making really weird inflammatory declarations about "the rich" and "millionaires" out of nowhere, example:


>picture of mashed potatoes
>six posts later, million dollar houses on the beach

This nigga is bonkers

>> No.3851150
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>> No.3851165


jimmies remain unrustled

>> No.3851173

>>Posts in a troll thread complaining about a guy derailing a troll thread.
I don't follow.

>> No.3851245


Dont believe everything you hear bro. Its a fun drunk, but hardly any different than any other high proof spirit. And the only 'interesting' compound in it is Thujone, which, while psychoactive in dangerously large quantities, is in such low amount in absinthe to produce no noticeable effect. Theres just as much Thujone in other foods you eat, for example.

Drink absinthe for the taste, not the dumb myths.... and for gods sake dont fucking set it on fire - that is nasty Hollywood bullshit.

>> No.3851251

i have seen enough iditos on the intermet burning their faces with alcohol to know that it's not a good idea to set it on fire.

i didn't believe this myth btw.
i used "apparently" because it's more like "i have heard that".

well thx for the clearence bro.
will try it anyway.
the thujone was never the main reason why i want to try it

>> No.3851260

I drink beer and vodka all alone by myself to some tasty ass food

what you gonna do about it?

>> No.3851261


Uh, also Green tea and black coffee

whats wrong OP?

>> No.3851264

OP's list is bollocks.
here's some:
Fucking fancy cocktails: No one just orders some fruity mcfagtail. they're always with a group of friends being adventurous and shit. it's not something they would choose over other things.
nettle tea. What the actual fuck?
some people's music taste. You know what i mean. (i know it's not /ck/ but whatever)

can't think of any more. don't even care.

>> No.3851265

restaurant food.

>> No.3851266

>some people's music taste. You know what i mean.

no i don't

>> No.3851451

Just because YOU don't like them OP doesn't mean other people don't. You seriously added chicken breasts to your list too? Who the hell says they enjoy chicken breasts to impress people? Never mind jerky or rare steak. And green tea too? Who the hell goes around telling everyone how much they like a certain kind of tea to impress people? Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.3851477
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What the fuck, OP, what the FUCK. Are you 12? Only someone extremely juvenile or a fucking assburger would make assumptions like that. Tell me, why would anyone eat chicken breasts or beef jerky to impress someone else? What kind of ridiculous mental faggotry have you got going in that pea brain?
Fuck, I know this has got to be a troll, but goddamn.

>> No.3851514

>Fucking fancy cocktails: No one just orders some fruity mcfagtail

women like these kinds of cocktails and the men who drink them are queers