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3840482 No.3840482 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Weird animals that taste surpisingly good.

I've eaten a lot of different meats but most of it just tastes like beef/chicken with less flavour.

However, on some magical day, I ordered KANGAROO meat. And it was very tasty.

It tasted nothing like other meats.

Now I'm sad because it's hard to get kangaroo meat around here.

Also wild boar was pretty tasty.

>> No.3840484

Eel is a weird animal, not very exotic to a lot of people but its the best tasting fish around, unless its a traditional English preparation in which case it makes me sad such a beautiful piece of fish is subjected to such a cruel fate.

>> No.3840487

Cruel fate? What do they do to it?

>> No.3840510

There was an international food market in town last week. There was one Australian stand selling Crocodile, Kangaroo and camel burgers. Looked interesting.

However the best thing about the whole market was the English stand. Every other country sold loads of different variations of food. Gues what the Brits had to sell. yeah, that's right, tea cups.

I should add that I didn't try anything there.

>> No.3840512

take a moist supple piece of meat and boil it into a jelly and then serve it cold on top of mashed peas

>> No.3840513

Kangaroo meat tastes like mutton.
I used to eat it on a regular basis because it was cheap where I lived.

>> No.3840517

Also I've had ostrich

It wasn't anything special, it tasted just like beef.

>> No.3840518

Ostrich. Looks like beef and tastes somewhat similar, but with a strong hint of liver in it.

Come to think about it, I haven't had it in a while, might be on the menu someday soon.

>> No.3840519

You sick fuck! You can't eat kangaroos, I mean look at him, all cute and cuddly..

>> No.3840522

Atleast it tasted delicious.

I've had cuter animals that tasted bad. The kangaroo wasn't wasted.

Also deer can taste either very good, or very bad. Maybe it depends on the quality of the meat? I dunno, I've had different experiences with deer meat.

>> No.3840523

I lost my ear to a kangaroo while I was taking a nap in the sun.

>> No.3840525


fucking whale.

there is a reason those motherfuckers are extinct, they are fucking delicious.

>> No.3840529


what the fuck

>> No.3840535

Isn't whale meat composed of mainly fat?

I always imagined it would taste like butter for some reason lol. Never eaten it though (and probably never will. Whales are too epic for me to eat.)

>> No.3840536

They will be soon at the rate we kill them

>> No.3840542

Eventually yes but not that quickly. And there are more than one or two whale species. And they are not yet extinct so you can't say they're extinct.

>> No.3840543

thats so untrue it hurts, whaling is a strictly regulated industry, every year whalers take in less than they are allowed to take every year, and they only hunt minke whales which are abundant and in absolutely no danger of going extinct, they have a healthy stable breeding population, its basically like deer hunting with them.

>> No.3840548

They reproduce kind of slow though. That's the downside of being that massive. We kill them faster than they breed.

Does anyone here have experience with rabbit meat? I am ashamed to say I've never eaten it (only when I was young). But I will try it soon. What to expect from rabbit?

>> No.3840555

lick a quarter, its similar to that but in meat form

>> No.3840556

I like how you think we can accurately count whale populations in the entire ocean, gauge their annual mortality and fecundity, come up with hunting legislation that will not impact the species, and then go on to compare it to deer hunting.

Good stuff bro, keep that innocent faith burning bright.

>> No.3840558


sorry guys, i meant to type almost extinct.


and yes, it was incredibly fatty, that's what made it taste so good, i think

>> No.3840561


Speaking of butter, I had foie gras last christmas and I must say that it lives up to the hype.

>> No.3840560

Lick a quarter? That would be disgusting to eat if it tasted like that.

>> No.3840565

Im telling you whale hunting does not negatively impact the environment or species population as a whole, the burden on you is to prove otherwise.

>> No.3840569

also you just stuck your foot in your own mouth, if you are saying its impossible to gauge whale population then you yourself admit it impossible to tell if their numbers are in danger

>> No.3840574

No, I would say the burden of proof is on your hypothesis.

Besides, the quality of data does not exist. We do not have the means to accurately survey global whale populations, therefore any decisions stemming from such flawed data are inherently misleading.

>> No.3840575

>if you are saying its impossible to gauge whale population then you yourself admit it impossible to tell if their numbers are in danger

That's the point.

>> No.3840586

Rabbit is delicious, at least in stew form. Never had it another way.

>> No.3840592

so you have no evidence that whale populations are in danger. You have a theory and you cant back it up.
and these are not global whale populations we are talking about, its one type of whale exclusive to one area of the world.

>> No.3840596

is kangaroo gamey? i have always imagined venison.

>> No.3840662

It was the seasoning. All meat is bland.

>> No.3840666

>citation needed

>> No.3840739
File: 30 KB, 382x508, puffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate Puffin when I was in Iceland, really deep red meat, looked almost like how dark Venison looks. Tasted really nice.

It's also funny when I tell people I ate it because most of the time their reaction is "Awww, how could you eat Puffin? They're so cute!"

If I was there when it was happening I would like to have joined in the cull.

>> No.3841493

crocodile is damn delicious
i'd give a description but it would be "tastes like chicken"

>> No.3841504
File: 37 KB, 306x326, kanga1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:( there are two threads about eating kangaroo on the first page.

>> No.3841512

I ate dog when I was in Iraq

>> No.3841513

Otter. No joke.

but nothing, you just did give a description.
check yoself, dawg.

>> No.3841548

I had crocodile and alligator but I can't remember which was the good tasting one. They were both chewy but one of them had this really great flavor that was somewhere between chicken and some sort of really mild whitefish. If one of them has a more distinct flavor or the taste doesn't sound like my description, could anyone tell me which one I'm describing?

>> No.3841572

It isn't really weird but - horse meat.

Never expected it to be so delicious. Ate it as a patty on a hamburger, the meat just tastes different than the usual chicken/beef/pork, more... I don't know, spicy, aromatic. I miss living next to that burger joint.

>> No.3841800

kangaroo is the best
also emu and crocodile
love that shit

>> No.3841957

Don't know what it is about kangaroo meat but damn it makes me fart really bad.

>> No.3841971

Not wierd, but taboo: horse. Goddamn horse is like a sweet, super-lean, iron-rich beef. I only know of one dedicated horse butcher in Toronto.

>> No.3841973

Spent a summer in NSW and the first thing I did upon visiting a grocery store was buy kangaroo steaks. Not bad at all. Very lean, and tasted similar to venison. Probably wouldn't buy it if not for the novelty factor, though.

As for whale meat, enjoy your mercury poisoning if you eat it with any frequency.

>> No.3841976

horse is just super lean its got a stronger iron taste I eat that shit all the time gains from the gods

>> No.3842036

Kangaroo is ok, lean.
Walrus is awesome if you are into eating ballsacks of old men. Seriously reeks. And the flavor lingers for a while.
Seal is kinda fishy lamb.
Lion is lean, mean, stinky, gamy. Would eat again
Muskox is alright, a bit gamy, lean.
Yak milk is barnyardy, very fatty.
Whale was weird.. . like tuna but meatier, like lean beef.
Ant egg roe is faaabulous with scrambled eggs.
crickets are like savory popcorn NOM NOM NOM.

Anyway, try new things kids!

>> No.3842079

I had capybara when I visited Guyana. The capybara was wild and tasted like grass and nuts by itself. I had it stir fried with cassareep which is an earthy, salty sauce with the consistency of molasses and made from cassava. I guess it was their version of soy sauce.

In Peru I was served a rat called cuy, which ended up being guinea pig. Its a major source of food there and they pen raise them like rabbits. They clean the cavity real well, wash it with vinegar and pan fry it. I had it served with pepper sauce and escovitched red onions and carrots on the side. It was lean and tasted like dark meat from chicken.

Living in Florida now, I eat gator all the time. I really like a nice big steak from the tail, blackened and pan seared. Tastes like whitefish but has the consistency of chicken breast.

>> No.3842104

I remember the first time I had goat, we visited family in North Carolina and we went to some dude's farm to pick one out. They slit its throat and I watched its blood leak into the grass in spurts while the goat died. I was like 8 and was not informed what was going to happen beforehand. I was shocked at the time but looking back I think it was an important experience for me as I realized that meat comes from animals and that something has to die for me to live. I think everyone should witness this event once in their lives, even if its like a chicken or something.

Anyway, goat meat is a lean red meat like beef, but very very tough and needs to be braised for a long time to become tender and edible. It also stinks like shit, so it has to be done outside on a gas burner like the kind you fry turkeys with. We ended up making goat curry with onions and potatoes in a dark rich sauce, eaten with fluffy roti. (Indian here).

>> No.3842110

Bison makes fantastic hamburgers if you add a little fat to the patties to compensate for how lean the meat is. Butter is ideal, but bacon grease would be really good too.

>> No.3842136
File: 89 KB, 386x521, bobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frisch's Big Boy uses 30% kangaroo meat in their burgers; I used to work at the commissary in Cincinnati.

>> No.3842436

Kangaroo, ostrich, pigeon.
The roo was absolutely delicious. Tastes sort of like Venison.
Ostrich I didn't really like.
Pigeon was very tough and strong but nice. No, it wasn't city pigeon. Some kind of edible wild pigeon that probably got shot by mistake on a hunt.

>> No.3842448

I eat roo weekly. Always buy some when I go shopping. When you can get nice cuts from the fucking supermarket and it's very cheap it's totally worth it. Also don't feel too bad due to the abundance of it - don't know too much about the culling / humaneness of the process though. Lets hope no worse than any other meat.

You really gotta do it rare though. It's incredibly lean and far less forgiving than cooking a steak. By far the sweetest meat I've ever had.

Haven't experimented much with it, generally just do steaks but I've had many a roo burger too and they're always good. About the only other thing I've tried (and adored) was slicing it really thinly and doing a fairly vinegar-y satay sauce with a lot of coconut milk and fairly light on the peanut butter (too lazy to toast my own peanuts). Serve on buttery and slightly salty cous cous. Totally simple but I was astounded how good it was.

Another recipe I've seen (on The Cook and the Chef) was actually doing the long cook in a roo tail stew. Would have to go to a market for a cut like that but looks worth it.

>> No.3842451

dont remember what breed, but FUCK. that stuff stunk up our whole house something rotten! it was slightly fish like, but had this awful stench all its own. and that was before i got it into my mouth. instant regret. i wish i could describe it for you but all i remember is that it was disgusting.

0/10 would never eat again.

the smell lingered in our house for a little over a week.

>> No.3842452

>ITT: Weird animals that taste surpisingly good.
You seem to be in the wrong thread.

>> No.3842456 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 570x426, HenrysKitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone lives on a coast

>> No.3842462

i think pigeon = squab

>> No.3842474
File: 45 KB, 431x300, amazonpinktoe-431x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone eat spiders before? I imagine them to taste like lobsters but you never know.

>> No.3842616

I doubt they'd taste similar at all. Crustaceans have actual muscles, in the sense that we typically think of, that comprise the meat. Arachnids don't really have solid muscles, but more of a hydraulic system for moving their joints. Also, with spiders, you're pretty much forced to eat the exoskeleton along with what's inside it. You can't just scoop the meat out easily like with a lobster.

If you ever do eat a tarantula, for the love of whatever you hold dear, torch it thoroughly first. Urticating hairs are PAINFUL just getting on your skin, let alone inside your digestive system.

>> No.3842641

inb4 spider-shake

>> No.3842684

I love you, /an/.

>> No.3842723


Specifically, squab is a *young* pigeon.

>> No.3842757



>> No.3842818

here in Ecuador people from the highlands eat guinea pig all the time and in the rainforest they eat capybara

>> No.3842820
File: 36 KB, 390x260, 390px-Aldabra_Giant_Tortoise_Geochelone_gigantea_edit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant tortoises are allegedly delicious.

"'whaling skippers were almost lyrical in their praise of tortoise meat, terming it far more delicious than chicken, pork or beef'. They said the meat of the giant tortoise was 'succulent meat and the oil from their bodies as pure as butter, but best of all, the giants could hibernate in a ship’s damp for a year or more.'"

>> No.3842828
File: 107 KB, 479x327, never alone again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have been all over that, It seems like it would taste good, a slow muscular animal feeding on tropical fruits and vegetation

>> No.3842827

that is fucked up, giant tortoises are so slow and vulnerable and in danger of extinction
btw did you know Charles Darwin ate a shitload of them in his travels to Galapagos Islands?

>> No.3843055

wild caribou.

tastes kinda like summer sausage. it's probably all the moss and lichen they eat

>> No.3843065

why would you eat whale?

i dont mind most of this shit but i think there's something seriously wrong with eating an animal that's self aware and as intelligent as whales. besides that, they're nearly all extict. there's no reason for anyone to eat them.

>> No.3843104

Had Alligator. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. A little tough and somewhat pork-like.

>> No.3843145

>nearly all extinct

You're not very smart, are you

>> No.3843146

It was improperly prepared. Alligator is delicious.

>> No.3843151

I suppose some people would consider it weird to eat rattlesnake but if you're from certain parts of the country, it's quite normal.

>> No.3843177

You wouldn't think so but fucking muskrats are delicious.

>> No.3843190

you got burden of proof backwards again