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3826815 No.3826815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

best soda's
I personally think jones are amongst the best.

>> No.3826821
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Germany reporting in. This shit is black gold and the best cola of all time.

>> No.3826825

haven't seen jones in like 5 years

>> No.3826827

I basically stick to water, black coffee, and beer these days, but when I did drink sodas I always loved the Italian version of Fanta (now featuring actual fucking orange juice!) because it's nowhere near as sweet as most other sodas

I also like small-batch root beers (appalachian brewing company in harrisburg makes a great one), and some white birch beers (if you don't live in PA and don't know what white birch beer is, it's clear birch beer that's massively superior to its red cousin)

>> No.3826828


>> No.3826829

> soda's

>> No.3826831

soux city sasparilla
prickly pear

>> No.3826839
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mfw i drink a red bull

>> No.3826861


>> No.3826870
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ubermonster master soda.

and no i'm not a 12 year old, i usually like coffee but coffee is sickening when its almost 100 degrees outside. summertime is energy drink season and this is the best there is.

>> No.3826875

The only energy drink I can stand is Bawls. The rest are just too fucking sweet.

>> No.3826880

pretty much this.

bawls is the only energy drink, i'll drink just for the taste. the only time i drink other energy drinks, is because i need the energy/caffeine.

vault is a close 2nd though.

>> No.3826886


Fuck yes best company ever.

>> No.3826889

I personally love jones

>> No.3826942
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>> No.3826954

there use to be a deal on those at CVS each for 67cent each
now they are so expensive.

>> No.3828091

Jone's cream is the best. Oh man, some good times with that, too.

>> No.3828096

They started serving it to schools because it's "healthy," and everyone realized how good it actually is.

Combine that with the health fad.

>> No.3828098


yeah. its more of a rare treat now. It sucks because not only do they taste great, but are also a little better for you. No random ass ingredients.

>> No.3828099

rooster booster

>> No.3828100

Mexican coca-cola and fanta

>> No.3828146
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RIP ;_;

I wonder if I can get Afri-Cola in Canada.

>> No.3828166

its everywhere in canada (since it is canadian).
it really is... their cream, orange cream and cola are the only pops i bother buying.

>> No.3828213

A&W Root beer, from an actual A&W restaurant.

Holy shit I've never tasted better.

>> No.3828233

boylan ginger ale, smuckers natural brew root beer, and coca cola made with sugar
/2 cents

>> No.3828241

Jones is pretty good but it bugs me my local grocery store only has a couple of their flavors in cans, you pay the same price for the bottled variety but with double the quantity.

>> No.3828246

I can't stand rootbeer at A&W restaurants, seems like everyone one I go to they have their mix different, and always weaker than the canned product. Sure it has the potential to be epic, if you do find a place that isn't being stingy with the syrup, but the lack of consistancy makes me very sad face

>> No.3828250
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>> No.3830229
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dg ginger beer

>> No.3830236

I like Virgil's sweetened with cane sugar, the orange cream in the bomb. They also have a premium microbrewed bavarian nutmeg root beer that is amazing. It comes in swing top bottles.

>> No.3830244
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you cannot deny it

but if you aren't feeling like a cola, pic related is cash

>> No.3832380
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Cheerwine, i love cherries and i love soda.

>> No.3832397
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Those are surprisingly damn good for a store brand.

>> No.3832407

I tried some Jone's soda for the first time a few days ago. The blueberry lemonade (I think thats what flavor it was) one was pretty good but not something I would go out of my way to buy again. The cream soda was kind of odd and I didn't really like it at all.

What do you guys think are the best flavors? Kind of wondering which ones to get if I ever get the urge to buy more.

>> No.3832436
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>> No.3832440



>> No.3832462

i like jones if i'm just having 3 or 4 sodas but for a session i reach for a 12 pack of coke

>> No.3832516
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I bought a case of these at costco recently. Tastiest aspartame-laced soda I've ever had.

>> No.3832518
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superior Bundaberg Ginger Beer reporting in.

tastes great and not as harsh as this guy claims it to be.


dude's a pussy.

>> No.3833098

I saw these at my local kroger, always considered trying them. Thanks.. I might have some incentive now.

>> No.3833172
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>white birch beer is, it's clear birch beer that's massively superior to its red cousin

MASSIVELY superior to regular birch beer? I find that hard to believe, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it...

>> No.3833190

Why does eryone use the same pic to start this thread? Boylens RB ftw.

>> No.3833234
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>Having a session of soda drinking

>> No.3833246

bob marley berry flavor no homo

>> No.3833251

what up 618 brah

>> No.3833267

my favorite energy drink is a tall glass of Sierra Mist on ice and a packet of Emergen-C Tangerine flavor

(sidenote: Sierra Mist is all natural yet it's a cheap national 2-liter brand, why are you even drinking 7-UP? it has an aftertaste of chalk)

>> No.3833420
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In a Kola master race reporting

>> No.3833424


Fuck. Inca Kola.

>> No.3833452
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This shit right here.

Nice crisp apple flavor, not too sweet.

>> No.3833457

Inca Kola is fucking amazing. But being an American I get some stares


>> No.3833473

Inca Cola and Jones are my two exotic fuckbuddies, whereas Mountain Dew is my usual, redneck lay.

>> No.3833482

Club Orange is probably my favorite soda, followed by Fentiman's Dandelion and Burdock.

>> No.3833484
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Kentucky master race reporting in.

>> No.3833489

That shit is beyond cash... last time i was in Lexington i bought 4 cases

>> No.3833508

Pepsi is the best, hands down.

>> No.3833513


How can you drink that stuff without any teeth?

>> No.3833516

Do you chew your soda or something?

>> No.3833526


Oh look, he's trying to be cute.

>> No.3833540

Whatsa teeth? U mean thum whaat things tat faull aout cuh maof wen u dun turrnd insta uh growd up?

>> No.3833544

Soda is absolute fucking SHIT

>> No.3833554
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