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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 399 KB, 1024x768, Veggies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3823698 No.3823698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why aren't you a vegan?

You enjoy paying people to torture and kill animals?

>> No.3823701

I find the meat industry reprehensible but if I don't buy the meat it'll just get thrown out.

>> No.3823700

are you even trying?

>> No.3823704


But if you do buy meat you're creating a market for it and allowing more meat to be packaged

>> No.3823702

All that innocent plant life...

>> No.3823710

no dipshit if you knew anything about basic market economics you would understand a single person outside of direct market control has no effect what so ever on large scale supply and demand systems.

>> No.3823715
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>the nazies are already killing the jews, might as well join/support them. One guy can't stop it, so let's just kill all the jews, man

>> No.3823712

I disagree with animal cruelty/ inhumane practices. I don't disagree with killing animals for meat. And because I like meat.

>> No.3823713


>> No.3823719


Killing something isn't cruel/inhumane?

>> No.3823721


fuck off and die jew scum

>> No.3823725
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>I disagree with animal cruelty
>I don't disagree with killing animals

>> No.3823735

It's entirely possible to kill an animal in a way that minimizes its suffering and to care for it well up until that point.

>> No.3823736


Killing someone because you want to eat them is still immoral. That's like saying "I don't agree with murder, but I don't disagree with murdering someone if I want their jewelry"

>> No.3823742


A mugger can either beat you to death slowly with a crowbar or he can shoot you in the head and kill you instantly to minimize your suffering. If he chooses to just shoot you before taking your money, does that make it fine and humane?

>> No.3823749

>Implying absolute morality exists.
See above. I do not view killing for food in the same light as I view killing to rob someone.

>> No.3823751

>Implying that, if we all magically turn vegan, aaaaall those animals and livestock wouldn't be killed overnight, to free space for farms and plantations

>> No.3823760


So it'd be fine to kill a guy if you felt like eating him?

>> No.3823761

>You enjoy paying people to torture and kill animals?
Yes, I do.

>> No.3823763


Didn't imply that in the slightest, but if by some miracle everyone went vegan then atleast the cycle of animal birth and slaughter would stop with that last group of animals

>> No.3823767
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This is now an avian thread.

>> No.3823777


> I do not view killing for food in the same light as I view killing to rob someone.

You're robbing the animals of their life for a selfish reason. You don't need to eat meat, it's not even good for you, but you choose to have the animals killed anyway because you like how it tastes. It's no different than killing someone for their watch

>> No.3823789

> It's no different than killing someone for their watch
Newsflash. Animals do not having the emotional range or thoughts you keep assigning to them. You're only punishing yourself with guilt, I recognize it as disturbing ignorance and emotional disturbance.

>> No.3823798


Holy goddamn shit, are you joking? Do you know anything about history other than what your fucking retarded media tells you?

>> No.3823797

Not ideal, no. Not unless you were literally going to starve otherwise or he consented.
I'd say you're oversimplifying things quite a bit. One is very wasteful, and needless (even if you wanted to steal his watch you could do so without killing).

I don't really feel like debating though.

>> No.3823800


And what do you base that on? What you like to tell yourself so you don't have to feel like as bad of a person as you really are? Any pet owner can tell you an animal feels strong emotions

>> No.3823814


>Not unless you were literally going to starve otherwise or he consented.

Well you're not going to starve if you stop eating meat, and they damn well aren't consenting. What makes harvesting animals uncruel?

>> No.3823818

Some animals do actually, not necessarily to the extent of humans, but enough so that I would object to eating them unless I was starving with no alternatives. The rest are fair game so far as I'm concerned. That said, you summed up my position nicely.
We ought to base it on our current understanding of science and not on extremely biased pet owners. I'm really not interested in debating though.

>> No.3823819

Animals do not have abstract thoughts. It can feel pain, it can't conceive of suffering. Anyone who owns a pet realises how retarded the damned things are.

>> No.3823823
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animals are fucking tasty

>> No.3823834

I FUCKING LOVE TORTURING ANIMALS! oh god, the suffering makes them more delicious.

>> No.3823992
File: 81 KB, 1279x547, shit thread kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are responding seriously to this

>> No.3824023

Animal Suffering makes the Food taste better.
Search your feelings, you know it too be true.

>> No.3824057

That seems like a pretty small pot, even for a bird. what is he even cooking there anyway? He must be on a cut.

>> No.3824114

Im planning a cook out in front of the PETA headquarters, we are going to bring whole large game animals and butcher them on site, smaller animals like rabbits will be alive just prior to being cooked, there will also be a sausage station and if I can find somebody who knows how to do it a wok station with somebody making one of those fried fish that get cooked alive.

>> No.3824118


I'd join you. A proper grilling session would be nice.

>> No.3824126

Maybe if we just leave them alone, they'd just go away...

>> No.3824459

fuck your morality and fuck your inflated sense of self.
fuck your righteousness.
fuck your rich teenage white world problems.
fuck you.

>> No.3824467

I'm convinced these Vegan threads are all just Monsanto viral marketing agents. Get more people eating vegetables = more money for Monsanto.

>> No.3824475
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>> No.3824491
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Oops you're stupid

>> No.3824526

>You're robbing the animals of their life
Nope, they wouldn't have been bred, housed, fed, etc unless I was planning on eating them.
>for a selfish reason.
True, my survival, health, etc is for ME and thus selfish.
>You don't need to eat meat,
Not quite false, it's very difficult to maintain good nutrition without meat.
>it's not even good for you,
Definitely false.
>you like how it tastes.
VERY true.
>It's no different than killing someone for their watch
That's completely retarded. A cow isn't a person.

>> No.3824531

that's why

>> No.3824537

>Any pet owner can tell you an animal feels strong emotions

I'm a pet owner, and I'm here to tell you: YOU'RE WRONG. Dogs and cats don't cry at weddings, they barely empathize, and generally don't compare to the range of human emotions.

>> No.3824555

Vegans are gay and being gay is for faggots.

>> No.3824618

as a gay male, i found this exceptionally hilarious

just don't say it in public anon

>> No.3824897

thought about going vegan for health
honestly don't give a fuck about meat is murder
I love me some fish and chicken from time to time

>> No.3824901

but I hunt OP. I kill my animals myself.

>> No.3824904

are you sure you just don't know how to read your pet's emotions properly?

>> No.3824908

>>why aren't you a vegan

Let's see:

1) I like meat.
2) I have no moral problems with killing animals for food. Animals are far more brutal to each other than we humans are.
3) I don't have a strange need to act high-and-mighty around my fellow humans
4) Eating a healthy vegan diet is both difficult and expensive. Eating a healthy omnivorous diet is not.
5) As I have an education, I can examine the human body and it's pretty clear that we humans were meant to eat an omnivorous diet, rather than strictly vegetables. Animals that are strict herbivores have specific adaptations for that, such as multiple stomachs, cud chewing, flat molars, and some are even coprophagous. As humans lack those features it's pretty clear that biologically we should be eating a mixed diet of veg, fruits, meat, etc, etc.

>> No.3824911
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thought about going vegan for the health

Doesn't mean I won't go out to get some sushi every blue moon or so

>> No.3824916

>Dogs and cats don't cry at weddings
only faggots cry at weddings. You're upset because your dog isn't a faggot?

>> No.3824924

> it's very difficult to maintain good nutrition without meat
>people believe this
people have been vegetarians or centuries before modern nutrition science

>> No.3824932


People believed in jesus for centuries too. What's your point?

Just because something has been done before doesn't mean it's a good idea or that it makes sense.

>> No.3824952

if you weren't an idiot my point would have been clear. it's very easy to be healthy as a vegetarian.

>> No.3825009

I just have a quick question:
What the fuck is the point of being a vegan? I mean sure, vegetarians make sense because they don't want to hurt animals, but vegans deny all products that had to do with an animal, like milk or eggs. Why? You're not hurting the animal in any way taking its unfertilized eggs or milk, just to name a couple of things.
Is it just a trend of the times? Like teens saying they're bisexual? Is it just to look cooler?

>> No.3825018

Cows and chickens are harmed badly when taking their milk and eggs in factory farms. In some ways, it is almost worse than just killing them for food. Their life is shit up to that point, but at least they get to die in terror at the end. For dairy/eggs, their torment never ends.

I'm a vegetarian though, not a vegan. I was a vegan for 6 months, but I was about to lose my shit being denied cheese-pizza.

>> No.3825023

I prefer the Asian way of looking at meat. The meat is to compliment the vegetables, not the other way around. Hence they have platefuls of vegetables and rice and a little bit of meat.

Unlike the westernised versions of Asian restaurants where we complain if the shit aint piled high up with meat.

I do make an exception with eating a fucking good steak

>> No.3825036

Fuck you, OP. I'm too poor to buy meat, and fuck you trying to push your vegan shit on everyone. This is why people don't like vegans, because you can't just shut the fuck up and let everyone eat what they want. Go back to shoving carrots up your ass please. Are there any vegans at all who aren't whiny holier-than-thou cunts? I really hope there are.

>> No.3825092

It goes like this: i like my meat i don't want to stop eating it. In my mind am not paying to get animals tortured(altought that is what probably is happeningg). . .

In my mind im just paying for the final product, the oh so tasty savory meat.

>> No.3825098
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You vegetarians are all a bunch of pussy faggots. God put animals on this earth for their delicious meat goodness. How can you possibly refuse steak, or kalamari, or sushi?? Your all homos

>> No.3825104
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>> No.3825103

I specifically do it because of faggots like you, OP.

3/10, would be trolled by vegan faggotry again.

>> No.3825108
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>> No.3825110

>Yfw OP posted this thread while eating a bacon double cheeseburger

>> No.3825163
File: 65 KB, 550x386, cheetahs_eating_gazelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you disagree with this, OP?
Why are you so against the natural order?
We're at the top of the food chain.

>> No.3825177

god i want some of that spaghetti RIGHT NOW

>> No.3825266

Obviously, those Cheetahs just need to be force fed a vegan diet.

>> No.3825323

Pay people? Fuck I'm the one who does it. The flesh of animals is too delicious. If it was legal to eat people, there'd be no poverty, because I'd be making homeless dude and African baby tacos.

>> No.3825345

>So why aren't you a vegan
because I like eating things that taste good

>> No.3825400

There should really be a way to report these threads, I'm pretty sure /lit/ still can't talk about Ayn Rand. Of course, it would help if people would stop replying.

>> No.3825409


yes I do enjoy it

>> No.3825540

I don't understand how vegans can enjoy fruit or cocoa/tea/coffee products when it needs an animal/insect to help pollinate it which is sort of exploiting them.
Vegetarians seem way less hypocrite to me as an omnivore.

>> No.3825594 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 640x520, vegan_support_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree we should just create endless Kobebeff in labs, but until then... For every animal you don't eat, for every you don't eat sir.

>> No.3825602

Looks like noone posted a link to Maddox, so here it is:

>> No.3825606

I do enjoy killing the rabbits I eat. I'm getting a boner thinking about snapping that little guys neck, butchering him, and making a tasty stew.

>> No.3825610

Yes, I do. I do it for lulz. And because meat is an intergral part of my lifestyle. I see no need to contribute to screwing with the economy and the natural way of things by not eating meat.

>> No.3825645

Vegan Challenge: be a vegan without having anyone else know.

>> No.3825671
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>> No.3825681

I'm against animal factory farming because they're put through hellish conditions. but as just another slightly smarter animal I'm not against meat outright. for example, some species require culling for the sake of ecosystem stability and I'm not against hunting and eating those. animals kill and eat other animals. I'm not above that. penning the up to fatten them and pumping them full of steroids and antibiotics I'm against. also watch earthlings, a great insight into factory farming

>> No.3825712

that's easy when youre not a dpuche. I dontwatto tell someone, "no sorryiwonteatyourcruel foo dim better thanyou". I'll just have salad and say I'm nothungry

>> No.3825769

Hard Mode: Eat out casually with friends without telling them you're a vegan