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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 579x527, plebs are needed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3820823 No.3820823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What foods will instantly identify a person as having poor tastes, if said person enjoys the food?
Burgers from $4 'restaurant's come to mind, but what else?
Does well-done steak count?

>> No.3820827

Top answer: KETCHUP


>> No.3820830

Of course well done steak counts.
Include Mountain Dew drinkers and people who only order tex mex style burritos from mexican restaurants.

>> No.3820831

Oh shit, I forgot.
Bottled water.
Bottled water is the king of pleb tastes.

>> No.3820836
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Garum aphorae from Hispania are the easiest give away.

>> No.3820850

Fast/junk food obviously. Anything americlap tier, basically.

>> No.3820853

If liking anchovies is plebeian, then I don't even care.

>> No.3820854

I dunno. I could go for some noodles + vegetables, and that counts as fast food.

>> No.3820856

Hot dogs.

Seriously thats shit tier and if youre more than ten years old, for shame.

Cook a god damn brat, Italian, or Polish sausage. Hot dogs are the failure meat.

>> No.3820862


A "dog" of well-done steak, garnished with ketchup, from a $4 restaurant, and washed down with mountain dew

Is the /ck/ equivalent of shopping at hot topic?

>> No.3820868

Don't forget the side of chili with beans and a slice of non-Italian pizza.

>> No.3820869

everyone in this thread is a pleb, and yes I'm aware that I just damned myself, but holy fuck you people have lost all touch with reality.

>> No.3820871

Pizza originated in New York. Italian pizza is pleb tier.

>> No.3820873

For a proper foodie, too many dried herbs and spices.
My parents have herbs that haven't been touched in years I dread to think what they taste like.

>> No.3820875
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posting in /ck/?

>> No.3820876

Yes this is /ck/.

>> No.3820878
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>caring about authenticity over flavor
>faux foody elitism
>people that get all their cooking knowledge from /ck/ and food network

These are some of my favorite things

>> No.3820880

Suck a dick faggot. The Dew is god tier.

>> No.3820882

But authenticity is the same thing as flavour.

>> No.3820883


Anyone that eats at places where your food is not served to you while seated

>> No.3820885

What we think of as modern pizza, with tomato sauce and cheese, originated in Naples.

>> No.3820886

they taste just the same as they did when they were new 5-10-15 years ago, that "volitile oils floating off into the ether" bullshit the foodnetwork spews is just to get people to buy more spices. Alton brown suggests that shit has a shelf life of 6 months, all of my lol.

Yes there is a world of difference between fresh and dried herbs, but once it's dried, it's not changing much after that.

>> No.3820887
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Take the pants off your head retard.

>> No.3820888


>> No.3820890
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> that "volitile oils floating off into the ether" bullshit the foodnetwork spews is just to get people to buy more spices


>> No.3820891
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Anything the table of 4 who came in ten minutes before closing orders after the last group before that had left 20 minutes earlier.

Now cook whatever they order exactly they way they want it. College doesn't seem so stupid now does it.

>> No.3820892

That might be true if you store the spices in an air tight container and never open them, but once oxygen gets in it starts to lose flavor.

>> No.3820896

> holy fuck you people have lost all touch with reality.

I have been seeing this same phenomena all my life in every venue I've been. It started in 1st grade. Anyone who didn't bring their lunch rather than eat school cafeteria food was either pleb by nature, or a poor fuck who got the discount lunch cards. And I'll be goddamned if by the end of 2nd grade, only faggots and poor kids bring baloney sandwiches packed their lunch.

It continued on with clothes, whether or not you carried your shit to school in your hands or used a backback. Brand of shoes was extremely critical. Woe is you if you wore Traxx (kmart brand). Then anyone that had shoe laces instead of velcro straps was obviously shit-tier. Of course that flipped around and became opposite as soon as the young leaders' mommies bought them new shoes, then their mindless followers bought the same.

It all stopped for me with parachute pants. I just couldn't do it. It was one step too far over the faggotry line. I haven't bought into this hipster bullshit since then.

And I don't mind that a lot of people are natural Smithers, but why do they have to campaign for everyone to get behind them on it? Who the fuck are they gonna lead?

> Leader
> Follower

Pick one, pansy

>> No.3820897

that first sentence really hurts to read, I did get what you're saying but god damn, it's like time travel

>> No.3820898

>"top answer" implying there are others
>claiming the thread is ended

>> No.3820900

To me you are a pleb if you eat well done steak, only eat junk or fast food all the time and are only willing to eat that, put ketchup and mayo on everything or mixing them, prefer shit tuna from a can instead of any actual cut of fish, eat pizza or sushi with fork and knife, mixing a ton of various messy buffet quality food on a plate into one nasty pile of shit, covering salad in so much dressing you would be better off just drinking the dressing instead of eating the salad, drowning sushi in soy sauce, and judging a restaurant based on its reputation.

>> No.3820904

Anything buzzword is when you eat stuff with a complete disregard for health. The rest is just 'lolpleb' social status bullshit.

>> No.3820905


It's not a big deal for one person to cook 4 meals while everyone else cleans.

I'm surprised you can't work this out with your college education and crippling debt.

>> No.3820908
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white marbles

I mean there are so many other marbles in the world only a pleb would settle for just white marbles.

>> No.3820909
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>implying doing something someone orders exactly the way they want it is somehow exclusive to jobs that don't require a college education

>> No.3820910

But that's not actually how Physics works.

>> No.3820916

I'm going to culinary college. What does education level have to do with working in the foodservice industry?
Also your diction is fucking awful.

>> No.3820947

>hipster bullshit

>> No.3821032

Olive Garden.

Fuck Olive Garden.

I have pretentious friends who think their pallets are much too refined for McDonald's, but will happily slop down that "authentic" fettuccine birdshit disaster from Olive Garden, which I consider to be even worse.

My Italian grandmother once told me she would rather die than eat at that place.

>> No.3821038

Why am I the only person I know who enjoys all food

I'm not even fat I'm like 6"0 150lbs

seriously why does everyone complain. I like my steak anything between fucking rare and well done, I like all sauces and dressings

srs guys srs

>> No.3821041

>not using the correct pleb.

what a moron.

>> No.3821046

Since I can't post images to make my own thread:

In complete seriousness, are city pigeons any good? I have two of them nesting in my garage and I'm debating if I should shoot and cook them up. Weren't they were once a delicacy?

>> No.3821051


Pigeons were imported into the USA specifically to be a food source. Many people will think that the idea of eating pigeon is gross since pigeons eat food lying on the ground, but frankly I'd love to show those people a chicken farm. A "street pigeon" is no more dirty than a chicken. I wouldn't hesitate to eat one as long as it wasn't obviously sick.

>> No.3821053

What the fuck?

>> No.3821054

Microwave food as a full meal.
Yeah, if I'm having a lazy day I'll have some microchips or a rustlers (UK shitty microwave burger) but if you're having a proper meal that has a name other than "snack" the microwave is only used to reheat or to bake a potato or something legit.

My dad got me a microwave chicken chow mein once and I tasted it and nearly gagged. The noodles were meh but the chicken tasted like... the smell of raw eggs.

>> No.3821060

Plebian here. Enjoy french fries and cheese sticks from all the cheap purveyors in the land. Very choosy about my coffee beans and brewing method but I enjoy foods cooked with abysmal standards -- partial to the fried and creamy stuff.

>> No.3821061

I'll give it a shot then, worth trying everything once. I only asked because I've had city geese before and they tasted a bit strange. Thanks man.

>> No.3821064

IMHO the ultimate pleb food are those "recipes" you get from the back of cereal boxes or on the sides of cans that seem to read more like an advertisement for products from that company more than an actual from-scratch recipe. You know the shit I'm talking about...."dump 1 can of CAMPBELLS cream of mushroom soup into a casserole dish and add a package of KRAFT brand fried onions....etc..."

>> No.3821071
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>>seriously why does everyone complain. I like my steak anything between fucking rare and well done, I like all sauces and dressings

this. this, this, a thousand god damned times, this.

do you want to talk about the true root of "pleb" that everybody throws around on here? it has to do exactly with what this anon said: complaining. people can limit their diets, methods of preparation, etc. all they want but the problem here is someone whose choleric pickiness overshadows the presence of their enjoyment.

i don't even know that i'd limit this to, specifically, the subject of the food they eat. i think that the "pleb" is defined even more broadly. for example, if their personality itself is unpleasant. example: one of my roommates eats like a 3rd grader. his food literally has to be processed meat and/or cheese with very specific, limited adornments. BUT: say we go get food or order takeout - he's fun as hell because he'll jovially try to hunt down something within his limited tastes at any type of restaurant.

tl;dr: let me paraphrase something a writer i like mentioned. if a person defines their world/tastes more by what they DON'T like, what they AREN'T, then that person is a very large piece of shit and is less worth being around. the brilliant ones DO like and say they ARE.

>> No.3821084

Yep. Someone that eats greasy bbq sauce pizza > someone that picks shit out their food.

>> No.3821085

You ever win a free trip to detroit?

>> No.3821095

stop typing pleb would be a great start on your way to not sounding like a complete fucking redneck, working class, gutter rat.

even prole is more salient.

>> No.3821100


>> No.3821126

some of the easy ones
ordering a nice cut of steak more cooked than medium
putting ranch on everything
putting hot sauce on everything (drenching it in hot sauce)
putting pepper and salt on food without tasting it first.
drenching their salads in dressing.
ketchup on everything

>> No.3821128
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>> No.3821133


Yeah pretty much every day I look at my mounting student loan debt and future as an engineer I remember how much I enjoyed working in kitchens and then I die a little inside.

>> No.3821135

Ohh you get that shit in the US too? Yeah. They're not too bad if you toast the buns, add some real cheese/lettuce/sauce and butter.

>> No.3821241


They'll just taste like a very mildly flavored dust, it's not very impressive in any way.

>> No.3821247

Wow, just reading this comment made me gain like 8 years of maturity. WHERE DID MY YOUTH GO???

>> No.3821265
File: 31 KB, 363x310, Wait your serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With new sauce

>> No.3821267

when can we knock this "pleb" thing off

i'm getting so fucking tired of it

>> No.3821289

Being able to buy name brand stuff but still buy knock offs because you can't tell the difference. Also, marinating things for only like an hour or 2 and say it tastes fine.
My moms side of the family basically has the mentality of hey, at least we have food. I fucking hate it.