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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 360x334, TBoneSteak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3799894 No.3799894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ I come to you with a question. I hope you can enlighten me.

Is there a way to eat rare meat without the danger of getting worms or other diseases? And by rare I don't mean not well done. I mean the steak as it comes from the cow. I would love to eat it this way, but I always cook it because I am scared of the diseases. I do eat raw vegetables though, but that is safe.

>> No.3799917

There's a simple process you can execute in order to achieve that. It's called cooking the meat. Apply the product to heat for a certain amount of time and you can eliminate all dangers.

If you elect to avoid that process, I'd encourage you to suck start a shotgun because you're too fucking stupid to reproduce.

>> No.3799916

Please respond.

If anyone knows the answer to this is this board.

>> No.3799922

Try pleah saiko, it's a Cambodian salad that marinates the raw beef in lime juice.

>> No.3799929

Maybe there was a way to eliminate all dangers like you say without having to cook it with heat. I don't know much about it, but for example I know there are dishes that are only cooked with lemon juice. You don't have to be so rude.

>> No.3799940

You label yourself as a faggot and expect someone to be respectful in their response?

lol - go fuck yourself

>> No.3799945

I think your best bet might just be to find a good butcher- preferably one who sells meat that organic/not factory farmed. Tell them you want steak tartare or another classic raw beef dish. They should be able to give you safe meat.

>> No.3799949

* reasonably safe

>> No.3799952

Blue rare steak.

>> No.3799961

Thanks for your suggestions first of all.

Although I wasn't looking for a fancy dish to prepare and see what raw meat tastes like. I actually just wanted to be able to eat it raw without having to cook it because I don't like to be bothered by cooking it. I don't care about the taste of the food I eat, and the nutritional values are the same raw or cooked, so it would be simpler and faster.

Good advice, I will look into that, see if I can get a trustworthy organic butcher. Although I don't think I will where I live.

Why are you telling me to go fuck myself? Whatever did I do to you?

>> No.3800110
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1331043745820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest OP - are you some kind of furry? You're a furry, aren't you?

>> No.3800223

Considering how very little work is involved to simply cook meat to a safe temperature, I call troll or attention whore.

>look at me guys, I want to eat raw meat, aren't I edgy?

>> No.3800235

>eat raw meat
>take monthly dewormer

>> No.3800241

Most cases of people getting sick from undercooked meat are in restaurants or public food places. I have yet to meet a person who prepared his own rare/raw meat and got ill.

>> No.3800248

You can get it irradiated. That'll kill all bacteria and micros.

>> No.3800252

Blue rare is perfect for if you actually like the taste of raw meat but have to have it -hot-. I fall into this category as I love the taste of raw meat but still have to have it hot.

Though if you lean towards not giving a fuck about heat and can eat it cold; Steak tartare.

Here's a recipe on how to make it without worry! http://italianfood.about.com/od/meatantipasti/r/blr0745.htm

>> No.3800274

In various South American and Central American countries, and in South Africa, which has a common diet of raw meats, raw beef is eaten fresh frequently. I'll admit that I almost died from eating raw venison when I was 11 but no biggie amirite?

My uncles cover the meat in sea salt, let it sit for an hour or two, rinse it with lemon juice and eat it raw seasoned lightly with pepper. So yea, hope that helps.

>> No.3800277


ignore all other responses

>> No.3800331


>> No.3800357
File: 158 KB, 500x332, Yukhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to Korean restaurant.

Ask for Yook Hwe.

>> No.3800370

Yes eating raw meat is safe if its fresh. You can see if its fresh by smelling it. Raw meat when fresh shouldn't smell. You should only eat tenderloin uncooked as it has the least connective tissue.

Pound your tenderloin very thin to get carpaccio. Or mince it fine for steak tartare. Serve with a raw egg yolk.

In my opinion raw beef is best after an overnight acidic marination.

>> No.3800553
File: 53 KB, 599x415, meat-temperatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I always eat meat well done anywhere and cook it well done because my dad scared the fuck out of me about worms and shit. Is there a certain cook point where there is no chance of worms or anything? I would to try a medium rare steak with no worries. From what cooking stage of the meat is it safe to eat? for example: medium well and above. I want to know when the meat can be eaten safe. pic related from which and above is meat safe

>> No.3800561

It can be eaten safe at any temperature if the meat is fresh. If it's from a grocery store, don't do blue rare. Otherwise you'll be fine, you puss.

>> No.3800571


Cool so if its grocery i can do rare and above? I can know finally eat steak rare for the first time..I will do medium well first then medium and work my way down I probably will never try blue rare unless from a 100% fresh place.Can't believe I'm trusting an Anon an article would help but oh well..

>> No.3800580

>Is there a way to eat rare meat without the danger of getting worms or other diseases?

buying fresh meat from healthy animals would usually be how you'd tip the odds in your favour.

>> No.3800582
File: 27 KB, 325x214, the more you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always better to be safe than sorry, and grocery stores aren't always known for their cleanliness. But rare doesn't equal raw, you'll be fine.

Besides, do you know how many parasites and worms you consume on a daily basis? More than you think, there's no way to avoid the critters.

>> No.3800584
File: 251 KB, 960x960, rm_ribeye_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck made that image? That's just shitty cooking. Room temperature steaks cook evenly. Otherwise your medium rare will actually be rare core, medium outer core and well done crust.

Pic related what medium rare actually looks like. Bright pink throughout. Every bit is cooked but its still very very soft. Uncooked steak feels gelatinous in my opinion.


>> No.3800589

Don't be a pussy. Supermarket steaks are fine rare._

>> No.3800623


Interesting so when I buy steak I'll marinate it for 1~2 hours i usually use red wine, and some spices dry rub afterwards. I leave it room temperature to marinate so it cooks evenly. Never cook steak when its not room temperature? Sorry I still new to cooking steak

>> No.3800637

If you're getting a fatty cut like ribeye, only do a dry rub and marinate it. It'll be tender and flavorful without all that shit. If getting something lean like sirloin, marinade is fine as long as you dry it off completely. And yes, you should always leave your steak to room temperature before cooking.

If you're cooking it in a pan, get it on a high heat, rub it with a little bit of neutral oil like sunflower or vegetable, and sear it on both sides. Depending on how thick your cut is, you may need to leave them in the pan for a while (for 1-inch thick, cook for 2 minutes each side. That'll get you medium rare). Take it out of the pan and let it sit for 5 minutes before cutting into it.

>> No.3800638


True. The bigger the supermarket, think safeway, the less chance of being able to sue for food poisoning.

I'm not sure if they all irradiate or not, but it's a great way to eat raw without the worry.

>> No.3800639

>If you're getting a fatty cut like ribeye, only do a dry rub and DON'T marinate it

Fix'd, sorry about that.

>> No.3800643

I wouldn't marinade good steak like ny strip, tenderloin or ribeye. Let it come down to RT. Season both sides with salt and pepper.

A good technique is pan searing. Get your pan as hot as possible. Like get an oven safe pan and keep in a 500F oven for 10 minutes. Transfer to a stovetop and sear your steak for 30 seconds on both sides. Put your pan back in the oven and wait two minutes. Flip the steak and wait two more minutes. That gives me a medium rare in my oven. Yours might be different.

Let it sit for 10 minutes.

>> No.3800645


I've never tried using a Pan I usually broil my steak. What I did with filet Mignon is I put brushed olive oil in both sides after its been marinated for 1~2 hours and broil it flipping sides every couple of minutes. Also is steak the same rule as burgers? flip once? Also what Dry rub do you use? I don't have much I just use garlic salt, pepper, and lawrys seasoned salt.

>> No.3800654

Just salt and pepper. Good steak needs no other flavor.

>> No.3800656
File: 149 KB, 329x446, two brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also is steak the same rule as burgers? flip once?

Yup. You can check to see that the bottom's not burning (and move it around if it is), but don't flip more than once. As for seasoning, I use 2 Brothers, but anything you enjoy on your steak is going to be acceptable. Some people will tell you all you need is salt and pepper, but it's ultimately up to you. Garlic salt and pepper, with a tiny bit of seasoned salt, would work great.

>> No.3800671

We need a steak thread on what kinds of steaks need marinate and which dry rub and which cooking methods, shit like that. Sharing recipes and some tips and tricks.

>> No.3800681

It's simple. If its expensive no need to marinade. If its cheap marinade it. If its really cheap make a stew or pot roast or braise it.

>> No.3800687

If it costs a lot of money at a steakhouse, don't marinade. If it isn't on the menu, marinade. It's fairly easy to remember.