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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3798590 No.3798590[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post food related things that max our feel-o-meter
The thnk sound canning jars make when they cool and the lid pops down.
The smell of a bundle of fresh picked basil
The feel of a a sharp blade sliding through a nice piece of tuna
*happy sigh*

>> No.3798594
File: 975 KB, 1944x2592, 1342720857989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel

>> No.3798595

dat feel

>> No.3798596

That sound meat makes when it's being seared, especially followed by the sound of deglazing a hot pan.
That feel when you've got something in the oven/recently pulled something out of it, you walk back inside and your whole place smells incredible
And it may be obvious, but that feel when a dish you've never made before turned out perfectly, you sit and enjoy your hard work.
There is nothing better than good food feels.

>> No.3798597

That moment where you taste something halfway through and it tastes EXACTLY how it's supposed to.

Biting into a huge ripe peach that you just picked from a tree in Michigan.

>> No.3798602
File: 141 KB, 369x373, ohmygodsparkles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smell of fresh baked bread
>the smell of hot, strong black tea
>hot fluffy biscuits with honey butter
>grandma's cooking
>holiday food
>cooking a dish for the first time and worrying that you ruined it, and discovering that it looks and tastes amazing by the end

>> No.3798604

The feel when you have people over for dinner , you make more food than necessary (i always make too much to be safe), and every scrap gets eaten because they enjoy it so much.

>> No.3798614
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I LOVE THIS. I had friends over for dinner recently who gushed about how good the meal was, and they kept complaining about how they couldn't eat any more because of how full they were (and they're that skinny kind of guy who consumes food like a garbage disposal). Warm fuzzies errywhere.

>> No.3798620

This happened to me today. I prepared Russian/Ukrainian-style crêpes stuffed with pork-mince that was cooked with onion and leek and finished with thick Eastern European-style sour cream and lots of dill.
I served it alongside mashed potatoes.
I offered homemade mushroom gravy (bits of king oyster sautéed in butter, flour added and sautéed to make roux, then porcini broth added and thickened into gravy) to pour over both the potatoes and the crêpes and served simple garlic-sautéed spinach and some fruit and cheese as an after meal.
Everything... and I mean /everything/, was devoured. Very happy.

>> No.3798623

I just enjoy the sound of crinkling plastic that herbs get sold in.

>> No.3798624
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>dat perfect compliment of butter added to cooked vegetables

>> No.3798712

The smell of an oven preheating.

Experienced that today when getting ready to cook my pizza.

>frozen pizza


>> No.3798714

Dat crunch when you bite into a perfectly toasted crostini

>> No.3798717

clean your oven, it should't smell when it heats up. you are going to start a damn fire

>> No.3798720

not even a little?

and besides wiping in the insides and shit (inb4 that's wrong & I just rustled some jimmies) how do I clean it so there's no smell?

personally I dont think there's any risk. I mean I left it on for maybe 20 mins total. it sounded fine.

>> No.3798724

God /ck/ is slow.

stop eating for one second fatties.

>> No.3798731

if you have an automatic cleaning oven, use that setting. If not, spray the insides with oven cleaner. Set a timer for two hours, wipe the oven out. If it is still dirty, spray it again and repeat. Your oven shouldn't smell. If it is a gas oven, you might get a faint whiff of gas when the oven ignites, that is fine. You really should be careful if it "stinks"

>> No.3798738

The smell of non-drugstore brand gummy bears (mango, pineapple,strawberry, peach flavors) in a bag. hhnnngggg

Dat combination of smell + visuals when dat roast is taken out of the oven and I can pull the meat off with a fork and there's juice running everywhere GODDAMN

>> No.3798739

You sound like a nice lady. Are you someone's Mom? That is good advice, I never think about cleaning my oven.

>> No.3798741
File: 60 KB, 500x500, haribo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga

>> No.3798743

I got gummies from FAO Schwarz today omg...heaven.

>> No.3798749

I went there once and the line for the floor piano was huge. I was sad -.- I WANTED TO BE LIKE TOM HANKS DAMN IT!

>> No.3798750

Do drinks count?

I love taking a cold can of diet coke out of the fridge, and the crack noise it makes when its opened.Damn i love that noise. And then i place it to my lips and it just floods my mouth. I love the way it pours into my mouth, the temperature, the amount of fizz, the taste and the refreshing feeling.

My favourite time to do this is when ive just sat down with some food. Over the last year at uni, ive mostly been doing it with pizza. Ill buy two cans. The first one gets drunk within the first two-three slices of pizza. Then the second one gets savoured a bit more and i make it last until the pizza is finished.

>> No.3798751

It's so underwhelming, that piano. Smells like feet for days. I only go there for precious (fucking expensive) candy these days. :\

>> No.3798754

I know dat feel, bro and I rarely drink soda. But that is a good feel indeed.

>> No.3798764
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>that feel when you make something for the first time without following a recipe and just going off a general understanding of how its supposed to come together

I made custard yesterday that way. Feels so good.

>> No.3798768
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>> No.3798773

Gummy bears and hot green or Chinese white tea at the same time in my mouth, it's like this warm gooey rich flavor of the gummy bear and tea. Its awesome!

>> No.3798780

Will try. <___<

>> No.3798819

screencapped bro.

thanks for the advice. i'll try it I guess when no one is home.

and yes it is agas oven, but no it doesnt stink, but it gives off this oveny smell. ita hard to explain but it smells natural to me. not like some stanky ass dirty oven smell. or like gas. inknmow what gas smells lile and i'm super careful with it. Stories of houses out of nowhere blowing the fuck up make me cringe. I get pissed with my mom if she left the gas on (thinks she turned the stove off all the way, little bit,of gas leaking. turn off the stove, yell at her a little, and then open all the fucking doors and windows. fuck).

>> No.3798825

excuse the typos.

dunno wtf is wrong me with me today. i blame the heat.

>> No.3798846

That smell when you saute onions/garlic/shallots.

Turning over a piece of meat you're searing and seeing that lovely color.

Smell of toasting spices and then again when you grind them.

>> No.3799216
File: 90 KB, 500x377, allthefeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw biting into a fresh-picked tomato or peach in the middle of summer while it's still warm from the sun
>tfw cooking with someone you enjoy the company of
>tfw simmering a big pot of soup on the stove in the middle of winter
>tfw someone else cooks for you, when you're the one who normally cooks

>> No.3799415

related to this, when you can make food from your leftover scraps that your housemates are jealous they cant make.

>> No.3799461


>> No.3799975

>tfw biting to into that crunchy, fat salmon skin

>> No.3800026

That feel when you plan for about 8 people and only you and your two best bros show up, and y'all spend like, two days eating amazing leftovers and making the best of the hard times you went through recently.

>> No.3800029

>tfw you make a caprese salad and it looks fucking gorgeously layered
>tfw caprese salad in general

>> No.3800085

>tfw you bite into a 7+ aged cheddar
You know. That tang you get in your jaw. Nothing better.

>> No.3800095



>> No.3800701

Smoking a hand rolled cigarette whilst eating peanuts.....

Peanuts taste simply amazing between puffs on a smoke.

Not sure if it tastes the same with normal cigarettes though.

>> No.3800703

-feel guy
-with ears

>pick one

>> No.3800720

That moment when the perfect slice of raw salmon hits your tongue and seems to melt.
The smell of meat grilling and the smell of the charcoal itself.

>> No.3800728

>the smell of going back in the kitchen as onions and garlic saute

>> No.3800735
File: 33 KB, 400x264, taco_bell_tattoo_20120110_1255440577.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat agonizing howl that my stomach and intestines belches forth about ten minutes after I finish my meal at Taco Bell.

>me: shut the fuck up stomach. I'll eat what I want and you'll take it like the bitch you are. now lemme hear you say it, and say it loud goddamit. WHOS MY BITCH?!

>stomach: hooooooooooooooowl!!!!!!


>stomach: GROOOOOOOANNNN!!!! GURGLE GURgle gurgle

>me: fuckin A right, bitch. now take another burrito supreme, ya punk ass bitch.

>stomach: GRUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!

>> No.3800738

Oh god the smell of grilling.
Related, the feel when smoking meats on the grill on a fall night, opening the top and the smoke billows out, filling the crisp cool air.

>> No.3800754


i like you

also, fresh pastries that include lots of butter,
that moment when you're cooking and there's like 5 things going on at once and you're afraid you're gonna fuck all of it up or overcook something but it turns out ok because i tell myself that if i turn off the heat it won't overcook

>> No.3800765

oh lawd, my sides! in a perfect world this would be made into a taco bell commercial.

>> No.3800775


Mmm, that smell of future lung cancer.

>> No.3800777

- Cutting avocados.
- Unveiling your risen dough with excitement and then destroying the perfection of it with more kneading.
- The moment where mixtures come together perfectly.
- The smell of something in the oven and the knowledge that it'll be AMAZING.
- The smell of sauteeing onions.
- The first bowl from a batch of PERFECT soup.
- How pretty things look when they're all arranged.
- Piping things.
- Rolling sushi.

>> No.3800779


This is what some people actually believe.

>> No.3800804

closed eyes:

slice a lemon, so your nose gets the tang and the zest together

the air from a bag of french roast

the crust-end of still warm bread, slathered with butter and honey

puppy breath (no, I don't eat puppies yet, but it's still a favorite smell)

the first sip of maple syrup stirred into cold milk

>> No.3800808


also that cheese lace left in the pan after cheesburgering

captcha = cattle surgato