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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3788622 No.3788622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So if you care about your health, why aren't you a vegetarian, /ck/?

>Meat is highly acid forming, creates acidic environments which cancer and other diseases thrive in
>Most meats, unless otherwise classified and overpriced, are raised on improper grain-fed diets, and pumped full of steroids/growth hormones
>Body must devote Advanced Glycation end products just to digest meat, AGEs are directly responsible for inflammation, body also uses up energy which could otherwise be devoted to cell regeneration/immune function etc. to digest the meat
>Most meat needs to be cooked thoroughly, losing almost half of it's nutritional value
>All nutrients in meat can be found in other foods

In b4 it tastes good, not a valid reason if we are speaking biologically and for one's health

>> No.3788627

You're an idiot.

>> No.3788628

Alright, 1 troll down. Anyone with any actual reasons for still eating meat and thinking it's healthy?

>> No.3788631
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It's delicious. Only reason you need.

>> No.3788632

brb. linking this to /fit/ so they can tear your asshole to shreds.

>> No.3788637

And by Legit vegetarian, I mean that I am about 95% vegetarian. I try to eat grass fed beef or fresh caught fish once a month, purely because we are omnivores and should diversify our diets.

>> No.3788638

>In b4 it tastes good, not a valid reason if we are speaking biologically

You don't know shit. Why do you think things taste good at all? Because the human body evolved to recognize edible food vs. poisonous food. If it tastes delicious, it's because your body recognizes it as something edible.

>> No.3788642

Lol /fit/ might even recognize the thread because I have posted there for over a year. I am 5'10" 165 pounds, very active swimmer/biker so please don't say you need it to work out and what not. I could give you a whole slew of paragraphs as to why that is wrong as well

>> No.3788644


>I could give you a whole slew of paragraphs

And exactly none of them from reputable scientific sources, I wager.

>> No.3788646

If it tastes good, then why do you cook it and marinade it most of the time? And in the instances where it IS raw, you surround it with other vegetables and grains such as in sushi??

>> No.3788647

People who defend meat and think they are edgy tough guys who will "eat 3 animals for every one you dont", yet are basically consumers of factory-farmed meats, are fucking retarded.

You AREN'T a man for eating hormone, antibiotic, and ammonia-laden meat that was killed and cleaned for you.

>I hunt, fish, garden, and eat vegetarian meals half the time

>> No.3788648


>cannot into sashimi
>cannot into carpaccio
>cannot into flavor

The sad, sorry life of a vegetarian.

Cooked meat on its own is delicious. Marinades only add more flavor to what was already tasty.

>> No.3788652
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Getting all the nutrition you need from veggies is nearly impossible, and extremely expensive. Dairy, fish and chicken are vital to a healthy diet, especially for people that are active. You will never see a vegetarian athlete, it is just not possible.

As far as cooking is concerned, eating raw foods is not good for you. Our body absorbs nutrients better from cooked, but not over-cooked foods, including meats, veggies and fruits. How in the fuck do you think we evolved. The only reason to be a vegetarian are moral, and might as well be religious. The universe is hostile, deal with it.

>> No.3788651

Hurrr I Iike my meat to be injected with ammonia and then ground up with 61% non-meat products and covered and wrapped in overly-processed shit and sold under the guise of Taco Bell

Meat is the best I love it I'm a carnivore durrrrrrrr

>> No.3788650

A simple biochemistry or nutrition class would be enough to tell you that you can get all of your essential amino acids from non meat sources. All that's left that meat has to offer is iron, saturated fats, and lots of steroids/growth hormones and nutritional stress on your body. Google the paragraphs in my OP if you don't think they're true, but they definitely are. I'm too lazy to find stuff for you since you're too afraid of the truth

>> No.3788656

Sashimi is great. But again....eating it , as well as all other meats every day? Hell no. Not natural for your body or digestive system. Americans consume WAY TOO MUCH meat. We are omnivores. We can eat thousands of different foods. Why would you let one that is so bad for your body dominate your diet?

>> No.3788657
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>I'm too lazy to find stuff for you since you're too afraid of the truth

Oh god, my sides

>> No.3788659

>Dairy, fish and chicken are vital to a healthy diet, especially for people that are active. You will never see a vegetarian athlete, it is just not possible.

Vital to a healthy diet? What about the fat Americans who are killing themselves because "hurrrr you need as much protein as you can"


>> No.3788660
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>Not natural for your body or digestive system.

>> No.3788664

>wanting sources because you're too afraid of the truth

Do I really need to link sources showing that you can get all EAA's from non-meat sources, that the majority of meats have a shitload of terrible hormones and steroids and chemicals in them, that meat clogs up your digestive system? It's 2012 bro, if you were too stupid to not know this before, it's your responsibility to use the internet and learn for yourself like I did.

>> No.3788665

>I'm too lazy and stupid to use Google Scholar to research a topic that I argue about

lol sure bro. Defend your diet because you were raised that way and in no way based it on current scientific literature and critical thinking.

>hurrrr its good because Americans live so long and my parents taught me to do it

>> No.3788667
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>vegetarian diet

I'm guessing your definition of a vegetarian diet is supplemented by grains, right? Okay, let's take a look at the health value of grains:

> Grain had not been part of the human diet until about 10,000 years ago - far too little time for the human body to adapt to properly digest and use grains.

> Grains, as a self-defense mechanism, are difficult to digest. The more complex the carbohydrate, the more difficult it is to digest.

> Consumption of grain on a regular basis can and does lead to inflammation of the intestines. Diseases like IBD are often complicated by the consumption of grains.

I follow the paleo diet. The majority of my diet is composed of meat - steaks, chicken, pork. I supplement it with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, etc. and fruit like apples, bananas, and the like.

Combining this diet with weightlifting three times a week has gotten me to the best shape of my life. Let's not forget that a vegetarian has to stuff himself with beans and protein supplements to get enough protein to gain muscle, whereas I have not taken a protein supplement in months thanks to my meat-based diet.

Feel free to discuss.

>> No.3788670


>We present a 9-month-old exclusively breastfed baby of a strict vegetarian mother who had excluded all animal proteins from her diet. The patient's symptoms included dystrophy, weakness, muscular atrophy, loss of tendon reflexes, psychomotor regression and haematological abnormalities. Biochemical investigations revealed severe methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria in the patient, slight methylmalonic aciduria in the mother and low concentrations of serum vitamin B12 in both patient and mother.

>> No.3788671

>All nutrients in meat can be found in other foods

> I try to eat grass fed beef or fresh caught fish once a month, purely because we are omnivores and should diversify our diets.

But why, if you can get everything you need from a strict vegetarian diet?
If you're really this hardcore about being a vegetarian, you wouldn't even be eating meat once a month.

>> No.3788672

Vegan diets are also associated with low birth weight:


Vegan parents are 5 times less likely to have twins:


Vegan diets produce bone disease in children:


>A couple who raised their daughter on a strict vegan diet could face questioning from police after she was admitted to hospital with a degenerative bone condition which left her with the spine of an 80-year-old woman.

>> No.3788673

The article also mentions a 2001 case of a London couple starving their baby to death with a vegan diet


And, look! More dead vegan babies! This article mentions at least 4 cases of starved vegan babies in the year up to publication

>I was once a vegan. But well before I became pregnant, I concluded that a vegan pregnancy was irresponsible. You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants.

>Indigenous cuisines offer clues about what humans, naturally omnivorous, need to survive, reproduce and grow: traditional vegetarian diets, as in India, invariably include dairy and eggs for complete protein, essential fats and vitamins. There are no vegan societies for a simple reason: a vegan diet is not adequate in the long run.

tl;dr veganism is an eating disorder that kills babies, and even some vegans have enough of a lingering grasp on reality to avoid starving their children to death through it.

>> No.3788677

That is a really short list. And pointing what what some people do to abuse something is not a logical argument against its necessity. Not all of us can afford flax seeds and all the other shit veggos eat. And tons of soy isn't good for you either. Fish and eggs are good and cheap. Taking supplements and vitamins isn't as healthy.

>> No.3788674

Cooked meat truly isn't good for your digestive system. Most colon cancers, and digestive issues stem from over-eating of meat. Why? Because we are omnivores and have long digestive tracts. Most carnivores have proportionally much shorter GI tracts because meat is not meant to stay in the body for a long time. But we as humans, especially Americans, have been eating meat/dairy products filled with growth hormones upwards of twice or even three times a day. This rotting meat sits in your intestines, and your body receives a ton of nutritional stress because of it. It devotes unnecessary and absurd amounts of energy just to digest cooked meat. The result is fatigue, digestive issues (ever not been able to shit after eating lots of meat?), and loss of resources being devoted to things that actually matter. Things like muscle cell regeneration, immune function, things that even athletes need to keep maintained.

>> No.3788676


Yup, that sounds healthy.

>> No.3788678

Veronica was a high school freshman looking to distinguish herself from the overgrown landscape of gangly, indistinguishable clods passing themselves off as her immediate peer group. She found herself at that tender, impressionable age where overexposure to lukewarm bumper sticker propaganda likening meat to murder is somehow capable of communicating a higher spiritual purpose. Put four AA batteries into your Sony Walkman and sing along: The flesh you so fancifully fry / The meat in your mouth / As you savor the flavor / Of murder. What could Morrisey of The Smiths possibly be singing about if not being kinder to animals? Certainly not anonymous blowjobs in the train stations near Piccadilly Circus or the looming AIDS crisis of working-class Manchester circa 1980. Fascinated by the sheer whimsy of choosing to eat some things but not others, fourteen-year-old Veronica asked her mom for a ride to the public library in order to seek out further enlightenment.

>> No.3788679

your sauce is biased faggot.
Because a group is you know drinking soda, eating only fats and no activity. hurr durr meat is bad. Nigger learn to health.

>> No.3788680
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>eating meat every day is not natural for your body

Congratulations, my friend, you are 100% wrong. Think for a second about what our ancestors ate 10,000 years ago. They hunted and gathered to survive. They ate the animals they could kill and supplemented their diet with the edible plants and berries they could find. Eating meat every day is about as natural as you can get.

>Americans consume WAY TOO MUCH meat

Wrong again. Americans overconsume carbs. The average American eats way too much refined sugar and bread and the like. The US government doesn't help the issue by pushing the completely retarded idea that grains should be the basis of our diet.

You know why the government says grains should make up the majority of our diet? Because they subsidize grain production. Politicians are fucking scoundrels, what can I say?

>> No.3788681

What she found in the Young Adult section was nothing short of horrific. Poorly-bound volumes of black and white photographs published by PETA and dated no later than 1974 flew in the face of everything Veronica had ever known. Awkwardly printed pamphlets banged out on cheap typewriters (a font choice she incorrectly assumed to be fashioned after punk rock) all showcased disturbing visuals of what honestly, truly happens to cows, chickens, and pigs as they pass through the slaughterhouse. Oh, what filthy, inexcusable conditions! The flies and the feces! The blood and entrails! The snips and tails and snouts every which way! And human beings eat that slop? Good lord, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. It's practically the twenty-second century after all! Who even knows which is worse: the risk factors to our health or the fat factors to our expanding waistlines! Hasn't anybody ever heard of disease? Why doesn't the news ever report stuff like this?

>> No.3788683

It never really occurred to Veronica that -- like fine French cheeses or healthy American stem cells -- farm animals are born and bred in isolated captivity for one exclusive purpose, and their thoughts and feelings are of little consequence. The grainy images on cheap Xeroxed paper comfortably insinuated themselves into her eager, receptive adolescent brain right then and there. With a single tear sliding down her face, Veronica vowed never again to eat anything with eyeballs. As easily as she might come out and declare herself a lesbian, Veronica announced to her parents and friends that she was now -- and had always been, and would forever be -- a vegetarian.

>> No.3788684

>I'm guessing your definition of a vegetarian diet is supplemented by grains, right?

No. Maybe for uneducated teens who make the switch without doing any research. That's just your assumption.

>> No.3788686


You need to pick a position and stick with it instead of going back and forth. You're talking about how bad meat is in general, but then the stuff you're saying is with regards to OVERconsumption of meat, which everyone already knows is unhealthy.

So which is it, "eat less meat" or "don't eat meat"?

>> No.3788688

Orthorexia Nervosa is a fixation on righteous eating, first diagnosed by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman in 1997. The term is derived from the Greek word "ortho" meaning straight and correct, and refers to a psychological syndrome where one's food choices grow progressively narrower over time under the auspices of health. When vegetarians learn there's an even more restrictive diet plan available -- the way of the vegan -- dairy products like milk or cheese, subclasses of poultry products such as eggs, and refined bread ingredients involving yeast or white flour are summarily stricken from their diets as well. Nothing is allowed inside the body of a devout vegan which might be psychologically interpreted as a toxin. Veronica's daily struggle to keep the "poisons" out and remain uncontaminated by the "wrong" food results in a total reliance upon what other vegans are doing to keep themselves alive, since they're the only ones who can ever be trusted. Like an oil painter who arbitrarily refuses to use yellow, a vegan diet is an attempt to gain control over at least one simple aspect of a person's otherwise ordinary life -- a "less is more" aesthetic taken to conceited extremes.

>> No.3788682

I'm not hardcore about being vegetarian. I'm hardcore about being an omnivore. It is important to diversify your diet and not eat the corns, wheats, soy and meat/dairy that makes up a huge chunk of the average american diet. I'm also hardcore about not eating absolute shit meat that is more chemical and disgusting shit than actual protein.


Never said I was vegan, but uhh...cool sources I guess.

>> No.3788689

Extremes like vegan dog food, completely free of meat or animal derivatives, composed of only organic vegetarian ingredients like soy, peas, carrots, and sunflower oil. Is there nothing a dog loves more than the wild, hearty grains of a rolled oatcake? And woe to the meat-eater who tries dating a vegan -- even for a single evening. Dr. Bratman's treatise on orthorexia cautions that an excessive vegan lifestyle is socially restricting -- eventually coming to rule a person's life to the point where all thoughts and activities revolve around what is and what isn't "allowed". Where people with anorexia and bulimia focus on quantities, people with orthorexia focus obsessively on the psychological qualities, the purities, of their food.

>> No.3788690

Meant to quote>>3788667

>> No.3788691
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Please, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just do yourself a favor and close the browser.

>> No.3788692

The decision to become a vegan has perilous side effects, not the least of which is a near-constant struggle to prepare meals which fool the body into thinking it's getting what it really wants. Veronica forces herself to go through a great deal of labor and preparation just to make her food taste more like meat, with weird-ass spices from around the world sprinkled atop "exotic" (and mandatory) sauces, curries, fungus, Boca burgers, textured vegetable paste, Tofurkey, and other processed blends of soy and gluten. Livejournaled any vegetarian recipes lately? There's a lot of disgusting shit out there -- and if you thought fat people were ugly, take a goggle-eyed gander at vitamin-deficient vegans. The universal hallmarks of a long-term vegan diet absent in proteins are pallid gray skin, stringy straw-like hair, knobbled witchy finger knuckles, cracked lips, diminished muscle mass, protruding bones, yellowed teeth, a smug sense of self-satisfaction, and enough lanugo peach fuzz to carpet the moon.

>> No.3788693

Quit saying you're a legit vegetarian then

>> No.3788694
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>mfw I follow a Taoist diet.
>mfw some Taoist diets say that grains should be entirely avoided because that cause intestinal problems.
>mfw they new this shit 2000 years ago.

>> No.3788695

You almost proved my point for me. 10,000 years ago, humans lived PRIMARILY on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, anything they could find. Are you honestly so domesticated that you think meat was available to find every single day? They were probably eating it once every couple days at the most, and only once a day at that. Also, see>>3788674

>> No.3788696

Protein from animal sources (meat, fish, dairy products, egg white) is considered high biological value protein or a "complete" protein because all nine essential amino acids are present in these proteins. An exception to this rule is collagen-derived gelatin which is lacking in tryptophan.

Plant sources of protein (grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds) generally do not contain sufficient amounts of one or more of the essential amino acids. Thus protein synthesis can occur only to the extent that the limiting amino acids are available. These proteins are considered to have intermediate biological value or to be partially complete because, although consumed alone they do not meet the requirements for essential amino acids, they can be combined to provide amounts and proportions of essential amino acids equivalent to high biological proteins from animal sources.

Plants that are entirely lacking in essential amino acids are considered incomplete proteins or sources of low biological value protein. These sources include most fruits and vegetables. A low biological value means that it is difficult or impossible to compensate for insufficient amounts of essential amino acids by combining different sources as with partially complete proteins.


>> No.3788697

Humans were designed with the need for nine essential amino acids-none of which are found in plants. These essential amino acids are necessary for life. Other amino acids can be consumed in limited quantities via a meticulous vegetarian diet. There is one problem, however-your body requires saturated fat to process the amino acids. Without consuming saturated fat, the minor amounts of non-essential amino acids a person consumes with essentially be voided.

In the absence of the nine essential amino acids, as well as only consuming very small quantities of the 20 other non-essential amino acids, a vegetarian will slowly begin to experience less fulfilling sleep, hair loss, rough skin, muscle wasting, cold sores, wrinkles, irritable bowel, difficulty thinking, and other unpleasant side effects.

Many of these bad things can be avoided-to a certain degree-if a vegetarian or vegan takes the time to learn how the body functions, and dedicates him/herself to a strict and meticulous diet. The reality is that even with a perfect diet, a vegetarian will never be as healthy as a meat eater.


>> No.3788699


Watch out guys, we've got a caveman expert over here.

>> No.3788702

If the only argument you have left is the trip I thought of in 5 seconds, then I'd say I've made my point. I'm legit in the sense that I don't pack myself full of soy and still eat shitloads of cheese and dairy and eggs like most "vegetarians". I'm legit in that I diversify my vegetables and vegetarian diet, and yes, once a month or so I will eat legitimate meat. For the most part, 30 out of 31 days a month, I am a vegetarian though. But you're just arguing semantics so come back when you have a "legit" argument

>> No.3788701
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>this fucking thread

>> No.3788705
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A healthy vegetarian diet is better than an unhealthy omnivorous diet.

A healthy omnivorous diet is better than a healthy vegetarian diet.


>> No.3788706


>getting pissy over semantics
>ignoring all the other evidence against vegetarianism posted ITT

>> No.3788707

And I quote:

So if you care about your health, why aren't you a vegetarian, /ck/?

>Meat is highly acid forming, creates acidic environments which cancer and other diseases thrive in
>Most meats, unless otherwise classified and overpriced, are raised on improper grain-fed diets, and pumped full of steroids/growth hormones
>Body must devote Advanced Glycation end products just to digest meat, AGEs are directly responsible for inflammation, body also uses up energy which could otherwise be devoted to cell regeneration/immune function etc. to digest the meat
>Most meat needs to be cooked thoroughly, losing almost half of it's nutritional value
>All nutrients in meat can be found in other foods

Don't blast meat then flip flop when someone calls you out faggot.

>> No.3788709

>A healthy diet is better than an unhealthy diet
fixed it for you buddy

>> No.3788710

That's cool man. Except that most meat nowadays is absolute shit quality. And you're retarded if you don't think I include saturated fats in my diet when I eat protein. Do you seriously not know what nuts and beans, organic milk, etc etc are? There are plenty of sat fat sources besides meat. Open your taste buds brother.

Retarded post and you should feel retarded. Calling any of the meat that is processed in 2012 as high quality is a joke. Do I really need to bring up the steroids/growth hormones again? Also you can EASILY get your EAA's from a plethora of mixtures of vegetables. Even something as simple as corn and beans will do the trick.

>> No.3788713

>most meat nowadays is absolute shit quality
So is your point that meat is bad or corporate manufactured and packaged meat is bad? Because you can buy grass-fed beef that's perfectly healthy for you by your arguments.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.3788716

Holy fucking shit, most successful troll I've seen on /ck/ in a long time. Grats to you mister legit vegetarian. This thread is a clusterfuck of retardation from both sides.

>> No.3788718


Most meats are cleaner today than they were 10-20 years ago. Do some research before you talk out your ass, next time.

>> No.3788720
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Even if meat were bad for you, there are many horrendously worse things we do to our bodies, so as far as I'm concerned, I don't give a fuck, I enjoy the trade off.

>> No.3788721

>Most meat needs to be cooked thoroughly, losing almost half of it's nutritional value

Human body can't absorb much of the nutrients in meat unless cooked.

>All nutrients in meat can be found in other foods

Not necessarily in reasonable amounts such as the case with the amino acids as was pointed out if you can read.

>Most meats, unless otherwise classified and overpriced, are raised on improper grain-fed diets, and pumped full of steroids/growth hormones

There's a standard length of time a farmer is supposed to wait to actually kill an animal that was given hormones or antibiotics. It's normally several months in order to prevent any problems with the hormones still being in the body. The reason there have been problems in some areas with hormones in meat is things like the Chinese using their meats in some canned products and they hardly give a shit about food safety standards, as well as some American farmers who basically shady as fuck.

Produce farmers can do similar shit, but it's disgusting so not going into it.

>> No.3788725

I was copying the original post there bub

>> No.3788722

Yes, hence why I said I buy grass fed beef once a month. But you're ignoring all my other points. That it's abnormal to eat meat in the quantities that we do, that cooking it and eating it causes nutritional stress on your body as it works to digest it, that it is responsible for inflammation and creates highly acidic environments, more than almost any other food. And I haven't even gotten into the ethical/environmental reasons yet (thank god /ck/ would probably shit themselves)

>> No.3788729

Terrible reason. I've heard this before and it almost always comes from fat fucks. Sure lots of things are bad for you. But that is supposed to be a reason to not care, not make personal choices such as eating better and exercising which, with those two things alone, can prevent most of the diseases that kill off modern day citizens of developed countries?

>> No.3788731


Yeah my eyes are just glazing over crap at this point, not sure why I'm bothering at all since the vegetarian is likely a troll.

>> No.3788734

>produce farmers do similar shit

Ever heard of having your own garden, brah?

>> No.3788735

Why does your trip say youre "legit vegitarian" yet you repeatedly claim that your omnivorous.

You're fucking stupid and all your claims have been proven wrong. Do yourself a favor and stop this argument before you make yourself look like a bigger pretentious asshole.

>> No.3788736

>stop this argument before you make yourself look like a bigger pretentious asshole.

I think he already did that just fine

>> No.3788737

I'm not going to stop because it's funny to see how brainwashed people are into thinking they need to eat meat the way we do.

And I changed my trip, does that make you feel better? All of my arguments are still valid, I haven't seen one thing in this thread that disproves why meat is bad for you in excess.

>> No.3788738

Seems to me that this whole thread is dildos.

OP isn't a real vegetarian because OP eats meat. Saying eating meat is bad is a misnomer. What's really being said is that eating too much meat, especially poorly produced meat, is bad for you.

So vegetarians and vegans still lose.


>> No.3788739


Is that even possible for vegetarians?

>> No.3788740
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good for you if you think meat is unhealthy, because i eat that shit every day and i could probably snap your skinny carrot munching ass over my knee

>> No.3788742
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*We're* brainwashed?

You don't even know what you're talking about, every point you made has been refuted, and you've ignored most of the replies in this thread because you have no actual answer to them. Your inability to cite sources and provide documentation for your claims is laughable, as well.

>All of my arguments are still valid


>> No.3788745

>thinks we're brainwashed
Dude you're fucking brainwashed. Stop believing everything you read you fucking hipster faggot

>> No.3788744
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>And I haven't even gotten into the ethical/environmental reasons yet


>> No.3788746
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>> No.3788747


Or just tax unhealthy shit to offset the cost to society, fucking fascist asshole, I'm actually fit as fuck and ripped, I eat all sorts of processed unnatural fake food and I bet I look a hell of a lot than you, you skinny fat weakling.

I bet you're in favour of smoking bans too, puritan asshole.

>> No.3788749
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>Legit Vegetarian

Wow, I'm kind of disappointed this much of /ck/ fell for this. Some of his arguments were semi-well constructed, but still, seriously? This thread was refreshing like a top-tier board thread for a while.

>> No.3788751

I grew up in cattle country eating Barbeque/steak all the time.

Meat is delicious and a part of my culture. I would be a
vegetarian, but I've tasted a barbeque brisket sandwich,
and once you've had that, there's no going back.

>> No.3788750
File: 43 KB, 600x372, laughing-mexican-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetarians cite animal cruelty as a reason for not eating meat
>no thought whatsoever for how migrant farm workers are treated


>> No.3788756

>come to /ck/
>hmmm what would piss off a cooking board more than anything
>bring up controversial topic such as vegetarianism/meat eating
>shit storm everywhere

Well played, op. Well played. Should have made your trip legit troll.

>> No.3788758


If OP really wanted to get us going, he would have made a beans-in-chili thread.

>> No.3788763

You know what's missing from this thread?

Actual evidence showing a causal relationship between meat consumption and adverse health effects.

Here's the thing - with very few exceptions, individual food items are not "healthy" or "unhealthy." Diets are healthy or unhealthy. The studies showing correlations in certain populations between (red) meat consumption and adverse health effects is of little relevance to any particular individual. The obvious confounders are overweight/obesity, activity level, and other nutritional deficiencies.
You can't take population studies and then use those to tell an individual that meat is raising their risk of any particular health condition, regardless of whether the person is active, and the type of activity they engage in, regardless of the rest of their diet, and regardless of whether they're overeating or not.

These aren't academic abstracts - in sedentary populations that chronically overeat, all sorts of foods will be correlated with or "linked to" all sorts of serious health problems. Doesn't mean there's any causation going on.

And right now, there's no evidence that -regardless of the rest of those factors-, consumption of meat in any amount causes or even raises the risks of adverse health effects.

>> No.3788770

>Meat is highly acid forming, creates acidic environments which cancer and other diseases thrive in

I know he's a troll, but I just want to point out this is utter bullshit.


>> No.3788789

What's wrong with beans in chili? I put kidney beans in mine.

>> No.3788819

Trying to read this thread is really aggravating...

>Meat is highly acid forming, creates acidic environments which cancer and other diseases thrive in
This is newage bullshit. What part of the body is decreasing in ph again, and by how much? Because if I recall, the blood ph tends to stay within a .2 range regardless of what the fuck you eat. Your stomach and intestines perhaps? Whatever.

>Most meats, unless otherwise classified and overpriced, are raised on improper grain-fed diets, and pumped full of steroids/growth hormones
This is true. If you grow tits in 25 years from this relatively new practice that never did receive a fuckton of testing like it should have, don't claim op didn't warn you.

>AGEs whatever the fuck those are.
Don't know don't care.

>Most meat needs to be cooked thoroughly, losing almost half of it's nutritional value
Your statement makes my head hurt. Lumping two falsifications into a single statement doesn't render the entire thing true you know, it doesn't work that way.

>All nutrients in meat can be found in other foods
b12. Consume animal products or take a supplement or be deficient.

Couple other retarded things in this thread... Vegan athletes - yeah, they exist and they do just fine. Eating meat is a SHORTCUT, not a NECESSITY. The human body is fucking fantastic at adapting to whatever you want it to. Eat your essential amino acids from whatever source you feel like and you can put on muscle just fine.

> 10,000 years ago - far too little time for the human body to adapt to properly digest and use grains.
Oh really? You know for a fact that evolution requires a certain epic length of time to begin happening?

>> No.3788835
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op keeps going back and forth arguing, "people shouldn't eat meat; it's morbid to their health" and "everyone should diversify their diets; all food groups including meat".

nice trolling, op
4/10 i read the whole thing and raged a little

everyone please let this thread exit through page 10-- for the benefit of our health

>> No.3788847
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>> No.3788849
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>> No.3788851
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>> No.3788852

So, onto my own highly subjective experiences... I grew up eating a very meat heavy diet. My dad kinda had this "my dick is too small and my family is too poor but I went to college so I'm gonna eat fucktons of steak cuz that's what the cool kids do" perspective. Around 20 or so I moved in with this vegetarian chick though. Fucking loved that girl, and she could cook, so I kinda became a vegetarian too. First year of it sucked so fucking bad. The next five didn't. You kind of just get used to it really. After chick and I split I remained vegetarian and was pretty devout about it. I was less moody, I didn't need as much deodorant, I actually felt ... faster. I probably wasn't, but I felt that way and I liked it. Couple years ago I went back to eating meat though. It was quite an adjustment itself, first steak I ate gave me a wicked fucking stomachache. But, the aches, the stench, the moodiness (which is back), in trade for the ability to eat a fucking cheeseburger again?

So ... fucking ... worth it.

>> No.3788858
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>> No.3788854
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>> No.3788856


/ck/ is highly divided over the presence of beans in chili. Some think that chili without beans is just meat sauce, others think that chili with beans is sacrilege.

Obviously, chili needs beans.