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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3778252 No.3778252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WTF? I just went to Chick-fil-A and so many people were there than usual. I thought they are giving away food for free. What the hell is going on? Why so many people are flooding to Chick-fil-A? I never thought that such a large number of people are anti-gay even in 2012.

>> No.3778255

Welcome to America.

>> No.3778256

What an original thread.

>> No.3778257

I disbelieve you OP, chic-fil-a open at this hour? baldurdash I say!

>> No.3778258

I can't believe any of those morons think buying some chicken is going to help keep fags down. Fucking idiots.

>> No.3778267

It's for supporting Christian values. You support a business by buying it's product and with this you support the values attached to that business.

>> No.3778276

Sage goes in all fields.
Old news is no news.
Move along, nothing to see here....

>> No.3778284

>i am a faggot. i want to protect my rights. don't buy anit-faggot food

>> No.3778285

Nope. Try harder. Not everyone who is sick of this stupid shit is a faggot. You, however, have outed yourself as a moron. Good luck with that.

>> No.3778288

why do gays get so butt-hurt? haha....

>> No.3778291

Dude, you're barely trying.

>> No.3778300

It's about supporting free speech, I don't fucking agree with his opinion but he's entitled to it, I'm not going to boycott something because I don't agree with the owner. I see nobody boycotting Kellogg's, the founder experimented on gays for a living.

>> No.3778306

Isn't a boycott also an act of free speech?

>> No.3778310

Certainly is, and its childish to cause such a stir over one man's opinion, but anybody that sticks up for the guy is being labeled a bigot, but its not about what he said, he has a right to say it.

>> No.3778313

>huge public influence
>one man


>> No.3778317

Yes because everybody is so easily influenced by a fast food CEO, nobody even knew who the Fuck this guy was until two days ago. And its not corporate opinion, its his and his alone and its about a political issue that has nothing to do with his product.

>> No.3778322

This, calm the fuck down you moronic hardcore leftists.

>> No.3778355

You Americans always come up with something silly. Not even food is safe from your melodramatic hands.

>> No.3778704

it's not about the opinion, it's that he gave to anti-gay organizations through a charitable arm of his company, including one trying to make homosexuality illegal.

money people spent there went to anti-gay organizations. that's why there is/was/whatever a boycott. the people doing the boycott dont want to give *any* money to those organizations, even if the net amount they personally "gave" is less than a cent.

but then some chick-fil-a's got chased out of some cities and rather than do the reasonable thing and write letters or protest at those cities, they decided to buy chicken from a fast food restaurant.

truett cathy has been openly anti-gay for years. people are just now realizing their money could go to those causes, though. that's the whole issue.

>> No.3778722
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>> No.3778724


Stay jelly, yuropoor

>> No.3778731

>wife supports gays
>I eat chick-fil-a
Marital issues

>> No.3778730

I lol'd

>> No.3778733


There are plenty of places online that teach you how to make Chic-fag-a sandwiches at home, so now you don't have to choose between eating good food and being a good person.

>> No.3778737

I was in the U.S. a few times this year for conferences. What I learned is Americans love America and hate blacks unless they are military personel, in which case the white people let them go ahead of them at the airport and say thanks.

You guys love America, but:
- hate paying taxes to support your country
- fear all Americans and feel the need to be armed against your neighbours
- hate your government
- hate your land and water
- fear everyone outside of America
- fear change or differences in opinion
- hate education

So what is it you like about America? And how is having a massive military not the same as socialist spending?

>> No.3778740


I'm getting sick of you faggots who can't read news articles past the damn headlines.

Is your schedule really that busy? Can't you take the time to do the five seconds of Googling it takes to not sound like a total dumbass?

>> No.3778745

>Nationalist trolling

shiggity diggity doo dah doo

>> No.3778756

I'd rather not go through all the work of making a sandwich when I can simply pay someone else to and be satisfied with the quality

>> No.3778760

>how is having a massive military not the same as socialist spending?
Because we have to protect you third world pigs from each other every other day?

>> No.3778761

>And how is having a massive military not the same as socialist spending?

It's not socialist if the conservatives do it. See the health care bill that Romney passed as governor of Massachusetts.

>> No.3778762

fuck a faggot, these fuckers make some good motherfucking chicken

i'm sick of gays and gay rights. aside from the marriage issue, they are no worse off than any other minority group at this point. they need to 1. move to canada or europe where no one cares or 2. sit back and wait for the slow change with racial minority groups and women

>> No.3778764


>paying more than 5 dollars for a chicken breast and two pickles

Oh god, my sides, they're moving on their own.

>> No.3778767
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>> No.3778774

>i'm sick of gays and gay rights.
Everybody is. Yesterday's show of solidarity cemented it.

>> No.3778778


>The old and the ignorant are. Yesterday's show of solidarity cemented it.


>> No.3778779

lol at $5 being a significant amount of money

>> No.3778784


It isn't, obviously. Don't be retarded.

It's just overpriced for what you get, that's all.

>> No.3778783

>waaaa normal people don't like degenerates
Cry more, faggot. I'll happily be eating chicken

>> No.3778787


>normal people
>implying republicans and baby boomers are people

>> No.3778792

Preparing to reset your router when moot bans your dumb ass again, I take it?

I don't get what drives you, man. You figure after the fiftieth time you'd think it's not going to work.

>> No.3778797

What's retarded is the wife throwing away the deep fat fryer away while I was at work. We used it nearly every day for a week but then claimed it took up too much space.

>> No.3778798

Liberals: censor everything I disagree with
Stay classy.

>> No.3778802



Hahaha oh god. Do you even recognize the hypocrisy of your statement or are republitards really this dense?

>> No.3778805

Bigots, hate mongers, gay bashers. It's easy to throw around some pretty harsh language, and now with the latest Chick-Fil-A company imbroglio the rhetoric has ratcheted upward.

But who is being the bigot here? All CEO Dan Cathy said was that he "supported traditional marriage". This is being bigoted? CEO Jeff Bezos of Amazon just donated $2.5 million in support of a same-sex marriage referendum. Is it OK now to call him a bigot for that? My guess would be a resounding no! But why is that any different?

Often people these days get excoriated for "flip flopping" on issues or backing down when faced with adversity. We mock them for not being able to take a principled stand no matter what the consequences. So why are Dan Cathy and others like him being ridiculed for taking a stand in what they believe?

> dfw your paper runs good reader's letters

>> No.3778808

>/pol/tard too new to remember /new/ being deleted



>> No.3778813

I'm not republican. I just hate fags and people who want to dismantle the first amendment like your fag heroes do

>> No.3778816

>Using the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble = wanting to dismantle the First Amendment

lol okay pokey

>> No.3778817

>Patriot Act
>National Defence Authorization Act

Yeah, those libs hate freedom.

>> No.3778819

Same reason why people hated on the Occupy dudes.

>Right to protest and free speech BUT don't use it you fucking hippies get a job hurrrrr

>> No.3778821


No, he said he supported the biblical definition of a family.

Also, supporting anti-gay organizations makes you a bigot, regardless of who you are. That includes Jeff Bezos and Dan Cathay.

They can believe whatever they want, nobody cares about that. But when you pour millions into undermining an entire group of people because you don't like them, that's discrimination.

Just think about it; if Amazon gave 2.5 million to the KKK, and then people got outraged, that would be understandable, yes? It's the same thing when they support anti-gay organizations.

>> No.3778822
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/ck/ - slave state fast food joints and repeating things you heard your alcoholic dad yell at the TV

>> No.3778824

McCarthy was right. Look around.
The other two are Obama's liabilities.

>> No.3778830

Terms like "bigot" only phase emotionally immature people like liberals. Racist.

>> No.3778831


So...you're just a hateful imbecile then?

Good to know.

>> No.3778834

Enjoy hell, fag lover

>> No.3778833


>get told
>call others racist


Stay mad, republifails.

>> No.3778836
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>implying hell

Hahaha oh wow

>> No.3778839

You realize we're laughing at you, not raging, right?

>> No.3778846

You won't be laughing when you're burning for all eternity

>> No.3778852
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Aw, now you're not even trying. At least put some effort into it.

>> No.3778859

It's your hell, you burn in it. I'll be downing ale and mead in Valhalla while you're burning to a crisp because you forgot to tell your invisible sky dad that you had a wet dream. Also,

>implying I'm religious

>> No.3778861
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anyone who uses the word "skydaddy" like you just did is obviously an overcompensating, self-cutting little emo dweeb who couldn't do any better than to stick a "not" in front of everything his parents believe in, and call it independent thinking.

stop drinking absinthe and listeing to sad organ music in the dark, and maybe you'll feel less depressed.

>> No.3778863

I can smell the teenage angst seeping through the interweb

>> No.3778865

Lol no, when I die, my people become one with the force.

>> No.3778866

Can we just let this thread die now that it's devolved past anything resembling discussion and is now a trollfest/religion debate?

Stop embarrassing yourselves, /ck/

>> No.3778872

Anti sage bump for butthurt faggot

>> No.3778876


>> No.3778906

Not gay but I'd fucking LOVE to get out of this redneck hellhole if immigration wasn't such a pain in the ass. It's not that simple.

>> No.3778929

I'm so sick and tired of this. The CEO donated HIS money, not the companies.

By boycotting the chain, you're potentially hurting the innocent employees that are just trying to make a living.

If Chik-fil-a stops serving or hiring gays, then feel free to boycott it.

>> No.3778958

Fucking fag-haters need to be rounded up and gassed
fuck lets just round up all the republicans and kill them, then maybe we could have world peace.

>> No.3778959

If I buy Chick-fil-A then the net profit goes to the corporate. The more profit corporate will have the more donation they'll give to political party that support anti-gay-shit. With extra pool of money, the corporate will have more money to lobby for anti-gay-bills or go against the gay-supporting-bills.

Now you realize that it all start from one simple chicken fried piece that you buy from Chick-fil-A. Now, go out and buy more from Chick-fil-A. Support their belief. Support the lobby. Support the political party.

Your one small step make big difference in future. And it is the more tasty deal too. You get in return a tasty succulent chicken. It's a win-win deal. What are you waiting for?

>> No.3778964


>> No.3778979

>Enjoy hell, fag lover
ohhh, i am so scared of the invisible place of fire created by invisible white man in sky. my invisible pink unicorn tells me the fags will go to heaven.