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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 400x269, Offutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3765464 No.3765464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm leavin on a jet plane tomorrow. What are some good foods to take with me that are not overkill but filling and are low key?

i refuse to eat pizza hutt in some airport waiting pen area, only for it to give me explosive diarrhea for the entire flight and hours after landing. That happened last time. No more. Fuck you sky harbor airport, i hate you.

>> No.3765465

You aren't leaving sky harbor in an AWACS. Hows phoenix doing?

Bring a small cooler as your carry on and take whatever you want, fuck the police.

>> No.3765466

If that happened last time I'd look more at your gastrointestinal track rather than the food that you eat.

>> No.3765467

How long is the flight that you can't endure it without filling your pie hole?

>> No.3765468


>> No.3765469

whatever kind of creamy pasta you like

>> No.3765471


sadly no but it was the only plane photo I have. While they are not based at Offutt AFB in Nebraska, I do see them here from time to time.
I'm leaving Omaha to SLC to Vegas.

As far as carry on's i already have my laptop bag and a backback so I'm maxed out on that and besides I don't need a cooler filled with half a dozen sub sandwhiches and shrimp cocktail.

>> No.3765473


yeah because its me, airport pizza hutt sure is quality.

It wouldnt be so bad but its like 6-7 hours with stop-overs and its over dinner time.

>> No.3765477

beef jerky, fruit, nuts. It cannot be more than 6 hours. C'mon now. Have a few cocktails, take a nap....

>> No.3765480


You really can't go 7 hours without eating?

And learn to spell Pizza Hut.

>> No.3765479

It may not taste great but think of the amount of customers they serve. You seriously don't expect all of them to get shit-pants when they eat it, else it would have closed down.
It's you.

>> No.3765488
File: 26 KB, 420x233, Pizzahutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not sure you are talking about the same thing I am...

>> No.3765493

This airport situation needs a sticky. I just flew from NY to FL and ate several $9 sammiches. One place was OK and hungry as I was (5pm, missed breakfast and lunch because of that faggot in Colorado destroyed my appetite) but other two were complete shit. Disgusting.

Not sure what you can take through security but this could be a great thread. Avoid fluids? Pay someone off? WTF?

>> No.3765497


This. Jerky and nuts. I like those NUTrition mixes by planters; the one with almonds and pistachios.

>> No.3765501

>needs a sticky

No. You just need to stop being retarded.

>> No.3765532


>6-7 hours
Yurofag here, planning a trip to Vegas next year and we're seriously considering the "no in-flight meal" option just to save some money.

7 hours is nothing, remember the general rule that the human body can survive:

3 minutes without oxygen
3 days without water
3 weeks without food

And I agree with this guy >>3765479 the chain piazza place with a high turnover is unlikely to be the problem...

First world problems, first world problem everywhere

>> No.3765551
File: 31 KB, 250x375, DD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i make no apologizes for not having to talk about child soldiers with Aids affecting my daily life of eating maggots and starving or whatever the fuck goes on in africa.

>> No.3765567


English, motherfucker! Do you spea...actually it's obvious that you don't, nevermind.

>> No.3767324

>Get window seat
>buy a few drinks on plane
>bring epic classical / trance music
>stare out the window buzzed and reflect on your life

eat something salty to go with the drink.

>> No.3767361

I have walked through airport security with a wrapped-up sub from outside no problem. Skip the lettuce and go with minimal condiments and it holds up just fine for a couple hours easy. And despite some people's paranoia, it will not turn into rotten poison instantly or something.

make sure its double-bagged and there is no trouble. Security does not care how many things you have and you should be able to tuck it into the top of your laptop care or backpack for a little while when boarding if you really, really must.

Short of that, or if you want something else, get some jerky if you like jerky, and a couple of the crunchiest nuttiest granola bars possible. Eat your granola bars slowly while you have some beverage and have plenty of satisfaction.