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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3749618 No.3749618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Foods you find most disgusting:

I hate bree cheese, it tastes like ammonia.

>> No.3749622

I haven't eaten anything that really disgusted me. Tripe in it's raw form smells fucking atrocious though.

>> No.3749623

that's bad brie then. try it en croute, may taste better when it is warm and gooey.

I really dislike ranch dressing, the smell nauseates me.

>> No.3749625
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soft drinks


>> No.3749627

Egg plant. I like it, it's just... ever since I was a kid I could never get my head around the texture. Fucking eggplants.

>> No.3749629

Fresh cilantro. Tastes like sour soap.

>> No.3749630

That is all.

>> No.3749635

goat cheese
any kind of shellfish
most seafood
pretty much any meat that isn't from a mammal or bird
runny eggs
pickled meats

thankfully i think that is all. i'll eat any and every fruit, vegetable, and grain.

>> No.3749639

Most red meat. Not a vegetarian fag or anything, I've just grown up with it made so improperly I hardly eat it anymore.

For some odd reason I hate the taste of a raw tomato on it's own. Slices in a sandwich and shit don't bother me and anything else done to it.

>> No.3749650

I thought the idea of raw fish was repulsive till I tasted sushi. I really loved it.

>> No.3749654

Vienna Sausage

>> No.3749655

never eaten it but the concept of haggis sounds downright disgusting. cute girl in the pic BTW OP. She makes a face appropriate to the conversation :-)

>> No.3749658

Mayonnaise. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.3749668

Vietnamese fish sauce. Tastes like rancid piss

>> No.3749675

hello anons, i have a question for you. i went to a Chinese restaurant and they served shrimp that tasted lime ammonia. were they bad? why would seafood taste like ammonia?

>> No.3749676

I don't think you've actually had it. I believe you've only smelled it. If not, then you probably went full retard and had a spoonful or put a shit ton in whatever you were eating.

>> No.3749684

Goat cheese.

Fuck it, fuck it so hard. Smells as horrible as it tastes.

>> No.3749687

Fuck do I ever hate black liquorice.

>> No.3749695


Nope. Went to a vietnamese restaurant with my boss who swore by it. Said it was the best Vietnamese food he ever had. The guys fairly worldly so I believed him. I found the entire meal pretty inedible. I'll eat damn near anything, but Vietnamese food is nasty and I shan't have it again.

>> No.3749697

egg plant (didn't like it when I was younger, still don't now.)

onions (I'll actually eat them as long as the sickeningly sweet taste of them is covered and they aren't diced into cubes into any kind of sauce. I guess I can blame myself gagging whenever I think of them in any kind of sauce due to the horrible pasta sauce and salsa my parents would always buy.)

artichoke ( I hate this stuff, can't put my finger on what it is about it but I get sick just from the taste of them.)

pickles (just never did. Not much else to say.)

>> No.3749703

I take it back, different tastes for different people. Just like how I don't like eating fish because it literally makes me sick.

>> No.3749705

Stir fry.

>> No.3749708

Not even Stir Friday?

>> No.3749710

Swordfish is goddamn awful. I tried to like it. My family made it occasionally my whole life but nothing could make it stop tasting like rotting seaweed.
Also, oysters. Good god, I thought they would be fucking magical tasting but they have the texture of swallowing a bowl of snot. I can eat steamed clams and lobster but oysters are nauseatingly disgusting.

>> No.3749711

Shut up with your stupid play on words

>> No.3749712

I didn't know words were big enough for Rent or Cats.

>> No.3749735

I don't know why.

>> No.3749941
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Baklava. Way, way too sweet. Even if the sweetness was toned down, it'd still taste like ass.

>> No.3749969

eat it with steeped black tea faggot. baklava is awesome

>> No.3749970

Cilantro and green bell peppers. There are other foods and ingredients I dislike, but those are the only two I can pick out immediately if used in a dish. I've tried so hard to acquire a taste for them but I just can't, they're awful.

>> No.3749981
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it tastes and smells like rotten metallic citrus

>tfw you're the only one in your family who hates cilantro, and everyone else loves it

>> No.3749995

Um, was it like el presidente cheese brie or whatever that fucking stuff is? If so, don't judge brie by that garbage. I swear they spray chlorine or some shit on that "brie".

Sorry to hear... I've heard of some Chinese restaurants using baking soda/bases as a tenderizing agent. Actually, the use of bases is much more common in Chinese/Asian foods than in western cuisine. Ramen noodles, chinese cruellers , etc. use bases to alter texture. However, too much and the food tastes like ass.

As for the shrimp, it's odd because shrimp is plenty tender by itself, so maybe they mistakenly added baking soda, or too much of it anyways.

>> No.3750009
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seriously how can people eat that shit

>> No.3750012

tomatoes and bell peppers

I dunno why, but I hate the taste of them. Part of it is in the texture though, tomato sauce is somewhat palatable to me

:| I'm okay with eating almost anything, as long as it isnt those two

>> No.3750022

I fucking love brie. But the smell kind of reminds me of cum so I always feel a little uncomfortable eating it.

Anyway grossest thing in the world for me is ketchup.

>> No.3750088


Oh my fuck. Just fucking no, man. No. Fuck. Oh my god. Fuck. No. Fucking gross. Ew. So fucking salty and fishy. Fuck.

>> No.3750092

curry is disgusting and fuck everyone who enjoys that horse shit

>> No.3750272

I used to hate yellow mustard, but I like it on sandwiches now. Still can't eat it plain. Tastes too much like earwax.

I also dislike most gooey cheeses. The sweaty foot smell is too much.

>> No.3750277
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i'm not a huge fried oyster fan but i love them on the half

>> No.3750284
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how about a few more images op. nice thread btw.

>> No.3750577

My dad started eating a lot of it because he thinks it "detoxifies the body of heavy metals", which is a bunch of quack nonsense to me. Now the spice cabinet smells like cilantro, I think it's gross.

>> No.3750580

mushrooms and anything that is similar.

>> No.3750583

>tfw you love muscles (you know, those clams that are steamed with sauce) but you get sick from them once and now you can't hear about them or smell them without gagging.

>> No.3750591

fast food
genetically modified soy
soft drinks
meat that has eaten genetically modified soy at one point or another
Brussels sprouts

>> No.3750595

>fast food

fyi: fast food=/= unhealthy shit like burgers and crap.

fast food is everything that is ready to eat in a short time.
like an apple is fast food too.

you prolly mean junkfood.

i forgive you

>> No.3750599

Jelly beans
When I was younger we were having a contest in tasting the every flavored beans from Harry potter.
I got a dirt flavored one, it tasted "surprisingly" like dirt.
It tasted so bad that when I tried to swallow my throat closed up and I started choking.

Ever since then I feel sick when I see jellybeans.

>> No.3750603


I believe you mean mussels. That aside, my dad had pretty much the same experience as you and now he can't stand any sort of seafood. I guess when they're bad, they're really bad.

>> No.3750606


haha you're right. when i was a kid, i used to pronounce them as muskcles, my parents did too, so i always assumed that's how it was spelled.

>> No.3750607

you're absolutely right, 't was force of habit

>> No.3750685

doritos, cheetos, any junk food chip with artificial flavoring. it's all nasty shit that leaves the worst aftertaste

>> No.3750707

Nothing at all. Everything that is food, can be made to taste good.

>> No.3750715

Sweet barbecue sauce. If you have some delicious meat that goes with that, it's a shame when I can only take a few bites before I feel sick due to the sweetness.

Also raw onion. I'd like to actually taste the other stuff I'm eating, thanks.

>> No.3750737
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>bree cheese

>> No.3750763


stop buying cheese in mexican dollar stores

>> No.3750778

Tomato. Tastes fine but that fucking texture.

>> No.3750785

milk. plain , white milk.
consuming it is an abomination before god and man.

>> No.3750787

black licorice, coconut, chicken marsala

also, if you're one of the idiots who thinks cilantro tastes like soap, you're genetically inferior and have awful taste in food.

>> No.3750789

interestingly enough it was never intended for humans to be able to drink milk.
for some reason they started drinknig cow milk hundrets of years ago even though the body was at time not even able to process it.

the same reason why lots of asian can't drink milk nowadays: cause they never started doing it.

>> No.3750793

and this is why I enjoy Asian cuisine.
barely any milk or milk products in it.

>> No.3750796

kiwi is always difficult for me to eat...i don't find it "disgusting" but the seeds always make my mouth raw and scratchy. gets worse if the fruit is sour and not sweet.

>> No.3750805

I love everything in this thread.

>> No.3750807

Any seafood tbh, rucola salad, tomatoes, mushrooms,

>> No.3750814

also (a bit off topic): proof that humans are can still mutate can be found in people like the tibetans.
they live in places that are very high and the air is quite thin there.
a normal person would have problems breathing there but the tibetans' body adapted to it and basically mutated.
(which also means that humans in general are still in the midst of a mutation).

the most problem people have with kiwis is if you don't cut them right you get all the kiwi hair on the inside of the kiwi(for example with the knife will cutting a kiwi open).

and these kiwi hair are what makes your tongue feel funny.
but i agree with you i also hate the seeds.

>> No.3750828

i think it might just be a sensitivity to certain fruits or textures because the same thing can happen (on a much milder scale) when i eat fresh pineapple. mouth hurts and feels scratchy.

>> No.3750834

you might be allergic to it.

i remember that like 10 years ago blood oranges did the same thing to me(dunno if they still do it, last time i ate them was 10 years ago).
my mouth(the area around the lips) turned kinda red and it felt funny if i remember correctly

>> No.3750837

Green bell peppers

>> No.3750840

You know what /ck/.

I love tripe. It is tasty as fuck. Simple to make too.

Make some tomato sauce (garlic, onion, bacon, saute, add tomato, bay leaf, marjoram, if it is too sweet add some wine (or vinegar))

Add tripe (buy them cooked, cleaned and chopped)

Cook for 20-30 minutes.
If add a bit of breadcrumbs.

Throw those fuckers in a bowl, add parsley and parmesan.

Eat it with bread and drink beer and think about joys of communism.

>> No.3750843


You're probably allergic to it. I'm pretty severely allergic to pineapple and kiwi; it causes blistering, bleeding, a lot of pain and swelling etc. so I avoid it. Passion fruit causes a far less severe reaction like the "scratchiness" you describe.

>> No.3751019
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No, Bree.

>> No.3751031

I greatly dislike the texture of coconut, I love the flavor though. I also dislike chicken croquettes eugh... chicken with the texture of beans.

>> No.3751035

Tomatoes by themselves.

I have no fucking clue why. I can eat stewed tomatoes, salsas, whatever, but fresh tomatoes make me gag.

>> No.3751039

you have to eat them with salt.

without salt no one likes them but with salt they are a million times better

>> No.3751053
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You do realize you're eating a fungus, correct?
You know, in the same phylum as Athlete's Foot.

>> No.3751066

I eat kiwi with the peel on, it doesn't bother me. I just started doing it at some point. About the weird feeling afterwards, I get it either way too, peel or not.

>> No.3751067
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But they're sooo delicious when fried.
Especially in bacon grease. They basically become bacon.

>> No.3751075


...And vaginal yeast infections.

Tasty, tasty vaginal yeast infections.

>> No.3751081

Blue cheese == smegma

>> No.3751082

In that case, you might as well stop eating meat because most animals are in the same phylum as humans. You're practically a cannibal.

>> No.3751100

By far one of the worst counter arguments I've seen on /ck/.

I hate truffles. Dunno why people covet them so much, they taste terrible.

>> No.3751101

Even cherry tomatoes?

>> No.3751103

The original argument isn't all that strong to begin with.

>> No.3751105

Truffles taste like tears, tar, and frustration.

>> No.3751120
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Tripe is by far the worst.

>> No.3751122
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>> No.3751129

blue cheese makes me want to yarf

>> No.3751131

itt; white people

stay Ritz crackers /ck/

>> No.3751134
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>> No.3751136

I honestly cannot think of a regularly consumed food that I find revolting.

>> No.3751142

cherry tomatoes are fucking great.

>> No.3751159
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>implying there's something wrong with being white
Keep trying to make us feel bad because you feel bad

>> No.3752191

Raw onions in salads, sandwiches, wraps etc. The sulphorous explosion upon biting into that & the resulting bad breath horrify me. I love cooked onion & garlic.

>> No.3752204

Carrots. That shit is fucking horse food and has no place in my meals.

>> No.3752209

Go suck a horse dick you dense cunt.

>> No.3752210

Vinegar. What's up with that?

>> No.3752278


>> No.3753938


thats like saying its gross to eat cows because they are in the animal kingdom and so are humans

>> No.3753940

Steak Tartar

>> No.3753947

>>bree cheese

>>It's Brie yo, I'd be mad if you weren't probably trollin

>> No.3753971

gross ausie pigs

>> No.3754041

Sweet peppers, and the fact that they are in almost everything. I feel like the always overpower stuff in a dish and just taste disgusting.

>> No.3754460
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pork rinds

>> No.3754893

I hate squash. 'Nuff said.

>> No.3754915

Vinegar and most condiments made with vinegar. It makes me nauseous.

>> No.3754924

Bananas. Good god I fucking hate them. Good thing the cavendish will go extinct soon...

>> No.3754928

Brie is good, but you do have to consume the motherfucker fairly quickly because that ammonia taste starts growing fast.

I can't do blue cheese. I've tried, and I'm a fucking baby. Maybe some sprinkles on a salad or a burger, but in a cracker-and-cheese situation, I can't do it. It's too intense.

>> No.3754931

So because you hate to eat bananas, you don't want other people to be able to eat them if they want to?

ITT: Whiny bitches.

>> No.3754934

Cool Ranch Doritos are fucking horrible.

>> No.3754941

I just don't want to have to smell them again

>> No.3754949

anything with a dry, mealy texture. I never want to feel that feel again when I got food poisoned by macdonalds. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

also whip cream and mayo. Won't eat it.

>> No.3754959

Boo hoo, your poor nose. Do you make mommy clean the shitter for you, too?

>> No.3754970

dont like the taste and texture

>> No.3754977

you're supposed to bake bree...

>> No.3754983

I HATE salad.
Just ugh man, fucking UGH.
And cucumbers.
Smelling one is enough already, could never eat that shit.
Fucking PIG disgusting.

Also guts and stuff.
And 99% of seafood.

>> No.3754987


No you're not.
You can bake it but it's meant to be eaten "as is".

>> No.3754990

Mushrooms are not a fungus. They are the fruiting body of the fungus.
Mushrooms are fruit

>> No.3754997 [DELETED] 

>Mushrooms are not a fungus. They are the fruiting body of the fungus.

So an apple isn't part of the plant kingdom? hurrrr

>Mushrooms are fruit
No, no they are not.

>> No.3755002
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Ive never had a truffel before. but im betting morels taste way better.
pic related

>> No.3755003

Shrimp. The taste is great but the texture makes me feel sick.

>> No.3755005

>Mushrooms are not a fungus. They are the fruiting body of the fungus.

So an apple isn't part of the plant kingdom? hurrrr

>> No.3755007

I have never been that impressed with morels... they don't have that distinct of a taste IMO.

>> No.3755046

Olives are by far the most disgusting thing I've ever had the displeasure of eating.

>> No.3755049

Have you gotten shrimp you made sure was de-veined?

>> No.3755055

Peas, beans, any vegetable food contained in a small membrane that pops when you bite it. It feels very much like eating some kind of grub or worm, just in ball form.

Hot dogs. Fuck that shit. Insipid salty "meat" that tastes like compressed ball sweat and feels like eating a playdough dick.

>> No.3755064


not to mention they make the whole trailer smell

>> No.3755070

Mayonnaise: is just absolute shit. I can't explain it.
Sour Cream: see above
Green Bell Peppers: They're way too fucking strong and kind of bitter.
Black licorice: it's a taste that just kind of hits you in the face with itself. It's not pleasant.

>> No.3755074


You don't like banana bread?!

Why haven't you killed yourself already.

>> No.3755122

I don't know why, but even the smell is just awful.

>> No.3755125

Your internal wiring is super-fucked and you need to go see a neurologist.

>> No.3755141
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Anise, fennel, anything with that licorice taste.

There are a few foods that I don't like but would still eat if I had to. I even tolerate soapy cilantro. But goddamn, licorice triggers my gag reflexes like nothing else.

>> No.3755145

I absolutely refuse to eat something that grows in shit.

I'm trying to get over that though, thinking about growing my own somehow

>> No.3755148

I have no problem with wheat and whole grain in many food items (bread, rice) but wheat pasta is terrible. It's not that it's disgusting, it's that the texture is awful and it's too heavy. Pasta should never be infused with it.

>> No.3755151

Fennel. It tastes like ass.

>> No.3755155

have you tried shitting in a box outside?

>> No.3755158

What. In your OWN shit?

>> No.3755166

They don't exclusively grow in shit, you dumb fuck.

>> No.3755175

Not the same phylum. Though both members of kingdom Fungi, athletes' foot is caused by a fungus of phylum Ascomycota, and most mushrooms we eat are phylum Basidiomycota.

>> No.3755193

Bitter gourd, Indian food in general. Its never fresh in the places I eat.

>> No.3755252

This. I hate that shit and I live it Texas so it's fucking everywhere.

>> No.3755287
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>bree cheese

>> No.3755298

ezekial pasta is pretty bad

>> No.3755322

I am probably going to be strung up for this one, but: hummus/chickpeas. I cannot stand them. They are nasty!

>> No.3755331

I just gave root beer a second chance after rejecting it many years ago.

Shit still tastes awful; it's like sugar water.

>> No.3755338
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Coleslaw. I hate that shit.
It looks like barf. Why on Earth would I want to eat barf?

>> No.3755348

hotdogs, although suprisingly enough i have no problem with corn dogs

>> No.3755350

this makes me very sad. a lot of people i know hate it as well but for some reason ive always loved coleslaw. i can eat it nonstop and never get tired of it

>> No.3755412
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It tastes so bad to me. It tastes like what happens when you put too much fucking dressing on a salad. You're basically just eating that weird disgusting creamy stuff and for god knows what reason you've decided to put vegetables in it. I don't like veggies if they're not cooked in some way. Why the fuck would anyone make something horrible like that? You can't even taste the veggies.
It's just so unhealthy. God, what the fuck?!

>> No.3755413

>all mushrooms grow in shit

lol okay bro

>> No.3755416

>adding onto my rant

If someone put a fly in coleslaw, you wouldn't even notice it. Think about that the next time you eat coleslaw. Every single little unidentifiable chunk that you feel sliding down your throat could be a fly.

>> No.3755431


tastes like fucking buttered grass

>> No.3755445


>> No.3755454

inferior genes

>> No.3755461

The only black things I put in my coleslaw are ground pepper, and soy sauce/sesame oil if doing asian slaw.

No mayo so nothing to cover up or coat a fly. You should try slaw with a vinegar, citrus juice and oil dressing.

>> No.3755462
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good. Leave more for the rest of us

>> No.3755485

For those saying pineapple, kiwi, or passionfruit, they contain papain, which actually denatures the proteins in your mouth.

For me? Any canned seafood. It's absolutely disgusting, and the only exception is using sardines or anchovies in something else, like puttanesca.

>> No.3755496

Horse meat

shit is stringy and HARD like a brick

>> No.3755509

Feta. I dunno if I've only had pleb-tier feta, but I've always found it way too salty.

>> No.3755513

Actually papaya have papain (but I never heard about people having problems with that) They use it to tenderize meat. It is also used to dissociate cells in the first step of cell culture preparations, enzymatic debriding and chemomechanical dental caries removal.

Pineapple have bromelain and kiwi actinidin. I like them both but can't eat much because they hurt my mouth. Pineapple juice is used for tenterizing meat too.

Passionfruit doesn't have any that I know and I have never heard about anyone having problems with that or using it to tenderize meat so you might be mistaken on that one.

>> No.3755520

-GAG- Okra. Oh that shit is just plain awful. And celery. EWWWWW. God that shit makes me gag, no matter how I cook it, and I've tried it almost every way I possibly can. Even in soups it's horrible.

>> No.3755528
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>mfw I eat raw celery and pickled okra almost daily.

Everyone in this thread: Gay.

>> No.3755538

canned tuna --- how can you turn a godly piece of raw tuna into something so vile and disgusting like canned tuna?

>> No.3755583

The biggest asshole in this thread.

>> No.3755678

it was never intended for humans to do anything.

>> No.3755689

which is why i eat bikes

>> No.3755699

Thanks Michel Lotito! One internet for you!

>> No.3755705
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It preserves the tuna. It uses the portions of the tuna that are not suitable for raw use, for example the little bits that are stuck on the carcass. Canned tuna is an economically and environmentally sound idea. Don't be a faggot about it.

>> No.3755706

Mushrooms... specifically shitake mushrooms. Shit taste/look like slugs.

>> No.3755712

Fuck you, faggot. I'm not Michel Lotito. You gullible stupid faggot. I can't believe you fell for that. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.3755715

Beets. Disgusting as fuck. I remember eating over at a friend's house once and having to humor his Russian mother as she served us borscht. Ugh.

>> No.3755721
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So you are not a zombie?

>> No.3755735

Gorgonzola cheese

>> No.3755817

This! I love kiwifruit but it tears the everloving shit out of my mouth.

On topic, I think mayonnaise and avocado are the two things I just cannot stomach.
Also most seafood. I enjoy things like grilled fillets of pretty mild, basic fish (cod and dory and shit) and for some reason I've always loved calamari, even the rubbery battered stuff that's most likely stamped out of some sort of ray. Anything other than that I tend to avoid.

>> No.3755835
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Celery (allergic to it).

>> No.3755850


>> No.3755866

You're a little bitch if you can't get past the psychological mental block of a food's appearance.

>> No.3755883

Warschescher sauce. Fucking ew.

>> No.3755902

Well, it also tastes like old cum, vaginal discharge, and rotten cabbage. Also, it smells like farts.

>> No.3755910
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Things I will not eat:
>green bell peppers
>prunes, figs, dates

Things I don't like to eat but will tolerate:
>canned tuna
>cream cheese
>tomato soup

>> No.3755926

The only seafood I can eat is cod, lobster, and shrimp. I feel so bad for hating seafood.

>> No.3755927


Have you tried coleslaw with a citrus dressing (as opposed to a mayo and buttermilk mix)?


It's "Worcestershire".


Steamed vegetables. To be more specific, vegetables that have been steamed until they are fit for a baby to eat.

>> No.3755929


Also, I detest mayonnaise. Sorry, I sent my post soon too soon.

>> No.3755937
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>most chips
>anything mountain dew

>> No.3755938

Raw onion.

>> No.3755951

Milk, mushrooms, bell peppers, fat on meat, most hamburgers, sweet sausage, chunky salsa, curry, plain basil leavesl, t-bone steak, porterhouse steak, pork

>> No.3755963

Miso stock. When the only ingredients are dried fish and rotten beans, it's no wonder it tastes like shit.

>> No.3755967

Oranges. I can't stand them. The taste, the texture, everything about them just sickens me. I can't even drink orange juice. My family eats them like candy and it's awful. I bake a lot and I'm always disappointed when a recipe calls for orange zest. I really like other citrus though.

>> No.3755972

I hate garlick so much. And most vegetables. And fish (mostly because of bad experiences). Blue cheese.

>> No.3755993

I don't hate any food ive tried, but I have a hard time with onion in food

>> No.3756015

Vampire detected.

>> No.3756027

This. My mom uses it as dip for fucking everything. I ate the shit so much growing up that the thought of it on anything other than an actual salad makes me gag.

Also Sea Urchin roe, mushrooms unless prepared well, and any kind of fish egg.

>> No.3756028
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>> No.3756035
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>Foods you find most disgusting
Oh boy I stopped counting: Mayonnaise, raw cheese, most mushrooms (the consistency, not the taste), most fish dishes, most milk based sauces and fucking cauliflower

>> No.3756051

Goats Cheese/Milk
Sweet Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Seafood (with a few exceptions)
Mushrooms (dat texture)
Mashed Potato
Potato Skins
Tomatos that aren't pureed to shit.
Most fruits and vegetables.

I'm really picky, aren't I?

>> No.3756054

fuck you! vegimite is amazing!
black grease of majesty.
tier 10 motherfucker!

>> No.3756059


I am not even vegetarian. I just hate the texture. Oddly enough, I love squid and eel.

>> No.3756064

I fucking hate milk, it's the most disguisting thing ever. Everyone I know loves that shit but I get naseous when I see people drink it. It tastes like cold fat.

>> No.3756102

>implying all fat tastes the same

>> No.3756135

Mushrooms. It's half the texture, and half the fucking smell that's stuck in my head from having lived near a large scale mushroom farm for a decade. Nothing that grows in conditions that smell that bad is appetizing to me.

>> No.3756144

You should visit a pig or cattle farm.

>> No.3756158


You know not all mushrooms are the same though right?

Some nicer mushrooms like chantrelle grow in nice green areas and really feed off the roots of trees for the part. They have a lot fruitier taste.

>> No.3756172

I won't eat raw tomatoes... the seeds are slimy and I don't like the flavor.

I also hate raw onions. And goat cheese tastes like what I imagine feet taste like.

>> No.3756176

to the faggot spouting the inferior gene bullshit about cilantro haters: please die.

cilantro tastes like shit and it overpowers everything it goes in. it compliments nothing. the dish immediately becomes CILANTRO and "x".

cilantro is for poverty stricken 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.3756197

Cheese and beans. Cheese smells like disgusting feet and i cant eat beans without gagging

>> No.3756198

Zucchini is the worst thing known to mankind. Cucumber is fucking amazing, but zucchini is like... ass. worst thing ever.

>> No.3756200

>all these cheese smells like feet posts
wash your feet

>> No.3756206

Zucchini is amazing. I'm about to cook some up right now, faggot.

>> No.3756224

black licorice, sea urchin

I like most things

>> No.3756230

Just cucumbers for me. Most of the people in this thread are autismal as hell.

>> No.3756239
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>he thinks canned tuna is made from high quality fillets

>> No.3756241

Don't know what it is about raw tomatos and bell peppers. I can eat tomato sauce as long as it does not contain chunks of tomatos. Also I can eat spicy peppers, just not bell peppers.
I just recently got over my hate for mushrooms and now I love them :D

>> No.3756243

My gf doesn't eat tomatoes, any sort of green vegetables, fish, egg, onions and chocolate ice cream. I want to shoot the bitch.

>> No.3756260

THIS. I will never understand how my mom eats that stuff. It's like what I imagine tar tastes like.

Also shrimp that's not fried, Doritos, eggplant, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, and most Mexican food. I can't eat fresh avocado, tomato, onion, or mushroom without a bunch of other food to dull the taste.

Oh and FUCKING THIS >>3755967
FUCKING ORANGES FUCK they have always been my worst enemy. That horrible bitter aftertaste and that feeling they give my teeth and they burn my lips GOD DAMN if I could brutally murder a family of oranges..

>> No.3756261

sounds like you are probably allergic to oranges.

>> No.3756262

Basil, sage, thyme...

They're nasty man

>> No.3756266

cherries, I fucking hate cherries. don't know why but I can barely keep them down

>> No.3756272

>That horrible bitter aftertaste and that feeling they give my teeth and they burn my lips
That is not a normal reaction to food, you're probably allergic like >>3756261 said.

>> No.3756285

Really? Hm I just thought I was a picky faggot. Is there a way to see if I am legitimately allergic like some sort of medical test? Or is that only possible for severe allergies like bee stings and such. I don't think I'm allergic to anything else (except maybe cinnamon and pineapple. I like them but they both irritate my mouth).

>> No.3756288

Maybe that is the oils in the orange peel.

>The limonene which is the main component of the oil is a mild irritant, as it dissolves protective skin oils.

>Limonene and its oxidation products are skin irritants, and limonene-1,2-oxide (formed by aerial oxidation) is a known skin sensitizer. Most reported cases of irritation have involved long-term industrial exposure to the pure compound, e.g. during degreasing or the preparation of paints. However a study of patients presenting dermatitis showed that 3% were sensitized to limonene.

Isn't a problem if you eat it without let the peels touch your mouth

>> No.3756295

only things that actually make me sick to think about are imitation crab meat and cold shrimp.

>> No.3756298


>> No.3756310

yeah, you can take a allergy test. but if you are sensitive to pineapple, you probably are sensitive to oranges too.

>> No.3756311

>thinking that mushrooms are grown in shit


>> No.3756313

Why would you think that?

>> No.3756384

> Fresh cilantro. Tastes like sour soap.

Fuck cilantro, and therefore fuck taco bell's cantina menu. Every item has cilantro. Did they really think adding corn and cilantro to their shit would make it gourmet? One taste of it and within 3 minutes I'm nauseous and I feel like I have a tourniquette wrapped around my skull like a headband (or better yet, tfw wearing a motorcycle/football helmet for 4+ hours).

Also raw bleu cheese eaten by itself. I can't eat hot wings without it, but by itself it is putrid.

>> No.3756386

I have several members of my family that are allergic to pineapple and oranges. I got tested and I am not allergic to any food. The allergist says they it is common to be allergic to oranges if you are allergic to pineapple

>> No.3756419

the common canned mushroom is grown on a mix dirt and horse manure.
lots of fertilizer are either animal shit or rotten alguae anyway so by that logic you should stop eating vegetables completely.

>> No.3756431


for the love of god, grapefruit. just the smell makes me literally gag