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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 291 KB, 1600x1200, Frying_pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3732761 No.3732761 [Reply] [Original]

All right /ck, what do YOU use to prevent things from sticking in the frying pan?

Personally, I use butter. It's cheap, doesn't make a mess like oil and causes the thing I cook to roast to a nice brown. Mhm.

>> No.3732765

Olive or vegetable oil. Don't like using butter.

>> No.3732768

butter burns pretty fast and releases carcinogenic substances.

best thing to use is sunflower oil as it can sustain hight temperatures.

or use a teflon frying pan

>> No.3732770


>carcinogenic substance

How that doesn't make anyone's bullshit detector go off nowadays is beyond me. You're right that it tends to burn pretty fast depending on the temperature, but I rarely cook things at higher than medium temperatures in a skillet. When I do, I use the cast iron pan instead anyway.

>> No.3732773

>butter burns

choose one


>anything burns
>still eatable

>> No.3732778


By your logic we shouldn't cook anything because if you cook it long enough it burns.

>> No.3732783

Grapeseed oil. Because I tend to burn everything.

>> No.3732782

by my logic you shouldnt cook anything too long or with a temperature too high.

you are acting like i said

but i did not

>> No.3732801

low flash point fats are fine, just learn to control your own goddamn stove and don't burn your food

>> No.3732813

I use different things for different cooking applications.
>butter (only for low heat/caramelization purposes)
>clarified butter (for higher heat)
>olive oil (low heat)
>grapeseed oil (flavorless)
>virgin coconut oil (high heat, stir fries, curries)
>and when I truly need non-stick, I use olive oil non-stick spray from Trader Joe's (because it doesn't have alcohol or silicone in it, just olive oil and lecithin)

>> No.3732816

Oh, forgot one:
>rendered fats (usually either bacon or chicken, sometimes duck) for flavorful goodness

>> No.3732817

>implying blackened food
>implying marshmallows burned on the outside arent delicious

>> No.3732821

>i talk about very rare exceptions to not look like a dumbass

you now look like an autist

>> No.3732824

>Get a heaping helping of told
>Resort to 4chan baby speak in order to save some face

>> No.3732830

>implying i am mad or need a facade to keep up

my point still stands in general.
ofc there are exceptions to everything, sherlock

>> No.3732831

>butter burns pretty fast and releases carcinogenic substances.

Absolute bullshit. You pulled this one RIGHT out of your ass, literally.

Go spread woo on >>>/b/.

>> No.3732839

>Using one oil for everything

Ahahahaha. I feel sorry for you faggots who think your oil loyalties will earn you anything in the world.

I use butter, vegetable shortening, both extra virgin and refined olive oils, safflower oil, grapeseed oil, soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, and a few others I can't think of at the moment. Come at me bro.

>> No.3732847

yes there are differences between the different kinds of oil but having 10 different kinds of olive oil is quite useless as they are basically the same.

>> No.3732843

So much jimmy rustling in this thread.

Anyway, just made breakfast. Use butter in the skillet, cooked some potato slices, then two eggs and four slices of bacon, completed with two slices of toast bread.

Feels good man.

>> No.3732844

Olive oil.

>> No.3732851

Where did I say I had "ten different kinds of olive oil"?

Now, count with me.

Extra virgin olive oil is ONE oil.

Refined olive oil is TWO oils.

Two does not equal ten. I'm sorry you weren't blessed with the ability to do higher math.

>> No.3732866

Buy a ceramic pan. I bought one yesterday and it is great. You can cook meat without oils and get dat dere stone cooked flavor.

>> No.3732868

>not titanium

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3732878

I only oil my bad pan because the surface is scratched up pretty bad. My good pan has a nice coating on it, nothing really sticks to it.

>> No.3732880




both are great and far better than a teflon pan. I'll get the ceramic.

>> No.3732922


Aren't ceramic pans really fragile?

>> No.3732931


Not really. More fragile than metal, but if you're slamming your pans around hard enough to dent metal, yeah, you might have an issue.

Think of glass or ceramic casserole dishes...When have you actually broken one?

>> No.3732998

How's it feel to know that the olive oil you people are using isn't really olive oil? Maybe 5% olive oil and the rest is other oils.

You've never tasted REAL olive oil in your life.

>> No.3733005

>Too poor to afford thirty dollars

How the hell are you cooking anything at all? Enjoy your chemical poisoning.

>> No.3733007

>implying ceramic will give chemical poisoning
I bet you're the same type who thinks aluminium foil will really give you alzheimers. fuckin lol

>> No.3733010

>Buying something almost completely unregulated by any governmental agency whatsoever

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.3733011

Yes because the gov't is really concerned about my health and actually doesn't want me to get cancer...

hello? hello in there! is anyone awake!? ... nope, nobody.

>> No.3733017


Why are you even buying ceramic then if you aren't concerned about your health? There's no advantages over Teflon in slickness despite what you see on TV.

Go back to your tinfoil hat.

>> No.3733024

Great Value brand Cooking Oil Spray, I'm just lazy.

>> No.3733022


Go back to being a sheep, asleep and who believes whatever the gov't tells him.

>> No.3733028
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>> No.3733032

Your olive oil isn't even olive oil. You all have never EVER tasted olive oil in your life.

>> No.3733036
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1320151211802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3733037


Check #1

you have never had real olive oil ever

>> No.3733041
File: 1.35 MB, 300x169, 1324295978907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3733042

You upset that you've never and will never have real olive oil?

>> No.3733043

>Implicating that I don't own an olive tree
>Implicating that I don't press my own olives for their oil

Sounds like you're just plebeian race.

>> No.3733046
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>> No.3733047

Yes because plebeian == not owning their own olive tree and pressing their own olive oil
That's fucking AWESOME!

>> No.3733050

>Yes because plebeian == not owning their own olive tree and pressing their own olive oil

It is. If you aren't into gardening then you have no place on this board.

>> No.3733060

Oh I'm sorry, I thought for a second this was a COOKING board, not a guardening board.
Also not everyone has the space or ability or environment for a fucking olive tree you idiot

>> No.3733062

>Oh I'm sorry, I thought for a second this was a COOKING board, not a guardening board

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>/ck/ - Food



>> No.3733066
File: 12 KB, 405x286, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wouldnt the plebs be ones pressing their own olive oil like poorfags?

>> No.3733068

Today, the stuff that is pawned off to us as quality olive oil is often just a tiny amount of the real thing, mixed with up to 80 percent of ordinary, less than healthy, cheap as muck sunflower oil. That is, if you're getting any olive oil at all. In fact, we're so used to shitty olive oil that apparently food connoisseurs reject the real stuff because it tastes fake to them.

>> No.3733071

I use water.

>> No.3733074

Yes, because the olives off of my olive tree are magically infused with safflower oil.


>> No.3733076


you win

>> No.3733078

>timestamp pics or you don't have olive trees or a press

>> No.3733086


You can grow them anywhere, moron. I don't even need to take a picture because it's not a leap of imagination to believe I own one.

>> No.3733088


lol you dont have an olive tree

>> No.3733096

>Resorts to insults after his argument got buttowned


>> No.3733097

hahaha you don't own an olive tree
If you did you've be more than happy to take a quick pic and come prove us wrong

>> No.3733098

My parents almost bought a house with olive trees, but decided not to when we found out you have to boil them in salt water before eating them or they're poisonous or something.

They grow pretty much everywhere out here (CA)

>> No.3733106


lol i'm a different person. just prove you have an olive tree i'm not not insulting you

>> No.3733108

>Resorts to insults after his argument got buttowned


>> No.3733114

What argument? All I said was prove you have one
if you can't prove it then you don't have it
you're just resorting to shitty strawman attacks and going lel to try and deflect the fact that YOU HAVE NO OLIVE TREE

>> No.3733115

then take a pic bro

if i had a maple tree i wouldn't get butthurt and refuse to take a pic of it

and just because you have an olive tree, which is essentially invasive in many parts of the world, doesn't mean you have the ability to press the oil

so post your equipment too, then you'll be right and we will bow down to your olive dick

>> No.3733116

>Resorts to insults after his argument got buttowned


>> No.3733119

OP here. What the fuck have you people done to my thread?

>> No.3733120
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>> No.3733122

>Resorts to insults after his argument got buttowned


>> No.3733125

anyways, since we've just proven he doesn't have an olive tree, I'll rest easy knowing he has never tasted real olive oil in his life

>> No.3733127

It got turned into conspiracy theories, retards shouting butthurt at each other, and extremely obnoxious fags who rely on Cracked.org for their info.

It's better if you just delete the thread.

>> No.3733128

>Resorts to insults after his argument got buttowned


>> No.3733130


Girls, GIRLS...you're both beautiful.

>> No.3733134

Cracked is a great source. Just like wikipedia is. You can STILL verify the veracity of the facts by the sources they site.

i'd believe them over the news on tv any day

>> No.3733141

As long as he buys good, American™ olive oil, he certainly has.

So to sum up

So to sum up.

>Italian and Spanish olive oil is mostly fake
>American olive oil is real and isn't subject to nigger adulteration by poor as fuck proto-Mexicans and people who are only good at building sports cars
>Americans confirmed for Master Race yet again and Yuropurs can't deny it

>> No.3733157


finally, someone who understands

>> No.3734104


I buy Paula Deen cookware because it's pretty :-)

>> No.3734116

Eh, I enjoy Cracked but a lot of what they report is inaccurate or just plain old blown out of proportion.

>> No.3735338

coconut oil or bacon fat

>> No.3735361

Extra light olive oil is a pretty ideal, healthy pan-frying oil with a VERY high smoke point which is readily available in all supermarkets.

>> No.3735397

>Italian and Spanish olive oil is mostly fake
wut? Surprised Spaniard here.

>> No.3735409

Rice bran oil cooking spray, no calories, tasteless basically. Best way to cook pancakes without the greasy-ness

>> No.3735410


Apparently some companies in Europe sell Americans olive oil, that has other oils in it to make it cheaper and that's where all the bad quality olive oil goes too. They sell it to americunts in nice bottles since they have no regulation and don't know any better.

>> No.3735412

This is pretty well documented at this point.

>> No.3735417

Butter is $5/lb. Oil is $5/gal.

>> No.3735431

I'm curious, how much does extra virgin olive oil cost there (in America)?
Here it's 2.75€/1L (I think that's $12.67/gal).

>> No.3736369

I pay $18 to $24 dollars canadian per 4 litres.

>> No.3736520


Actually the sources from the article say the exact opposite. EU regulations allow anything bottled in Italy to be sold in any EU country as "Italian Olive Oil". The US requires any ingredient to be listed on the mandatory USDA label.