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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 500x375, kouign aman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3723557 No.3723557 [Reply] [Original]

is there food(like a dish) that if you eat it everyday it will cover most of the things that the body needs?(vitamins,iron, etc)

pic unrelated: just one of my fav. things to eat.
so fucking good.

>> No.3723561

rice and beans with greens

>> No.3723578

OP, what the hell is in your pic? The only guess I'm going to venture is it's some kind of deep fried bread.

>> No.3723583

kouign aman.(file name).
it is french pastry and mean "buttercake" if you translate it.


i was in france once and ate it.
lots of butter and sugar.

>> No.3723595

>lots of butter and sugar

Well, that certainly explains the appearance then. Thanks.

>> No.3723612

This summer I've pretty much been living off a salad with grilled salmon (obviously I cook the salmon every three days or so then buy more). I add grilled veggies or other variations to keep from getting bored with it.

>> No.3723620

I eat four whole eggs every morning. Usually scrambled.

>> No.3723621

Chicken McNuggets

>> No.3723622

and watermelons

>> No.3723626

missing the essential vitamin purple

>> No.3723737

i don't get it

>> No.3723758

Sweet potatoes are the most nutritious vegetable. That's probably what you're looking for. If you're a vegan fag, stop right there. If you're a normal human fucking being, you'll want to incorporate some meat in with it from time to time.

>> No.3723762

Humans have all the nutrients you need. Become a humanitarian today!

>> No.3723764

I have always thrown around the idea of some sort of dog food substance for humans. Would make sense for disaster relief and rationing.

>> No.3723768

fruitmeatvegetablegrain casserole.

>> No.3723771

that was my basic idea.
my cat eats the same food every day and i was kinda wondering of humans could do the same.

>> No.3723772
File: 47 KB, 636x435, Bachelor_Chow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3723770


I didn't realize they were particularly good for you. Good news for me, I fucking love sweet potatoes. With a bit of salt and greek yogurt on 'em.

^notice: Most people have told me this is fucking bizarre, so try only a little bit at first.

>> No.3723774

So, like a canned meat and vegetable mixture that contains several sources of different vitamins and nutrients? Tell us, stranger, what would you call this magical meat "stew" of yours?

>> No.3723777

shit tier immune system
and animal pallet isn't like ours, third world starving people might choke it down, but disaster relief people in a first or second world would be grossed out.

>> No.3723781

I am talking about a product where you can just open the package and it will be read to eat. Non perishable.

>> No.3723796

So, like a CANNED (made by canning, which usually involves enough heat to cook the shit inside) stew.

Canned beef stew? That might be crazy enough to work, anon, but you gotta jump on that shit before someone else steals your idea!

>> No.3723804

Come to think of it Dinty Moore always did remind me of dog food

>> No.3723806

V8 spicy is pretty much a hole in one for your vegetables, fiber, low cal, high flavor. Celery, onion, tomatoes, chilies, etc. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime for the extra C and freshness.

If you drink it infrequently, you can also buy cans in bulk at Costco and the like and keep them always cold ready to go.

Morning smoothies with greek yogurt, and chopped up assorted (frozen fruit) is pretty nutritious, bananas, berries, papaya, and a little fiber and trace vitamins when you add a little wheat germ, oatmeal, favorite cereal in there to thicken it up.

>> No.3723812

Canned stew isn't in the form of dog food pellets.

>> No.3723824

Sushi, probably. Lots of different fod groups in one little roll.
Also, milk. Fats, carbs, and protein!

>> No.3723826

yeah lemons don't have much vitamin c btw.
paprika has more for example.(one of the foods with the most vitamin c is seabuckthorn)

>> No.3723832
File: 24 KB, 510x381, really-fat-guy-on-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the food groups.

>> No.3723839

nuh-uh. It's still missing vitamin Icecream

>> No.3723842

also a plus: in america it is a vegetable

>> No.3723845

Not if it's an Ice Cream Pizza.

>> No.3723846

They have 100% of your daily allowance of C. Who told you that you should eat seabuckthorn berries rather than citrus? You do that, aspie.

>> No.3723853
File: 28 KB, 600x300, asdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, now I just have to try to make one, don't I

>> No.3723858

not that anyone told me but this list is quite interesting:


>> No.3723888

Rice and fish is a must for my family.

>> No.3723896

Probably some kind of salad. Just put some chicken in there.

>> No.3723908

It's not interesting nor relative to the thread. No one squeezes random berries or 100g of parsley or anything like that into their V8. If you want pure concentrated sour because you can inedibly chew that shit up and melt the enamel off your teeth go ahead. But, you're just an aspie who missed the point. I'll clue you in on another point you missed, vitamin C and the bioflavonoids that come with it, degrades very rapidly with processing and exposure to light. There's a very good reason people squeeze fresh citrus.

>> No.3723925

i don't even get why you are mad and yes it is off topic but it is not like that the whole thread just got derailed

>> No.3723934
File: 15 KB, 365x250, Lembas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Human kibbles n bits probably wouldn't catch on all too well. A nutrient and calorie dense bread though...

>> No.3723958

like soreen?

and i dunno. i think that a dry, maybe cracker-form would go over well enough to make a profit. especially if you (a) kept the cost down (b) marketed it right.

>> No.3723961

bibimbap. veggies, rice, spice, and tofu [or meat if you're a culinary pleb]. everything the body needs.

>> No.3724071

this would be IT.

>> No.3724142

is that from one of the new futurama episodes?

>> No.3724151

Think its from the game.

>> No.3724265

bumping for more stuff

>> No.3724473

quinoa is a "complete protein food". basically you can life eating not much more than just that. it's on the list of foods to be grown in space because other protein-bearing vegetables have a sufficiently lower percentage of all the proteins humans need to survive.

>> No.3724537

A stew you retards. I personally make a Gumbo inspired stew of chicken, king prawns/jumbo shrimp, venison or another game meat like rabbit, something like catfish or African taipia, mussels, celery, onions, bell peppers, garlic, ginger, fresh red chilies, black pepper, salt, thyme, parsley or cilantro, stock, chopped tinned tomatoes, worcestershire sauce, sweet potatoes, squash, and some mixed baby vegetables, lemon or lime juice, & okra if you have it. Stew it all together on a low heat for at least an hour.

>> No.3724690

I thought that was what mulit-vitamins were for.

>> No.3724720

Have you read/watched the monkey chow diaries? Dude ate nothing but monkey chow for a week, and pretty much wanted to kill himself by the end.


>> No.3724726

amaranth is magic

>> No.3724727


>Sweet potatoes are the most nutritious vegetable.

Over spinach?

>> No.3724765

also a nudist slut

>> No.3724924

Rice, black beans and corn make a complete protein, and taste awesome on a tortilla.

>> No.3724932

hummus with bread contains every protein you need

rest of your day would consist of fruits/vegetables

>> No.3724940

Gyros pita.

>> No.3724959

Just eat hemp seeds, they have pretty much everything you need to stay alive.

>> No.3724967

beef and vegetable soup.

>> No.3724971

apparently you can't even metabolize most of the iron spinach contains anyway

>> No.3724977

Just take a multivitamin

>> No.3724986
File: 105 KB, 461x600, caloriemate5ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calorie Mate claims to be balanced
But I doubt you can live on it alone. Probably it just have the right amounts of protein/calories/fat but there are still stuff like essential fatty acids...

Oh wait, they could do that too but still...

>> No.3724987

Those things taste horrible!

>> No.3724993

Depends on the flavor and your preferences. I think it is nice as emergency food and as a fast snack (when you don't have time to eat properly) but they are far from being something I would eat without being hungry

>> No.3725003


kale is the most nutritionally dense vegetable on the planet, cooking newbies will inevitably prepare it in a disgusting manner, however

>> No.3725009

kale, rapini, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, LENTILS, quinoa, etc. are all good choices.

I love lentils. I could eat them all day everyday.

>> No.3725354

but did he like the taste of monkey chow cause if he didn't this would have been a huge problem right from the beginning

>> No.3725357


Pur-pul drank, nigguh!

Ima grip n' sip!

>> No.3725367

Please tell me how to cook Kale properly. I want to eat it in abundance but it makes me gag raw and I can't seem to cook it down to a non gag inducing taste even with bacon and bacon grease. It just tastes so bitter to me. It is the only vegetable that I cannot eat.

>> No.3725730

i think now i get it.

>> No.3725751


1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
1 teaspoon white sugar
1/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
6 eggs
6 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 cup evaporated milk
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt
2 quarts vegetable oil for frying
2 cups white sugar

>> No.3725770

Holland's national dish is a kale mash, usually served with sausage and gravy. We call it boerenkool met worst. Some people like to add bacon and pickled onions. It's absolutely delicious.

>> No.3725854


>> No.3725961


>> No.3725972

Ensure. But it's a nutrient DRINK.

>> No.3726041

never made it myself but i can't remember ever eaten kale that was not good.

>> No.3726085


also, if you want to find other recipes like this, I suggest you take a look around bodybuilding websites

there are many going around, since they are obviously picky about nutrition

>> No.3726098

This thread proves that you can't eat the same meals every day and be healthy. Unless you enjoy eating nothing but quinoa all day every day, which I know for a fact that nobody wants/does/could ever do if their lives depended on it.

>> No.3726105

TACO's, it's pretty much everyday

>> No.3726107

can someone break down what nutrients are essential to get every day?

it would be easier to pick what i want to eat based on that

>> No.3726126

Oh, I'm pretty sure that if you leave someone with nothing to eat besides quinoa he would die due to vitamin C deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, essential fatty acids deficiency, etc...

>> No.3726143

Vitamins, and everything named "essential" essential aminoacids, essential fatty acids, etc...

Are you trying some crazy diet to get even more thin? Do you think you are still fat with your 30kg? For someone on /ck/ you don't seem to care much about taste...

>> No.3726173

i do care about taste

on weekends

>> No.3726178

>Are you trying some crazy diet to get even more thin? Do you think you are still fat with your 30kg? For someone on /ck/ you don't seem to care much about taste...

if this is directed at OP:
just curious what one can eat that is pretty healthy and covers most of the stuff needed by the human body.
like you can eat some stuff regularly and it is pretty healthy and you also might be able to vary a bit but with the same healthy basis kinda.

also theoretically speaking: if someone was a poor person who can't afford all different kinds of food there has to be something that he can eat so he won't have to care about his health that much

>> No.3726190

>if someone was a poor person who can't afford all different kinds of food there has to be something that he can eat so he won't have to care about his health that much

Ida know... VEGETABLES? Even the canned ones. The people that say the canning process destroys 90 per cent of the nutrients are tards.

>> No.3726201

Price depends on where you live, rice is cheap in Asia. Simple meal with rice, beans, vegetables one egg and a fruit would cover most of your nutritional needs

>> No.3726203

I'm sure it must be possible to make some sort of dog food for people.

Like if you take a bunch of things with the shit we need in it, and just cook it all together, but it in cans of 1-daily-ration and eat that.

>> No.3726249



-Protein supplements
-Other stuff

Do I have all my bases covered, nutritionally? If I try to eat nothing but these items (excluding "other stuff") for the rest of my life, will I die or suffer adverse health effects a few years from now?

>> No.3726252

>dog food for people
you're too late, bub. clearly, you're new to this board, but have you also been living under a rock the past few months? they treated actual dog food with ammonia to make it safe for human consumption, and sold it as pink slime to chain restaurants and grocery chains as ground meat additive.

>> No.3726267

Try to eat more different veggies like different sources for leaves (like argula, boston lettuce, romaine, watercress, etc), and more different colors (eggplant, jicama, sweet potato, bell peppers). Also try to include some fruit or berry into your diet. Remember: veggis are good sources of minerals, while fruit give you more vitamins.
The protein source matters, as well. Fish is great, lots of healthy fats. Whatever meat you choose, pick high quality-- if you know a legitimate farmer market, go there for your cuts!
Also, try to eat nuts as well for dem good fats. I hear you're supposed to soak some nuts, like almonds.

>> No.3726273

i don't think he was talking about actualy dogfood but more about the general principle of it.

a can full with healthy vegetables and meat to fulfill all your nutritionous needs.

>> No.3726277
File: 47 KB, 399x500, dinty moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found your "human dog food"

>> No.3726319

i don't think htat carrots, potatoes and meat cover everything a person needs

>> No.3726376

yeah, my diet consists pretty much of just this and fluff. both are actually incredible, and you can make them all in bulk. i usually end up cooking for myself (not for family, friends or a woman) about once a month

>> No.3726440

> Sweet potatoes

He's telling the truth... Ounce for ounce they are the most nutritious vegetable and don't have all the drawbacks some veges do (amount of fat). It also benefits from not requiring pesticides and all that crap, so even apart from the nutrition its just all-around win-win. Beware some of the recipes, like "candied yam" style preparations. Would be a shame to spoil all the benefits with bad recipes.

On a side note, I think potassium is an often-overlooked mineral. My gut tells me that hypokalemia (low potassium) causes about 95% of the symptoms you hear people bellyaching about everyday.... "I'm tired...." And my favorite "I haven't taken a satisfying shit in weeks...". An adult body needs about 2000mg of potassium per day, and I can assure all you fast foodies that you are not getting those 2g from eating all the whoppers and big macs in the world.

Multivitamins do not help either. A high quality multi vitamin will contain 2% of your daily needs if you are lucky. There just isn't much you can do apart from eating food containing potassium. Give it a try. The vast majority of people with notice immediate improvement in the quality of life.

Work some papayas or prune juice into your diet. They have twice the amount of K than the next best foods (bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew melon). Unfortunately, except for nanners, I hate all thay shit so I'm stuck with cataloupe mixed with lots of pineapple or nanners.

>> No.3726446

>A high quality multi vitamin will contain 2% of your daily needs if you are lucky.

Not sure if serious. My Centrium says differently.

>> No.3726636

aren't there like foods that a human can for at least a week without developing a malnutrition?
i think there is a specific name for that and if i am correct coconuts might be part of said group of food.

>> No.3726655

your centrum is lying to you

those synthetic nutrients aren't as good as ones found in a natural diet

also taking them all at once means most of them are not absorbed and simply washed away

the label only describes how each of the nutrients would behave on its own under ideal conditions, which don't actually exist save for in a lab

>> No.3726660

milk is the closest thing

other than that it doesn't exist

>> No.3726663

(just stating a fact)

if you eat food with lots of iron you shit will be black cause lots of the iron won't be absorbed.
it is a sign though that you ate lots of iron.

>> No.3726827

i think it does.

if i could remember the name of the group though.

>> No.3726996


>> No.3727033
File: 14 KB, 469x351, wj9EqnxmgjahzqdgzqmpZUCEo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know multi-vitamins arent a perfect replacement for real nutrient sources but they are a good thing if you have a limited dietary range.

I started taking centrum for men about a week ago with my breakfast and I feel a lot more alert energetic through the day.

Obviously you will want to eat a balanced diet but vitamin supplements do help.

>> No.3728170

but it is still better to get your vitamins through food than through supplements

>> No.3728176

>I know multi-vitamins arent a perfect replacement for real nutrient sources

>> No.3728180

so supplements wouldn't be an option anyway if you wanna do what the thread asks

>> No.3728225

Your body can't tell the difference between vitamins and minerals from supplements or other sources. It processes them exactly the same.

>> No.3728255

The science is not in on this question yet. The studies say something else about this every week.