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File: 246 KB, 887x498, normal_TTS_S1_E2_0269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.9701 [Reply] [Original]

New episode starts 7:30 PM on TV.

Repunzel's Enemy:
>After Rapunzel gets booed, she becomes determined to win over her naysayer, a little old man who is loved by everyone in the kingdom.

Episode links:
>WATCH Disney Channel


>> No.9702

Saw this episode earlier this morning on Disney channel. It was a very strange episode and the context of how it Monty not having worry consequences about talking trash to Rapunzel if her father ever found out makes it more unreal. Also, Monty's reasoning seems unproportional to his hatred for Rapunzel.

>> No.9703
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>claims he hates green
>wears green pants

>> No.9704
File: 104 KB, 750x937, Brigette Barrager - instagram missbrigette - instagram p BRhkFoTFFWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9705

No spoirar pls

Will this one be put up on youtube?

>> No.9706

Sorry about that. Since it's already on on Disney channel website and even a download link posted here, I assume people already watched it.

Not sure about Youtube episode release by Disney Channel though. I'm sure other people will post it up on youtube.

>> No.9707

Is this STARCO the show ? Cause Rapunzel and Eugene are CUTE and PERFECT

>> No.9708

>On website

Oh if it's available never mind


>> No.9709

>sign in with your provider



it up on kiss yet?

>> No.9710

Next best thing

>> No.9711


Yasss Queen!!
Loving this.

Disney is finally getting good again

Tangled: The Series
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Milo Murphy's Law
Star Wars Rebels
And the upcoming stuff also looks good (BH6, ect)

Heck even the live action shows aren't terrible anymore. Mech-X4 is great and Andi Mack is leaps and bounds ahead of the other tween crap.

And now they have a Herbie: Fully Loaded reboot in development for Disney XD. Life is good guys.

>> No.9712

No, because there is a lesbian pairing which everyone will jump ship to.

Cute and perfect is ded in both shows.

>> No.9713
File: 156 KB, 1366x768, Rapunzel's wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By everyone you mean tumblr and retarded yurifags?

>> No.9714
File: 677 KB, 900x1500, tumblr_omyhsvPs6L1w605kao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not multishipping
>not shipping a bi threesome
To each their own, but you're missing out.

>> No.9715
File: 171 KB, 407x474, 1484318957901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nig gets it

>> No.9716

Yo fuck this nigga

Rapunzel is precious

>> No.9717

When we getting bh6 cartoon?

>> No.9718

This fall.

>> No.9719


>> No.9720


Disney XD Upcoming Shows:

DuckTales - Summer 2017
Spider-Man - Summer 2017
Big Hero 6: The Series - Fall 2017

Mega Man - TBA 2017
Billy Dilley's Super-Duper Subterranean Summer - TBA 2017
Country Club - TBA 2018

Ducktales and BH6 were already renewed.

>> No.9721

Episode was cute.

You think there'd be a law against defacing public property though.

>> No.9722

>public property

It's an image of the sovereign

Uncle monty should be hobbling around one knee short

>> No.9723

Yeah, but since Corona is ruled by generic benevolent rulers they aren't allowed to flog people onscreen for that.

>> No.9724

Ok so uncle Monty only hates Raps because muh tradition?

>> No.9725

elsa when

>> No.9726


To take advantage of the Frozen 2 tie in.

>> No.9727

Isn't it called Spidermen because it has Peter, Miles and Gwen?

>> No.9728

>when she is into more hardcore porn than you.

>> No.9729

Monty should hang.

>> No.9730

they look like close friends.

>> No.9731

BH6 and maybe Mega Man are the ones i'm looking forward to.

>> No.9732


If that's true, I hope they can come up with a title more creative than that.

>> No.9733

Has any show besides this one and Recess done this episode?

>> No.9734

Has to be, though I can't recall any right now

>> No.9735

Wait, how she learned to kiss like that if she never left her tower before?

>> No.9736

This is months, if not years after the movie.

>> No.9737

Practiced with ___Pascal

>> No.9738
File: 1.15 MB, 400x372, tumblr_onpfiz1yom1vovufto2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one princess be so cute

>> No.9739


Oh shit OP, thanks for reminding me. Chugging my beer and heading home.

>> No.9740

The Weekenders did it.

>> No.9741


>> No.9742
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Cass is a hottie.

>> No.9743
File: 75 KB, 720x723, Rapunzel's Enemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn't Rapunzel just have this guy executed for sedition?

>> No.9744


Just watching the episode now. Thought exactly the same at this moment, moe as fuck.

>> No.9745
File: 158 KB, 708x695, bros bros bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Noelle Stevenson got a "story by" credit. Neat. I like her.

>> No.9746
File: 964 KB, 994x764, Lumberjanes-004-SDCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noelle Stevenson
>Best girl finally getting her due
I'm happy about this

>> No.9747

That horse show did it.

>> No.9748

I want to _hug Cass

Because if she executed someone who didn't like her just because he didn't like her, then more people wouldn't like her.

>> No.9749
File: 185 KB, 1350x745, 333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these two are gonna fuck, right?

Of course not, Raps x Flynn is forever.


After this episode, I'm considering this option.


Kissing isn't really rocket science anon. It's even more instinctive than sex.


Wow, she has credits on a handful of the best WoY episodes, including most/all of the Dominator ones. I look forward to her future contributions to Tangled.

>> No.9750

Traditions are important to old people.
Also, if uncle Monty doesn't like you, it's proof that you're a blackhearted knave who does unspeakable evil.
Like painting everything pink, or smiling whenever it's not appropriate.

>> No.9751

>Mega Man - TBA 2017
Disney is going to make a Mega Man cartoon? As in, that Capcom robot character that fights Dr. Wily and his robots Mega Man?

>> No.9752


Porn soon.

>> No.9753


I... Uh, wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.

>> No.9754

Oh man, I just read the wikipedia article about it, and suddenly it does sound a lot less awesome.

>> No.9755

>more instinctive than sex

say whuh

>> No.9756



>> No.9757

Here's April's stuff:

April 7, 2017: “Fitzherbert P.I.”

(7:30 – 8:00 P.M. EDT)

Eugene sets out to find a role for himself in the castle and decides to be a royal guard.

April 14, 2017: “Challenge of the Brave”

(7:30 – 8:00 P.M. EDT)

Cassandra and Rapunzel enter the Challenge of the Brave, a gathering of warriors from across the kingdom, to test their courage.

*Danny Trejo (“Machete”) guest stars as Wreck Marauder.

April 21, 2017: “Cassandra v. Eugene”

(7:30 – 8:00 P.M. EDT)

Rapunzel is tired of the constant bickering between Cassandra and Eugene and decides to send them off on a scavenger hunt in hopes it will be a bonding experience.

*Ron Perlman (“Sons of Anarchy”) guest stars as The Stabbington Brothers.

April 28, 2017: “The Return of Strongbow”

(7:30 – 8:00 P.M. EDT)

When Eugene‘s old friend Lance Strongbow sweeps back into town, he tries to drag Eugene back into his thieving ways.

*Tony Award-winner James Monroe Iglehart (Broadway’s “Aladdin”) guest stars as Lance Strongbow.

>> No.9758

Oh shit, we getting Ron back

>> No.9759
File: 1.42 MB, 3784x2100, big-hero-6-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Big Hero 6: The Series is an upcoming American animated series, produced by Disney Television Animation and loosely based on comics published by Marvel Comics. It is currently being developed by Kim Possible creators Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley. Premiering on Disney XD in Fall 2017, the series will take place after the events of Disney's 2014 film Big Hero 6. It will utilize traditional 2D animation. On March 14, 2017, it was renewed for a second season.

>> No.9760

Honey Lemon and GoGo still cute af

>> No.9761

Looks like they downsized their boobs though...

>> No.9762

machete seems like kind of a weird credit to give danny trejo while he's showing up in a children's cartoon

>> No.9763

I'm all for Cass being a dyke, but not with Rapunzel.

>> No.9764


They haven't confirmed what capacity Miles and Gwen will be in the series I believe. We only know they're in it because merchandise leaked featuring them and Venom (appears to be Eddie Brock Venom).

>> No.9765


Kissing is a more ingrained behavior.

>> No.9766

That sure seems counter-intuitive to me. Do you have any source you could link?

>> No.9767
File: 248 KB, 380x355, rapunzel lollipop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No I don't want to oppress you!"
Is Rapunzel redpilled?
Jk I know it's just good nonbiased storytelling morals at work

>> No.9768

They don't get married until probably at least a few years later. Rapunzel has plenty of practice kissing Eugene by that point.

>> No.9769

Or nobody would ever dare to not like her again.

Danny Trejo also plays the Machete character in literally the "Spy Kids" movies, and nobody bats an eye at it.

>> No.9770


>Frozen 2 leads to a special crossover event with Tangled The Series as they start to get closer to Rapunzel and Eugene's actual wedding
>Eugene does something silly while the girls are all having lunch together
>There's no commentary on it, but Cassandra and Elsa finish each other's sandwiches by accident while distracted by whatever Eugene's doing


She looks great in that dress. I keep thinking of the "get you a girl who can do both" meme.

>> No.9771
File: 93 KB, 750x806, Brigette Barrager - instagram missbrigette - instagram p BRrJZ86FmQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks great in that dress.
For real.

>> No.9772

I wonder if storyboard anon is around.

>> No.9773

I want her to wear that mail


>> No.9774

I haven't seen the movie or the wedding special thing in like 5 years but... was Cassandra in either of them or is she completely new to the show?

if she is new, does she exist solely to be another girl character to be Rapunzel's friend/be antagonistic towards Eugene?

>> No.9775

She's in the movie, basically new


She's also helping Rapunzel with the mystery of heir hair coming back

>> No.9776


Never mind, I was wrong; the literature is not at all as conclusive as I recalled it was. With that said, in the context of continental European culture, where kissing is ubiquitous, it's still believable that it wouldn't take her long to learn.

>> No.9777

When this anon says that she's in the movie they mean "Before Ever After", the 2D movie. She's not in the original movie or the wedding short.

Cool. Thanks for double checking that.

>> No.9778
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I want capemode.


That depends. How do you define "exist solely to be"?

>> No.9779

in the sense of
>we got the horse, the chameleon, Eugene, and Rapunzel... but we need more characters to fill our roster since 2/4 of them can't talk and if it's just Eugene and Rapunzel it will just be a show about a pairing better than Starco... let's make another character to be with them... how about a girl to be a friend with Rapunzel and who is antagonistic towards Eugene!

>> No.9780


No she's new to the cartoon. And even if she's conceived primarily as Rapunzel's bestie at least it's something new to the Disney Princess line.

(seriously, the number of Disney princesses who have even a single female friend is depressingly small)

>> No.9781


Yes, but how do you determine that a new character exceeds that inferred purpose?

>> No.9782


IDK, I just mean from a foundation of the creators standpoint not so much in-universe.

I do like her though, she and Eugene have a Hiei vs Kuwabara vibe

>> No.9783
File: 539 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_on914qV1qB1w605kao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It would be nice if this show got a toy line. A lot of interesting wardrobe possibilities, especially with Cass.

>> No.9784

>king and captain of the guard incapacitated/out of the city

>shit happening

>Cassandra assumes direct control

I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant it

>> No.9785


Admittedly I haven't seen enough of YYH to judge that comparison.

In any case, if you like her presence in the series, I think she qualifies as more than an obligatory insert character. Nobody likes a hood ornament, after all.


I'm sure they'll get the usual dolls that Disney produces. Elena is already getting some.


I too look forward to Cassandra's eventual promotion to general.

>> No.9786
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, plush doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9787


...Did they model Cass' appearance after her VA?

>> No.9788


Yes, obviously it would be the Princess' handmaiden assuming control and not... The Princess...

>> No.9789

>Cassandra not forming a junta and ruling Corona in a benevolent military dictatorship as Warmaster and Rapunzel as Queen-Consort

>> No.9790
File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, instagram p BMPDFuLjBHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's someone who works on the show (Emily Carson), but not her VA (Eden Espinosa).

Emily does kind of look like her though.

>> No.9791


Fuck, meant to reply to >>9784

>> No.9792

>implying Rapunzel would know what in the Sun's incandescent cock to do in SHTF situation and wouldn't defer authority to Cass

>> No.9793


Good, I'm glad to see we're all on the same page.


Ah, that's funny then.

>> No.9794


>> No.9795

Promo for the next episode, "Fitzherbert P.I.".
>Eugene tries to find a place for himself in the castle by enlisting in the royal guards.


>> No.9796


But what about Rapunzel's haaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiir?

And the fucking growing field of invincible spikes, there's also that shit

>> No.9797

So when is punzie and cass gonna slam clam shells?

>> No.9798

rebound after the season 2 finale breakup

>> No.9799


Well if Cass is as glacially cold as Eugene thinks she is, she'll probably need some warm-up hair sex first.

>> No.9800

After Cass and Eugene become friends he'll okay the polyamory.

>> No.9801


As if he won't ask to join in.

>> No.9802

Maybe Cass will let him prep the bull

>> No.9803
File: 110 KB, 1112x640, 1324137446272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl-f mega
>only result is shitty youpak crap

>> No.9804

Fuck are you talking about?

>> No.9805


>> No.9806
File: 396 KB, 1000x728, 1422429735676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which part of "PROPER" is troubling you anon?

Youpak is just a youtube rip.

Anon delivers, thanks.
tag it for future archive divers you nigger tangled series e02 s01e02 http

>> No.9807

It's not on YouTube last time I checked.

>> No.9808

First episode is, so I see no reason why the second shouldn't be. And the link in OP has a file that's about the same size and format as the youtube rip of the first episode.

>> No.9809

Anyone this concerned with a quality rip should be able to find one on their own. If you're too dumb to handle that then youtube quality is enough.

>> No.9810
File: 38 KB, 175x149, 1484082145185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having standards is bad
(You)/10 I replied.

>> No.9811

I never said that. I'm the same way about quality, but I just go download what I need on my own instead of acting all entitled on a /co/ thread. Learn to read.

>> No.9812

poor cass is going to have to find a new girl.

>> No.9813

The Queen/Cassandra is the new, true crackship. Pass it on. We need more named female characters.

>> No.22212

In honour of our new, permanently merged boards, what do you think would be Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra's favourite?

(I know Gothel says Rapunzel likes hazelnut soup but Rapunzel never even reacts to that whenever she says it.)

>> No.22791


Rapunzel obviously likes candy.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

>> No.23691


>> No.24229


This is going to take until the end of season 1 to solve at the absolute earliest; they gotta pace themselves with this stuff.

>> No.24263

>Haven't visited /co/ in ages
>This thread
So is western animation coming out of the dark ages of Adventure Time clones or is this a single entity?

>> No.24362


....they ALL sound good. Holy crap.

>> No.25417


>> No.25884

Those are indeed very nice drawings, they remind me of something but I'm not sure what, some commercials maybe or websites, dunno

>> No.26807

>bh6 cartoon gets renewed a 2nd season before the series premier
How do they do it disneychads?
Also I hope they'll be some gogobutt shots.

>> No.26837

No, the one with "MEGAMIZE ME!"

>> No.26873

I guess it depends on the network you're talking about, cause CN is ushering in the age of dark 2.0

>> No.27394
File: 796 KB, 250x298, exciting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how enthusiastic Rapunzel is about everything.

>> No.27615
File: 75 KB, 680x770, 1488751823187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ditzy blonde princess with long hair Disney's new formula ? Cause it's working on me

>> No.28780


>> No.30000


>> No.30040
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>> No.30048

wasted get

>> No.30082
File: 43 KB, 500x384, 1490937835726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a get for no reason
I hate my life.

>> No.30162

>Cass is a cunt.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.30181

>whining about gets on a joke board that will disappear tommorow

>> No.30282

>that symbol on her mail
Praise the Sun!

>> No.31518

Eugene leave.

>> No.31698
