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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.26400[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings from polMLP :DDD

>> No.26586

First, to be honest, /cock/ got a MUCH better deal than you two dysfunctional sorts.

/co/ - fat guys and gals who love silly comics and cartoons, generally smart and make money, usually get along even when we disagree with each other, more or less kind, gentle husbando material.

/ck/ - earnest, loving guys and gals who adore the gustatorial arts, love food and gcooking, the gentle warm comfots of home and friends. Excellent hosts and home-makers who also know how to make their loved ones happy.

Despite the unfortunate acronym /cock/, we are pretty much a match made in heaven.

Then there's the marriage of the neo-nazis and the beast-lovers. Yikes.

I'm sure you will find happiness together eventually, but..wow. You have fun with that, boo.

>> No.26622

There's /can/ which is real comfy

>> No.26636

/vag/ here, you guys are fucking gay.

>> No.26699

Actually a lot of /mlpol/ seems rather happy with the chaos.

>> No.26703

>not going to /fitlit/ to turn your life around both physically and mentally

>> No.26711

>generally smart
I don't have enough Chris Evans for this

>> No.26794

Good mix. /mlp/ has always been one of the more conservative boards on 4chan, and My Little Pony has positive, healthy, nationalist morals.

>> No.26825

/pol/ deserves it

>> No.28200

/mlp/ is fucking destroying /pol/, and /mlp/ is outnumbered.

There are like, 8 threads of /pol/acks crying.

>> No.28291

Want to know how I know you've never browsed /ck/?

>> No.28359

Seriously, last time I went to /ck/ all I could see were posts of "look at this hamburger I made" and "new tendies today."

>> No.28451

>/co/ - fat guys and gals

Speak for yourself fatass

>> No.28513

/pol/ + /mlp/ is a fucking nuclear cancer. It's pretty bad down there.

>> No.28516

>tumblr lingo
>unfortunate acronym


I hate what /co/'s become so much.

>> No.28562

I really want to go watch the dysfunctional /pol/ autists rage at happy go lucky horse fucking autists but I can't shake the feeling that as soon as I click on that board I'll get hit in the face with horse porn

>> No.28580

Fuck off, refugees not welcome.

>> No.28623

/cock is clearly better at getting along than us polacks. Sorry to disturb you guys

>> No.28678
File: 9 KB, 262x263, hsuah (389).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mlp/ is shitposting /pol/ to death.

I never conceived that poyfuckers could end up as heroes.

>> No.28740
File: 367 KB, 320x240, 1487777939376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all /pol/acks left to do something productive, because today is a slow news day, nothing to discuss and people usually shitpost on weekends. Basically now you see shills, reddditfags and mlp faggots shitting on each other.

>> No.28751


Yes. Just visiting /cock/ briefly... looking comfy and good.

/pol/ is cancer

>> No.28789


I'm skinny as fuck tho

>> No.28801
File: 206 KB, 450x338, 1478398113282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing anything productive with their lives

>> No.28805

They have awoken a sleeping giant.
This is exactly why MLP is still ban on site off of their little containment board. It takes some serious cancer to go up against /pol/.

>> No.28881

It's weird that everyone is pretending that /pol/ and /mlp/ weren't always merged

>> No.29015

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if things stay this way. /cock/ is pretty comfy & /mlpol/ is a fucking dumpster fire right now. Things are looking pretty good.

>> No.29319

Watching /mlpol/ is like watching two villains duke it out to the death, entertaining and beneficial to everyone else.

>> No.29325

It's been interesting to see the progression of logic from /pol/ supporting Trump in the past to /pol/ supporting Trump now. They've pretty much forced themselves to start suckling Steve Bannon's ball sweat so they can say that Trump is doing what they always wanted him to do.

>> No.29352

I wish I could post cute ponies on /co/ for a day at least, but whatever. /mlp/'s culture is too chaotic.

>> No.29353

>logic and consistency

pick one

>> No.29381
File: 778 KB, 900x1196, nazi damian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely hope /mlp/ and /pol/ stay merged forever.

Actually, that would be too cruel
on /mlp/ posters

>the food board isn't the fat one

/co/ is one of the more normie-ish/well adjusted boards on this site though, what are you talking about


>> No.29432

manlet here, i'm beyond hope.

>> No.29463


Face it, you guys got invaded, raped, and cucked out of your own board.

>> No.29479

>Actually, that would be too cruel
>on /mlp/ posters

There is like, 10 threads with /pol/acks crying because of the merge.

I dont thi k that /pol/ would win this one, the board would just become a mix of /b/ and /trash/, you are forgeting that the merge allowed ponyfuckers to post PORN, that is what they always wanted on their board.

So basicaly, thread for discussions on /pol/ cn be easily derailed, while ponyfuckers have acess to a place to post porn.

>> No.29500

But pony porn can be posted on /trash/ too. I would know.

>> No.29502
File: 230 KB, 1320x511, okay, NOW the fandom has grown too large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or...IS it? ????????


>> No.29508

They're always right tho.

>> No.29509


There is literally a coup happening in paraguay right now

No, /pol/ has met its match.

Worse, met its better. /mlp/'s shitposting and mindless glee is too strong for their meme magic

>> No.29524

>Look at /pol/ this morning
>Fist thing I see is Rainbow Dash scat porn

/pol/ is getting fucked up the ass and it's glorious

>> No.29540

>/pol/ made 24 Trump generalsat the same time because of shitposting on them.

They are being destroyed.

>> No.29554
File: 19 KB, 480x268, laughing animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/co/ - fat guys and gals who love silly comics and cartoons, generally smart and make money, usually get along even when we disagree with each other, more or less kind, gentle husbando material.
>/ck/ - earnest, loving guys and gals who adore the gustatorial arts, love food and gcooking, the gentle warm comfots of home and friends. Excellent hosts and home-makers who also know how to make their loved ones happy.

Oh my God he's serious

>> No.29570
File: 23 KB, 280x246, 1480352426756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiro should massban everyone on /mlpol/ at the end of today and then delete /mlp/ and /pol/, just like with /fur/. Wipe out the two worst containment boards on the entire site.

>> No.29581
File: 522 KB, 394x717, wedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did /pol/ get ponied when it was /co/ that created pony cancer to begin with?

>> No.29608

>And spread the cancer everywhere else

No pls, we get random polacks ranting about how much they hate liberals too often as it is. That would break the shit dam.

If the fallout would not happen, then I would support it sweaty Eddy.

>> No.29616

You do know a ban means nothing, right?

>> No.29618

It was /b/ actually

>> No.29640

Because it is funnier.

>> No.29647

>I didn't do it! I swear!
You need to boards to make a baby board

>> No.29652

It's still not as bad as when moot trolled them for a full month, removing captcha and post timers

>> No.29678

/pol/ is a contamination board.
It is actually needed to keep those retards there, and not spreading into other boards. /mlp/ fags would just move to /trash/.

>> No.29686

Nigga we have the screencap to prove it

>> No.29701


That's a horrible idea.

/pol/ would most likely just spread to /b/ and /r9k/ I think but do you know where /mlp/ would inevitably go?

I'll give you a hint, anon; it wouldn't be /a/.

>> No.29709

You write like a fucking faggot.

>> No.29723

And you know what's funny? /mlp/ originally came from /co/

>> No.29724
File: 33 KB, 267x238, 11556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting anything good or positive from mlp faggots
Are you guys retarded? Everything they touch turns to shit no matter what board is invaded

>> No.29745

Every single one of the gay porn threads on /mlpol/ is a worthy punchline by itself.

>> No.29771

So are /Mlpol/ and /cock/ the only board combinations?

>> No.29786

>being this salty
Fucking /pol/, I swear.

>> No.29793


>> No.29794

Hello.../pol/yfags? I guess?


/m/ and /o/.

>> No.29797
File: 70 KB, 519x600, batlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, good for /mlp/ I guess. They're kinda gross but my hatred of /pol/ cancels out my disgust for their ponyfucking ways. /pol/ getting owned will never not be funny, especially since it's not the first time it's happened, remember that one month when 8c.han was a thing and the entire fucking board was unusable and every time you went on it that cuckolding audio started playing? That was good times.

>> No.29799 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 1280x1268, 1491069060469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You all seem to forget that the last time they got "BTFO" Donald Trump became president.

>> No.29815


>> No.29849

>/ck/ will learn the joy of telling Boco to shut up

>> No.29864
File: 34 KB, 568x376, 1476123228506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how self-righteous these redpill faggots sound everytime they get off the reservation and come shitpost on other non-political boards. It's always the same smug, holier-than-thou attitude about how everyone that doesn't subscribe to their unique brand of right-wing extremism is a cuck or whatever. Like, yeah, that's what I want to see on the firearms board or the cars board or the fucking music board: horrid shitposters derailing threads so they preach about their conspiracy theories and how based Donald will BTFO the left with his inept policy decisions.

I know people say this a lot, but it's seriously just like the stupid dumblrites on social media who condescend to everybody and don't realize how fucking terrible and annoying they actually are. Extreme aggression and zero self-awareness.

>> No.29872

>not being a /pol/lack
>Not shitposting your best girl to clop to

I bet you voted Hillary

>> No.29892

Eevn Kek can't save them now.
A small horse got dem sweet 4444 quads, there is no hope now.

>> No.29952
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, Total Kek Kekhammer II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek is with poni now
No board shall survive!

>> No.29959

/pol/ is a board of peace and love, stop being and evil cunt and emitting hatred all over the place.

>> No.29971

April Fool's!!

>> No.29978

>/mlpol/ has discovered peace with each other

>> No.29979

and they treat that like it's a good thing? It would have been better if he had lost, then he'd have been a martyr for their cause. Now that he's president, his incompetence and shadiness (like how he's going to sign that fucking ISP bill) is even more readily apparent. The guy's a plunderer, and these alt-right types thought they were being cool by completely falling for his marketing ploy.

>> No.29982


>/pol/ is a board of peace and love

Now thats funny.

>> No.29989

Shut up, Boco

>> No.29996


You should be happy, now its a board of friendship and magic

>> No.30001

>Writing up a 10 page manuscript on how to best prime your bull
>Calling /pol/ self-righteous while blogposting

I bet you voted for Bernie in the primaries

>> No.30004


Yes sir...

>> No.30021

Check this guy's get

>> No.30030

Today is the day you're allowed to not shut up, Boco.

>> No.30038
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>It would have been better if he had lost

>> No.30095
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The delusion on this one is hilarious.

>> No.30103
File: 2 KB, 76x93, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, beat me to it

>Ha, Drumpfkins got what they wanted, I bet they're so mad

>> No.30141
File: 134 KB, 650x564, 1488742635475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Kek is supposed to be a benevolent god that would care about the subjects that look up to him
If Kek is the god of memes and internet discussion, he'd probably be a chaos god like Xom in Dungeon Crawl. He's chaotic neutral; he's only interested in things that entertain him. If /pol/ ceases to be entertaining, then he'll drop them in a flash.

>> No.30209

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.30295

I was mocking you for your autistic rant about alt-right boogeymen
I'll be honest, I didn't even read it but it looked abhorrent

>> No.30303

I thought the last time they got BTFO was everyday when Trump does something that he was obviously going to do but they thought he wouldn't, like when they turned on him because he wants to go after weed.

>> No.30323

Oh yeah, I'm so glad that based Donald is going to sign in that bill that let's corporations look at my internet history without getting my consent beforehand
he really represents our interests and the interests of the commonfolk in the fight against the establishment xD

>> No.30349

It's been signed in 2015 you retard, they're just making it public.

>> No.30409
File: 756 KB, 255x255, 1467922653952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't even read
lmao, that's /pol/ in a nutshell

Forget about the details, as long as I call people names and make baseless accusations about their character.

>> No.30418

But anon, Muslims might be on the Internet.

>> No.30447

When will /pol/ admit they're tsundere for /mlp/?

>> No.30467

>/co/ - fat guys and gals
Don't throw everyone else under the bus with you just because you're a disgusting piece of shit who can't go to the gym

I'm just kidding you would never fit under a bus

>> No.30655
File: 655 KB, 640x266, marvel laugh 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I get to spam horse fag threads with gore now
This is really fun actually. Never got to shitpost this much in my life.

>> No.30657

>/mlpol/ already unmerged

>> No.30700

>Thinking that gore will scare /mlp/

You are a newffag from reddit right? For what I saw, /mlp/ people want to fuck/eat the horses on the pics.

>> No.30743

>gore will scare the people that came up with fluffy ponies

>> No.30800

Please go the fuck back to whatever shithole you crawled out already. /v/ and /b/ tried gore spam years ago and that still failed.

The fact he thinks gore actually works on 4chan shows he's fresh off the boat.

>> No.30818

>/mlp/ is so autistic that even when outnumbered they outshitpost /pol/'s hatred and autism

This is glorious

>> No.30819
File: 399 KB, 547x586, 1444041266510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fluffy ponies
Best thread on /mlpol/

>> No.30922

>gore art is basically the same as real gore.

>> No.30972

No gore of any kind is going to trigger anyone you underage reddit cancer.

>> No.30996

I can't remember the last time gore spamming actually worked on anyone. The usual reaction is just "oh looks like some kid discovered gore"

>> No.30998

Oh, anon...

>> No.31020

someone asked what everyone's favorite episode was while using a picture of a real dead horse with the guts, gore, and entrails showing.

No one batted an eye and they said their favorite episode and why while posting ponies. Gore won't phase anyone.

>> No.31036

It's not 2005 anymore, only insufferable newfags think it works.

>> No.31062

Yeah, the most you might get is someone telling you to fuck off to /b/

>> No.31319

The fact that you actually think that will work clearly demonstrates how new you are.

>> No.31326
File: 1.04 MB, 350x261, 1403810174642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are /pol/lacks that still think this is reddit's doing

>> No.31361

They're already getting exhausted

>> No.31399

I hope this merger is permanent so while we are all snug and comfy with our new bros the two worst boards suffer greatly.

>> No.31416

Pretty sure that's probably this guy >>30655 trying to make himself look like his stupid trick was working

That thread immediately has people on both sides calling it a false flag

>> No.31429

/mlpol/ is 4chan at it purest essence. Chaos it self.

>> No.31436

>brony here
>that picture
Such a painfully obvious false flag.

>> No.31453

You are severely new if you can't see that that's a false flag

>> No.31467

Its quite delicious watching /pol/ flip out like this. A lovely case of...is schadenfreude the word I'm looking for?

>> No.31481

Yeah, that's the word. It's not surprising, since most of them are incredibly thin-skinned. Just like their idol

>> No.31484

>Everything that disprove me is a falseflag
Christ, just get over yourselves. You lost. The fag hoards are thinning. We got this.

>> No.31498

Who else is enjoying their merged board?

/co/ here and I think you /ck/ folks are pretty cool

>> No.31524


The blending is so smooth it feels like they were never separate to begin with.

>> No.31539
File: 921 KB, 937x808, large (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even care what happens, I'm putting a cherry ontop of this shit sundae.

Ohhhh Mr. Barney