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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.25695 [Reply] [Original]

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

I guess /co/nrad and Be/ck/'s son is a board-tan today.


Last weekend's thread:

>> No.25824
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Last time:

-Memes in the /co/verse internet
-Rage Racer origin script begins
-BreastQuest revives
-Clips and The Stylists VS Chapman's Highbrow Haircuts and The Clean Cuts (Split End VS the barber shop boys)
-New pics and characters
-Other stuff I didn't mention

>> No.25918
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And since we are now /cock/ (Comics & Cartoons & Cooking) creations, I suppose we need to talk about our food themed characters.

Like Pied Piper.
>Once, Erica Smith was just an aspiring flute player, working at a bakery when suddenly an oven exploded! The cookie of her life crumbled, and from that moment on she was only The Pied Piper!

>> No.25949
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Or Chili-Con Carnie.

>> No.25964

Hey guys! I come bringing a revision of the Rage Racer comic script with 3 more pages! this new script contains:

30% more attempts at humor

40% more filler

90% more pretentiousness

100% more main character suffering


Of course critiques are welcome and encouraged.

>> No.25979
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Or maybe we'll talk about the Murder Burger again.

>> No.25999


I need to know more of these two things.

>> No.26121
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Chile Con-Carnie is the arch enemy of a character /co/ would rather forget.

But today we are reminded.


And the Murder Burger

"What if the lantern corps. were competing fast food chains?"

>> No.26265

couldn't we easily switch con carne as a pied piper villain, though?

>> No.26931
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Pied Piper is also a villain. She'll lure the food down the wrong tube.

It's not like any given enemy is tied exclusively to any given hero either.

Villains fight heroes all the time, villains don't care about which hero they're "assigned" to.

>> No.27138


>Chile con Carne and Pied Piper join forces to create the biggest chili pot pie.

>> No.27428
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Of evil.

And it's up to Kid Cookie to stop them.

>> No.27772

> Cookie doesn't realize this is a real super battle

>thinks he's just hanging out with other food based supers and is using his cookie pies to "add some sweet" to the pie

>> No.28117


>> No.28213

glad to see my dumb design is still relevant

>> No.28406
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I'd say today is the most relevant it's ever been.

>> No.29010

Since this is a time to celebrate, let's come up with some /coc/ recipes

>Rage Racer's Cataclysmic Chili

>dice up meat and cook in until browned

>add three diced jalapenos and cook until soft

>no, keep the seeds and veins you pansy

>Add either of the following: tomato sauce, tomato paste & water

>add cayenne to taste

>ok more than that



>let simmer for several hours

>we recommend while waiting you think about how you got yourself into this mess. the life choices made, the risks you didn't take , how much you hate your elder like FUCK YOU DAD I COULD'VE MADE MY DREAMS COME TRUE IF YOU WOULD FUCKING LET ME TRY!

>once finished, let rest for 5 mins before serving

>recommended garnish: diced raw onions, Raw jalapeno slices, tears from your previous regret sesh.

>enjoy the pure fire you will shit an hour from now

>> No.29192

Lord Hater as Donald Trump
Commander Peepers as Steve Bannon

>> No.29295


/ck/ here, that's our kid? He's a little cutie.

>> No.29443
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>> No.29915

retarded kid

>> No.29969
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He'll get smarter when he's older.

>> No.30024

The only three bored i got to are fucked today, kinda sucks, /pol/ /ck/ but at least they didnt fuck with my /diy/

>> No.30034
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>> No.31174

The merger has brought increased gravity.

>> No.31395

Or does it bring more gravy.

Because a massive steel ladle for a weapon/big cooking utensil comes to mind.

>> No.31552
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>> No.31566

/cock/, /fitlit/, /mlpol/, /can/, /mo/, and /fap/.

Those are the new kids. It remains to be seen whether or not they are cute and precocious (if illegitimate) children, or freakish mutations like something out of The Fly.

Or both! Monsters can be cute too.

>> No.31636


>Hal Jordan intentionally takes his time since he knows he is single handedly keeping the joint open with his addiction to boigahs

>> No.31675

All of them might not even be kids.

Sure, /cock/ came pre-made, and there's any number of politically incorrect pastel miniature equines out there, but /can/ is probably a cute puppy or kitten or some other animal that looks cure.
/mo/ is probably a transformer.
/fap/ I imagine is just /fa/ being photographed nude by /p/ since no one will tell him The Emperor Has No Clothes.

>> No.31687


You asking concept art for the april fools board children?

>> No.31817

Shouldn't /cock/-tan be a fusion between /co/nrad and be/ck/y? Has anyone played with that concept?

Also has /co/nrad ever let Cookie meet his batshit aunt?

>> No.32151


I'm having a real hard time thinking of a name for her

>> No.32154
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>> No.32227

Good point. I can also see /fap/ being a complete hipster who carries around a DSLR but never actually takes pictures.

Nah, I was just listing the names in case anybody didn't have a list.

>> No.32286

well we do have cookie for /cock/ already (OP pic related) , the others we got nothing on.

>> No.32383

Do/cock/, the Superior Spider-tan

>> No.32517
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Nah, I'd rather let the kid have a day to be relevant.

Ans yes, she's not allowed to see him.

>> No.32551


>> No.32626


> Hi aunt Spidey, I'm here to visit

>*Spastic shuffling is heard as Do/cock/ scuttles across the roof*

>Ah, Cookie! So good to see you

>*Do/cock/ shoots a web at Cookies cheek, making her able to simulate cheek pinching from any part of her asylu- i mean apartment.

>Why don't you have some of my famous wheatcackes!

>...Auntie that's just a bowl of cheerios with hot-sauce and uncooked hotdogs

>> No.32780
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>> No.33729

Has there been any discussion on Colby J? She seems neat.

>> No.33892

I agree with >>32517 Because going on that same dumb fusion shit, will get us this >>32626

If anything, this may be the only justifiable time for Kid Cookie to shine.

>> No.34616

Any story ideas of /cock/ ?
Maybe Be/ck/y visiting /Co/nrad after a long time?

>> No.35656

Not recently.

I had an idea that he'd start a "gang" while living on the floating island consisting of himself, Alpha the boy robot, and Deelette when she comes to visit for summer vacation.

>> No.36243
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Oh, here's an idea.

Kid Cookie is /cock/-tan for a day, what does this mean?

It means he's running both his mother's restaurant and taking on whatever detective work his dad had a case open for.

Are his parents missing? Is that the mystery? Or are they just pranking him?

>> No.36988
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Currently it takes less than an hour for a thread to fall off the board.

>> No.37098
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>> No.37153
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>> No.37284

Think of a /coc/ character.

iPhone or Android?

>> No.37391
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I don't think they'd build android versions of themselves until the 60s.

>> No.38547

Makes me think of data discs or something circular in places.

>> No.38641

I see the /coc/-verse being really anachronistic. Like mobile phones are from the early 00s, computers from the 80s, jury's out on 60s TV sets.

>> No.39466

I see it more as a matter of setting tone preference.

>> No.39888
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Think we'll get any new pics? He's only got about 30 by my count.

>> No.40199

Any ideas for cookie pics?

>> No.40302
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Did someone say /cock/?!

>> No.40514

-Helping his mom in the family restaurant.
-Reading comics with his dad.
-Meeting super heroes when his dad takes him to work with him.
-Playing superhero with other kids.
-Judging a cooking contest as a special guest judge.
-Cooking for a cooking contest.
-Setting up Home Alone traps to catch Tatyana.
-Meeting Alpha, the boy robot for the first time (I just like the idea of him having a robot friend who looks human who can get him out of any really deep trouble he gets into).

I can think of a bunch more.

>> No.40846

Well is there anything worth discussing about Colby? any untreaded territory?

>> No.41160
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>> No.41352

This make me want to see him unpacking the boxes in the back of be/ck/y's restaurant and finding Boxy Brown

>> No.41439

>old Meatwad
Just wait until he finds the whole cast of Chowder in the bottom drawer of the fridge.

>> No.41581
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>> No.42393

fucking nice

>> No.43800


Or one of the Chowder cook books.

Kid Cookie accidentally creates a food golem.

>> No.45121

I really wish i wasn't so shit on krita.
These are really good prompts

>> No.45442

Whenever I read the Conservatory, it makes me sad that no-one ever made an Anime or cartoon series about 4chan House and the Board-Tans.

>> No.45540

this is the only ship in all of everything I care about...

>> No.47676

-Kid Cookie builds a food golem (origin of Cheesecake?)
-Kid Cookie meets the monster kids who Deelette is friends with (SFW, really, that requires a lot of additional info)
-His dad takes him to the movies, it's a super hero movie, Kid Cookie's child like wonder prevents his father from over analyzing it and makes him relax
-Kid Cookie and his mother bond over grilling (think King of the Hill)
-Kid Cookie needs a haircut and must pacify the competing barber shops with baked goods

>> No.50066
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Fuck it I had to post something!

Cookie had a busy day today, running a whole board by himself! Now it's time for him to go to sleep

>> No.50220
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God dammit

>> No.50556
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Holy shit I'm so sorry

>> No.50636

I give up

>> No.50685

Are you OK anon?

>> No.51030
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I'm trying to get this upright, I swear. It's upright on my desktop I swear!

>> No.51142

Jesus fuck I am so sorry /coc/

>> No.51355

How does the even happen?

>> No.51471

I just wanted to post something cute to celebrate the comfy thread! WHY MUST EVERY THING I DO BE A HUGE FUCK UP!

>> No.51551

It's all good. Don't beat yourself up. By tomorrow all this will be naught but memories. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.52287
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Do you think the thread will get copied to /co/ or just get deleted if it out lasts April Fools?

We could do with a "What's the history of April Fool's Day" thing like this if anyone knows the references.

>> No.52416

Probably vanish. But if that pic is saved, someone might recognize it.

>> No.54149

I'll never forget, that's for sure.