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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.22332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So with our paths crossed for the day, now is a perfect time to step out of comfort zones and experience something new.

/co/: share some of our recommended cartoons, try and set off some /ck/ nostalgia from their childhood. Someone get a Chew story time going!

/ck/: Let's get some recipies and food recommendations. If it's a simple enough thing to get prepared today, let the /co/ lot post results and laugh at the charred mess we make.

Also, post some /co/nrad and Be/ck/y art.

>> No.22369

Here's an easy recipe:
>pack of ramen noodles
>one egg
>shove them both up your ass

>> No.22388

who made you the arbiter of boards

>> No.22599

Basic bread recipe

Make sponge:
Equal parts water(or 25%butter milk 25%water 50%flour for richer sweeter breads) and flour(or a little more flour is you'd like), pinch of salt, tbsp of sugar part 4 cups of sponge, olive oil or melted butter, yeast packet 1-2 tsp dry yeast, or 1 tbsp fresh yeast

allow sponge to develop in dark area at room temperate loosely covered for 1-2 hours

deflate sponge and add flour untill is is a ball and malleable. Coat with oil and store in frige for 1-2 days checking and making sure it doesn't spill over and makes a mess in the fridge

use for pizza, bread loafs, ect add fresh garlic cloves and herbs, nuts.

>> No.22652

this is a board for grown ups we dont play with manchildren comics

>> No.22686


>> No.22824


I buy rigatoni noodles at the store and some Gordon brand shrimp scrampi

I toss the shrimp into a pan and let the scampi grease it and cook it, while I boil the noodles

Then when they're ala dentay I dump it in a bowl, drain the shrimp in, and pour some sauce on it. Good shit

>> No.22925

>new influx of """cooking"""" enthusiasts
>mostly women and faggots watching shitty competition shows to try and breath new life into an otherwise mundane every day action
>calling others manchildren
Okay /ck/. I'm sure everyone gives a fuck about what seasoning you used.

>> No.22955

why are you so mad? it's saturday your children's shows should be on

>> No.22996

It's almost mid night for me /cock/sucker. Just a little banter is all. Don't let it get you down bruv ,':^) I am sure everyone loves you making them free food, even if it's pretentious shit and they have to blow smoke up your ass afterwards.

>> No.23021

did your children's shows teach you to project this hard?

>> No.23037

Yes. Did your seasoning help you to get this salty

>> No.23063

everyone assumes you're a horse fucker

>> No.23118

Why though? They have their own board

>> No.23135

because you watch children's shows you sad person

>> No.23164

what do i do with the ramen seasoning?

>> No.23203

Underapreciated burn

>> No.23220

Dump it in a glass of water and drink. You need the sodium

>> No.23269

>throwing a tantrum
how predictable

>"muh precious childrens cartoon board"

>> No.23292
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Honestly I would have enjoyed >>>/co/ with >>>/tg/.

But >>>/ck/ is waifu-tier, so I guess that's amazing too.

>> No.23320

>waifu tier
>after all this autistic elitism

>> No.23335

>implying the average /ck/ user isn't a manchild

>> No.23358
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Jesus, its really easy to get these guys

>> No.23419

This is an amazing April fools. The fusion boards are all fucking losingit. /ck/ is low hanging fruit though.

>> No.23471

Ikr? I'm actually having fun just by checking random catalogs

>> No.23493


Eh, /mo/'s taking it pretty well.

>> No.23518

Guys, go fucking check /pol/. This is fucking perfect.

>> No.23522

/mo/ is the only fusion board I can see actually working

>> No.23537

comics are McChicken tier.

>> No.23568

>he hasn't already made a thread and shit posted in others
It's sublime.

>> No.23597

/ck/ we still love you dont leave us even after today ;_;

>> No.23613

>the only fusion board I can see actually working
so Garnet, basically

>> No.23622

Any of the porn boards get a tickle?
>mods weren't brave enough to combine /v/ and /a/, or /a/ and /k/

oh well, it's still great

>> No.23628
File: 143 KB, 822x956, mfw this whole thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the comfiest boards of 4chan don't create the comfiest threads at all

What went wrong?

>> No.23661

havent you seen gordon ramsay beforE?

>> No.23674

/ck/ didn't want to play with us. If you want comfy shit post on /mlpol/, you can have /co/ and /ck/ autism any day, but mlpol is a flash in the pan.

>> No.23684

i'm convinced that the /v/ and /co/ userbase is highly interchangable, based on raw shitposting alone

>> No.23694

Edgelords trying to show off to that cute girl across the hall now that they have to share an apartment. You know /co/ is traditionally full of trolls.

>> No.23927

Cu/ck/s sperged out, as per usual.

>> No.24500

I know what you mean. I'm on /co/ and /ck/ every day. This crossover is my life. Why can't they get along?

>> No.24631

Yo /co/, mussels are cheap (depending on where you live), easy, and great if youre having company
Just chop up a shallot and some garlic, cook it with some olive oil, throw a cup of white wine in, throw in the mussels and cover for 5-10 mins, until they all open up, then eat
Toss the ones that don't open

>> No.24709
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>tfw you usually post on both boards anyway
This saves me a lot of time tbqh.

>> No.25240

>flash in the pan
What you are doing there, I can see it.