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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 702 KB, 3888x2592, Craft-Beer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21404 No.21404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post foods and drinks that everyone pretends to like.

>> No.21405
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21406

Any alcohol qualifies. Beer tastes like shit. Wine tastes like shit. Liquor tastes like shit.

>> No.21407
File: 11 KB, 275x206, 275px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like beer
>Nobody else possibly could
On a different note, coffee. How can anyone like that stuff?

>> No.21408

Maybe you shouldn't have cum in your mouth before you drink them

>> No.21409
File: 52 KB, 600x400, deepdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21410

Every normie at my dining hall gets a plate full of broccoli and I don't know why.

>> No.21411

If I could cum in my own mouth, I wouldn't be posting on 4chan.

>> No.21412

Nobody said it was your cum

>> No.21413

Anything I don't like fucking normie sheep pretend to. It's all social signalling for neurotypical brainlets.

>> No.21415
File: 323 KB, 2000x1333, cilantro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking Mexican yardwork.

>> No.21414

How do you cum someone else's cum? I'm not a wizard.

>> No.21416

> waaah but my subjective opinion is objectively right

You are like little babby

>> No.21417

I still drink it for the effect, it just tastes bad. Then you get people trying to tell you that hoppy beer tastes good, and I'm convinced that they are full of shit.

>> No.21418

Broccoli's my favourite, i can eat it without meat i like it that much. Not trolling or lying i fucking love broccoli and i know others who do too.

>> No.21419

>you shouldn't have cum in your mouth
cum the noun, not the verb.

>> No.21420

So... I should stop eating girls out before drinking? I dunno if that's really an option.

>> No.21421


Are you retarded? Fresh cilantro is legitimately good as fuck, kys flyover

>> No.21422

>"I'm a bitchboy with a babby palate so everyone else is just pretending!

>> No.21423

Cauliflower master race

>> No.21424

Captcha just forced me to identify a squirrel as a hamster.

>> No.21425

So what thats not funny

>> No.21426

>He doesn't like what I like! I better call him names to make myself feel better!

>> No.21427

Non-white detected. How does it feel to literally be a subhuman?

>> No.21428
File: 40 KB, 400x300, beer-bacon-N-music-4895-3283184562-O-400x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this.

>> No.21429


Because no white people could ever possibly love cilantro, right? I'm Italian and English you cuck.

>> No.21430

>He doesn't like what I like!
>what I like

>> No.21431

thats not a checkmate you colossal faggot

>> No.21432
File: 18 KB, 400x400, img0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. Everyone acts like coffee isn't just
a barbaric shit-tier drink. The point is that
coffee is a fucking bitter drink. There's a few
persons who truly like it, of course. But mostly
of "coffee lovers" are just imbeciles addicted to
the enormous quantity of sugar they're puting
on it every day. Coffee is just a 3/10 meme drink.

>> No.21433

I didn't ask for your cum-laden opinion, did I lesser creature? Keep that hot opinion to yourself.

>> No.21434

I used to think the same about coffee, beer to for that matter, but somehow (I seriously don't understand how) I got used to black coffee. Most of the time I water down my coffee so I can just chug it back and rock my kitchen prep, but if the coffee is good it can be enjoyable. I totally understand why you can't understand how people like it though

>> No.21435

at least my opinion is hot

>> No.21436

ITT: we indulge our utter lack of empathy, a basic human trait

>> No.21437

I fucking love the taste of coffee.

What I find surprising is how many people "love coffee" and then proceed to dump a fucking ton of sugar into it.

Gross. I've got a bit of a sweet tooth but sweetened coffee is generally repulsive.

>> No.21438

This is so repetitive and boring.

>> No.21439

>Kitchen prep

Didn't go to school?

>> No.21440


>> No.21441

Are you trying to tell me Mario is some kind of Mexican?

>> No.21442

I'm going to try and sooth the minds of you who are ripping on coffee and beer, I used to hate both. Like seriously hate. In fact I used to not like pretty much anything other then like frozen pizza and shit when I was younger. I was picky as fuck, "why would someone like bitter tasting food?" What I found is that you need to make an effort to enjoy these things (if you feel so inclined) so I found that I had to learn to enjoy the things i hated by finding a less intense version of it to ease myself in. I hated mustard. Fucking. Hated. I couldn't stand the look or smell or anything. So I started tasting a mustard aoli until it seemed normal and pleasant, then I made my way on to other stronger mustard iterations, eventually I loved mustard. The reason you guys don't like these things is because they are foreign to your palate. If you accustomize yourself to the taste you will learn to enjoy it. The only thing I haven't tackled is milk. God damn do I hate milk.

>> No.21443

But I'm not a picky eater and I've had a shit ton of booze in my life. Hell, I'm drinking right now. It just doesn't taste good.

>> No.21444

I am genuinely confused as to what you mean by that good sir

>> No.21445

Well I'm not saying what I said is an exact method, maybe you just have a sensitive palate towards alcohol, but also maybe you just haven't found the right drink for you. What do you normally drink? Alcohol has a pretty diverse spectrum of flavour

>> No.21446

the same way you presumably like beer :^)

>> No.21447

dont do that

>> No.21448

I've settled towards vodka and wheat beer for being the least offensive.

>> No.21449
File: 154 KB, 430x300, good for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome friend, what brings you all the way from /co/?

>> No.21450

eat a dick you smelly asshole looser

>> No.21451

I legitimately love coffee.

>> No.21452

I like wheat bear, but come on, porters exist.

>> No.21453

*shudder* God no.

>> No.21454


I always say "bacon is a garnish, not a food" it is a flavor enhancer. That includes strips next to eggs or inside a burger. Around the time you have more bacon on your plate than other food, you just need to reflect on some life choices.

>> No.21455
File: 29 KB, 580x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hate this buttery turd of nature

>> No.21456
File: 52 KB, 550x412, sweet-waters-steakhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are raw oysters frequently served with cocktail sauce, horseradish, lemon, and crackers? To hide the oyster taste, obviously.

>> No.21457

>Post foods and drinks that everyone pretends to like.

I don't like beer for the taste; I like it because it gets me drunk. Beer is like having a really ugly girlfriend that lets you put it anywhere you want anytime you want. Wine is the same thing only she's a bit more sophisticated, but also snobby.

>> No.21458

Drinking beer to get drunk when everclear exists?

>> No.21459

Also, it's consistently fashionable for men to drink beer and for women to drink wine. I don't drink hard liquor, because then everyone assumes you're an alcoholic, especially when you are not in your 20s anymore.

>> No.21460

You've literally described the actions of an alcoholic though. Just accept who you are.

>> No.21461

Honestly if you legitimately don't like this you have the genes that don't allow you to enjoy it. You're missing out

>> No.21462

Accepting it is not the problem; it's dealing with all the irritating nagging from other people because I've put it out in the open for all to see.

>> No.21463

Not the guy you responded to, but beer also has a relaxing effect. At least for me it does. I think it's the hops, because I saw hop oil marketed as a natural sleep aid once

>> No.21464
File: 88 KB, 232x286, tgh4YDk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21465

Beer tastes good, wine tastes good, liquor tastes fucking good.

>> No.21466

I... I actually drink it without any sugar or milk. Is that okay?

>> No.21467


I legitimately love black coffee, the stronger the better

>> No.21468
File: 655 KB, 900x550, IMG_3261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the shitstorm begin
>pic related is literally disgusting

>> No.21469

Fuck off u dumb plebs i absolutely love thise drinks but hate white wine. How can someone possibly like white whine

>> No.21470

I'm german and british and I love coriander.

>> No.21471

He wasn't just saying he doesn't like them. He was saying "because I don't like this, anyone who says they do is lying".
Which is the most obvious bullshit I've seen in a while.

>> No.21472
