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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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21109502 No.21109502 [Reply] [Original]

We do things a little different up Seattle way

>> No.21109504

terrible meat-to-bread ratio

>*farts directly on your pathetic hotdog*

>> No.21109508
File: 1.71 MB, 1338x1054, spokane-pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Spokane style pizza, the best Washington State regional cuisine

>> No.21109529

strawberries on pizza? how milk toast of them

>> No.21109533

Why do Washingtonians huff their own farts so much? Is it just a west coast thing in general to be an insufferable faggot? Are you competing with CA?

>> No.21109597

>cream cheese
You just know that shit smells like stale farts

>> No.21109625

Lots of trannies up that way I heard. By the looks of your picture they might be right.

>> No.21109760
File: 274 KB, 1125x1398, 1737038051022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol fuck off. This isn't /b/. You probably have the personality of a wet fart irl

>> No.21109778

Can confirm, I used to get fucked by them on the regular when I lived there

>> No.21109794
File: 1.15 MB, 2880x2840, U nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strawberries on pizza
I can't knock it because I haven't tried it, but that doesn't look appetizing

>> No.21109795

you're just mad because it looks like your sex change surgery

>> No.21109804

this'd probably be goof it it wasn't raw ass peppers and cream cheese

>> No.21109852

I'm just saying it looks fucking nasty and sad. You're nothing but a fart in the wind to me.

>> No.21109949
File: 532 KB, 2048x1536, Ggzy4xBaMAIKHBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Seattle dog" seems forced. Definitely didn't exist 20 years ago. Good, though.

>> No.21109967

Seattle is SF with none of its redeeming qualities, even more pretentious and delusional people, and unlike SF not even the start of self awareness on any of it.

>> No.21111578

why are you crying

>> No.21111883

Sniff my farts retard

>> No.21111894

>team branded hot dogs
do americans really?

>> No.21111904

>soyjack poster berating anyone
lol this site never disappoints

>> No.21112267

yeah. rural washingtonians / people in cities outside of the I-5 megacorridor are a little better but are still kind of wierdos a lot of the time
once you "awaken" from the washingtonian haze (usually by being exposed to normal people in other states for long periods of time) you begin to see how shitty a lot of people there really are
every time i step off a plane at sea-tac it hits me like a train
the state is largely a shithole that people have deluded themselves into feeling pride for. the fags who say how beautiful it is probably never spend any time in nature, either, because those some of those forests have to be cursed or something

>> No.21112324


>> No.21112335

ive never been to sheattle but i can confirm that cream cheese and spicy stuff on a dog is top notch

>> No.21112336

I already knew everyone in Seattle split they wiener

>> No.21112340

>be me
>WA transplant who has lived in multiple US states including commiefornia and Wisconsin
washington people definitely aren't initially friendly compared to other states but once you make friends with them, they tend to be good ones desu. Also red SW Washington is pretty comfy for fishing and hiking

>> No.21112341 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112344 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112350 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112355 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112357 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21112561


>> No.21112615

Honestly i lived like 30 minutes away from Seattle for 4 years and never even heard of it being a thing. Doesn't look bad though, but I never tried it because I didn't know it existed.

>> No.21112624

the PNW deserves nuclear conflagration

>> No.21112669

The only really local cuisine in Washington is the way we do teriyaki. Every other place I've been in the US does not slather their teriyaki in that sweet, gloppy sauce, and half of them don't even know what teriyaki sauce is but call whatever they make a teriyaki sauce anyways.

>> No.21113015

Pizza and hotdogs have to the the two most molested dishes out there
Every faggot place wants to have their "own style" and you can't call them shit because "It's our culture teehee"

>> No.21113040

Needs some coleslaw

>> No.21113044

pls be a cute girl

>> No.21113051

>and you can't call them shit because "It's our culture teehee”
Why would you let that stop you? Grow a pair man

>> No.21113053

>filtered by PNW forests
Good, stay out

>> No.21113479

Yes, the open defecation

>> No.21113517

I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula and it genuinely is incredibly beautiful there, I spent all my free time wandering around outside as a kid

>> No.21113527

So what went so incredibly wrong basement dweller?

>> No.21113535

Everything with Seattle is forced, they desperately want to be taken seriously as a city, despite having the worst food of any of America's large cities, and pretty much no real culture, and no real attractions. Hipsters in their early twenties like Seattle and Portland until they realize it's cold and wet and dark most of the time, and then they go back to California if they still want to be hip, or they move further east to places like Spokane and Missoula. It's not a terrible place, I've seen worse, but it is a boring place.

>> No.21113553
File: 416 KB, 2500x1667, 2019-01-02+Party+Fowl+-+new+menu-1032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its probably the equivalent to "nashville hot" chicken
made up hipster bullshit, some one deepfried some nigger bird, dunk it in some melted lard then sprinkled some cayenne on it. ie the cheapest fucking ingredients you can goyslop together

nobody from nashville even eats the shit, its all transplant and tourist slop
that'll be $17+ foreskin and $5 for a beer

>> No.21113554

I like it best here, desu, people pretty much just ignore you unless you really cause a scene, my neighbors don't talk to me and I don't talk to them, but we've both been in situations where one needed to stay at the other's house for a few hours while dealing with an emergency, and that's about the extent of a relationship with my community that I want, help each other out when necessary, don't talk otherwise. I've only visited NYC, and it seemed like people go out of their way to fuck with each other there, someone would call me a name for no reason, and someone would come out of nowhere and call that person a name, and a fourth person would call us all another name, all of this entirely unprompted by anything. Also, I've lived in many places where they claim to be about minding your business, yet everyone was always up my ass bothering me about who knows what, all the time. Montana and Idaho both are absolutely filled with busybodies, and half the time they're old blue collar guys acting like Karens, it's bizarre. I grew up in Florida and it was honestly more of the same, but no one in any part of Washington State gives a single fuck about you, and minds their business unless you are one of the junkies running around harassing people.

>> No.21113564

The original was served on a bagel bun in pioneer and its been around for more than 30 years.

>> No.21113581

he fucking triggered you dude

>> No.21113582

i'm anon

>> No.21113588
File: 166 KB, 1500x1069, SkylineChili-2-1500x1069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite having the worst food of any of America's large cities
That's Cincinatti, Seattle at least has good teriyaki and seafood

>> No.21113603

Urgently need a creamy wiener in my mouth bros

>> No.21113630

Why would you write that so suggestively?

>> No.21113784

You don't like a nice hot sausage with a tasty cream sauce between some buns?

>> No.21114724

Comes with a side of AIDs and a meth pipe

>> No.21114731
File: 59 KB, 720x405, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer a big white sausage where I can suck the salty white goodness right out of the tip

>> No.21114733

>Muh teriyaki!
Food court tier
>Muh seafood!
Just about any city or even bumfuck town on the Gulf has Seattle beat. Just about any other city on any coast has Seattle beat.
At least has something notable. They didn't need to desperately throw shit on a hot dog or a pizza to pretend they have they own their thing, they actually have their own thing and it's neither pizza nor hot dogs.

>> No.21115167

>Comes with a side of AIDs and a meth pipe
It's also vegan. And OP can easily cram it, having daily unprotected sex with dozens of unknown partners really did loose up his sphincter over the years.
Kids have been lost in there, never to be seen again.

>> No.21115831
File: 168 KB, 600x341, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least [Cincinnati] has something notable.
Putting too much cheese on a spaghetti bolognese derivative is notable now?

>> No.21115832

that's a craptacular seattle-dog my guy

>> No.21115834

i was eating seattle dogs back in 2010, and they were already like 20 years old to the locals by then

>> No.21115849

yeah its beautiful as hell down there. i have a place i've been working on grayland and still haven't tried the clams (went clam digging though). i may have a clam allergy i developed but im not 100% sure; it may have been that specific florida restaurant

>> No.21115852

Yeah I'm sorry you're not Chicago, too

>> No.21115854

Your hot dogs appear to be half new yorkish and half sonoran.

>> No.21115858

the west coast cannot into hot dogs
hot dogs are an east thing

>> No.21115866

Sausages are a european thing, american hot dogs are dog food that's not even cased in real skin and don't use pork because it's not kosher. You're basically fighting about who is the king of the gutter trash

>> No.21115870

yea, i heard u fags on the east coast LOVE putting looooong sausages between ur buns!

>> No.21117293

libtard down

>> No.21117295

this is a fucking lie. i have never heard of this, nobody speaks about it. i'm so angry i'm gonna run over a homeless dude on Division st.

>> No.21117301

Based, this guy is a true spokanite.
And yeah, it was some flash in the pan meme last year, some guy just asserted that this was Spokane style and the whole city was up in arms about it for about half a day before everyone went back to smoking fentanyl in front of children at riverfront park and throwing lime scooters into the river.

>> No.21117302
File: 831 KB, 1638x2176, 1734491750946556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting too much cream cheese on a hot dog is notable, now?

>> No.21117308

Don't forget, Cinnamon flavored chili.

>> No.21117313

yeah i was curious so i jewgled it, just a tiktok shitposter.
>throwing lime scooters into the river.
alright i got my lol on

>> No.21117314
File: 43 KB, 454x383, 1722751139440179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple flavored chinkgoop on chicken is notable now?

>> No.21117332

Remember when they completely ignored all of the junkie hobos and all of the potholes so they could paint a faggot flag downtown and get upset that people were driving over it and messing it up, when they could have just put it on a wall or something if they wanted absolutely nothing bad to happen to it?

>> No.21117347

they still ignore the junkies, every day i hear more rambling schizos in the back alley of my work. the pothole repair is useless, they fill it and within a week it's even worse than what it was before. and the traffic gets worse by the year as more Californians funnel in. eventually in 15 years spokane will just be endless gridlock, and the east corridor will still be unfinished.
>predicted to be finished by 2030

>> No.21117348

oh & thankfully i don't live near downtown to see the faggot flags. i last went down there for parts from a dealership and to get Dick's, which was disappointing too :(

>> No.21117353

The California meme needs to die, most of them have already left. What I see fucking up traffic, every single day, are old fogeys with Idaho plates, going 20 in the left lane and going 20 to merge onto I-90.

>> No.21117358

I avoid it like the plague, sometimes I have to work downtown but other than that, I stay around the valley and the south hill, where there's...less junkies roaming around in comparison.

>> No.21117371

i guess you're right, the hotspot for Californians in the last couple years were Texas, Phoenix, and Nashville.
having been in PHX for a solid decade i watched the Cali and Texas plates fill up the roads over the years.
heard all the Idahoans in spokane are just coming in for work.

>> No.21117394

there were food trucks/carts selling zesty dogs all around crap hill in 2000-10's when i lived in the city proper. i still copy a hawaiian dog from back then all the time.

i have a friend in seattle with a subincised penis.

>> No.21118372

>Two different Spokane anons
Can a poor bastard from Yakima join you

>> No.21118437

Stay in your lane

>> No.21118442

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.21118566
File: 414 KB, 993x1297, 6qkwrrof76ce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't have free bantz

>> No.21118608

I've only lived here for about three years, and I've only been on the western side twice, once to visit Seattle, once to visit Leavenworth. I don't know anything else about this state, desu, I just stay in Spokane and sometimes visit my in laws in CDA, I've been to Montana more times than I've been to any other place in Washington, since I moved here, although that's because I lived in Billings for a few years.
But honestly, out of all of the places I've lived, I genuinely like Spokane the best, winter isn't nearly as harsh as it is in Montana, Minnesota, certainly not Alaska, and the junkie problem is a universal problem at this point, but other than that, it's a quiet place and no one really bothers you, keep your head on a swivel in certain areas but that's true of any town. Worst thing is the traffic, most brain dead drivers I've ever experienced in my life.

>> No.21118620

I mean, Californians absolutely were going absolutely everywhere, even as far as Florida, but generally the most conservative Californian is still a dyed in the wool communist compared to the average person in Idaho and Florida. I've actually worked with four different dudes from LA who moved back after their first winter. Fucking soft, I swear, when I moved to Billings, I moved there from Tampa and at that point in my life, Atlanta was the farthest north I'd been from Tampa; I was in Billings for like seven years, and my car broke down during my first winter and I literally had to walk to work uphill in the snow. Four different la dudes couldn't handle a couple inches of snow.

>> No.21119681

I've only been here for a year and a half or so, I went to school in Utah and grew up in the north so I'm used to cold. I'm a bit closer to the Westside so I've definitely done a bit more traveling over there. It's a nice location within the state but my God the town itself is kinda shitty, for 100k people I expected there to be more things going on in the town.
This is something I've noticed since I've moved here, people really like to keep to themselves

>> No.21119801

I drive around all of Washington for my job and always want to stop places I go for food but never really know where to go, any recommendations for great food around the state you can't find anywhere else?

>> No.21119887

Whenever someone says "I live in Bumfuck, Nowhere and there are like seven great pizzerias near me" this is what I picture.

>> No.21119898

Google n-grams can confirm:

>> No.21119921
File: 61 KB, 1200x630, 1710354723889847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[SHOCKING] Tapeworms found inside Seattle hot dogs: Unknown how many have been infected with the parasite

>> No.21120248

Don’t forget they’re also moving to Montana, Utah, and Idaho

>> No.21120660

Seattle is not Washington. Seattle is all the fuckers from California and the East coast that want to pretend to be outdoorsmen when really they never leave their ivory towers.

The Puget sound metro area is cancer.

>> No.21120662

Delete this.
The PNW sucks, it rains all the time and the people are mean. Don't come here ever even to visit.
Ask me how I know you're a parasite.

>> No.21120665

>The PNW sucks, it rains all the time and the people are mean
It hasn't rained in weeks nigga

>> No.21120678

Pretty much, it's a lot of Californian refugees and they've made it just as bad as the shithole they escaped. Like all the idiots moving to Tacoma or Olympia and think it's some national park or something just because there are a few within a short distance but it's an ugly port city full of homeless drug addicts and it smells awful most of the time. The aroma of tacoma is a phrase for a reason.

On the plus side it means it's really easy to pick up cheap used hiking gear that these techies buy and never use.

>> No.21121007

Troon detected how's the hormonal lobotomy treating you

>> No.21121094

He does not look like he's enjoying that pozza

>> No.21121098

well at least you got the mayo,

>> No.21121330

Teriyaki Bowls and Starbucks aren't that bad. For coastal cities they're middling, but there's a whole region between the 5 and 95 that has far worse food, art, music, cinema and even weather than Seattle

>> No.21121912

>none of its redeeming qualities
rain, snow, and beautiful white girls isn't a redeeming quality?