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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 201 KB, 1300x956, close-up-of-authentic-mexican-taco-steak-with-onions-cilantro-and-lime-2GXTAB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20615638 No.20615638 [Reply] [Original]

Good tacos don't need salsa or anything but onions and cilantro. Agree or disagree?

>> No.20615648

Needs hot sauce and pure uncut cocaine.

>> No.20615649

lettuce tomato cheddar cheese, jarred salsa

>> No.20615653
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There are many good tacos out there. Why restrict yourself to only a few possibilities. I started getting some like pic related from the cafe attached to the Hispanic market. They're less expensive than Taco Bell down the street and are 100x better.

>> No.20615658

Cheese does NOT belong on a taco, and I'd say that salsa and other toppings drown out thebtaste of a good taco

>> No.20615662
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>> No.20615665

Personally, I like to also add lime and some fresh green or red salsa. Protein, onion, cilantro, lime, and salsa is usually it for me. Some pickled veggies and slices of radish on the side.

>> No.20615668

Just eat your floppy corn shit plain then.

>> No.20615671

salsa is for adults, w/o is for children

>> No.20615679

>likes cheese on their taco
>calls someone LatinX
Kill you are self

>> No.20615728

I never get cilantro away from home. The contamination risk is too high. I do grow it at home hydroponically and joke sometimes about chopping some of it up and bringing it with me to a restaurant but never actually do.

>> No.20615731

There are so many delicious and authentic mexican salsa why limit yourself like that? FInd and make one that compliments the flavors of the meat/filling.

>> No.20615734

Go tell it to the Mexicans running the cafe that caters to other Mexicans. No doubt they'll be impressed with your lily white self berating them for not being as authentic as your suburban background.

>> No.20615798


>> No.20615890

its true but it really does enhance it

>> No.20615900

My local taco shop has a very nice tomatillo sauce

>> No.20615945
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Good tacos need hot sauce for truly great taste.

>> No.20616030

Disagree. Latinx people put different kinds of hot sauce on their authentic cilantro and onion tacos. I saw them do it in Mexico.

>> No.20616032

What? There's no such thing as latinx

>> No.20616124

What about chopped grilled jalapenos and perhaps cheese?

>> No.20616172
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Cilantro tastes like soap to about 15% of the population. The percentage is even higher in people with certain Mediterranean heritage, specifically Spanish, Italian and Greek.

This means that the actual Spanish down there typically doesn’t like that soapy shit on their meal, and the ones who put it on EVERYTHING are the lobos and moriscos.

>> No.20616177

Fried offal quality meat, water, and corn meal, truly this is the height of cuisine. muh authentic tacos

>> No.20616181

You disagree, OP, you put lime on them, hypocritical faggot

>> No.20616194

>no lime or pico de gallo
the place near me also makes really good salsa verde but i get that it might distract from the flavor

>> No.20616220

Needs to be drenched in birria sauce to be trvly kino but other than that you are correct

I don't get all the hype around cocaine, it just made my friends and I sweaty and really annoying to talk to

>> No.20616416

Most people do cocaine late at night while drunk. I won't do any after 10am unless I'm playing poker or pool.

>> No.20616458

needs a good third of a cup of sour cream

>> No.20616540

You play any 9 ball?

>> No.20616557

I'd say that while a good taco doesn't need salsa, if you have decent salsa it's only going to improve things.

>> No.20618252

Honestly true. I'd just add some lime, that with the other two ingredients sufficiently makes the taco "moist" enough

>> No.20618261
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In Kansas City, there's an old place called In-A-Tub where they deep-fry the tacos and add powdered cheese.

>> No.20618278

No, he said only onion and cilantro. So no bread or meat or cheese, just those 2 ingredients, like a salad fresca without tomato or chili

>> No.20618281

Contaminated with what?

>> No.20618287

Yeah coke is overrated as fuck. Its only good if you have a long drive home a head of you and you want to be able to sleep an hour later. Then a small key bump is good.
For any other purposes dexamphetamine is better.

>> No.20618292

lol mexicans slather those things with salsa.

squeeze of lime and green sauce is the way. they're okay without salsa, but like 10/10 with them

>> No.20618294

coke is only exalted by drinkers. i don't know anyone who's big into coke and doesn't drink.

>> No.20618296
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I think we all know the answer to this.

>> No.20618332
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i like authentic style way better, especially when they're made with carne asada, tongue, or barbacoa, but some american style tacos with a bunch of lettuce, tomato, cheese and sour cream on flour tortillas is also good as fuck. i never eat them that way anymore though, if i'm doing it american style with ground beef, i'm going to pour it on a plate of tortilla chips, melt a bunch of cheese on top, then cover with the lettuce, toppings, red sauce, sour cream, etc. fuck an american style taco, i want white trash nacho supreme if i'm going that route.

>> No.20618336

also that jarred or canned "queso sauce" is disgusting as fuck and should be banned.

>> No.20619054

Onions cilantro and lime are just deconstructed salsa

>> No.20619064

I like when they put a radish slice on the taco
also you need to have lime on the side

>> No.20619067

agree, but GREAT tacos do need salsa

>> No.20619116

Believe it or not only $1.83 after tax

>> No.20619125


>> No.20620015

tacos and burritos are in my top favorite foods. so many ways to make them for max taste. even the basic bare bones of just (insert meat/steak/whatever here)/cheese/lettuce/sauce is tasty AF. I remember a few years ago I lived off burritos and tacos for about 4 months straight. almost all I ate every day was homecooked burritos and tacos. Probably one of my favorite times for eating in my life since it was just huge massive portions of burrito or taco and i'd stuff my face and it was fucking good. Love seeing the pics in this thread of various burritos and tacos that have been made. i'd devour every single one

>> No.20620025

you probably got bad coke. i haven't done cocaine in probably 20 years but that shit makes me feel like God.

>> No.20620030

>*takes bite*
those look pretty good though

>> No.20620213

This, plus a good hot sauce or salsa over it, not too much. American fast food "tacos" are an abomination.

>> No.20620245
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>Agree or disagree?
No salsa ass motherfucker
Pussy stay away from tacos you obviously have zero idea what makes one
Shitty post is shitty
Add salsa and lime
"Con todo" means with everything (as in the works) including salsa, lime and salt are as you please

>> No.20620258

Nah you need that red sauce especially if they're home made. Onions and cilantro on everything and a slice of radish between bites.

>> No.20620288
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little bit of this on a plate of tacos al pastor is definitely top 5

>> No.20620292
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Ohhh of course

>> No.20620324
File: 236 KB, 1200x800, eatersea0916_asadero_sinaloa_yelp_linna_s.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have a load of fixings
Salsa first it's a passion vh8s

>> No.20620397

I could post in a taco thread all night. step it up people 50 posts in this thread an hour minimum. discuss the glory of taco and burritos

>> No.20620517

If you don't like any one of these you ain't a friend of mine
Tinga de pollo
Cochinita pibil
Steak picado
Al pastor
Mole poblano

>> No.20620521

I like a good tangy salsa verde on mine.

>> No.20620530

You forgot Salsa and Guacamole

>> No.20622346

bumping the only other thread on this board I care about. discuss the glory that is tacos and burritos and all their goodness.

>> No.20622429

I've had shit that I tested to be >90% pure and still just got panic attacks, sweaty hands and heart palpitations. Idk if it's just that I need extremely small doses of stims or if its that some people can't handle some drugs but I know more people than me who get these effects.
But the same can be said with any drug. Some feel great on benzo, some just get drowsy, some people get no effect of opiates, some can't handle weed. Personally I can do a 10 strip of acid and still hold a decent conversation and others lose their fucking minds from 2 hits.

>> No.20622502

See i'll add to this. I cant even do 1 hit of acid without ruining everyones night cuz I sperg out. I can smoke weed all day and get totally mind melted from it but acid just jacks my whole existance up. Same with more than a couple shots of vodka... wine or whiskey is fine but vodka just causes me to get stupid drunk and pass out.

>> No.20622562

Huh, funny how even different types of strong booze can have different effects, never heard that one before, that's interesting

>> No.20622596

There are different esters, alcohols, and preservatives in different types of booze
That's why it's actually kind of important to drink a variety of drinks especially if you're drinking a lot for whatever reason
Some of them take longer to metabolize and they can build up in your fat and replace I forget what in your brain and nerves, it's why alcoholics get the shakes when the booze completely leaves their system, it can also be fatal
By drinking a variety of alcohols, you don't wind up with any particular build-ups
Also cheap booze has more tips and tails which are universally bad for you

>> No.20622597

Lime is always welcome.

>> No.20622622

yeah its strange. I can drink a large glass of wine than go play some twitch shooter video game and do ok with a comfy buzz. Drink the same amount of vodka and ive probably pissed myself while passed out drunk on the floor with my video game on pause if I even got that far loading it.
interesting to learn. Would explain a bit why vodka rocks me so hard compared to whiskey and wine. Brand and strength also plays a roll.

>> No.20622625

I like a squeeze of lime too

>> No.20622639

Cheese is better on tlacoyos.
Coke isn't for everyone. It didn't make me anxious but it just doesn't do it for me. One of my friends is dealing with a coke addiction right now and honestly I don't get it.
The fuck? I'm from Kansas City and never heard of this.

>> No.20622652


>> No.20622657

I like squeezing the lime and putting the red and green sauces on it, part of the ritual.

>> No.20622662

i just put butter on a hot tortilla and call it a day.

>> No.20622677

So many different ways to make tacos. I love it. The local place down the road sells pizza and subs but sadly doesnt do tacos or i'd probably order a buttload of them and scarf down

>> No.20622680


>> No.20622684

This only works if you have good tortillas, and I have heard that tortillas in the US are different.
Also it’s butter AND salt.

>> No.20622736

i almost always prefer homemade but this is the one canned salsa i love just as much

>> No.20622739
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lime, extra lime juice. 3 squeezed limes over one street taco
that's me

>> No.20622749

Forgot the lime, hombre

>> No.20622752

im just pointing out that good food should stand on its own.
but a taco is multiple foods.
tacos and all other recipies are about taking shitty food , combing it with other shitty food in the hopes that it averages out into something better.
good meat doesnt need to be put into a taco.
good butter doesnt need to be put on a tortilla.
a good taco serves its purpose. as a balanced meal you can eat in a few bites then get back to plowing the fields.

>> No.20622773

Good tacos need only a hint of salsa and cilantro with little onion.

>> No.20622775

Porqueria gringa. KYS.

>> No.20622783


>> No.20622786

It doesnt have any real avocado. Just peas and emulsifiers.

>> No.20622797

Cilantro is pure garbage

>> No.20622800

tastes like soap tbdesu

>> No.20622834

isnt celantro coriander?
what kinda fucking GMO bleached american coriander are you eating that tastes like soap

>> No.20622843
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>> No.20622845

It's genetics
Some people can't correctly taste cilantro and to them it tastes like dishwashing soap

>> No.20622848
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good tacos don't even need that, just meat and tortilla. we add stuff as enhancements, not necessarily because it's needed.

>> No.20622876

You're right. I've had plenty of meat and tortilla burritos before when pressed for time and lacking other stuff to put on it. a bit bland but completely edible and filling. tho if you can put on at least some taco sauce to add some flavor thats great but yes a plain tortilla and meat combo is perfectly fine.

>> No.20622880

Good meat taco needs saltd and lime juice.

>> No.20622887

Wrong. No Latinx person ever eats naked tacos. I never saw a Latinx person do that once in Mexico. They have little topping stations where you put what you want like onion, cilantro, lime, hot sauce et cetera.

>> No.20622906

latin not latinx you woke leftist queer

>> No.20622911

Until they change their bigoted sexist outdated language, they’re Latinx.

>> No.20622922

Don't forget a squeeze of lime juice

>> No.20622952

latin not latinx you woke liberal lefist asshole forcing your ways on others like a petty dictator. left constantly does this type of behavior.

>> No.20622959
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>> No.20622986

Change your language or we'll change it for you, Juanitx.

>> No.20623011

god shut the fuck up with your gayass philosophical diatribes about food

>> No.20623019

I love making gusanos seethe

>> No.20623386


>> No.20623391

Idiot. Latinx is so dumb and pathetic.

>> No.20623394


>> No.20623434

Yes they are.

>> No.20623442

>drink glass of 14% alcohol, feel fine.
>drink glass of 40% alcohol, get wasted.
Damn man, bizarre how that happens to you, some crazy, unique, inexplicable experience you have there.

>> No.20623770


>> No.20623857

just slop up my taco bby and shove it in my face.

>> No.20624135
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el mejor taco es el taco grasoso.
Just like pussy. The best pussy is the one that's wet, moisty, no need to lube. Your dick goes through it like a red hot scalpel on a newborn's neck

>> No.20624138

I've never thought about but I think I do agree

>> No.20624156

I always thought making a taco is a whole ritual
From the taquero prepping the food early morning to the eater, putting the toppings.

>> No.20624193

>salsa verde
>shit ton of cilantro
>diced white onion
>crazy nigger mode: roasted serrano

>> No.20625085

Hard disagree. You forgot the lime and maybe a pinch of salt. Perfection. Gimme all the Al pastor you have.

>> No.20625848

it probably needs a tortilla at least

>> No.20625857
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Would this be good in tacos?

>> No.20625865

not if you're spilling it all over the table like that what the fuck

>> No.20625883
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my wife says she liked your mango

>> No.20625972

ai papi

>> No.20625995

>Cheese does NOT belong on a taco
My workplace is 95% Mexican, and they definitely love putting cheese on their tacos. I see them do this shit every single day at lunch break.

>> No.20626044

tacos + cheese is a thing. I love watching autisms screech NO CHEESE! NO CHEESE! REEEEEE. shut up peasant cheese on a taco is tasty AF.

>> No.20626459
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Made chicken tinga with beef tamales and pork green chili with queso fresco
Served with limes, radish, avocado slices, and salsas (not pictured) the cilantro, sadly, was all brown and gross so I had to sub green onion
The green salsa had cilantro, though

>> No.20626695

you're thinking about it the wrong way.

the taste comes from the mix of oils fat and grease and lard on the tortillas, and meat.

you serve with lime/limon to get the best taste f meat. it's simple really.

Salsa cilantro and onions GREATLY fuck up a good taco, and you're not a child for asking without these ingredients.

maciza, surtido, chicharron are great. in places they don't know how to make tacos your best bet is tripa beef/fajita whatever is called and maybe barbacoa if they dont screw it up.

Al pastor is only good in mexico. I would add guacamole to my heart's content to mexican food, especially breaded fish tacos but that's just me.

you get the taste from the mix of grease and lards, if you try to make it too clean you're going to fuck it up the mexican food. mexican food is not supposed to be healthy. too many people don't know how to make it and still sell

>> No.20626700

it depends. the cheese has to be good de hebra, oaxaca or fresco but a good taco doesn't need cheese.

now if you're eating texmex alambre and add salsa pace its a small sin.

but adding cheese because you don't know how to make a taco means the taco is bad to begin with

>> No.20626721

Based based based