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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20611262 No.20611262 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine eating this good? What are you kings eating for your Saturday

>> No.20611269

made a kidney bean and salt pork stew. not red beans and rice because I used a mire-pox instead of trinity. came out pretty good

>> No.20611271

roasted kielbasa, potatoes, peppers, and onions. simple as

>> No.20611274

Two hard boiled eggs and two cans of King Oscar Sardines. I'm trying to not be a big tall fat American anymore.

>> No.20611276
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Rogaine obviously.

>> No.20611292

Will get a campechana

>> No.20611519

Did you get it?

>> No.20611614

how many hundreds of pounds do you weigh

>> No.20611638

175 some of this will be lunch tomorrow and this is the only thing I will eat today

>> No.20611645

>this is the only thing I will eat today
you budgeting or just a lifestyle preference?
or worse...both....

>> No.20611662
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>Two hard boiled eggs and two cans of King Oscar Sardines. I'm trying to not be a big tall fat American anymore.
Keto? or just low carb? It sucks being skinny fat, I need to gain a lot of muscle but lose a lot of fat in just certain spots.

>> No.20611695


>> No.20611703

>lose a lot of fat in just certain spots
You can't do this without surgical procedures.

>> No.20611708

certain people do gain and hold fat in weird places, u ever see a big girl with like a slim girls face

>> No.20611712

Wherever they gain fat is the natural fat deposits of their body. There's nothing you can do to change where your body deposits or consumes fat from.

>> No.20611754

Some spicy veg noodles from work and tons of malt liquor.

>> No.20611785

how much malt liquor?
less than four 40 oz is disgraceful

>> No.20611790

you don't need to gain muscle. chicks like skeletons

>> No.20611804

skeleton here. this is not true.

>> No.20611805

>wake up at 1300
>swipe tinder, bumble, and hinge for 20 minutes
>fall back asleep until 1500
>get up and shower
>make coffee
>handful of licorice allsorts
>breakfast at 1800 of two Mediterranean yogurt marinated chicken thighs in pita bread with homemade hummus
>one bite of three different ice creams that I have in my freezer
>get hungry again around midnight
>air fry two pieces of bread, top with homemade pesto, eat along with a ball of burrata with olive oil and salt
Thinking about whether I should drink 3 beers and pass out. I'm trying to lose weight and haven't pooped in 48 hours. I'm supposed to go on a date with a slightly overweight girl tomorrow.

>> No.20611816

>I'm trying to lose weight
>should I drink 3 beers
Yeah man go for it. And keep doing it. What's a few more years of hating yourself when you've already gone this long?

>> No.20611818

it is if you have an ounce of personality

>> No.20611819

I went from 141 in January to 150 in May due to personal issues and a lack of time and felt like such a fat disgusting piece of shit. I am back down to 145 now that I have stopped eating chicken nuggets and tequila every day.

>> No.20611821

That's a nice amount of food and drink for a small gathering of 2-3 people. Having a date night or a casual hang with a couple friends?

>> No.20611823

3 beers is not a lot of calories if youre running a heavy deficit on food

>> No.20611826

>if youre running a heavy deficit on food
I guarantee you he's not

>> No.20611827

hot damn...that's economical. hope that meal is dank

>> No.20611830

are you 5 feet tall or something?

>> No.20611843

Roughly estimating it:
>approx 5 licorice pieces
180 kcal
>2 chicken thighs
440 kcal
>2 wheat pita bread
220 kcal
>unknown quantity of hummus
??? maybe like 100 kcal at most
>hot banana peppers
>slice of feta that I crumbled on top of the hummus
60 kcal
>1 bite of 3 different ice creams
idk like 100 probably not even that much ice cream has surprisingly few calories for what it is
>bread slices
100 kcal
no idea but it was mostly cashews since I didn't have pine nuts, I'm going to guess 50 kcal since I used a small amount
280 kcal
Comes out to 1530 kcal, I would round up to 1600 to account for oil and inaccuracy

>> No.20611844

My parents lied to me my entire life and said that I was 5'10" but then when I went to a doctor for the first time when I turned 18 they said I was 5'7"

>> No.20611846

did your parents also deny you access to measuring tape or meter sticks?

>> No.20611867

No but they did deny me access to stick deodorant and shaving products for a weirdly long time

>> No.20611960

Ribeye cooked med rare, sautéed green beans and mac and cheese.