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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 1200x900, canned tuna brands product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20608257 No.20608257 [Reply] [Original]

How often is it okay to eat tuna? It is very cheap and easy protein.

>> No.20608261

Mackerel is cheaper and tastier and has less mercury.

>> No.20608269

mercury poisoning is a lie by big salmon to keep you away from delicious affordable fish like tuna

>> No.20608351

Twice a week is the recommended limit. If you get mercury tested tuna though you can eat that kind as much as you want.
It also tastes nothing like tuna.

>> No.20608404

It's more expensive than chicken or pork.
I can get tuna for, like, 69¢/tin, three of which makes a pound IE $2.07/lb
I prefer mackerel and it's $2.09 per tin. Mackerel is literally three times the price. Unless you're talking about those gigantic tins. That mackerel is poopshits unfit for human consumption and you ought to be ashamed.
>nothing like tuna
Unless you mean the poopshits mackerel, it has a very similar flavour to tuna but it's different enough that I have a preference of one over the other (mackerel > tuna).
Poopshits mackerel tastes like poopshits and nothing like tuna.

>> No.20608972

sardines kinda taste like tuna if you mash them up

>> No.20609408

Mercury poisoning is overblown and suggested limits cannot apply to the entire population equally, and therefore are aimed at the most susceptible group (pregnant women, iirc).
Chunk light has less mercury than other types so buy that if you're concerned.

The only mercury tested brand I've seen was Safe Catch and it was like $4/can and was literally the texture of soupy cat food. No chunks at all and generally tasted pretty bad. In fact, the cats got the other can.

>> No.20609411

Just get sardines. Less mercury.

>> No.20609425

Once I went on a 7 or 8 month cut eating basically nothing but canned tuna and rice. I lost ~60 lbs and however many IQ points from lead poisoning seemed to be negligible

>> No.20609427

Clearly not since it's not lead poisoning that you get from tuna, my hat-making friend.

>> No.20609434

please give me a break i'm esl and hungover and just woke up take it back i am not brain damaged i am not brain damaged I AM NOT BRAIN DAMAGED

>> No.20609440

>i'm esl
As am I (actually, it's my fourth language if you consider local dialect to be separate).
Anyway, you're so batty from your all-tuna diet that your urine can be used for felting.

>> No.20609444
File: 83 KB, 627x896, Freddie_Mercury-10698589_765011573579374_1623822355036666719_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this poster >>20608261 scared of Mercury.

>> No.20609447

>not being afraid of mercury
Enjoy your AIDS

>> No.20609552

So you're saying that you wanted sex with Freddie? I must admit that sounds quite homosexual

>> No.20609565

I've been eating a tin of tuna almost every day for the past 3 years of my life. Those commonly cited mercury limits presume you're a 100 pound girl.

>> No.20609582


He's not gay, he's deeply closeted

>> No.20609680
File: 91 KB, 680x315, my-protein-is-semen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20609710

>it has a very similar flavour to tuna
It's absolutely nothing like tuna, at all.

>> No.20609767
File: 137 KB, 398x552, norm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20609873

No, just that Freddie had bubonic superAIDS that you could catch just being in the same room long enough.

>> No.20610943

semen is mostly carbohydrates

>> No.20611080

3 or 4 tins a week

>> No.20612490

Loaded with mercury and other metals.

>> No.20612676

Recently I discovered that canned tuna is great with a dash of ketchup, it's kinda like tuna in tomato sauce

>> No.20612698

Soon, all that is edible shall be 'le reddit' and the entire world will starve to death for fear of being cringe! Heh hahah, what a devilish plan.

>> No.20612827

then why not just say meat??? oh yeah, cuz of faggots

>> No.20612839

are meat. pork liver, pork belly and pork heart.
what was the point you were attempting to make, melissa?

>> No.20612895

Whenever someone asks this I always luke them here

If you dont want to read the whole thing:

>You would have to eat around 25 tins (at 95g a tin) of it a week before you hit the maximum tolerable intake of mercury.

In short, its not even remotely an issue

>> No.20612905

i cringed so hard i think i broke a tooth

>> No.20612909

t. meth-addled hillbilly

>> No.20612918
File: 170 KB, 1644x926, soyspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20613052

Dis you?
Spoons are for eating, silly girl.