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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20603438 No.20603438 [Reply] [Original]

saddest meal you've ever eaten? i just microwaved some instant cornbread stuffing and put walmart-brand sriracha on it and im eating the whole box inside the tuperware it came in

>> No.20603471
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Probably a few years ago when my job had me traveling and I ended up in Scottsdale Arizona. I got a per deium so I spent my money on booze. I got drunk alone in a hotel room alone, and ordered pizza, wings and Chinese. I ate a little, threw up and passed out. I work up hung over and ate the room temperature leftovers that I left out over night. Not good.

>> No.20603502

the meal i just ordered, it was supposed to be "home made lasagna" according to the fake internet reviewers and it turned out to be disgusting Sysco slop

>> No.20603508

i remember when i was a poor college boy (graduated recently, but still poor)i had to eat random leaves because of my terrible financial decision to buy motorcycle tires (scammed by some random motorcycle workshop because my tires was flatted out in the middle of nowhere) and i thought my mother will send me more money, but sadly no, my mother's business just got hit with taxation and stuff so she had to pay that first or her business will be gone.
back to my sad meal, i cook these random leaves i found on my apartment backyard that i don't know the name and makes some vegetable soup with boiled water, salt, and ton of flavoring seasoning. it was bad, but atleast i got no disease.
till now i don't know what kind of leaves is that but it was my lifesaver.

>> No.20603514

TGI Fridays while my gf was breaking up with me or that time my dad asked if I wanted pancakes and I said no and he made them anyway and then beat the shit out of me and made me eat them

>> No.20603532

jail food, the kitchen was being remodeled so it was particularly bad. one time it was twice microwaved hot dog that had the consistency of rubber, and two pieces of stale wheat bread. oh and a scoop of minute rice. that was dinner.

>> No.20603624
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hope we all eat some good food soon. i have $50 in food stamps left i just have to make my mom or my brother drive me to the store. hope everyone is doing better or will be soon.

>> No.20603632
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I celebrate the anniversary of this meal on Thursday.

it was one week after we moved oot of the hoose we lived in for 19 years.

>> No.20603648

I keep MRE’s for when I run out of food

>> No.20603654

Why did you shit on your hot dog

>> No.20603695

Quality wise, the garbage I made two weeks ago. I had leftover corned beef & cabbage, that were a bit old, but I thought "hey, I'll just throw them both in a pot with water and boil them into a stew". Result was disgusting, barely edible. The beef could have been OK by itself, but the cabbage just turned into slime, complete waste.

Emotionally, probably Thanksgiving 2017, when my Mom was in the ICU at the hospital fifth time that year, about two weeks before she died in hospice care. Or when I warmed up the leftover beef stew that was the last thing I cooked for her before said hospitalization. 0/10, would not recommend

>> No.20603703
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Found the weenies in the cabinet I didn’t know how old they were

>> No.20603811

I've had a very very similar meam last night, except I microwaved it and crammed it straight up my ass

>> No.20603832

an entire pack of shitty pepperoni wrapped around sweet gherkin pickles in the rain, drunk as fuck off scotch after my wife had a miscarraige
i ended up vomiting all over myself in bed completely soaked
it was a really bad night
alternatively 5 day old beef lo mein and a bottle of bombay sapphire after she od'd a few weeks later in an attempt to kill herself. that gave me such bad food poisoning i ended up in the hospital with her

>> No.20603835

the lo mein was unrefridgerated*

>> No.20603839

Probably for the best such emotionally unstable people don't have children

>> No.20603841

Probably boiled eggs and white bread so I could drink more vodka

>> No.20603849

we had three, i am going through divorce now, and already have custody. shes still in a sober living home

>> No.20603946

just reading that makes me want to kill myself., have you tried going to the food bank? you know they have canned fruit no one buys there usually?

>> No.20603965

Maseca mixed with hot water and salt, raw. I was okay and felt nourished.

>> No.20603973

rice with butter and soy sauce when I was financially fucked. still eat it from time to time as a comfort meal

>> No.20603980

How about my easy egg recipe: crack an egg into a small microwavable bowl pierce the yolk add a slice of cheeze with salt and pepper. Put a lid ontop then microwave for 1/2 minutes and done.

I call this the I'm not wasting time with a frying pan egg.

>> No.20604701

Generic unbranded shitty frozen tv dinners. I had two of those things after starving myself for something like 3 days some odd years back. I didn't even finish the second one; I threw it away and ordered myself some domino's

>> No.20604704

>I got a per deium so I spent my money on booze
why are constructionniggas like this

>> No.20604710
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Literally just a tin of corned beef with some ketchup.

I mean this corned beef, not the other corned beef.

>> No.20604726

I'm a stress eater if I let myself and the worst meals for me were when I was eating some greasy processed shit that I knew I wouldn't even like, but the fact that it was bad for me was half of why I was eating it. A bunch of fast food trash or a large frozen pizza, that sort of slop. I haven't done that in some time and the thinking back on how it would make me feel keeps me from doing it again.

>> No.20606622

type like a sea monkey, was probably your daily meal desu

>> No.20606752
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my saddest meal is always the most recent one I've eaten

>> No.20606761

Might be my mom’s leftovers right after she died

I hope you’re blessed with Manager’s Specials.

>> No.20606768

that's not even sad, it's resourceful and frankly it sounds bâste

>> No.20606769
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>Might be my mom’s leftovers right after she died
sweet jesus anon I'm sorry :[

>> No.20607368
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microwaved frozen pizza eaten standing alone in the kitchen

>> No.20607908

I eat MREs just to punish myself for looking at pictures of naked women on the internet.

>> No.20607912

A carton of Meyenberg goat milk and beef flavored Top Ramen, that was the worst- most vile vomit session in my life.

>> No.20608280

dumpster dived lettuce with cheapest buttermilk dressing the store sells.

>> No.20608491

cold plain lil smokies

>> No.20608609
File: 640 KB, 1529x536, PARTLY PIZZAZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obligatory Pic
Mine was probably over 20 years ago.
>Just lost job
>apartment under a fat blonde bitch who whenever she'd shower buckets of water would leak through my ceiling coating everything in foulness
>told apartment manager who refused to do anything months before, said no rent until it's fixed to a livable state
>found out later they were selling the property AS-IS so NO REPAIRS was their policy.
>Broke and getting food from food pantry 3x a week
>New owner sees that I hadn't paid last month--IMMEDIATE EVICTION notice.
> come home one day from a job search and the BIG ORANGE Sheriffs department sticker is on the door. GET OUT IN 24 hours, or your shit is in the street.
>FUCKFUCKFUCKFuck...Fuck... fu..
>nothing in the fridge or cupboards but some tart as fuck organic salad dressing and some stale organic crackers from the food bank
>luckily, since I had only moved to that city 2 years prior, I didn't have a bunch of shit to pack--eat my sad stale crackers with little drips of dressing as my last meal there before couch surfing/car camping for the next 3 weeks.
To add insult to injury, I got taken to court for alleged "Back rent" but ,somehow even though there was a judgement against me I never paid a dime and suffered no repercussions from it.
The whole thing was greasy and crooked as fuck, the landlord had this absurd list of thing to charge to ensure no security deposit would ever be returned to their tenants
>$60/per dirty stovetop drip pan
>$250 for a "dirty bathroom"
>$100 for pet damage(I had no pets)
The tough times really do strengthen you and build character, but it's better to have foresight if you can. And money.
Thanks for reading my SadMeal™ Blog.

>> No.20608630

When I was 6 or 7my mom was passed out cold on the couch on Xanax all day and at dinner time the only thing I could find to eat that didn’t require cooking was a box of chocolate cake mix. I poured it in a bowl and ate all the dry powder with a spoon.

>> No.20608642

15 beers and a raw egg

>> No.20608734
File: 2.22 MB, 1320x950, awfulawful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i flew up to reno with my store manager to go to this concert in a 24 hour period, and invited this girl i'd hooked up with that i really liked. my buddy who invited me miscounted the tickets, so i had to spend a ridiculous amount on scalped tickets. in the middle of the concert, she invited some guys she knew to hang out. i threw up behind a trailer and our driver/limo ditched us, so i had to pay for a cab because i was the only one who had money. we got stuck in traffic for hours.

my "date" had us dropped off in some fucking alleyway where she got in a car with other dudes. my friend and his girlfriend dragged me into the backdoor of the "Little Nugget" for a burger called the Awful Awful (pic related).

the upstairs toilet was broken and toilet water was pouring down the stairs. people were still fucking eating and the place reeked of smoke. i had to pee so i trudged up the toilet water stairs and pissed. i came back and ate my mediocre burger.

then our sleeping space wasn't figured out so i just sat outside smoking swisher sweets until the morning, my flight, and lost $1000 without gambling in reno in less than 24 hours. fuck that place and fuck that burger, i'm happy it's closed.

>> No.20608769

You are sad for liking Sriracha. A shit versions that probably gets the good peppers, at that. I've tried it so many times. Gaaaaaaaarbage. Piss in ketchup after a bender and, bam, Sriracha.

>> No.20608779

The power went out and all I had were a bowl of microwave and a can of deenz. Eat the rice unheated; rough and waxy but edible.

>> No.20608781

*microwave rice

>> No.20608783
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>hanging with dad, like 5 years old
>he says we can watch action movies and eat frozen corn dogs, my fav thing to do with him
>we start watching movie and eating corndogs
>30 minutes he turns ash white and groans for me to get him a trash can
>he pukes up corn dogs and blood for an hour
>think my daddy is legit dying
>find out later he was probably having withdrawls from god knows whatever drug he was on that day
>still cant eat corn dogs


>be mid 20's going through rough patch, questioning my existence and reality
>gf at the time finds expired bag of frozen buffalo tendies in freezer, throws them out
>fast forward to later that night
>i go out and get violently drunk to forget about my mental state
>come home and need to eat but way too fucked up to cook anything
>remember tendies from earlier
>knock over trash can and sit down on the ground and eat tendies
>gf finds me blacked out on kitchen floor and wont stop crying once she finally manages to wake me up

That was a tough relationship. She was not a well adjusted person and had her issues, but she definitely did not deserve the shit I put her through. I woke her up one night by standing up in the middle of the bed and just pissing everywhere.

>> No.20608798


>> No.20608850

Those are tame stories. Step it up and tell better stories about your drunk dad and your own alcoholism.

>> No.20609904

lukewarm ramen cooked over candle light on Christmas due to a power outage

>> No.20610141

At least three of my meals a week are just taking plain slices of bread and eating it with nothing but some water

>> No.20610176

There was once a salad buffet called sweet tomatos/souplantation. I was watching my niece while her parents were on a let's make this work cruise and she left us a gift card. I was hungry as fuck because earlier that morning I was clearing out some land to plant fruit trees in her back yard. So we both went there and it was all vegetarian shit. I had a salad, some random nuts or chickpeas. Complete waste of money. On the way home we stopped by a five guys.

No wonder that place shut down. You can't derive an sustenance from buffets like that.

>> No.20610225

never had a sad meal. i steal everything. live like a king fuck the zog

>> No.20610249

Gotta be boiled unsalted potatoes with ketchup because it was all I had at the time for over a week.

>> No.20610264

For a short period of my life I was living in my car and beyond broke, to cope with several days of no food I'd drink from water fountains until I felt like I was about to explode. Eventually I caved into temptation and started stealing small snacks here and there, but I feel that is less pitiful and more just shameful.

>> No.20610422

One time I wanted to eat something sweet, so I mashed cooked beans and mixed it with sugar.

>> No.20610609

This is just a normal weekend for me, minus the traveling.

>> No.20610637
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fuck man.