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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20606001 No.20606001 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy the majesty of the Big Texan Challenge lads...


>> No.20606022

Damn OP you went?

>> No.20606031

So why can't we have this thread?

>> No.20606037

schizophrenic mod has a grudge against op

>> No.20606039

A grudge against OP is a grudge against all of us

>> No.20606044

>let me fill my belly with water, surely that will make room for the steak and not make me vomit

>> No.20606046
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>> No.20606050

One does not simply fuck with us big texanbros

>> No.20606051
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don’t be like this queer

>> No.20606052

big Kyle is a thirsty boy, and he aint finishing that steak

>> No.20606054

Oh hey that's the saladphone retard from last night

>> No.20606056

Is that guys name right now

>> No.20606061


>> No.20606067

Big Texan water challenge!?

>> No.20606068

He eating the ice cubes?

>> No.20606071

This guy's about to hurl.

>> No.20606074
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I'm watching this while eating my tuna mayo pasta salad so I don't feel so alone. It's like I'm dining with friends :)

>> No.20606075

I watched him do it

>> No.20606077

What's the head count on failures/contestants so far?


I feel like I'm missing 2-3

>> No.20606078
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>> No.20606083

What in the god fuck, isn't it about closing time? And there's two more of these bastards?

>> No.20606085

so when you eat this do you next shit this week or after the presidential election in november?

>> No.20606086

That looks pretty sad and should be thrown into a garbage bin before the flies and maggots get to it.

>> No.20606087

Wtf is wrong with him. Who'd do something so retarded?
We had Blake as an early bird. He destroyed the sides but failed the meat.

>> No.20606088

Harv and Chuck look like real eating machines.

>> No.20606089

I think this contest is demeaning to nonfat people of color and non-color, because it implies that it is possible for a "human" to complete this challenge.

>> No.20606090

These 2 new guys on the right I can tell are ready to bulk

>> No.20606091
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>> No.20606098

cold tuna salad with pasta?

>> No.20606099

Why not go protest like some collegiate bitch, maybe do some occupy bullshit while at at?

>> No.20606100

Hoss material

>> No.20606101

I feel bad for tard boy that is filling up him tum tummy with water.
The real men seem to know better

>> No.20606112

They don't even acknowledge his presence. Kyle is a mere weed.

>> No.20606113

Tard boy has like a third of a steak leftover. Fucking WEAK

>> No.20606118

Tard boy just used his HANDS to pick up a piece of meat and eat it, and the two men looked away from him, like they felt shame for him.

>> No.20606121

There was a dude earlier this evening that I thought might do it but I think he punked out at 13mins left.

>> No.20606125

That cold tuna salad is pretty good with some peas or green beans on crusty rye bread.

>> No.20606127

I wonder if he knows we are watching his every move.
You know you are gay when you can't eat a steak.

>> No.20606134

fix the fucking timestamp REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.20606135

I hope this kid's parents see this video so they can disown him. Imagine have a son that is so GAY that he can't even eat a steak. He might as be whored out on Martin Luther King Drive.

>> No.20606137

Big ass tomahawk on the grill

>> No.20606140

Pencilneck has to be ruining their appetite.

>> No.20606143

It seems extra gay when you're not only watching some guy's every move but also declare it, that might be considered creepy and stalking.

>> No.20606144

Updated roster:
That one faggot on his phone the entire time
Kyle (tard boy)

>> No.20606146

Tard boy finally put his hat on correctly.
I'll bet he feels like a gay rape victim in jail.

>> No.20606148

He's gonna go home and cram that steak

>> No.20606150

Old guys clearly just talked shit about tard boy

>> No.20606151

>big guys immediately start talking shit about him and laughing

>> No.20606152

Now they HAVE to win
Anything short of victory and they will be a bigger disgrace than Tard Boy

>> No.20606159

>Now they HAVE to win
>Anything short of victory and they will be a bigger disgrace than Tard Boy
Why would they be a bigger disgrace than Tard Boy?
They don't seem to be pretending to be anything other than middle-aged white assholes.

>> No.20606162

You're either the Hoss or below Tard Boy. Nothing more, nothing less

>> No.20606166

One guy put his phone on the table. You can see a blue 4chan board on it!

>> No.20606167
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Baldie had me worried he was gonna be another phonefag for a sec

>> No.20606172

Can't watch, post pic

>> No.20606173


>> No.20606174

Did he just fucking give up?

>> No.20606176

Haha, Baldie gonna puke up his meat so he can eat more meat, like a true meat eating homosexual man!

>> No.20606188

Could he be one of us?

>> No.20606192

don't have time to watch the stream, just posting to bump the thread to piss off the tranny mod

>> No.20606195

>Could he be one of us?
Well, he failed, so there's a very good chance that he is one of us.
Imagine being such a fucking failure that you can't even eat 10 pounds of meat. That's like breakfast for me.

>> No.20606199

His wife texted him and wanted to go get Chinese.

>> No.20606201
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why is his his clock still going HE FOCKING LEFT THE TABLE

>> No.20606203

>this one restaurant in this one small town in one texas county
>literal nonstop dozens of steaks on the grill every time i tune in
is anyone else amazed how many people there are and how we manage to appease every one of them at all times with whatever they want

>> No.20606206

Holy shit... he just pulled out a revolver and put it on the table.

>> No.20606209
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At least Tard Boy ran down the timer

>> No.20606217

All of that food on the grill. Look how many assholes showed up right at closing.

>> No.20606220

He's done boys
Another failure

>> No.20606221

>All of that food on the grill. Look how many assholes showed up right at closing.
I used to work with people like you. Change the signs on the door if you aren't going to be open at certain hours. It's that fucking simple.
Or, I don't know, just don't do the fucking job you are being paid to do, and bitch and moan about how people are paying you a fuckton of money but not giving you any hours.

>> No.20606226

another day without the promised hoss...

>> No.20606234

If I was that boy's pappy, I'd pull his pants down, bend him over the table, put my p-due in his a-due, and violently fill his b-due with my s-due, and all on live film. I would make him my new wife

>> No.20606238
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>> No.20606269

thats kinda gay

>> No.20606297

here comes the sheriff to clean up this darn town

and the tables

>> No.20606335

A lot of the challenge winners are skinny people.

>> No.20606403

Maby we should get someone from /fit/ to try this challenge

>> No.20606410

Meant for >>20606089

>> No.20606786

This thread was moved to >>>/bant/20600761