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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 737 KB, 726x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20600056 No.20600056 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant we have such nice things? So practical

>> No.20600060 [DELETED] 

Black people

>> No.20600066

Here's why we can't have nice things:

>> No.20600101


>> No.20600106

I didn't even do nothing assholes

>> No.20600109

Blame your nigger friends

>> No.20600114

DINDU NUFFIN'!!--right on schedule.

>> No.20600120
File: 91 KB, 1024x538, 1586881115801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I have 2 to pick from...
Fuggit--I'll poast BOTH.

>> No.20600124 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 575x1024, nigga condoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(2 of 2)

>> No.20600126 [DELETED] 

So one with non whites and one with only whites (obviously jews are not white)

>> No.20600136

That's it// Let's keep /pol/leakage to a minimum though, huh?

>> No.20600138

Is it like this on all of america or only on certain cities?
I imagine smaller cities don’t have it so bad.

>> No.20600142

We can ALL get along--until we CAN'T.

>> No.20600144 [DELETED] 

This IP isn't going to ban itself.

>> No.20600145

It's about HIGH TRUST vs. LOW trust.
Just like anywhere, It's HIGHLY variable.
In-Group preference is NOT wrong--unless you're White.

>> No.20600153

Ya know anon..as much time as I spend trying to steer /pol/ leakage OUT of /ck/, you really are being a CUNT.
Do what you will--but I sure as hell aren't (you)

>> No.20600155 [DELETED] 

Lol didn't read. Homo

>> No.20600158

>wasted digits on a fucking TOUriST.
Enjoy your stay Faggot./

>> No.20600161 [DELETED] 

I was shitposting on /b/ while your dad was impregnation your other dad with you. Boy

>> No.20600163
File: 2.57 MB, 498x280, m00t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, sure...

>> No.20600171
File: 20 KB, 312x136, Vdi6Tkd_P8g 00-07-29 All toppings are free! BEST 3 amazing automated ramen machine in Korea! 24H ramen store _street food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20600187

How does this heating shit works? They put paper bowl and it boils? Instantly?

>> No.20600191 [DELETED] 

The water is already hot fucktard.

>> No.20600195

If water was hot already there would be vapor coming out of it

>> No.20600198
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Vdi6Tkd_P8g 00-15-46 All toppings are free! BEST 3 amazing automated ramen machine in Korea! 24H ramen store _street food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we in the West get accused of being too addicted to carbs..

>> No.20600199 [DELETED] 

God Americans are so dumb

>> No.20600203

I made instant ramen because of this thread. Thank you for your time.

>> No.20600207 [DELETED] 

I sucked off my gay bf because of this post

>> No.20600208

>No explanation
>No arguments
>Ad hominem only
You are either a kid or brown.

>> No.20600211

you lost your empire lol

>> No.20600212 [DELETED] 

>calling a white man brown

>> No.20600218

Did he like it?

>> No.20600228


>> No.20600263

I had to check the video myself because you two retards.
The paper cups have a metal bottom, and they are put in an induction cooker designed for them.
Maybe if you pay attention next time you wouldn’t need to get into dumb arguments.

>> No.20600271 [DELETED] 

The water is still hot when it comes out to minimize heating times.

>> No.20600273


>> No.20600507
File: 29 KB, 714x108, japanesesaltintake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better question is how the fuck are nips still alive when the average person consumes like 10,000mg of salt a day?!

Do they have functioning kidneys in japan?

>> No.20600576

japs completely destroy keto and low sodium fags. the secret it turns out is fish.

>> No.20600644

Or they just don't report on their medical issues because they are all recluses.

>> No.20600652

Fish. Like your mom's puaay

>> No.20600656

It's a shame that you've been doing it that long and not improved at all. Your IQ must be mid double digits

>> No.20600670

Japan, despite being generally quite healthy, is known to have an above average incidence of gastric cancer, which is heavily correlated with high sodium intake. Read medical literature sometimes.

>> No.20601326

Yup. The Japanese diet certainly isn't perfect but they definitely eat less. Most restaurants have a variety of portion sizes as well which is nice. Japanese salarymen are also quite fond of cigarettes which is not great health wise. Granted OP's video from Korea but that seems to have flown above some anons' heads.
On a semi related note, vending machines like the one featured in OP's video are more of a novelty attraction than anything. Not very common.

>> No.20601343

>the secret it turns out is portion control and walking

>> No.20601359

this is why I like to watch videos of sumo wrestlers going out to eat
those guys know how to do it

this is the japan I love

>> No.20601377

It's localized. I live in Wayne County, the same county as Detroit, and we only lock our doors when we go to bed at night. If we're doing work in the garage, we leave the doors open, even if we leave to go to the hardware store. It's quite common around here for people to leave their garage open all day. Same for leaving lawnmowers or snow blowers in the front yard. Go ten miles to the east and you'd quickly regret doing the same thing.

>> No.20601429

Wait a minute.
Wasn’t the daily recommended intake 2 grams?
Since when did it change to 5?
I feel betrayed

>> No.20601625
File: 17 KB, 1900x81, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit are those ad breaks? Who does this chang think he is lmao

Anyway you know the answer OP.

>> No.20601647

Is this what internet without UB looks like?

>> No.20601704

I don't see ads, why do you think I'm asking? Critical thinking anon.

>> No.20602169

I live like 10 miles from downtown LA, technically still in the city, and my neighborhood was also like this for most of my life. It's gone way downhill in the last few years though, the homeless all spread out of skid row to fill the whole region during covid lockdown and now there's hardly anywhere that's truly safe.

>> No.20602180

Do you not have a kitchen?

>> No.20602185

>ramen you can find at Walmart and dollar stores
>American cheese slices
>hot sauce
>sour cream
>corn dog

I thought Asians ate healthier than everyone?

>> No.20602194

I imagine when dealing with food, most cities and states have hygiene regulations that would prevent vegetables and whatever else from being served without someone there to monitor.

>> No.20602224

dude I have adblock and never see those tiny little yellow squares. guess you use a shitty version of it

>> No.20602444

>Why cant we have such nice things?
Because brown people ruin everything, that's why.

>> No.20602454

damn how old is moot here? he looks so good. I'm jelly. no homo.

>> No.20602909

Asians are as unhealthy as everyone. They just eat rice mostly because they cant (?) afford meat and sweets.
At least thats how my judgement is from watching anime. The characters there always struggle with buying meat and cakes and can never afford them. Whats up with that?

>> No.20603784

I think because most anime centers around an underdog, who wants to cheer for the richfag?

>> No.20603793

Yea but here in yurop there was never an issue eating sweets and meat. Ofc you wont be eatng ribeye steak every day but there is a lot of affordable stuff

>> No.20603838

That's the deleted post, one of the first too.

>> No.20604137

There is a difference between buying honor system pumpkins or firewood and leaving your garage door open without being afraid of being jumped VS leaving your doors unlocked and valuable machinery outside. Even in the boonies the latter would be very unwise I think you are just kind of a rube. There's high trust society but then there's just not protecting yourself

>> No.20604464

Doesn't the sea salt rot that soda machine out fast af?

>> No.20604739

Depends on steel. If the entire thing is out of stainless, it's gonna last.

>> No.20605004

>anon..as much time as I spend trying to steer /pol/ leakage OUT of /ck/
If you spend any amount of time attempting to do that then you're a fucking loser.

>> No.20606132

are those bowls plastic/paper/metal? can't be plastic or paper because it's heating up but why does it look like paper/plastic?

>> No.20606138

also if it's metal it's it a HUGE waste to throw them away? why cna't just steal the ramen if it's 24/7

>> No.20606145

Is it cooked in a plastic bowl?

>> No.20606156

Look at the deleted post

>> No.20606164

>Look at the deleted post
>the deleted post
>deleted post

>> No.20606214

Hi newfriend.

>> No.20606229


>> No.20606237

Everyone knows why. It starts with n. They’ve already attacked some of the autonomous food delivery robots.

>> No.20606544

Deleted? It was stolen.

>> No.20606550

dub trips of truth