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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20589597 No.20589597 [Reply] [Original]

I don't use garlic because the smell it leaves on my fingers is icky and it takes ages to go away

>> No.20589602

Excellent blog. I'm going to have to unsubscribe though as I can't take any more excitement

>> No.20589603

it's hard to imagine how much of a manchild queer you must be

>> No.20589640

>he isn't alliummaxxing to repel vampires and women

>> No.20589647

Parsley. Use it.

>> No.20589651

maybe dont rub the garlic on your hands so much?

>> No.20589663

I LOVE LOVE LOVE heckin garlic but only chop it sparingly for the same reason. Have found garlic powder does 90% of the job without staining hands.

>> No.20589685 [DELETED] 

Garlic and cats are both based however, only niggers don't like cats.

>> No.20589687

t. tastelet

>> No.20589791

Such a nice catten, post more

>> No.20589793

i love to jack off after handling lots of garlic. the smell gets transferred to my penis, and then later my gf enjoys sucking my garlic flavored cock

>> No.20589798

For a lot of things you can just cook garlic whole, and then when it's soft mash it up and mix it back in if you want. I liked doing this too, you get plenty of garlic flavor if you use enough without the harshness garlic can sometimes have. And it doesn't linger on your skin or breath after either, as long as it was fully cooked.

>> No.20589801

garlic smells icky but it tastes really yummy.

>> No.20589817

If only there were some sort of garment one could don to avoid substances getting on the hands...

>> No.20589936

Rub fingers on flat side of chef's knife then wash hands in cold water

>> No.20589945

I have four cats and enjoy garlic. Do with that what you wish.

>> No.20589972

His back foot look like my bepis.

>> No.20590350
File: 162 KB, 603x999, 1718445083384715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You live in a desert?
You have no water to wash hands?
You dementia Joe Bidet?
You have no life so you shart on the net?
What IS wrong with you?

>> No.20590362

Wash your hands with a stainless steel implement

>> No.20590436

I don't like to stick my fingers in my pussy because the smell takes forever to go away

>> No.20590440

>mince or grate garlic
>can't stop sniffing fingers for hours afterward because it smells so fucking good

>> No.20590465

enjoy dying early, nigger

>> No.20590467
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Invest in utensils

>> No.20591877

why you gotta hate cats

>> No.20591895

cat haters are almost invariably complete douchebags unless they're allergic
cats are great judges of character. they will fuck you up if you're a prick.

>> No.20591946

Start using whole cloves. Just peel them and throw them in whole.

>> No.20592181

No one actually hates cats but catfags are insufferable elitist cunts

>> No.20592191

yeah. cats are cool but catfags are autistic spergs

>> No.20592197

My experience is more with dog owners who somehow become deranged. I have dog owner friends who get insulted that I don't dive my hands directly into their dogs fur and mouth WHILE I'M FUCKING EATING. Sorry I don't want my hands to get all fucking gross and doggy while I'm having a burger. ALSO what is this fucking annoying bullshit of bringing your dog to every pub and cafe we want to go to? It's infuriating to be tripping over senseless emotions slaves scuttling around in the dark of a crowded fucking bar. Ain't nobody forcing you to lick their cat or changing the rules of nightlife by insisting they be accommodated in bars and restaurants everywhere

>> No.20592203

are you a vampire perhaps?

>> No.20592255

They sell bars of soap made out of stainless steel for exactly your problem.

>> No.20592865

Some people don't know how to care for a cat and just take in strays that will fuck anyone up. Same shit with dogs, but people don't know that you can train a cat. That is the problem

>> No.20592870
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210817-232548_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could beat the absolute shit out of you and your entire homo family at the same time.

>> No.20592903

>I have dog owner friends who get insulted that I don't dive my hands directly into their dogs fur and mouth WHILE I'M FUCKING EATING
No you don't, psychotic catfag

>> No.20592950

dogs and dog owners are a fucking scourge. my neighbors have 3 big ones and never walk them, they just leave them outside to bark nonstop.
say what you will about cats and cat owners, but I've never heard someone else's cat from inside my house

>> No.20593019
File: 330 KB, 1080x1390, Tidy cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does garlic repel catfaggots?
I dont like the smell of catfaggots

>> No.20593159

I hear cats yowling all the time, and while barking can be annoying at least people keep their dogs in their houses and yards. Catfags let their animals just freely wander the neighborhood to knock over trash cans and get into loud fights with other cats outside my window at 3AM

>> No.20593289

Cats make crazy noises in the wee hours. You never heard them screaming and yowling and fighting? I live in a city and hear them a few times a week. But yes, constantly barking neighbor neighbor dogs are the fucking worst.

>> No.20593300


>> No.20593327
File: 19 KB, 474x355, I cramp up RIGHT HERE when Fapping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tסld that those aluminum "Soap Bars" werk well for fish and onions too..I've never used them, I haave a stainless steel sink that when I use a greeen scrubby to scrub it down, does the EXACT SAME THING...
Is right. While you don't get all the nice volatile aromatics--like with pepper, popcorn of other fresh ground spices; Gar POW is just the thing for cooked sauces like BBQ, or as an added sprinkle on pizza or meats before cooking since you'll lose that shit anyway.
Also works well in making impromptu sauces/dips, since it won't add extra water, and can actually firm up a "Wetter" base sauce/dip.

>> No.20593333

>cats are great judges of character. they will fuck you up if you're a prick.
opposite, cats will attack you for literally no reason

>> No.20593337
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Those numbers dont lie
Cats officially a shit

>> No.20593351

that cat looks like it just pooped in some random corner of the house
i love garlic btw. and strong red onions, one time i had a gyro in vegas with a shit ton of onions on it and my farts the next day were absolutely RANK. i was in bed hungover and the farts were so vile i actually had to wake up and get out of my room because of the unholy stench. it hung in the air for an impossible amount of the time, i'm like 90% sure it got into the fibers of the bed because my room stank that night too

>> No.20593359

I used to be the same.
I got a mortar and pestle so now I don't have to touch it except when peeling, which I do either under running water or with the jar method.
I also started buying nitrile gloves for when I want to process a lot of garlic and onions.
Rubbing your hands against steel is a myth.

>> No.20593363
File: 37 KB, 741x494, The Real one...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rubbing your hands against steel is a myth.
Maybe for Alliums..
But It works well for fish..

>> No.20593365

way to tell on yourself kek

>> No.20593369

is this real?

>> No.20593373

That's the thing. Cat fighting at 3am doesn't go through house walls. You'll only hear them if you have your windows open.
Dog barks don't give a fuck.

>> No.20593377

Then why does it work?

>> No.20593397
File: 624 KB, 500x249, MEMZAP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now hold still...we are discussing ALLIUMS

>> No.20593550

I have only seen pics like this with Asian people and their rice pots. Cats know.

>> No.20594740

>Cat fighting at 3am doesn't go through house walls.
It absolutely does

>> No.20594758

We're talking about real houses, not the shanties in your favela.

>> No.20594785

NTA but I hear cats making insane sounds at night with my windows closed and I live in an old house in a major American city. They sound like demons when they get going.

>> No.20595240

Yeah cats' sexual noises are fucking insane

>> No.20595257

working in restaurants the past few years, i just stopped cooking. at most i'll air fry or microwave something frozen, or eat olives/peppers/pickles from the jar.

>> No.20595258

So are your moms.

>> No.20595261

It smells like you've just fingered an Italian girl

>> No.20595262

lol like you'd know that feel or smell

>> No.20595268

italian girls have tall pubic hair in a very negative way

>> No.20595465

my mom is not a cat though

>> No.20595471

it's already crammed, my guy

>> No.20595478

I don't like having anything stinky on my hands because it makes my kitty mad

>> No.20595538
File: 66 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u4-2536503586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my kitty mad

>> No.20595596

I live in a middle class suburb, you projecting clown. I don't know why you're this invested in pretending cats shrieking and fighting is inaudible but it's really goofy

>> No.20596188

It's not even the smell it's just that I'm too lazy to get out the cutting board and dirty it up along with a knife and peel the cloves and yeah

>> No.20597956

Wear gloves?

>> No.20597961

Being the less stinky turd among stinky turds isn't an achievement anon.

>> No.20597966

nice cat
clean cat
pretty cat
beautiful cat
kiss cat
hug cat

>> No.20598174

Than wash you hands you nasty fuck. Use soap and HOT water.

The absolute state of these fucking retards.

>> No.20598195
File: 425 KB, 1080x1459, Screenshot_20211103-160432_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very loved and well cared for.