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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20582337 No.20582337 [Reply] [Original]

Well this didn't age well...

>> No.20582341

i can get them for free if i just walk into an allotment

>> No.20582354

90% of the dishes I use tomatoes in call for canned anyway.

>> No.20582358

he looks like a faggot so why he's shitting on gardening is a mystery

>> No.20582364

I don't get it. Did tomatoes get banned from grocery stores or something?

>> No.20582367

I enjoy gardening in summer. The produce is a bonus.

>> No.20582370

>didn't age well
How so? Did something happen to whoever the guy in that picture is? How is anyone supposed to get what you're talking about?

>> No.20582371

You can get them potted. Really not that much maintenance.

>> No.20582381
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What turn of events are you referencing here?

>> No.20582385

recipes call for canned but they're better with fresh 99% of the time. what are you, japanese or something?

>> No.20582387

he means that all tomatoes are square now

>> No.20582394

So buy them fresh at a grocery store then? What even is this thread?

>> No.20582412


>> No.20582416

God damn japs, first the watermelons and now the tomatoes.

>> No.20582422
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>> No.20582427
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Tomatoes are still cheap though?

>> No.20582451

Growing your own tomatoes isn't about saving money. It's about having good tomatoes. You get shit load from one plant too.

>> No.20582469

i was replying to that anon (or you, whoever it was) saying that he cooks with tinned tomatoes because recipes call for it. blindly following recipes and refusing to deviate is something i saw a lot in japan when i lived there, which was the point i was making. do yourself a favour and make bolognese with fresh cherry tomatoes instead of canned, itll knock your socks off

>> No.20582484

This except the fact that nobody plants fruit trees despite them requiring no upkeep and you can gift the excess to friends, family and neighbours.

>> No.20582510

Do you speak in faggy upspeak too?

>> No.20582511

the dry waste lot at the sewage plant has hundreds of tomaters come july

>> No.20582513

tomatoes cost like $2 each now ($3.99/lb).

>> No.20582523
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No, I mostly fuck middle aged obese women personally.
They don't though?

>> No.20582666

this. the journey is as important as the destination

>> No.20582901

>requiring no upkeep
Ho ho, that's not true. They are easily killed. Winter kills them. Droughts kill them. Neighbors steal the fruit if you have it in an accessible area. They may be low maintenance, but they do still have some.

Growing shit takes time and effort. Always.

>> No.20582918

>Really not that much maintenance.
I'm growing lettuce and broccoli right now, it's amazing how much money and attention plants need to not just up and fucking wither and die.

I definitely have a severe negative ROI for these fucking plants. Tons of wasted time, hundreds of bucks in soil, lights, containers and seeds, and the plants it DID make are fucking terrible compared to the grocery. It was not worth it to replace the $3 lettuce bunch I get at the store with seeds. Paid 100x the cost and got nothing in the end.

Don't fall for the gardening scam. It takes a fuckton of work and has a negative ROI. The pros do a hell of a better job than you ever will. That is why we all fucking switched in the first place.

>> No.20582923

I've read storebought tomatoes are bad compared to homegrown. So someone could just be doing it for quality reasons.

>> No.20582926

ha, that's funny I made that for dinner today
yes, it was great

>> No.20583000

>you can gift the excess to friends, family and neighbours
Gee, thanks for the bag of fucking apples I now have to find a use for.

>> No.20583213

i wish
cunts are $19/lb out of season

>> No.20583233

And the insects :(

>> No.20583240

>not canning
anon youre missing out on half the fun

>> No.20583246

Why post blatantly false information?

>> No.20583255

You retards always post food prices and get shocked when people post different food prices. You know there is an entire country, an entire continent and an entire planet outside of your little bubble right?

>> No.20583256

Show me one place on Earth where regular tomatoes are $19 a pound

>> No.20583264

In Nunya...

>> No.20583265

A Nunya business?

>> No.20583268

lol try moving somewhere with good soil and lots of sunlight. I water my balcony veggie garden once a day and it rewards me with a constant supply for food for about 5 months. Literally a skill issue

>> No.20583269

You can't buy good tomatos you have to grow them.

>> No.20583272
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alright. saw this thread and it pissed me off. ill go through the regulars so you guys can catch up.

1. growing food costs money. you will never save money growing stuff like potatoes. they cost too much to fert.

2.if youve never had homegrown tomatoes, youve never had tomatoes. this is the most belabored point, it shows up every thread and its tiresome, but relevant. I grow 15 different varieties and none of them taste the same, and none taste like the shit you get on your faggot subway sandwich. they are all very flavorful and potent.

3. if you grow any herbs with the plants, pests are less of an issue. t.t grew 30+ tomato plants yearly for 5 years, no hornworm. aphids all seek my kale.

4. canning is more expensive and requires quite a huge plot to be viable. i mostly grow small tomatoes and give them out. costs ramp up with watering.

youre all gay forgot a lot also dont care

>> No.20583275

Why do people need to be so sanctomatomious about food? Some kind of constant desire to feel superior about what you eat and how you get it

>> No.20583280

food is a commonality. its like the weather but people control it. everyone can taste and eat and feel joy from it. people have opinions, its like music, stupid.

>> No.20583284

Do you garden because you enjoy it or to feed yourself with pristine produce? For me is both

>> No.20583289

This is false. You can buy good tomatoes. Most people just buy those flavourless hydroponic tomatoes.

>> No.20583293

>G*rmoid can't conceive of doing something differently than specified by the directions

>> No.20583295

True, I should keep in mind that there are assholes for every topic

>> No.20583296

I grow a garden because I enjoy growing. It got me out of depression and my parents had property they let me use. I grow more than tomatoes and try different stuff, but tomatoes are my favorite. I grow kale every single year (All volunteer since I let them seed) and I grow garlic yearly.

When I talk to people about price, potatoes are always a negative. Garlic is always positive. If you have a single bed like I psoted, you can grow $150 of garlic in it and that $150 of garlic lasts a full year PLUS replant PLUS giveaway. I have saved 3k+ on garlic over the last five years, it costs less than 50$ a year to grow.

There are some but they are very expensive relatively. American especially buy cheap. So a shitty green roma is a good deal versus a softening, but solid smaller specialty tomato.

>> No.20583331
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You need to specialize on hat you can get returns on. For apartment slaves like you thats herbs a nd greens. You cannot save on anything fruiting or rooting deep.

I posted >>20583272
that bed cost about 55$ in 2019, so about 100$ in 2024. I had the land and a truck to buy bulk soil, plus fert, plus I pay for water during summer. So year one in 2024, lets say its 150$ for the bed. Thats insane right?

Wrong. pic related is same price for all the garlic I grew back then. If you wanted to do 8 beds of 150 heads of garlic, it costs the same year one but almost nothing the following years.

But youre bitching about apartment living, so if you want to grow ANYTHING you dont ever buy soil, besides maybe a bag or two. You prioritize herbs and leafy greens, which just take bloodmeal/nitrogen in small doses. You give up large lots like what I posted (large to you, small to anyone rural) and understand your level. Kale in pots on your deck or in windows with good fert cost almost nothing and have zero pests. get a grip.

most of you fucking retards dont even know how tomatoes pollinate, or other fruiting veg, you cant just plant a storebought pepper in your room and get peppers.

>> No.20583341

Do you trim the garlic scapes to make the bulbs grow bigger?

>> No.20583344

I dont have scapes, all my garlic is soft neck. I might have 2-5 scapes now because I started with 50/50 in 2019 hardneck/softneck. I live in michigan and like softnecsk more.

>> No.20583349

Also I realize I shit on you a lot. If you are growing lettuce for RETURN ON INCOME, you NEVER grow heads. you cut the leaves as they grow and eat that, you keep them in the dark so they don't go to seed (get milky when cut) and you keep them producing leaves. Shit like this is what people homegrowing dont understand. Do you know how to make plants fruit more? Do you know where to trim basil so it stops flowering and makes more leaves? This is vital shit for homegrowing that makes you save hundreds of dollars.

>> No.20583362
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>$12.5 per week on garlic
Are you having garlic confit every day? Is your neighbor Dracula?

>> No.20583364

It has to do with sale price and value. what's organic garlic cost you per head?

>> No.20583395

You would be spending $600 a year on garlic if you didn't grow it?

>> No.20583422

Thats what Im saving/making. Replanting and giveaways.

>> No.20583569
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>Is your neighbor Dracula

>> No.20583601

imagine being this much of an ungrateful faggot. i used to live in a rural area and it was a really nice tradition that people would bring in bags of fruit from their or their parent's farms into the office throughout the year, it cheered everyone up

>> No.20583646

You can also grow potatoes literally ANYWHERE and they don't even need a lot of sunlight. I had a redneck coworker who experimented growing spuds from some dirt he shoveled into an old tire and it worked perfectly.
If you have potatoes that have sprouted in your pantry you can just cut them in 2 so that there's an eye sprouted out on each and put them straight into the ground. In a couple months each potato half will grow into an entire plant that will yield about 4lbs of spuds per plant, that you can also replant later in the season. Or else you can just harvest spuds one by one for meals and the plant will regrow them.
start Irish faminemaxxing NOW

>> No.20583655

>growing your own food
Reported for anti-semitism

>> No.20584134

They call for canned because that's all the mongoloid that typed it out understands.

>> No.20584146

considering cost of water alone it isn't worth it to home garden. people garden because they like watching things grow.

>> No.20584634

>considering cost of water
Kek, I have a well.

>> No.20584645

>devoting months of your life

>> No.20584654

>they're better with fresh 99% of the time
You're right but only if you get good fresh tomatoes.
Most supermarket tomatoes SUCK and quality canned tomatoes are better.

>> No.20584717

It's still true. Growing your own vegetables is nice as a hobby but not cost effective

>> No.20584757

>filtered by tomatoes
Are you trying to turn me into a libertarian?

>> No.20585027

>implying it's not fun

>> No.20585079

>3. if you grow any herbs with the plants, pests are less of an issue. t.t grew 30+ tomato plants yearly for 5 years, no hornworm. aphids all seek my kale.

Can you expand on how to deal with pests? Do you just grow herbs next to them? Is kale grown as a sacrificial plant? I don't fully understand.

I've tried tomatoes and some other thigns but bugs ate them all. I bought the fancy pesticides and bugs still ate them all. its demoralizing to never have a single crop workout.

>> No.20585125

its like 4 dollars worth of shit for a tomato plant however
it takes like 10 minutes a day to water them lol

>> No.20585129

>cost of water
lmao hivemen bug people can't die fast enough

>> No.20585137
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Yeah that's cool. Turning up to someone's house and dumping a bag of fruit on them because you have too much is a pain in the ass.
So shut the fuck up fruity boy.

>> No.20585148

kill yourself. nobody wants you ITT or IRL.

>> No.20585156
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Lol, stay made you rootin tootin fruitin faggot.

>> No.20585172

They taste better and growing them is enjoyable. It's good for the soul.

>> No.20585183

A bag full of possibilities.

>> No.20585231

Rain is free nigga

>> No.20585314
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>he's so closeted he can't tolerate fruit in his presence because it reminds him of his secret gay fantasies

>> No.20585322

You all haven't tasted a real tomato and it shows

>> No.20585343

Idk, it's nice just having a reason to go outside. My cabbages are already failing though :c

>> No.20585633

i bet you don't have a single fucking person in your life that would even think about doing something nice for you, you fucking cocksucking asshole

>> No.20586116

>half the fun
I'm ok with the half that does not involve my sisters screaming at eat other

>> No.20586124

its free, BUT AT WHAT COST?

>> No.20586233
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>> No.20586356

I tried to grow tomatoes two separate years in the UK and it's fucking impossible. Just rain rain rain nonstop gay ass weather. I even bought seeds online for the best varieties, I had like 6 plants and only produced tiny green fuckers. I wanted to make fermented tomato sauce.

>> No.20586360

fuck you made my night anon
i hope you have a good one
thank you

>> No.20586363

Grow them inside my dude.

>> No.20586368

Where? The plants get huge and I don't have a greenhouse

>> No.20586371

do you live in a hovel? you can grow tomatoes on a windowsill my man

>> No.20586456

He’s a stand alone fruit

>> No.20586463

If you live in the south tomatoes grow like weeds, and the fruits they produce are so delicious it blows anything from the grocery store out of the water
You literally have to cut the vines back regularly or they grow completely out of control, it's ridiculous

>> No.20586486

If you're growing your own tomatoes you should be jarring and freezing all kinds of tomato products as well. That's how you get tomatoes all year.
I've got eight different varieties going right now. Tomatoes are one of the easiest things to grow too. I always end up giving lot away.

>> No.20586675

It's less about money and more about quality anon
You can never tell what kind of absolute toxic waste tier pesticides and fertilizers have been put in the food you eat. A lot of stuff that makes the plants look nice big and healthy will still probably give you some rare cancer because your biology is inherently different than plants'.
>inb4 it's safe look at the whatever study
Still don't want it. Don't want anything to do with it. All i want is my food to be grown in manure without any additives. But yet farmers can't do that because the lure of good profits is just too much to ignore

>> No.20586727

>takes 10 years to grow fruit
That's why. Most people don't have the land for it either.

>> No.20586729

Unlike the blueberry

>> No.20586732

this meme would be right if supermarket tomatos didn't taste like plastic and aids

>> No.20586740

... but I grew ten tomato plants in those three months and they produced a few kilos of tomatos and I didn't even need to do anything because it's a tomato.
Tomatoes just grow on their own, man.
I have tomatoes all over the place because birds ate some tomatoes I threw out and they shat the seeds into my lawn so I get lawn tomatoes.

>> No.20586750

>Well this didn't age well...
growing your own tomatoes was NEVER about saving money, though, it was about flavor, ripeness and getting heirlooms that can't be mass market produced.
Thankfully, if you don't have a green thumb or travel constantly, you can buy Tasti-Lee or Campari with good success for flavor for instantly ready recipes like Caprese, for instance.

>> No.20586757

Grow amaranth or some other plant if you love in a desert

>> No.20586767

In a cupboard with a heat light.

>> No.20586769

Amon Amarth kick ass

>> No.20586803

>if you love in a desert

Won't that get sand all over you?
Could be pretty hot tho.

>> No.20586825
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>growing your own tomatoes was NEVER about saving money
Yeah, tomatoes are a real bad example of growing to save money.
Now growing things like raspberries is absolutely about saving money because those little fuckers shouldn't cost anywhere near what they do. Same with lychees if you've the climate for it.

And the smart man grows varieties that aren't common in the store.
Hell I've never seen cape gooseberries in the store, so I grew some and now they've broken containment and gone wild in my backyard.
I guarantee that on the shelves they'd be overpriced as fuck. A tree that I do nothing to care for produced a bucket's worth of the tasty lil bastards.

>> No.20586826

I bought a pack of tomato seeds for 2 bux and I got 4 plants growing. 3 months of daily watering isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.20586840

And they attract geese to make Foie Gras

>> No.20586906

The famine in Ireland was artificial because brits just stole everything they made and kept making

>> No.20587041

>brits just stole everything
purchased fairly in advance via contracts with the farmers to take the first x volume of the harvest in exchange for payment in advance, then the famine reduced the yield to the point that these contracts accounted for 95+% of the outputs, leaving nothing left for locals to buy from the irish farmers who happily shipped their produce off to the highest bidder (not poor irish)

>> No.20587047

I lived in a country where tomatos basically grew on their own in the middle of some weeds and brought fruit fine.

>> No.20587078

i mean thats the major thing, if its a plant you need to water constantly, then its blatantly not something that would be growing in your area on its own to begin with

>> No.20587088

>contracts with the farmers
"Farmers" who were actually landed gentry, overwhelmingly English, and often absent landlords at that.

>> No.20587090

I would've agreed with this image if it said potatoes instead of tomatoes.
There's absolutely a benefit to growing your own tomatoes.

>> No.20587167

it does suck ass if you fall for the scam of buying vegetable plants at a place like walmart or lowes cause there's like a 50% chance the plant will just die before producing anything and also even if successful it will take like 3 years to get return on investment maybe longer

well, like many skills i guess the intro investment can make it seem not worthwhile since you'll need some extra money for failure and experimentation but it is a skill that can be developed and save you some money in the long run and also having fresh gardens from the vegetable that you can think of things to do with is much better than going to the store for stuff. like i produce a ton of peppers so i think of ways to use them, as opposed to just going to the grocery store for a few peppers for a recipe

>> No.20587178

the tomatoes you can buy in the store are picked well before they are ripened so they can be shipped overseas without spoiling, they have way less nutrients and have no fucking meat at all, its just insane how much lower quality they are

>> No.20587180

also after getting into gardening you can learn canning

>> No.20587244

>Roma tomato
Do they steal your bike when you turn your back to them?

>> No.20587276

And my rings.

>> No.20587407

They're usually not something I buy, but I've been growing cherry tomatoes for a while. I've probably gotten a few pounds from one plant and it keeps growing.
When they're up to $5 a pound, it's worth it to grow.

>> No.20587692

Bitch it takes a few months from seed go harvest on tomatoes lmao

>> No.20587712

follow the post chain bro

>> No.20587748

Fresh tomatoes do not taste good. Tomatoes must be processed to become worthwhile food of any kind.
It pains me to say because I have grown my own and I really liked the way they are described in Keeper of the Bees, but tomatoes just aren't good and the fresher they are the more gag-worthy because the flavor of a fresh tomato is bad, and the residual flavor after cooking and processing (the more the better, generally) is amazing.
Canning is just awful. Finicky and time consuming unless you like risking doing it wrong and getting botulism or whatever.
I am baffled that the "FUCKING AMERICANS" brainrot schizo shit has now extended to obscure countries largely absent from the English internet. Please take your meds.
You don't live in a "food desert" to the extent that you have to pay ten times as much for tomatoes, you're just being a lying hysterical cunt.
To fertilize potatoes, till one years' crop of potatoes into the soil and wait a few years then plant more.

>> No.20587754

As contrasted with mechanical garlic? Bitch, are you insane? I know having Dracula for a neighbor might be stressful but what do you actually think the label "organic" changes for a fucking garlic bulb?

>> No.20587796

how the fuck do you deal with Rats in your garden
the city I live at has so many fucking rats it's impossible to have a veggie garden without bringing in all the rats in the neighborhood to feast and live on your garden.

>> No.20587803
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get a handful of these

>> No.20587820

>two store-bought tomato plants
>one cherry, one normal
>plucking entire bowls of each every damn day all throughout the summer
it easily gets insane

>> No.20587825


>> No.20587827

BB gun.

>> No.20587832


>> No.20587839
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Its called companion planting. Hornworms for example smell nightshade (Tomatoes, peppers, tobacco) and they go to lay eggs on it at night (The moth). If you have stinky herbs around, the insects wont smell it. The aphids prioritize my kale for some reason every year, so I always grow a few volunteer kales and accept I wont get to eat them

Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) can be sprayed on all plants to kill catarpillars and shit. Its a bacteria that eats them inside out and is harmless to people.

I dont have a rat problem so I cant say. The worst I have are bunnies or deer that tend not to damage much. Best solution I know for cats is putting plastic forks point end up in the garden, they dont like stepping on those

>> No.20587845

Weird Pokemon creature, it looks dangerous, I wouldn't keep it.

>> No.20587869
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>not just stealing from the grocery jew

>> No.20587884
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>> No.20587888

>Best solution I know for cats is putting plastic forks point end up in the garden, they dont like stepping on those
Ohh I might try that, thanks.
My little rascal likes to roll in the dirt and attacks the cabbages for some reason.

>> No.20587899

Yes, but as you learn from your mistakes, optimize, and get the upfront costs out of the way you essentially have groceries that can pay for thrmselves. Especially when applying permaculture techniques/practices. Composting your garbage/having hobby farm animals that produce food etc. If you're business savvy you can even start an LLC/Farm and get some upfront costs to not be so bad.
Correct. Basil, and it's variances are my go to. Basil repels Tomatos pests, and both go well together in cooking. Basil much like tomatoes have so many different flavors/kinds. It's a lot of fun.
This is where the business savvy types can really optimize. Many kitchen purchases to streamline/help optimize canning can be looked at as a business expense. Especially in conjunction with Home processing laws when making simple baked goods, jams, etc at home for sale. Large commercial pots, commercial vacuum sealers. Hell, remodeling your kitchen? Business expense.

Sorry to hear you pay for water. We don't get to grow all year round, but water is never an issue for us. Every place has it's pros/cons.

>> No.20588006
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are you some sort of autist?
have you never ate a good tomato before?
we got good tomatoes down here

>> No.20588033

>just keep eating more shit it tastes good once you get the right turd and acquire a taste!
No thank you! Not today!

>> No.20588059

store bought tomatoes are absolutely DRENCHED in pesticides and taste like nothing

>> No.20588062

kill yourself

>> No.20588063

they're just like me

>> No.20588096

>my tomatoes don't taste like catsoup reee they aren't real tomatoes
keep eating your sugary canned crap lardo

>> No.20588106
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Garden get cheap the larger the scale. I used to get all my soil and fertilizer for free as waste product from getting eggs and rabbit meat.
Got most of my veggies from for 7ish months too on a 1/4 of an acre. I sold it this spring to some literal boomers so it's probably going to waste now.
Buying stuff from the grocery store and now saving my piss has been a large adjustment for this year.

>> No.20588116
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>> No.20588125
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>where to trim basil so it stops flowering
Had to look it up, but I agree with you entirely.
If They know, They know--and if they don't but WANT to, they can find it easily ATM.
Most of the naysayers about home gardening, etc. are never gonna get off their ass in the first place, and will enjoy their learned helplessness by buying massively overpriced shit that tastes, at best, of nothing, but just as likely, of chemical garbage.
FUCK 'EM...They'll get out what they put in...


>> No.20588139

>cost of water alone
Holy fuck...a COMPLETELY Domesticated Primate.
I can't even imagine using "Tap water" for a garden--imagine the amount of chlorine, birth control hormones and depression meds metabolites..
I mean, I understand that most apartment dwellers don't have much choice, but filling a couple few 5 gallon buckets with lids filled during a rainstorm would take care of that.
For the retards wondering "How the fuck could I do that??"
You use the fucking downspout after the rain has washed of the roof for the first 5 minutes or so..
"But I..."

>> No.20588156

Fruit trees take 7 years. and you can often buy them at nurseries at year 3 or 4.
Boomers hate them,(well, apparently ALL trees,) because MUH YARD WASTE.
I hope the next round of pharmaceutical shortages knock off another 1/3nd of them.

>> No.20588175
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a truly noble fruit.
I'm gonna spread paw-paws all over the back woods on my family land, along with some elderberries too.
wish my camera wasn't fucky, I'd shoot some of the other fruits I already seeded there.
>raspberry, blackberry, a few mulberry saplings.
I'll bet if you constantly put out buttered bread near the gooseberies, (and had geese near,) they would gorge themselves on it naturally.
I know that it's the Acorns that make Iberian ham so good--makes me wonder...

>> No.20588181
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Here ya are, the Armory just dropped it off after an adjustment.

>> No.20588186

homegrown tomatoes taste 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x better than store bought. It's not about saving money

>> No.20588188

>just wait for a rainstorm
Perhaps not everyone lives in the same climate.

>> No.20588197

(Same Anon)
Ok then... WHAT kind of climate do you live in where you can't get rainwater--
I think you are full of shit.
But...In case you are dumb enough to live in a desert, there are ways of purifying water that won't cost you an arm and leg.
I think you're just LAZY and looking for an excuse...
Go ahead faggot, IDGAF

>> No.20588210
File: 117 KB, 1114x1113, Can't be doin with that shit, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WHAT kind of climate do you live in where you can't get rainwater
How the fuck am I supposed to purify water that I don't have?

See, I live in a more rainy area and I have a rainwater tank so this doesn't apply to me.
But I've done work in the top end and for most of the year it doesn't rain in some places.
Shit dries up.

This is the Thorny Devil.
It has a unique method of drinking.
Any water that lands on it will be pushed by its scales to its mouth. This is so it will never miss a drop of water, that's how scarce water is in the outback.

>> No.20588214
File: 1017 KB, 1654x2194, 1_ Snap, Crackle Hop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a video of Australian speargrass seeds reacting to water.
The moment they're exposed to water, they try to burrow.
This is a plant, that will actively burrow. Because it feels water and immediately tries to germinate.

You don't understand what a desert is.

>> No.20588219
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Welp! You got me Bruce.
Hopefully your tap water isn't as pozzed as ours here in Ameritardland.
Besides, you can build a hothouse to keep the moisture in outta visqueen and pallets.
>See, I live in a more rainy area and I have a rainwater tank so this doesn't apply to me.
Ah, Ya CUNT...

>> No.20588222

that seems bad for the cat.

>> No.20588230
File: 53 KB, 422x504, Just remember to recharge with either salmon or chicken please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, Kot LOVES it.

>> No.20588976
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>> No.20588984

youre retarded

>> No.20588995


Ill tell you.

You cannot grow chinese/mexican garlic at home because its been sprayed with a chemical that stops it from sprouting in transit. Growing that inhibits is badly. You need garlic that isnt treated to regrow it. Dumb fucking shitheads.

>> No.20589123

there's states where it's literally illegal to collect rainwater you retards

>> No.20589159

How does that even work? I imagine most agencies are already strained it's not even a law they could track or enforce.

>> No.20589399

just steal instead

>> No.20589402

why the fuck would this even be a law? you people just bend over whenever the fed wants to push another bullshit "law" on you, don't you?

>> No.20589823

>despite them requiring no upkeep
If you grow a fruit tree and don't "upkeep" it your lawn will be littered with rotting piles of fruit sludge and yellow jackets.

>> No.20589825

He's lying. It's not "illegal to collect rainwater", it's illegal to incorrectly collect rainwater in such a way that promotes mosquito breeding. Your collection barrels just need to be covered.

>> No.20589857

only Colorado...
Seriously though, are you a KEK??

>> No.20589862

I don't grow tomatoes to save money. I grow them because they're delicious and because taking care of something living is good for the soul.

>> No.20590164
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20590174

Not knocking it but tomatoes go bad in like a week so who cares? You get a bunch of tomatoes one week of the year? Wow!

>> No.20590187

Sauce freezes for months in plastic, years if stored properly in glass.

>> No.20590195

what a fucking noob, bros... failing at simple agriculture

>> No.20590324

Agriculture isn't easy. There are entire schools for farmers.

>> No.20590331

Might as fucking buy canned tomatoes at that point.

>> No.20590344

You are painfully retarded

>> No.20590374

I member this picture. Sucks you sold it but good points all around. Get some more land soon
Posting this channel because I think he's the best on yt and your pic reminds me of a good setup like that

>> No.20590405

Ok? So you fill up your freezer with frozen tomato sauce. Ten jars maybe. Just seems like there’s nothing wirth talking about, one week of fresh tomatoes, few months of tomato sauce… then you’re back to buying from the store. I’m sure it’s a fun hobby but it has nothing to do with food if it’s only 1/52 of your consumption.

>> No.20591214

Just eat something different when. It's out of season you fucking clucking rootless urbanite.

>> No.20591345

you grow it as insect repellent?

>> No.20591744

>Tons of wasted time, hundreds of bucks in soil, lights, containers and seeds,
lol all that shit is free. people put pots and buckets on their curbs every spring/fall. dirt is fucking everywhere even dark rich soil just gotta look around, seeds come from the same stuff you eat, just save the seeds stupid. lights? there's a big one called the sun. hahahahaha.

>> No.20591774

they don't all ripen at once you know, and you can pick them slightly early and they'll ripen more slowly.

>> No.20591980

I grew it for fun since my dad smokes. It didnt get pests but it's not really a repellant in my garden. Tobacco has some of the smallest seeds you can buy, you obviously cannot buy starts for it anywhere so you have to grow your own. It is a very pretty plant actually, and I recommend it as an ornamental. Ornamental tobacco is extremely pretty

>> No.20592862

for my garden pests I starting picking up the toads in my yard and releasing them on my plots. The toads now live in the garden and keep the bug population down. They get free food and protection, I get more crops.

>> No.20592929

holy fat ass

>> No.20593845

You are unironically retarded.