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File: 787 KB, 826x1867, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 11-13-46 Samyang Denmark recalls Korean ramen for being too spicy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20581028 No.20581028 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20581033

Good. The third worlder trend of spice-bombing their food because it tastes like ass should not be encouraged. Spice should bring pleasant heat that compliments other flavors, it should turn the entire bowl of soup into lava sauce.

>> No.20581036

>it should turn the entire bowl of soup into lava sauce.
You fucked up your bait.

>> No.20581040
File: 3.57 MB, 498x441, spelling-mistake-minor-spelling-mistake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your food is 20% hot sauce and tastes like vinegar and peppers and nothing else.

>> No.20581041

I could maybe understand banning the 3x as it tastes like ass and is pure spice/heat, but the 2x and 1x are fucking fine, the fact they're banning even the 1x just shows Danes are pussies.

>> No.20581046
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It's true.

Some people cain't handle they spicy foo'

>> No.20581048

Meant to quote this bit:
>claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers

>> No.20581065

Is that the guy who died from the one chip challenge?

>> No.20581066

why ytboys like this

>> No.20581072

Black market opportunity. I'm going to become the Danish Scarface.

>> No.20581080

I find it hilarious. I used to have black neighbours before they were priced out and we'd cook for each other from time to time. They tried something I cooked once, can't remember what (sweet and spicy chicken stir fry, I think), and they couldn't handle the heat at all. I was munching away happily while they were gasping for water.

>> No.20581357

I expected a misleading article about how the recall is more about the ramen having high amounts of sodium rather than being too spicy. but alas it is being recalled for being too spicy.

>> No.20581409
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I mean..

>> No.20581412

does it really need to have have over 2000 g of sodium?

I like the flavor, but eating Instant Ramen scares me because of the sodium content.

>> No.20581413

And then everybody stood up and clapped

>> No.20581422

>oof ouch oww this hurts my mouth
>why won't the government stop me from doing this again?!?!
>government please!! I cant stop buying and eating this!!!
Europeans are fucking RETARDED

>> No.20581424


>> No.20581440

kek, actual sheep needing the shephard at every moment

>> No.20581444

They need a strong authoritarian figure like Trump to guide them

>> No.20581455
File: 61 KB, 920x530, corvaglia-tethered-caps-solutions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are people that needed the government to force companies to tether the caps onto pop bottles so they dont lose them. It's not a serious place.

>> No.20581461

this, plastic waste is based
>inb4 muh microplastics
the strong will survive

>> No.20581511

somethings gotta kill you
also, what if you're the person that can metabolize plastic and kickstart the next step of human evolution?
Europeans could NEVER

>> No.20581663

What even is people from denmark? Denmarkians?

>> No.20581710


>> No.20581719

europeans celebrate when their nanny state bans things for them it's fucked up. cuck continent

>> No.20581730

>cuck continent
Cucked race.

>> No.20581775 [DELETED] 
File: 3.50 MB, 576x1024, whitescantcook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are white folks so opposed to flavor?

>> No.20581800
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The 3x is no joke, but the 2x and the regular? C'mon bruh.

>> No.20581802

>Get my buldak
>Not feeling like eating eating slowly, which is the only way I can handle it
>Just use half the sauce
Hell, maybe make a pseudo cold dish iby splashing it with rice vinegar
There's nothing stopping someone from using a partial packet, the sauce is super savory to begin with

>> No.20581812
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It's been a while since I've seen such blatant samefaggotry
And it's all shit-tier bait to boot. What a time to be alive

>> No.20581815

How the fuck does that happen, Ive eaten a whole spoon of ultra hot sauce and got left with a week of
>Warm sensation in my stomach
>Cold sweats
>Light fever
>Shitting blood
>Spicy pee
>Entire mouth lining falling out
>Tongue losing taste
With upfront howling like "the lunch lady thought I found out a family member died" (it was my college cafeteria)
And I didn't fucking get a heart attack
Fuck I didn't even get acid reflux, I just thought I would die from shitting my stomach out before that

>> No.20581847

They're Dankish
Which letter of the word poisonous are you struggling with Dmitri?

>> No.20581873

too much for white boys

>> No.20581882


You can have all of your assets robbed by the government in America if someone claims in court that you hurt their feelings. Not a yuropoor but you shouldn't throw stones in your glass house.

>> No.20581884


>> No.20581908
File: 1.83 MB, 480x848, way_spicy_pepper.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you hear about the bell pepper recalls.

>> No.20581974
File: 371 KB, 1195x1390, gustav-i-born-gustav-eriksson-of-the-vasa-noble-family-and-later-known-KWPEDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the average d*ne after eating ramen or, "spicy bicey":

>> No.20581984

I just ate the 2x from a pack my brother gave me because he thought it was too hot and man it kicked my ass. I feel it in my stomach now and think I'm gonna take a shit soon. It's pretty good though.

>> No.20581994

Add me to that list of based anons making fun of your little cuck country and making you cry like the little eurocuck faggot that you are.

>> No.20581996

>This is the “quality food regulations” Euros keep circlejerking about

>> No.20582010
File: 943 KB, 1120x1400, 1714139785850404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Sweden:
>Carolina reaper liquorice

>> No.20582019
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The 1x are pretty damn hot already. 3x just sounds like chemical burn.

>> No.20582037
File: 210 KB, 1024x719, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20582039

>What even is people from denmark? Denmarkians?

>somethings gotta kill you
>also, what if you're the person that can metabolize plastic and kickstart the next step of human evolution?
>Europeans could NEVER
t. Ranjeet the Pajeet who can drink water from Gagnesh without exploding in a scove of diarrohea

>> No.20582060
File: 2.93 MB, 360x640, 1673265656644538.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that there mcdonalds when man misprayjudged the centrifugalpower for the road was guppier than forwaited

>> No.20582126

Is that from T:TSCC?

>> No.20582132
File: 63 KB, 470x265, 1706518382896235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euroids can't even handle Miracle Whip. The Tangy Zip burns their tongue.

>> No.20582143

He's just the brother of that woman with the big fat titties. I don't think he's famous on his own.

>> No.20582212

judging by her looks i thought she was gonna say something retarded and infurating

but she's not wrong

>> No.20582242

I had the 3x it was inedible but I was very disappointed with the flavour - literally non-existent. It just tastes like pain. There is no flavour just noodles and pain.

>> No.20582268

This is correct. It has no discernible flavor. The volcano ones are like this too.

>> No.20582276

why do people think eating hot stuff makes you manly or cool?

>> No.20582288

Has there ever been a single recorded case of "capsicum poisoning?"

>> No.20582296

burgers are so fucking retarded sometimes
if a thing has too high of capsaicin levels according to the local regulation then its getting recalled. Its really that fucking simple. You can say that the regulation itself is dumb but there is nothing weird about recalling a product that doesnt meet those regulation
and yes, it also happens in burgerland, quite often actually

>> No.20582323

>also happens in burgerland, quite often actually
Prove it nigga.

>> No.20582331

But Americans, white Americans, grow the hottest peppers in the world, tho

>> No.20582349

Is it manlier to be able to handle spice or to say it will kill you?

>> No.20582352

there is no joy in eating these anyways, 2x spicy was already not enjoyable, no flavor, just spice. but getting poisoned by something like this is truly pathetic

>> No.20583191


europeans are a joke, really

>> No.20583270

sodium is good for you, just drink more water, retarded boomer. you should be eating enough potassium to counteract it if you eat any fruits or vegetables. are you scared of msg too?

>> No.20583617

They need to release a extra mild for wh*tes version.

>> No.20584148

Came here to say this.
And to see how many bootlicking cuck yuropoors posted defending their government deciding for them that something is too spicy. Was not disappointed.

>> No.20584154
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>> No.20584255
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>> No.20584263

Lol it's just the noodles and still WAY SPICY

>> No.20584268

Just kill and skin them the regular way, jeez.

>> No.20584433
File: 107 KB, 880x540, 1715573999730964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20584448

I ordered some 2x to try because of this, so good government-subsidized marketing campaign. Want to try 3x but can't find it anywhere.

>> No.20584471
File: 28 KB, 400x344, d995efd1877a09053f2b5c61965dba6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasty incels love to dish out the bantz but have severe chimpouts when they get it in return
MANY MANY such cases. sad!

>> No.20584492

i believe it's a limited edition, at least other anons have stated so in other threads

>> No.20584499

I've been able to get it pretty consistently foe years from the lotte or hearts near me

>> No.20584558

how is it too spicy if there's literally a pack of hot sauce you can put as much as YOU want? Are Denmarkers so fucking stupid they can't fathom the possibility of putting less in?

>> No.20584577

yes. that's why their government had to intervene.
someone has to keep the lemmings from running off the edge

>> No.20584588
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>> No.20584593

owww ouch so spicy watch out spice head

>> No.20584623
File: 1.38 MB, 1146x863, Screenshot from 2022-10-23 13-49-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love spicy food but not everything needs or even should be spicy
a turkey dinner is one on those cases
there are other flavors

>> No.20584734
File: 18 KB, 480x333, 1560251660356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-ground pepper

>> No.20585567


>> No.20585579

Generic eurocucks doing generic eurocuck shit... now on to Billy with the weather.

>> No.20586641
File: 794 KB, 608x518, yakifire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how hot are they? I heard 13,000 scoville.
I tried this the other day. I ate it all but thought it was too hot to enjoy compared to regular yakisoba.