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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20538509 No.20538509 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics

Coffee Collective edition

If you're inexperienced start here https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're experienced what's your daily?

Previous thread >>20494463

>> No.20538511

Coffee sucks
You suck
Your mom sucks my penis
Your dad fucks my ass
My dad fucks your dad's ass

>> No.20538513

Have you tried a washed ethiopian coffee tho?

>> No.20538523

Oooga Booga bix nood

>> No.20538535

Had a nice cuppa just now, grinded with my fellow ode 2 and brewed with a drip cup. The grinder was jammed recently and I thought it was over, but the unjamming process was very easy and kind of fun even. I am so impressed with the device now that I see how easy the occasional maintenance is, and I love not having to hand crank beans

>> No.20538551

The better thread.

>> No.20538557

Thanks anon, I baked it because the other thread had no topic, so I couldnt find it
What are you drinking today?

>> No.20538565

Rwandan red bourbon espresso beans but I made a pourover. How about you?

>> No.20538597
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Getting rid of the last of my washed Gakenke from jan 23. Back to the comfy origami brews while I wait for my sworks dripper. Tried to order some moonwake beans and the filter presser but they're out of stock :/

>> No.20538606

I've been drinking a washed ethiopian from coffee collective as a pour over b60, their coffee are crazy sweet, I love it, but I miss a lot some naturals
Tomorrow Ill try it with the switch
It is over...

>> No.20538611


>> No.20538617

What word should I use then

>> No.20538680

adjacent, obviously.

>> No.20538835

is this the thread or the other one?

>> No.20538884

This one is titled and formatted correctly.

>> No.20538975
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Nice they already listed more. Microplastic soup here I come.

>> No.20540081
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What do you guys like to do while *idly sipping coffee?
*Note: idly sipping coffee = not while working, having breakfast, or out on a coffee date.

>> No.20540092

Smoke a cigarette, or just appreciate the coffee with some music, or both

>> No.20540233

Usually just vibe.

>> No.20540273
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Friends in the EU, what are your favorite roasters?
Im in Italy and Ive tried*:
-Ditta artigianale (italian)
-Neroscuro (italian)
-Dak (dutch)
-Coffee Collective (danish)
My favorite rn is coffee collective, next month I think I will try the barn

*tried I mean bought bags, not trying out on cafés

>> No.20540319

thebarn, thepickychemist, dak

>> No.20540534

Tetsu > Hoffmann
And no amount of pointless analysis will make his brewing methods better.

>> No.20540577
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I tried and liked Morgon and La Cabra (Sweden and Denmark, respectively) and they've been OK but nothing to write home about. Only one I would order from again is Morgon.
Went to Nomad (Barcelona) recently and was a little disappointed

>> No.20540622

Did the tetsu method for the switch some minutes ago
Really good, but I think my water is fucked

>> No.20540679
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Not sure how I am going to set it all up yet, nor have all my parts yet arrived, but the machine and grinder have arrived!

>> No.20540872


>> No.20540879

Why are you using tap water for brewing?

>> No.20540883

I haven't brewed anything yet and the device came with a filter, but I also don't live in a shit country where the tapwater is unsafe to drink.

>> No.20540891

After months of experimentation I have come to the conclusion that no coffee should be brewed above 90C. It's better to just go finer or use a longer ratio if you want more extraction.

>> No.20540923

>don't live in a shit country where the tapwater is unsafe to drink
Your water is hard enough to leave visible marks on the exterior of your kettle. Only a moron would drink that.

>> No.20540924

Stop drinking charcoal.

>> No.20541005

The Wired Gourmet
Tom’s Coffee Corner

Need a third to complete the trinity of ultra-comfy kino coffee channels.

>> No.20541047

Not that anon but my water is like that too lmao.

>> No.20541069

Oh no, Anon we're going to have "little to no lasting health effects" and die.

>> No.20541195

You're going to have little to no tasty coffee.

>> No.20541306
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>> No.20541321
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>pepe related kino
god tier

>> No.20542201
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Coffee and buttered bread for me, thanks.

>> No.20542962

10pm worka sakaro. Life's good :)

>> No.20542972

Probably. I still have yet to try bottled water in my moka pot. Regular fridge filters do help with hard water.

>> No.20543181

Manhattan, Wide Awake, april, reindl

>> No.20543561

Wideawake, parlor coffee, friedhats, thepickychemist. Mok is good but I haven't got something from them in a while. I should try Dak, heard good things about them.

>> No.20544022

>Recipe calls for 600 microns
>Most bitter cup ever
I need to grind to at least 1120 microns to get rid of the bitterness.
Is the Kingrinder K6 a shit product or is it a conical vs flat burr issue?

>> No.20544058

It's "every batch of every coffee is different" issue

>> No.20544383

yeah its either your coffee, your brew technique, or both
so which is it

>> No.20544541

Hardness is not the most important thing, it's usually alkalinity

>> No.20544547

"Burr gap"(for cone burrs) =/= vertical burr movement =/= median particle size. Those 16um steps in your k6 are the vertical burr movement, which maths out to about 24um gap per step. Different coffees will output differently at the same gap. Use something like the kruve chart if you want to get your particle size estimate a bit closer.

>> No.20544564

Increasing general hardness will increase intensity of flavors extracted. Increasing alkalinity will reduce harsh acidity associated with sourness. Hardness is thought to increase the "extraction power" of the water. Hard water + easily extracting beans isn't going to make the best pairing.

>> No.20544577

Though I must add that hard water to your kettle/pots and everything will degrade them in the long run

>> No.20545591

Sworks dripper is too based.

>> No.20545785

The moka pot coffee tasted more fruity yesterday with bottled water versus the tap water that gets filtered by my fridge. I was drinking https://onyxcoffeelab.com/products/geometry
Years ago I had a regular non-electric kettle crack down the bottom center of it, so you're probably right.
I might stick with cheap coffee until I figure out what I wanna do. My whole state has hard water.

>> No.20546421

If you want to be an autistic freak, you can buy destiled water and use yours as a buffer, probably you will get somewhere
Also (assuming first world) you may have a way to find the chemical composition of your water, doing the calculations you can arrive somewhere
Or just buy bottled water lmao, its not that expensive, but really a hassle to transport (dense and takes much space)

>> No.20547204
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Recently I bought a bag of Vietnamese 100% Robusta coffee, and have been thoroughly enjoying it as a blend added to my regular coffee beans. This morning I've got 3/5 Arabica beans and 2/5 Robusta beans ground together and brewed for a good long 5 minutes in a glass beaker before being poured through a drip filter all at once at the end. It's delicious, chocolatey, and has a balanced smooth "liqueur" feel that I've only tasted with Robusta beans.

>> No.20547340


>> No.20547519

Not that anon but why's it grim? I'm trying to get into coffee.

>> No.20547648

Why do I get nauseous and start gagging from 1 cup of coffee? Is it the caffeine?

>> No.20547940

Shit beans shit brewing method.

>> No.20548051

sounds like a health concern

>> No.20548057

It just makes my gag reflex super sensitive

>> No.20548063

i would speak to a medical professional if i were you

>> No.20548086

It's probably just too much caffeine for me

>> No.20548105

if one cup of coffee is too much caffeine and you arent literally a caffeine virgin, then as said i would be concerned

>> No.20548127

im sorry, i dont mean to alarm you
but caffeine, while a psychoactive stimulant, is really not that strong in moderate doses
have you regularly drunk any caffeinated beverages before?

>> No.20548136

Yeah I used to drink 2 cups of coffee every morning but now I feel more sensitive to it and it makes me feel nauseous so I just do 1 cup and even that's too much

>> No.20548195

some people who neednt be mentioned have reported similar problems here
would you say your stomach is more sensitive to other things than it used to be?
also what sort of brew method and beans are you using?
coffee can be quite acidic, depending

>> No.20548208
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>> No.20548209
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My stomach feels fine. I'm drinking dark roast which is less acidic. I just use a coffee machine and pre-ground coffee (Folgers)

>> No.20548230

what is he trying to convey with this expression
see, i really cant imagine why that would give you trouble

>> No.20548242 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20548247
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According to Google it's caffeine sensitivity. I'm just going to have to quit drinking coffee I guess

>> No.20548252

id rule it out by trying tea and other beverages first but you may be right

>> No.20548277

I drink soda with caffeine (22mg) and that doesn't make me nauseous. But coffee has 95mg of caffeine per cup

>> No.20548364

it can vary quite a bit by cup
but id try something stronger

>> No.20548370

If I went to this place I would specifically read some shit like Atlas Shrugged just to fuck with the baristas. The hardcover, which is impossible to not notice.

>> No.20548865

Stay in the other thread, please and thank you.

>> No.20548963
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>> No.20550091
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Tasty cup of finca monteblanco purple caturra. Wbu?

>> No.20550143
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I went for the meme. Will report back in a couple of weeks.

>> No.20550156

had a fantastic cup of a dry anaerobic from Sumatra this morning, as well as a washed Sulawesi, both also brewed with a kalita wave
i have the metal one, however (:
what exactly makes that a meme?

>> No.20550193

Should have got the H40/iCafilas.

>> No.20550308
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58mm 18g IMS Big Bang for $16 on amazon if anyone needs a new basket.

>> No.20550415

Do people here make coffee that tastes better than starbucks?

>> No.20550424

Yes. That's a very low bar newfriend.

>> No.20550445

Starbucks is all flavored+sugar, so yeah.

>> No.20550629

Fuck man, I meant to reply to >>20550143.

>> No.20550843

Even my mom with her french press makes better coffee than starbuck

>> No.20550857
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2 AM coffee time, anybody else?

>> No.20550866

I made some moka pot coffee.

>> No.20550914

Pot as in WEED?

>> No.20550937
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No, pot as in moka pot

>> No.20550956

Should I be worried about my moka pot exploding in my face?
Been using french press for quite some time, but now watching a high pressure bomb to make coffee really doesn't sit well with me every morning even if it tastes great.

>> No.20551014

If your coffee spews upwards across your counter, it's too hot. I haven't had mine explode on me yet unless you count when the gasket needed to be replaced. In that case all you get is hot water from the two pieces that kind of drips out and immediately evaporates on the burner or outside of the moka pot. I imagine the safety valve is what prevents accidents.
If you do use one, buy a replacement gasket ahead of time. For some reason they ship it with the gasket fitted inside it already and probably worn out due to it. Remember that water goes below the valve, not above and you'll be fine.

>> No.20551021
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Also I wear these around it so I can do the under faucet meme.

>> No.20551051
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Anyone tried this?

>> No.20551055

>yet another gimmicky pourover
It's so tiring.

>> No.20551059

What's the difference between all of these pour overs? Aren't they all the same?

>> No.20551071

what's the best brand of creme liqueur to use in coffee that you can get in america?
took to drinking it with that while in europe but now that I'm back in the US I can't find what I'd been using and bailey's isn't as good.

>> No.20551102

So can I use any finely ground coffee in a moka pot or does it have to be espresso roast?

>> No.20551106

Some people use light, some use dark, use whatever you want. I've been using light roast since it's all I have at the moment.

>> No.20551166

>any finely ground
How fine are talking? Its not that far away from a 1 cup v60
The espresso roast is recommendable, since light roasts dont work well with higher concentrations, but you can use it, I did sometimes, works fine (I dont like the moka that much thoughever)

>> No.20551170

>1 cup v60
I don't know what that means.

>> No.20551179
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Cheers lads.

>> No.20551250

What kind of roast did you use and how'd you make the coffee?

>> No.20551371

Edwards in a drip machine. It's pretty shit. The coffee itself I mean – I don't mind using a drip maker. I've been pissing like a racehorse btw.

>> No.20551380

It's a fast flat with flow control.
Fluid dynamics.

>> No.20551383

you know how to use a search engine?

>> No.20551453


>> No.20551537

1 is the first natural number, it indicates a single quantity
A cup is a device used to drink, it usually has 250ml of volume capacity
V60 is a pour over* method for brewing coffee
A pour over is a type of brewing coffee compared to immersion (putting water in coffee then straining it), pour over uses water as a solvent in the bed of coffee with a filter under it (could be paper, metal, or cloth)
The grind size of a 1 cup v60 is usually between 400-600 microns*, the moka pot usually takes 300-400 microns*
A micron is a volumetric measure (meaning micrometer cubed), it is equivalent to 1x10^-12 cm^3
Hope this answers your questions

>> No.20551545
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>400-600 micron

>> No.20551687

Is P2 still the budget king? Also looking for coffees which are well priced for EU, always getting fucked over by shipping costs

>> No.20551712


>> No.20551714

google "how to use a search engine" and go from there.

>> No.20551800

cheapest one is 14 euros brother. I am looking for something between supermarket and this, ideally 8/9 euro for 250g

>> No.20551847

To get good coffee that cheap you'll need to cut out the roaster and courier. Look into roasting your own.

>> No.20551852

Or actually here you go. 7.5eur per 250.

>> No.20551872


>> No.20552057

NTA but that doesnt account for vat

>> No.20552351

I have a thing for cheap and bad instant coffee. When I wake up early in the morning and the bitter burned taste hits my lips, promising me soon relief from my misery of tiredness, I feel like he is my companion who wants to be there as little as I want, but still walks on my side, because things have to be done I guess and his assistance costs 5 cents per cup. Thanks cheapest instant coffee. You are my friend.

>> No.20552373
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You can just submerge the base in a small amount of water to stop the brew. You can keep a bowl or small pot nearby instead of having to walk to the sink.

>> No.20552908

Anon over >>20524754
I think I'm satisfied with my setting. Hoffmeme french press at 97 clicks, 18/300 and aeropress at 71 clicks, 11/200 with K6. Both taste delicious with just enough kick. I think french press feels so easy to brew and I like its bigger size, but if I want a cup fast, I'll go with aeropress.

>> No.20552921

Would you recommend an aeropress or a pour over in a camping environment where I have no fine grain control over amount of beans and water (eyeballing), temperature of water (it will be boiling).
Size and weight is a concern too.

>> No.20552969

Alright so the moka pot hasn't exploded yet, and the coffee is definitely delicious and way more thick than my usual french press.
But uh, the coffee only flows on one side/hole of the top spout, unless when its sputtering at the end of the brew. Should I be concerned?

>> No.20552972
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these are just recommendations, not hard and fast rules
just get a bripe

>> No.20553433

Turn the safety vent away from you and you won't get boiling water in your face even if you fuck up.

>> No.20553440

>Should I be concerned?
ive just now realized that i almost never bother looking at the other side of my own moka pot when brewing

>> No.20553496


>> No.20554333

I spin 180° from the stove and the sink is there, but fair enough. It looks like you have the stainless steel moka pot, how is it compared to the normal ones?
Make sure your coffee is level and not pressed down. I don't know if it comes out of both sides of mine.
This, I do the same.

>> No.20554445

Got it
I'm not sure if its levelled, but I think I just make a small mound hill of ground coffee and clear the rims of the basket, then simply screw the pot in. I didn't tamp it.
Probably I set the heat a bit too low? My stove wasn't levelled? Maybe I'll try again next morning. I fucked up by drinking the whole coffee I've made with "4 cups" serving because I'm retarded and now I feel restless. Doozy, but can't rest myself with naps.

Should've bought 2 cups pot instead of 4.

>> No.20554458

Level it next time but never tamp. Don't drink the whole pot, I can confirm that's a mistake. Also if you have an electric burner try to preheat it while you boil water. You put preheated water in the bottom, right? Measure out 80 mL or so for your glass next time.

>> No.20554460


>> No.20554492

Looking to get into V60, should I get an adjustable temp kettle like the Fellow Stagg EKG? I already have a gooseneck kettle but no way to find out the temperature. Most of the coffees from my local roaster are city roast (I really like Brazil Santos my friend made me once), would water right off the boil be too much for it?

>> No.20554536

Yeah fresh out of the boil would be too much, you could buy a thermometer and use it to measure the temperature, its cheaper and since you already have a gooseneck kettle, its the cheaper and least wasteful option
But if you want convenience, then yea go for it
There are many good options for temp controlled kettles, the stagg is on the higher price end (but you can find good values on it)
I have the hario temp control one, love it

>> No.20554545

get a good scale get a good kettle and start buying less shitty coffee. get yourself some fucking t90s while you are at it.

>> No.20554886

Aeropress go if out of space/weight/money, Hario camping kit with a chink metal burr grinder if those earlier arent a concern

>> No.20554996
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>tfw always drink the whole brew out of my 6 cup moka pot in one sitting

>> No.20555291

I have a 9 cup moka pot but it really feels like it can't even serve 2-3. Maybe this is a hint to slow down.

>> No.20555391

for light roasts, water just off the boil is generally considered fine, so long as you wait for it to stop boiling
that said you may find you prefer the results of a cooler brew and id encourage you to experiment, but thats only really possible with some control
as anon said, a thermometer would do the trick if you want to save some money
if thats not a concern, fuckin get that fellow

>> No.20555600

Roastin rwandan

>> No.20556909

How'd it turn out?

>> No.20556936
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Bretty gud. Pic rel. Did some guji and bali kintamani as well. Should have some tasty beans ready for espresso tonics on hot summer days.

>> No.20557125

Looks like washed beans, seems really good tho, nordic style roasting
How do you roast your beans? Do you have a machine or something?

>> No.20557213

It's the poison in coffee beans. You're drinking toxic bean soup.

>> No.20557438
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this is probably a retarded question but:
i got a sealed bag 1kg of beans from italy last year,expiry date is like early next year and that got me retard mode anxious about not wasting them and actually using them. What would be the best way for me to go with it? I already have italian mokas too, i just don't know if there's something, specifics idk, to how you grind beans or whatever

>> No.20557740

I've heard Italian beans are good in chili. Can't verify, as I've never been to Italia.

>> No.20557748

Worst come to worse you can use it as an air freshener.

>> No.20557774
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for me it's Nescafe Clasico

>> No.20557906
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Evidently not a taster, hmm?

>> No.20558016

Yep its washed nyamasheke nyaco roasted in a popper.

>> No.20558127

Got one of the polypropylene V60 01s. How autistic do I have to be with this thing to get good results? The videos I'm seeing imply very autistic.

>> No.20558179

>out on a coffee date
Shoot me. If I'm buying from a coffee shop it's because I wanna get away from home, chill, and sip for 20 minutes at the absolute bare minimum. Any time I've gone with someone else they're always in such a rush to finish the drink itself and it makes me wonder why they bothered paying >$5 for something to chug down asap and it completely throws me off.

I miss my special Mondays from some choice semesters of college when I organized my schedule so that I didn't have classes that day, but told my internship that I did have classes so that they also wouldn't schedule me. This "free" day outside the weekend was perfect: I'd wake up around 10am - not too early but early enough to take in the morning - and brew a couple cups in the moka pot my dad gave me. My roommates(and friends) would leave for class so I got to say hi, be viscerally reminded that I didn't have to do shit that day but other people did, and then I'd idly sip in the living room with some shit on the TV. Then I'd pack up, walk to the campus library, and do the exact same goddamn thing with an adequately priced Joffrey's(they used to have cheap espresso) or Cafe Bustelo if I felt like splurging and do the exact same goddamn thing but with the hustle & bustle of passersby to keep me company. A little gay but I really like coffee

>> No.20558183

I don't usually give a shit about company ethics but Nestlé is pretty fucking bad so I avoid their stuff, especially given that it's usually the worst of its class. I mean they made fucking Nesquik what else do you expect? If you're doing instant coffee might as well pay a little extra for Cafe Bustelo; these jars last you half a year anyway.

>> No.20558197

Use good coffee, weigh your shit and pour water evenly. A quick early stir helps make sure your ground are fully saturated with no dry pockets. "Recipes" are for repeatability, not for taste. You'll always be tweaking shit so don't get locked into something just because a youtube bozo said so. When you run out of shitty hario filters get cafec greens. They're the old hario tabless filters from a decade ago when they were good.

>> No.20558912

based coffee enjoyer
i will never give up my comfy mornings

>> No.20559845
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Related coof.

>> No.20559860

Those grinders are adjacent to one another.

>> No.20559870

A couple of them are for sure.

>> No.20560054
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Just ordered this
What will I think of it?

>> No.20560081


>> No.20560091

Thanks, I'll get those whenever the time comes.

>> No.20560107

Personally, I prefer Cafec Abaca filters

>> No.20560125

is there any practical difference between a normal portafilter and a bottomless one

>> No.20560128

Personally, I prefer coffee. Thanks.

>> No.20560131

One is bottomless.

>> No.20560132

one's a slut?

>> No.20560147

Np. Like the other anon suggests, try some of their roast level(light/med/dark) or abaca filters after the greens. Different filters flow differently. One more thing you can tweak.
Getting him a cheap baseline that isn't hario once he runs out of the included papers. I've got em all here. Almost done with my last order of 200 greens but I've switched to the sworks for my 1cup. Made some flashbrew with 02 mediums earlier, holy fuck are they slow compared to sworks.

>> No.20560179

Bottomless lets you "diagnose" your shots. There's a reason most shit comes with a spouted pf. People don't like spending money to see their espresso piss all over the place. Spouts clean it up.

>> No.20560387

Name one good reason I should reuse the same filter for a week.

>> No.20560484

Alright now I think I can get the hang of this moka pot business. But here's another problem.
I never had this before, but for some reason the coffee that flows in the upper pot is "sizzling". And the handle of the moka pot (Bialetti moka express) is somewhat melting, where it attaches to the pot. Not sure what happened, all the heat settings was the same, maybe I placed the handle too close to the flame.

But I'm glad my coffee turns out okay, and best I've ever had so far, tried adding steamed milk, it tastes even better than coffee shops. I can't believe its actually doable to make a proper cappuccino. Probably I will invest in a proper grinder and beans.

>> No.20560507

I like very dark chocolate and can drink black coffee, but I tried (supposedly good) espresso and it was violently bad. How do any of you drink something that bitter?

>> No.20560585
File: 694 KB, 1536x2048, 20240523_153552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need new espresso beanz. been looking for burundi beans as they were recommended last time i asked but neither bonanza nor the barn have them, i found them at berliner kaffeerösterei though. anybody tried those?
alternatively any other beans recs? so far i tried the stuff from local stores and the barn, open for everything as long as i don't pay out my ass for shipping to germany

>> No.20561005

The right most appliance is probably a grinder but what's everything else?

>> No.20561075

They're all grinders anon. From left to right:
Wug2 83-a
Eureka Mignon Crono
iTop 40
Option-O P100
Bentwood Vertical63
Mahlkonig EK43s

>> No.20561103

Oh okay, thanks. It looks like a lineup for a review article haha.

>> No.20561107

>good espresso
well, it wasnt good

>> No.20561220

Not that anon but is bitter espresso not normal? I've only had espresso when I go out and it's always bitter.

>> No.20561248
File: 2.15 MB, 3024x3447, PXL_20240605_154245526~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this old Salton espresso machine at a thrift store for a few bucks, worth it?

>> No.20561251

It is normal for commodity coffee, but for speciality grade it is not, when there's bitterness, there may be many factors that play a role, such as:
>coffee species
>coffee origin
>coffee quality
>roast level
>evenness of extraction (more complicated)
I live in Italy as an example, here people do a 1:2, really dark roast coffee with a blend of robusta (more bitter) and arabica as an espresso
It will be bitter
In that case, you can perhaps ask your barista to make a "ristretto" (cut the shot in half), so the extraction will be lower (remember, overextraction = bitterness) and you will get a more balanced cup (with less liquid though)
Also another way to mitigate bitterness is to put a little bit of salt in the drink to mitigate bitterness
If your shot is both sour and bitter at the same time, this is a dial in problem, and you can't do anything about it
I hope this has helped you, if you have any other questions pls post

>> No.20561254

It was a proper coffee shop, got good reviews and wasn't like Starbucks or something. That's what I mean by "good".

>> No.20561267

It depends on the roaster the shop gets and how they dial it in
Also good reviews dont mean much because coffee is expected for people to be bitter, when it can be much more
If you are curious of espresso and want to try more places, I recommend searching for speciality, but most important trying to take notes of all roasteries you try, so you can find the one that matches your profile
Sure its work, but it can be fun

>> No.20561275

You're now discovering most people have shit taste. It was probably palatable with 8oz of milk and a few pumps of torani caramel.

>> No.20561313

>a few bucks
yeah go for it. even if it turns out to be junk it's not like you're really losing anything.

>> No.20561319

at worst is a cool decoration

>> No.20561333

People have certain expectations coming from their commodity grade, burnt as fuck coffee. Good coffee tastes very different.

>> No.20561351

It runs but it has a lot of calcification inside I'm going to have to clean away before I can try making anything palatable with it.

>> No.20561527

is this a moka pot?

>> No.20561561
File: 356 KB, 600x450, 1706274918461694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moka is love, moka is life
seriously just wait til you start brewing specialty

>> No.20561613

Looking it up it's brew pressure is somewhere between a Moka pot and an espresso, so I guess it would be kind something in-between?

>> No.20561933

From google. https://youtu.be/p1kKLfxn1D0

>> No.20561941

That sounds very nice.

>> No.20562061
File: 55 KB, 900x900, Go_Plus_hero_shot_Black_900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the aeropress go PLUS.

>> No.20562880

You nurse an espresso / espresso-based beverage for 20+ minutes? Bro why?

In any case, I hope you find that special someone who enjoys your company so much they're willing to let their hot drink go cold just to spend more time with you. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Sorry if it comes off that way.

>> No.20563940

That anon just wants to get away from home and relax for a bit. It's understandable.

>> No.20563981

dude dont come to spain, here coffee time, when time is available, is really looong

>> No.20564002

Coffee Collective doesn't screen for bean defect correctly, and in and a given bag, you may find dozens of damaged, under/over-roasted, insect-damaged, full sour beans that can completely fuck up your brew.

>> No.20564032

>Wug2 83-a
how do you like the wug and how does it compare to the p100? Also why do you have half those grinder?

>> No.20564117

Not my pic, but I do have a wug. It's been great. Saved the pic for a size comparison because you don't see shit lined up like that often.
>How does it compare
I've only run 80mm lab sweets in it. From what I've heard 98/80mm burrs are very close so I've got no regrets going with the wug over an ek or p100. Way more versatile with the available burrs.

>> No.20564198

i love my shitty 5 dollar moka pot with my heart and soul

>> No.20564343

based moka enjoyer
you get that shit secondhand or something?

>> No.20564577

unbelievably i actually got it new on amazon from this brand called imusa, they also make a horrible espresso machine for 30 dollars
i intend to get an actual bialetti sometime so im just waiting for that shit to pop up at a thrift store near me

>> No.20564749

ss or aluminum?
the moka pot isnt exactly a complicated design so id wager yours is probably just as good
but you dont get to say hi to l'omino con i baffi every morning (:
hope you find one anon

>> No.20564752

Not that anon but imusa is aluminum.

>> No.20564997
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I'm in Oslo for a few days - stopping by Wendelboe and Fuglen
any other places worth stopping by for coffee/beans/gear?

>> No.20565702

This chick used to work for twendleboe.

>> No.20566994

>moka for induction stove is $99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

>> No.20567350 [DELETED] 

God mine for 64 CAD.

>> No.20567353

Got mine for 64 CAD.

>> No.20567423

thanks for the tip off, will add to my route
>smash doughnut
oh fuckin hell

>> No.20567475

You can buy a plate adapter, I don't know if it's any good. I wish I had induction, this electric glass stovetop is trash.

>> No.20567483


>> No.20567513

is matt furie involved in this pepe x hario collaboration or what
neat video anyway

>> No.20567551
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Probably not. It was a limited release hario did in China.

>> No.20567603


>> No.20567638
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For pourover do I need a gooseneck electric kettle or can I use a regular one?

>> No.20567639

you dont need one but itll make it easier to pour precisely and use different techniques

>> No.20567678

if you dont wanna bite the bullet on an electric you can get a stovetop kettle with a thermometer pretty cheaply

>> No.20568604
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Seems like a cool spot to check out.

>> No.20569277

I get so horny after a cup

>> No.20569493
File: 2.19 MB, 3840x2160, PXL_20240608_122058283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out camping! Ready to have a delicious cup of coffee on this beautiful brisk morning

>> No.20569497

Fuckin based, enjoy based camping anon

>> No.20569539
File: 2.34 MB, 2160x2933, PXL_20240608_125448697_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon! Hope you're having a comfy weekend too

>> No.20569722


I got mine for $46 a couple of weeks ago. "6 cups" means 8 ounces.

>> No.20569816
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Regular ones are like $10.

I can't find them anywhere. I got this pretty coffee cup and I don't have anything to brew coffee in omfg.

>> No.20569837

I guess I'm gonna brew it in a separate mug and then pour it into the cup. The problem isn't even the induction vs non induction, it's that the stove won't recognize a small bialetti.

>> No.20569844

Oh, you wanted a knockoff chink piece of shit? You can get those in stainless, too.


>> No.20569881

I'm not buying anything. I bought one of those Turkish hand mills, wanted to set it for a finer grind, and it just broke. What's the point of buying all that stuff when it breaks when I try to use it for its intended purpose?

>> No.20569884

>and it just broke.
Kek. This is why the grinder chart exists.

>> No.20569915

Should I buy the TIMEMORE Black Mirror? I don't have an instant read digital scale.

>> No.20569924

I have one. No complaints.

>> No.20570177

I am planning on ordering a Kingrinder K2. Is there any good reason not to? I just want a sub-$100 hand grinder to start out with.

>> No.20570196

Interior adjustment sucks. Sucks on the comandante, sucks on the kingrider p series, sucks on the k2. Its a shitty little hard to grip tab that you have to flip the grinder over see to use. That alone is worth the ~$30 tax to go up to the k6 with the external dial, not to mention the better burr.

>> No.20570203
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I went for the Turin/iCafilas h40 meme because it was so cheap. Will report back in a couple of weeks.

>> No.20570206

Seconding against internal adjustment. My first recommendation would be K6. There are often discounts and sales on Amazon and AliExpress and you can get it just under 100 USD. If you really can't swing it, then I'd recommend the iCafilas or Turin H40 from AliExpress. Just order from a reputable vendor/store.

>> No.20570210
File: 22 KB, 957x275, chingrinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had this thing arrive and I'm pretty happy with it. Feels nice and stout, grinding action is smooth, can't see any deflection of the burr even if I drop a few beans on the same side. I dunno, maybe some anon here can explain why I'm wrong and I shouldn't like it, but it seems to do everything it should do.

>> No.20570221

Why do you guys need to adjust your grinder so often?

>> No.20570225

I thought the K2 and K6 burrs were the same.

>> No.20570229

Looks like K2 is 6 points and K6 is 7 points. Also they claim finer adjustment for the K6. >>20570203 >>20570210 are both 7 point as well.

>> No.20570236

Ended up just buying the K6, as there was a dumb $30 coupon thing. It was only $10 more with that. I would buy something off of AliExpress, but I simply don't want to bother setting up an account and figuring out how much I trust them with my debit card right now. Someday!

>> No.20570237

Different beans, different roasts, different brewing techniques. The same thing everyday gets a bit monotonous and boring.

>> No.20570242

AliExpress payments are through PayPal.

>> No.20570245

K5 uses the same burrs as the K6, but with internal adjustment. Not K2

>> No.20570252


>> No.20570571
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 20240608_164334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just roasted some coffee for the first time. Ended up a bit darker than I was going for. On the stovetop for around 6 minutes. Reached a little over 200°C before I pulled it a few seconds after first crack. Will report back after some hours with a brew.

>> No.20570693
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those are great results for a first roast
and by that i mean it looks drinkable
enjoy anon (:

>> No.20571037

The pastebin says 1:8 Grounds to Water Ratio for cold brew but how many grams per ml or cup is that?

>> No.20571049

1g to 8ml. 1ml of liquid water is equal to 1g at atmospheric pressure.

>> No.20571055

Oh that's so much easier thank you! I was over complicating it and got confused.

>> No.20571063

its been 3 hours, how was it?

>> No.20571218
File: 921 KB, 2016x4199, 08062024085539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the brew.
>1:15 20:300
>48 clicks on Kingrinder P2
>steel V60, preheated
>92°C water at the start, 90°C by the end
>60g 1 minute bloom, followed by four 60g pours
>6:28 total brew time including bloom, this recipe usually brews 3:30 – 4:00
Overall tastes a bit sour and underextracted. I can definitely taste some stone fruit and molasses notes. I think tomorrow I'll try brewing it at a higher temperature and a higher ratio. Smelled great during grinding. By the colour of the grounds I'd call this a light‐medium roast.

Thank you, friend.

>> No.20571606

Stash some back for about three weeks so you can learn how resting/offgassing affects flavors.

>> No.20571997

i would recommend either changing only one variable or else keeping very careful notes about what you do change (which is something i would recommend anyway)
thats a rather fine grind setting, which can increase drawdown time, and on top of that you used quite a few pours, which has the same effect
if it were me, i would do everything the same but try fewer pours, two or three total (including bloom) OR try a coarser grind
what kinda papes you got there?

>> No.20572394
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1582750375710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold brew
>don't actually need to steep it cold
>don't actually need to serve it cold

>> No.20573038
File: 1.77 MB, 3014x2785, 20240609_111015~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, second brew this morning. Pic related is the grounds. Same grind setting as yesterday. Lowered the dose to 18g for the same 300g of water. 60g of 90°C water for a 1:20 bloom, then followed by four more 60g pours at 95°C. Total brew time 4:45, closer to what I expect out of this recipe. The coffee itself tastes more balanced this time. Still a bit too sour for my tastes.
This coffee seems to stain my mug a lot more than my usual coffees. Probably because it was roasted over an open flame.

I only roasted enough for three pourover brews. I thought I'd better play it safe on my first time. I'll let the last dose rest for a week or two. I could still see small bubbles in the brew, like the top of a carbonated drink, even after stirring the bloom and then stirring after the second pour.

>i would recommend either changing only one variable or else keeping very careful notes about what you do change (which is something i would recommend anyway)
Thanks. Yeah, I'm keeping some notes. This time I only lowered the dose and increased the temperature. Everything else was the same.

>thats a rather fine grind setting, which can increase drawdown time, and on top of that you used quite a few pours, which has the same effect
The drawdown wasn't excessively long, so I'm not worried about it. I am concerned about the acidity, however.

>what kinda papes you got there?
Unbleached papers off Aliexpress. They're thinner than the Hario papers that came with my Switch, I think I prefer them. I'll get around to trying different papers eventually.

>> No.20573162
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english is a silly language sometimes
>The drawdown wasn't excessively long, so I'm not worried about it. I am concerned about the acidity, however.
i was conjecturing that the 6:30 brew time might be why it tasted sour but thinking about it, its probably more because the beans are so fresh off the roast. really, the best thing you could do for them would probably be to rest them for at least three days, thats my minimum unless im in a pinch
those are ethiopian beans right? they can be pretty intensely acidic. how were they processed?
>Unbleached papers off Aliexpress. They're thinner than the Hario papers that came with my Switch, I think I prefer them. I'll get around to trying different papers eventually.
i like thinner papers too, they let you grind finer and still get a reasonable brew time, but you have to keep in mind that they can let through a lot more oils and other dissolved solids (especially if you grind finer), which can lead to stronger expressions of certain flavors in the cup
i hope you dont mind all the unsolicited advice (: i just enjoy talking about coffee (:

>> No.20573228

I ordered it, time to wait. I don't have an instant read scale and I want to try making pour over coffee when it arrives.

>> No.20573271

Idk bros. I bought the slightly larger stainless steel moka pot, but I went back to the small "3 cup" aluminium one. The larger one seems less consistent.

>> No.20573280
File: 2.29 MB, 1536x2040, venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the larger one. I forgot if it was 6 cup or some shit. It barely holds 25g so I imagine it's double the aluminium.

>> No.20573393

i believe the holes in the metal filter are larger in the larger model, are they not? so i can imagine that would lead to less overall consistency, especially if youre playing around with other variables, as well

>> No.20573453

That looks like a 4 cup model. I have a 6 cup Venus and the base is wider than that. Could just be the perspective of your photo.
The easiest way to know for sure is to measure the water volume up to the valve. 4 cup holds 200ml, 6 cup holds 300ml. You could also measure the diameter of the funnel. 4 cup is 58mm, 6 cup is 65mm.

>> No.20574060
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 20240609_190713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those are ethiopian beans right? they can be pretty intensely acidic. how were they processed?
Yeah, they're Ethiopian. I bought a 1pb bag from Amazon to try out home roasting. The bag doesn't say how they were processed, but from the look and smell I'd guess natural process. The raw beans smell kind of like old mini m&ms. The brewed coffee does taste similar to the natural process light roast Sidamo I get from my local roaster.

>i like thinner papers too, they let you grind finer and still get a reasonable brew time, but you have to keep in mind that they can let through a lot more oils and other dissolved solids (especially if you grind finer), which can lead to stronger expressions of certain flavors in the cup
I like "thicker" brews so I consider that aspect a positive in most cases. The standard Hario papers leave something to be desired.

>i hope you dont mind all the unsolicited advice (: i just enjoy talking about coffee (:
I don't mind at all. Thank you for the conversation. It's why I posted all this in the coffee thread. :)

>> No.20574497

Is it worth using good beans for cold brew?

>> No.20575171

>The bag doesn't say how they were processed, but from the look and smell I'd guess natural process
that makes me think it might be a mix of different origins and maybe different processes, but who knows
do you mind me asking how much you paid for it?
>I like "thicker" brews so I consider that aspect a positive in most cases
me too, ive been enjoying cafec's abaca filters lately, theyre pretty thin. cafec t-90s are good (and thin) too. just throwing out some recs (:
>It's why I posted all this in the coffee thread. :)
oh, good (:
that really depends on how much your money is worth to you and how much good coffee is worth to you
but you stand to lose little by trying a few brews with some quality beans

>> No.20575179

So I love turkish/arabic coffee. Love it with cardamom. I have a briki and decent, fine grinded coffee but it doesn't taste like it does at my local arabic coffee shop. And they won't tell me their secrets, (bastards). I tried several recipes and and a few brands of coffee from a Mediterranean shop. (They're in arabic). Any tips?

Also, new to making my own coffee, ill sacrifice my firstborn to learn from the covfefe gods

>> No.20575198

>but you stand to lose little by trying a few brews with some quality beans
I mean specifically with cold brew, I buy good beans when I'm using a French press and there's obviously a noticable difference in quality of drink, but I'm wondering if there's a similar step up with cold brewing, or if because the brew method is so different (infusion vs extraction) that the quality difference between good and cheapo beans is marginal or non-existent.

>> No.20576216

what youre thinking of in terms of brew type is actually generally thought of as percolation vs immersion, the latter of which describes both french press and cold brew. the difference being the temperature of the water, obviously, which is why cold brew takes so much longer. sorry if im covering known ground. I dont have much experience with cold brew specifically, but the low acidity brews that it creates would probably benefit from higher quality beans. i can recommend you check out flash brewing over ice with a pourover, a la kurasu. theres a bit of info about it in the pastebin, its quite simple and makes a vibrant cup.

>> No.20576219

i forgot to ask, what kinda beans are you working with? ive heard central american beans make better cold brew because theyre more disposed towards those rich, chocolatey flavors

>> No.20576257

>mean specifically with cold brew
Typical cold brew is always going to have that oxidized skunky backing from the long air exposure. I wouldn't use anything too nice for it. Flashbrew and weird shit like this work well when you want good cold coffee.

>> No.20576290

It's interesting seeing numbers. The 9 cup aluminum holds ~500 mL

>> No.20576366

This bag I got is Peruvian.
Interesting, I'd not even thought of oxidation.

>> No.20576430

Someone in the comments of this video said stainless steel makes coffee taste funky.

>> No.20576636

>makes me think it might be a mix of different origins and maybe different processes
The bag says, "Single Origin Ethiopian Green Coffee", so I suppose it's probably a mix of different farms and processes now that you mention it.
They're organic so that's good. I've heard most organic beans are shade grown.

>how much you paid for it?
$14 CAD for 1lb. I didn't want to get anything too good to try out roasting for the first time. Especially when using a mesh roaster over a natural gas flame.

>> No.20576640
File: 49 KB, 418x734, 1715175493122552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold brew is always going to have that oxidized skunky backing from the long air exposure
couldnt you eliminate or at least minimize this by brewing in a sealed vessel with no headroom?
im gonna try it, i dont have any experience with cold brew like i said
>turkish/arabic cof
i cant help you, but id direct you to this fellow if you havent already seen his stuff https://www.youtube.com/@ViacheslavDruzhynin
some excellent coffee comes out of Peru. how were they processed?

>> No.20576689

>The bag says, "Single Origin Ethiopian Green Coffee"
im pretty sure theres no legal precedent for what that means--it could be from one farm, one processing station, or even just one country
most microlot coffee--from small farms, that is--is organic, fwiw, just because thats how these independent farmers have been doing it for years
>14 CAD
google tells me thats about ten bucks USD, which is a bit high for a lb of ersatz coffee--certainly not unheard of, but 6-9 USD is usually what i pay sweet maria's, a distributor close to me
you'd probably end up paying the difference in shipping but in return youd get much more transparency and information about the beans and the farmers
just something to consider (:

>> No.20578270

so this is the faggot version of ctg then?

>> No.20578491

Well you're here so it must be.

>> No.20578522

This is the one without Italian and Australian mokafaggots.

>> No.20578543

The full spice mix is cardamom, cloves, and dried orange peel

>> No.20578917
File: 1.59 MB, 1512x1512, Makita best grinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look upon my works ye mighty and despair

>> No.20578981
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You are like little baby. Watch this.

>> No.20578986
File: 64 KB, 894x894, 81JzewOiMqL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look What They Need To Mimic A Fraction Of Our Power

>> No.20579001

dewaltfags GTFO

>> No.20579011

my dad gave me a milwaukee drill set he found in a house he was supposed to flip for my uncle, he has a makita set i think he hates me

>> No.20579016

I’ve always felt that small 12v drills should get more use in the kitchen
I hope someone would make drill powered tools like immersion blender, coffee/spice grinder, stirrer, fruit/veggie slicers, etc

>> No.20579030

Millwaukee is good shit, so is MKita, dewalt, bosch etc.
just stay away from ryobi and rigid

>> No.20579033

Milwaukee would probably be the best if they didn’t break so often.

>> No.20579034

i'm partial to metabo

>> No.20579053

For me, it's Festool.

>> No.20579082

>I hope someone would make drill powered tools like immersion blender, coffee/spice grinder, stirrer, fruit/veggie slicers, etc
like a stabmixer but with a drill?

>> No.20579163

Patrician taste too just more obscure

>> No.20579168

Any recommendations for coffee roasters in Austin, TX

>> No.20579181
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>> No.20579310

based mods removing the other two

>> No.20579342

>more obscure
those into better quality know

>> No.20579348

dey fat as fuk boi

>> No.20579361

should i get an aeropress clear or wait and hope for the glass version?

>> No.20579362

Kek. Just wait for the seething next thread.

>> No.20579370
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>> No.20579389


>> No.20579393

Enjoy when the power goes out.

>> No.20579424

What's a good ratio for a chemex?

>> No.20579445

Any manual espressofags here? I got a Flair Classic recently, I'm getting the hang of it but almost every time I pull the cylinder away from the portafilter it unseats the puck. If the puck's top disintegrated, which has happened a couple times, it spills hot coffee grounds on my hand/towel. It's also just less satisfying to knock it out. Any idea why that happens?

>> No.20579450

Purge that water out into another cup with another pull. I use a big matcha bowl.

>> No.20579460

I usually just press whatever's left into another cup then let it drip while I drink. Also I'm not sure what do you mean by another pull because I can't introduce any air into the cylinder without pulling the portafilter out, I'm pretty sure only the 58 can do that.

>> No.20579469

That's why you get the 58.

>> No.20579477

I'd go for it if I weren't a third world monkey who's currency worth like 1/5th of a USD. Oh well, I'll probably work out all the quirks of the Classic eventually.

>> No.20579497

Yeah sorry, wasnt thinking. Back when I had a signature that was my routine. Pull shot, keep pulling excess, remove and blow out messy puck. Are you using the puck screen?

>> No.20579521


>> No.20579524


>> No.20579563
File: 29 KB, 410x598, build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20579573

>Are you using the puck screen?
Yes. In fact I forgot to do so for the first time yesterday: the shot came out fine but there were grounds all over the chamber. Quite a messy cleanup. I'm guessing the unseated puck is intrinsic to most Flairs so I'll just live with it, it's only really a problem if I have friends over and try to pull back to back shots for them.

>> No.20579583
File: 249 KB, 1024x677, colombia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1:15 is a good place to start
i had an amazing pourover today, a blend of a washed colombian and a washed kenyan, both pretty light, the kenyan a bit lighter than the colombian. about 350 microns, v60 with hario papers, pushed it to 1:17.
it brought out some really nice fruit from both coffees, mostly apple tastes, and a caramelly nuttiness that i think was mostly the colombian
just fantastic stuff

>> No.20579683
File: 1.76 MB, 356x200, 1667839412172399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cafe around the corner sells v60 02 ceramic kits with papers and bases and kettles, aeropress, chemex, etc.
>half a dozen grinders each with a different bean
>mfw they won't serve any pourovers

>> No.20579977

>Hey can you show me how to use this thing?
>Man that's good, maybe you should serve that

>> No.20579994


>> No.20580013


>> No.20580197 [DELETED] 

I'm glad we had two threads going. The shitposters contained themselves in the adjacent thread. Alas, all good things...

>> No.20580202

I'm glad we had two threads going. The shitposters contained themselves in the adjacent thread. Alas, all good things...

>> No.20580285

Maybe if your parents loved you you'd also feel the need to ruin threads daily?

>> No.20580347


>> No.20580358



>> No.20580387

That's not me. Does it bother you that more than one person actually wants to discuss coffee rather than shitpost in these threads?

>> No.20580481

>you'd also
>That's not me

>> No.20582196
