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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 1500x941, Grass-Fed-vs-Organic-Milk-9fff118133c14e578c2379ed86888817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20567248 No.20567248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20567252

Who is?

>> No.20567259
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The Globalists

>> No.20567262
File: 50 KB, 407x305, Byrne_Dairy-Chocolate_Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexuals against chocolate milk. Faggots have to crusade against something or they wouldn't have a cause.

>> No.20567263

Idk who they are, but I can assure you that we weren't supposed to drink milk past infancy. Nothing is.

>> No.20567266

marry a girl with giant milkers and get infinite milk

>> No.20567273

People developing the ability to digest lactose after childhood says you're wrong.

>> No.20567282

>developing after childhood
What are you some kind of nigger? It's genetic or not.

>> No.20567289

How often do you eat paint chips?

>> No.20567304

The seething about milk is probably just lactose intolerants being mad. I have cereal with milk, drink milk, use cream for most of my sauces, eat cheese. The cope is that it's somehow "childish" to drink milk just because they can't. Not buying it.

>> No.20567311

Yes, genetic changes that made some people continue being able to digest lactose after childhood. It disproves the "not supposed to drink milk after childhood" argument.

I have paint chip cookies with milk every day.

>> No.20567318

My missus is lactose intolerant and still drinks [lactose free] milk. My son and I drink normal-ass milk daily. Between the two of us, we go through five or six gallons a month or so. She goes through a half gallon of her lactose free shit monthly.

>> No.20567326

Then you're a sucker, did you marry her and pump out kids?

>> No.20567333

Maybe worse, somebody elses kids?

>> No.20567339

Just the one kid.
She only has the one and he's mine.

>> No.20567359

Love's the most important thing, most of us know that.

>> No.20567363

My wife is lactose intolerant so she buys that overpriced shit too. She doesn't complain when i cook with dairy because the food is too good and she doesn't get too sick from it she just uses it for coffee and cereal. Allergies suck. Imagine being allergic to shellfish and peanuts as well. Why even live. Had a friend that became allergic to red meat after being bit by a tick and got some brain inflammation.

>> No.20567366
File: 135 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__2020__01__20200127-oat-milk-vicky-wasik-1-074367366a7b4106830219d55a88f254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will hate on milk-drinkers and then larp as them every day.

>> No.20567369

That seems suspicious, kind of like government types that want people to wear masks and do do otherworld bizzaro stuff.

>> No.20567374

That's not milk, that's weird soy shit from some weird freaky agenda world.

>> No.20567392

Yeah, mine uses regular milk to make cheese but for her coffee etc, it's gotta be that LF stuff. We tried goat's milk a few months ago when it was still cold out and that wasn't a good experience.
If I make something with milk or cream, I use LF except ice cream. I can't get used to how much sweeter it is compared to regular milk and it always throws off my finished ice cream. She just takes her lactose pill things for that or avoids ice cream altogether.
>Had a friend that became allergic to red meat after being bit by a tick and got some brain inflammation.
My brother and his wife got bitten by the Lonestar tick on a visit to Puerto Rico and had the same thing happen. He and I were raised flexitarian so it wasn't too hard to give up meat for him. Even if the effects are, as far as we heard, temporary, they stayed vegetarians for a while then became vegan and have been ever since. Her more than him. He cheats. If he comes round ours, we don't keep fauxmilk on hand so he'll have coffee with dairy instead.
It's real.
Even though she's lactose intolerant, my wife won't drink that nasty shit. We tried that Oatly one at my brother's place and both retched. Weirdly, it's decent enough in vegan "milk" chocolate.

>> No.20567393 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1024x622, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20567395
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>He and I were raised flexitarian

>> No.20567651

Give me milk or give me death!

>> No.20567658

You live in an internet bubble. No one in reality is against milk

>> No.20567673

Maybe it's "the boy in the bubble" an early John Travolta movie.

>> No.20567701

It's the Sikhs
They think making people hate cows will undermine Hinduism

>> No.20567725
File: 94 KB, 700x525, kefirvsyogurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because despite their attempts to pasturize milk getting rid of everything good in it they fear you making yogurt or especially kefir out of it. Even if they pasturize it if you make it into yogurt or kefir you are putting the beneficial gut bacteria that they took out back into it which negates all of their efforts to make milk not the nutritional drink that it should be.

>> No.20567739

Punjabis love ghee and yogurt though.

>> No.20567763

Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy. I eat ice cream without worries simply by taking lactase pills.

>> No.20567818

>Hicks are anti-science and start talking about the merits of raw milk
>some sort of authority (honestly dont know who, but it's irrelevant) says you can't really guarantee the safety of raw milk so maybe be careful
>conservatives go into another pms meltdown about muh rights
In short, just more run-of-the-mill victim complex.

>> No.20567825

>Why are they going on a crusade against Milk now?
I get a nasty oozing and crusty rash behind my left ear if I consume dairy products.
it SUCKS because I love dairy.
I will occasionally consume it anyway with mild consequences. But if I consume it regularly, the rash will get out of control and be really unpleasant.

Does anyone else experience this? It is caused by the dairy because I've tested it several times by consuming than not consuming dairy, and it happens every time and goes away every time.

I guess I'm allergic to a protein in milk, and histamines are accumulating in my left ear.

>> No.20567826
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>but I can assure you that we weren't supposed to drink milk past infancy
We also weren't supposed to be able to harness electricity and we weren't supposed to fly, and we weren't supposed to travel at sixty miles per hour and we weren't supposed to wear clothes.

Fuck off with that "supposed to" horseshit.

>> No.20567834

I had skin problems from dairy on my forehead and the back of my scalp but it wasn't dairy itself causing it. I have histamine issues too and was deficient in some things like vitamin A. Once I managed my histamine issues and deficiencies, I stopped having problems with dairy.

I read that dairy raises metabolism so it can exacerbate symptoms but it's not the root cause of those symptoms.

>> No.20567838

Also my forehead and scalp would clear up when I stopped consuming dairy so I thought I had an allergy too, but I'd always feel tired and hungry without dairy no matter what I ate instead so I kept trying things until figuring out that my skin was just weak from other issues.

>> No.20567844
File: 463 KB, 1560x1444, Kozy_Shack-Rice_Pudding-70000_73491_51000_7349151000CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Kozy snacks hit the spot from time to time like really early in the morning and whatever, girls like it too and she aint never coming back

>> No.20567849

>it's not an allergy I just have to take pills for it
What the fuck

>> No.20567852

OP is just fucking stupid and wants to believe their own reality. But the truth is that a few online loud voices is influencing them to think otherwise.

Propaganda is working on OP and they're too fucking stupid to realize it.

>> No.20567857

An allergy is an immune response to something. Lactose intolerance just means you aren't digesting the sugar properly, there's no immune response.

>> No.20567870

Still means your body can't process it when other people can.

>> No.20567880

They're are some retarded level lifetime movies about that, so called "influencers." General retards. Thet should stick with things like "mile high escorts."

>> No.20567900

Because we throw away like 70% of our dairy due to spoilage and they want to increase gross revenue and are too shortsighted to see that a dairy drop would ruin a lot of people's day.

>> No.20567902

It's still a genetic defect.

>> No.20567923

>it's still (thing nobody was talking about)

>> No.20567927

Milk is the white man's beverage so therefor it's bad

>> No.20568266

Dairyfags will say this and then turn around and have a victim complex when oat milk is brought up. Neoludditeism only fits their narrative when they see fit.

>> No.20568563

Isn't raw milk a controlled substance in the US? I think people are right to take issue with that, sounds insane to me.

>> No.20568612

Like so many things, it varies from state to state. I can buy gallons of raw milk at the dairy farm down the street, nothing shady, perfectly legal, it just has a required label warning of the "dangers of unpasteurized milk". (Raw goat milk, too.) In other states, I think it has to be labelled "not for human consumption" or some shit like that. In some places, you're allowed to sell it direct at the farm, but not at retail stores.

I think for a lot of people, what they really like is not the lack of pasteurization, but the lack of homogenization. It's certainly possible to sell pasteurized creamtop milk, but that's an even more niche market.

>> No.20568637

The boring answer is that livestock takes up a lot of land that the government wants to use for other shit, and the best way to gain access to it naturally lower the demand for beef and milk. Convince people that they shouldn't consume milk or livestock meat -> less demand -> farms shrink -> land available

>> No.20568670

Jews eternal seethe against indogermanic people.

>> No.20568675

and we also weren't supposed to eat seed oils but we do anyway chud

>> No.20568712

Perfectly legal in my state. I can buy it in literally any supermarket and have done so in the past because the bottles are glass and extremely stable but i don't buy it simply because it's 3× the price. Normal, whole fat milk is $3.50/gallon (just under 3,8 litres). Raw milk is $7.75/3quarts (just under 2,85 litres) IE $10.33 gallon. You get $2 back if you bring the bottle to the store, tho, so it's $5.75/3quarts IE $7.67/gallon.

>> No.20568742

because they hate white people