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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20564884 No.20564884 [Reply] [Original]

>American cuisine

>> No.20564886 [DELETED] 

i buttfucked your mother

>> No.20564978

Burgers, fried chicken, glazed wings and ketchup are all pretty good and I enjoy them from time to time. I also want to try clam chowder and biscuits with gravy some day although my expectations are low.

>> No.20564989

USA has, hands down, the best food in the world
it's indisputable
>b...bu...but (Insert Country) has better food!
Shut up child, an adult is talking, and don't make me tell you again.
We not only have it here, its better quality, and usually improved upon.

>> No.20564992
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I fucking love clam chowder with a lobster roll, possibly my favorite meal of all time.

>> No.20564993 [DELETED] 
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Americans can cook anything better than any other nation. We take the top chefs and brain drain the fuck out of your nations.

Have you ever had Italian pizza? It fucking sucks dick. New York and Chicago changed the game. French food? Cajun food is the next evolution and shits all over it. Mexican food? TexMex bitch. Anything you can do we do better.

We are the United States. Look upon our works and tremble.

>inb4 asshurt provincials start the water works and crying about McDonalds

>> No.20564994

Actually looks good
>t. honkey-hating spic

>> No.20564996

Then I'd love to try it. I never had anything with this kind of combination of ingredients

>> No.20565001

said no one ever

>> No.20565005

Improved by pumping it full of hormones, antibiotics, sugar and salt? Murican food is shit

>> No.20565010

dont forget refined sneed oils and corn syrup

>> No.20565016
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>> No.20565017
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Not one single thing in that image is American, even the potato chips (the Saratoga/pissed off chef story is wrong and happened nearly thirty years after the recipe was first put in a cookbook made by an Englishman

>> No.20565024 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, we took your recipes, improved them, and now they’re forever associated with us. Now all you’re known for is beans on toast.

Cope and sneed.

>> No.20565030

He’s wrong right off the bat about the hamburger lol

>> No.20565043

oh and I appreciate p&b sandwich

>> No.20565045

Where is Hamburg?

>> No.20565047

I think american cuisine is awful but hamburgers are actually american, dont make a fool out of yourself

>> No.20565057

>Americans taking a German dish and putting it between buns means it is American

>> No.20565061

Best in the world.

>> No.20565065

>all bread is actually egyptian

>> No.20565068

Yes it is, it's something else, the dish is changed so the modified version is their own.

>> No.20565076
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The British should've finished the job.

>> No.20565191

The hamburger buns in the style that Americans make them are English style bread

>> No.20565200

>all potatoes is actually Irish

>> No.20565203
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Hamburger buns are made specifically to fit a burger patty, it was modified in the early 20th century in America for hamburgers.

>> No.20565204 [DELETED] 
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>The British

You mean the Saar colony?

>> No.20565212

All Cajun food, all BBQ and chicken parmesan are the ones that come to mind

>> No.20565277

Cajun food is African and Indigenous
BBQ is African and Indigenous
Chicken Parmesan is Italian

>> No.20565287

Cajuns are American
BBQ is southern american
Chicken parm is Italian american

>> No.20565311

Cajuns are French people that got pushed out of Canada
Barbecue is from the Caribbean, not the US South
Chicken Parm is American yes, it came from having to reuse processed fried chicken patties. Good job

>> No.20565321 [DELETED] 

BIPOC and wops are citizens here, so idk what your point it

Diversity is our strength:)

>> No.20565325 [DELETED] 

Meant for


>> No.20565332

Cajuns were acadians that were deported from Canada and moved to Louisiana, became American and developed Cajun food.
Barbacoa is different from American barbecue which was developed by Americans in the south
Give it another try

>> No.20565336

I really want to try lobster and clam chowder.
Can you get decent clam chowder from a can?

>> No.20565341
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ameriCHADS absolutely dunking on 3rdies ITT
I can do nothing but kneel.......

>> No.20565343

Just made some burgers, corn and hasselback potatoes with onions and asparagus on the grill. Having a beer and listening to shitty rock radio on the back porch.

>> No.20565348
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I actually really enjoy Campbell's Chunky New England Clam Chowder. Just heat it up and add some salt & pepper.

>> No.20565349 [DELETED] 

Yurosissies can’t accept that we perfected their cuisine

>> No.20565356

>shitty rock radio
BIG100 out of Washington DC is one of the last bastions of good (actual DJ) Rock FM Radaio left. DC101 if you want alt rock. both are iheart and can be streamed.

>> No.20565402
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>Spanish explorer Gonzalo Fernández De Oviedo y Valdés was the first to use the word barbecoa in print in Spain in 1526 in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española (2nd Edition) of the Real Academia Española. After Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492, the Spaniards apparently found Taíno roasting meat over a grill consisting of a wooden framework resting on sticks above a fire. This framework was also used to store food above ground and for sleeping. The flames and smoke rose and enveloped the meat, giving it a certain flavor. Spaniards called the framework a barbacoa.
>The Taíno were a historic Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean

Oh snap!!

>> No.20565410

They were the first people to ever roast meat over fire and Columbussy stole they’re invention.

>> No.20565417 [DELETED] 

Actually Nazi, High on the Hog told me that black people invented the Que. Nice try at misinformation though chud.

>> No.20565428

All of them are 100% American

>> No.20565433

se ve muy rico

>> No.20565441

How come all Cajun food is just African and Indigenous peoples food then? Huh?

>> No.20565519 [DELETED] 

BIPOC aren’t Americans now? Is this really the hill Yurotards are trying to die on???

>> No.20565630
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>thinking barbecue = hamburgers

>> No.20566698
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Weren’t you supposed to be range banned chud?

>> No.20566869

>posts image that has no american food in it

>> No.20566885

So spics have been using like 2 middle names and 3 last names for a long time, huh. I remember when my daughter was born, her mother wanted two middle names. I said "what are we Puerto fuckin Ricans?!" A little too loud in the hospital.

>> No.20566920

>add some salt
>can already contains 1720mg sodium

>> No.20566928
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You have to add some more, and black pepper.

>> No.20567674


>> No.20568890

>American cuisine
Able to bake bread, fr a patty slice vegs and make a sausage. Be proud.

>> No.20569113

ceasar salad
cobb salad
coleslaw is american?

>> No.20569193

Where's the chicken salad, macaroni salad, potato salad, and American goulash?

>> No.20569197

Europeans are known for sausage, I'm sure they're full of salt.

>> No.20569230
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nonamericans need to fuck off
this is an american world, an american internet
you are guests on this planet and no amount of impotent bitching or obsessive posting will change that

>> No.20569249

Massive cringe, fatty

>> No.20569957

>clam chowder
The creamy white chowder is a cozy comfort meal, excellent on a cold misty day, typical to the New England fall/winter or northwest coast all year. The red type is nice as a summer meal with a piece of crusty bread.

>biscuits and gravy
Your expectations shouldn’t be low, it is what it is. Comfort/hangover food. Buttery carb with salty/fatty sausage and gravy on top. It’s not fine cuisine but it does hit the spot from time to time.

>> No.20569968
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>> No.20570000

>african and indigenous
Even leaving white people and their contributions to the cuisines of the conversation, where else would these groups have met? Cajun and bbq are American, don’t be retarded

>> No.20570066

>still crying about frogs a decade later

/qa/ won

>> No.20571192

*Germanic world

>> No.20571376

>Caesar salad
No one has eaten a Cobb salad since the 50s so shut up

>> No.20571639

>you are guests on this planet
Since when is the planet yours you primates lmao