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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20559419 No.20559419 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker? I could never fathom purchasing another kitchen related machine, having to store it, clean it, etc when cooking rice in a pot is pretty much the most basic "cooking" you could ever do. Why?

>> No.20559425

>Rice cooker :/
>Rice cooker, japan :0

>> No.20559429

Good question

>> No.20559436

It's the same as what the fucks the point of a toaster. If you make toast regularly it's nicer to have a machine that just does it without faff so you can focus on other stuff.

>> No.20559441

>What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker?
To cook rice, retard.
It's not a necessity, but it's convenient if you eat a lot of rice since it doesn't take up a burner and you don't have to think about it.

>> No.20559442

If you are only making fucking uncle bens shitty rice you obviously sont need a rice cooker you disgenious piece of shit

>> No.20559443
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Yep. It's a unitasker and frankly I've not been particularly plussed with the rice cookers my family has owned in the past. Always burning the bottom of the rice, always just about boiling over. If you're a bingbong and eat literally nothing else then fine, buy a rice cooker instead of a kitchen, but for the rest of us? Fucking waste.

>> No.20559454

Low IQ thread.

Not a unitasker. They can cook all sorts of things. Decent ones wont burn the rice's ass.

>> No.20559456

how do you feel about electric kettles

>> No.20559457

>What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker?
To cook rice. It's a multipurpose machine. Once you have cooked rice, the heat of the rice cooks the egg.

>> No.20559458

I'm being genuine. I just looked up how to cook rice for an image. I usually use basmati and jasmine, still basic but I like Carolina brand especially. Haven't touched uncle bens in years. Stay mad, faggot.
Fair enough, that doesn't mean it's difficult. I can cook rice in a pot while a sautée vegetables and its not difficult at all

>> No.20559464

spotted the chinaman

>> No.20559470

Don't call me chinese, you chinese ass bitch. I just like rice.

>> No.20559471

These two parallel rice cookers. No idea why everyone in this thread is so butthurt though. Probably subconscious chink rage at the white man

>> No.20559474

>What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker?
>chuck rice in
>chuck water in
>set it on a timer
>go to bed
>wake up in the morning
>Nakadashi-san and his family have rice for 6 ready to eat at 6am for breakfast

>> No.20559478
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>rice for breakfast
do slants really?

>> No.20559481

One of the nice features of some rice cookers is that they have a keep warm function. It keeps the rice ABOVE pasteurization temps, so it is safe to eat. With a good cooker the rice will be enjoyable for 24ish hrs, and edible for around 48.

You can do oats on a timer so you have hot oats ready in the morning, cakes, claypot style dishes, some do yogurt, cakes, quinoa is excellent in a rice cooker, you can heat up corn tortillas, heat up any food, keep soup hot and fresh, etc.

Lots of nice uses for one.

>> No.20559485

anon made a retarded thread to brag that he can cook rice

>> No.20559486
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Thanks anon for actually discussing with me rather than having a meltdown. I appreciate it

>> No.20559493

Cook until it's almost porridge and add whatever you feel like. Cinnamon, apples, peaches,

>> No.20559495

I asked a Japanese coworker about this once, he said 投稿に返信してください。そうしないと、お母さんは今夜眠っている間に死んでしまいますwhich is fair enough.

>> No.20559501
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yeah its pretty comfy
bit of fried salmon, rice and miso soup for breakfast fucking slaps

>> No.20559504

Kek. Stock fags are the same.

>> No.20559505


>> No.20559506

>thread about rice will not move from first page, even though the premise is entirely retarded
fucking hate all of you muh Japan fat fucking losers

>> No.20559510

shut the fuck up

If the japs do it ill do it

>> No.20559514
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you're going to have sex with and then burn thousands of children?

>> No.20559518

Anime website, faggot

>> No.20559523

I need to get a nice rice cooker. I had a shitty one and I left it for my roommate. Been using a pot and OP is right that it works fine but I also like leaving it in place and not having to take a burner or dirty a pot. Probably going to get the overpriced zojirushi one.

>> No.20559524

Don't need to watch the pot when making rice (just listen for the tone), and hot steel cut oats in the morning that finish when I get up. It is without a doubt a "kitchen gadget" (aka unnecessary coonsoomer good), but, "Eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯". Now waffle irons and air fryers on the other hand...

>> No.20559527

English website, Rajeesh.

>> No.20559529

anon pls, there's literally no other way to make waffre. you either have a waffre iron or you don't eat waffre. rice on the other hand can be cooked a bunch of ways and with entirely different approaches

>> No.20559532

Hasn't been an anime website in more than a decade now, masturbator.

>> No.20559578

You can cook rice while gooning

>> No.20559579

Get one that doubles as a slow cooker with a steamer basket

>> No.20559585
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Cope harder, incels

>> No.20559591
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>post le smug anime girl
>calling others incels

>> No.20559598

why the fuck is there always a rice cooker thread up
how does one kitchen utensil do this to people

>> No.20559603

mmm I don't think so sweetie. Maybe reddit is more suitable for you.

>> No.20559604

I'm not even going to dignify that kek wtf

>> No.20559618

You don't know what that word means.
>with an anime reaction image
You CLEARLY don't know what that word means.

You have such a poor grasp on English that two of the three words in your post are being used as meaningless filler.
Once again, English website.

>> No.20559693

Half of /ck/ can't cook rice so want to be spoonfed what rice cooker to buy.
The other half can cook rice and act all high and mighty and get pissy.
/ck/ is a pretty toxic board to be honest.

>> No.20559708

I think the rice cooker is /ck/'s most hated appliance. Nothing I can think of comes close.

>> No.20559715

In any rice related thread of either ilk my only position is that we should stop eating rice altogether. If there was some fungus outbreak that killed every rice crop on the planet just think of the all the problems that would solve.

>> No.20559723
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>> No.20559752


>> No.20559772

Stay mad fag
Not English, never showed any indication that I was English. don't understand the obsession this board has with those bastards

>> No.20559788

>What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker?
The heat of the rice cooker cooks the rice.

>> No.20559791
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>> No.20559795


>> No.20559908
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>What the fuck is the point of a rice cooker? I could never fathom purchasing another kitchen related machine
For the 100th time, it's for people who eat a lot of rice and want a cheap (they're supposed to be cheap, japs just like making expensive shit for no reason) and convenient way to cook it. You wash the rice, put it in the cooker, add water, set it and forget it. You don't have to sit there and watch another pot on the stove or set another timer, once the rice is cooked it'll automatically go into 'keep warm' mode.

>having to store it
If you live in a shoebox and can't afford the tiny amount of space that a rice cooker takes up, that's on you. You've made the terrible life choices that got you to that point. Don't blame the rice cooker.

>clean it
Once you're done, you simply leave the cooking vessel on your counter for an hour or two, let the risidual rice flakes harden up and loosen up, take a dish rag and wipe it up, then throw it into the dishwasher. Guess what dipshit, if you cook rice on the stove, you gotta clean that too, so what the fuck are you even complaing about. Either way you're cleaning something.

>etc when cooking rice in a pot is pretty much the most basic "cooking" you could ever do. Why?
Holy shit bro just say it: you heckin hate chinks/ricels/bugmen/whatever new term you've invented for us. This is 4chan, nobody cares bro, you don't have to do this song and dance where you take a shit on something as simple as a rice cooker because you hate Asians so much. Just go to /pol/ or /int/ and make your customary race bait thread and get it over with. Leave /ck/ the fuck alone, I just wanna talk about food and cooking, is that too much to ask?

>Inb4 nuh uh!! It was a serious question! I was genuinely curious!
So you remade the same thread that's been posted so many times it's become memeable at this point? Alright here you go:


636 threads for you to choose from

>> No.20559917

easy bait to farm (You)s

>> No.20559966

The best rice cooker threads all include the usage of the word donabe in them.

>> No.20559983
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I’m baking cakes and brownies, slow cooking chicken and sausage jambalaya and split pea soup with ham hocks, rice cooking is maybe 10% of what I use mine for. And even then it’s amazing for making onigiri rice and stuffing it with salmon salad. Or long grain rice for my curry.

>> No.20560273

I don't have a rice cooker because I have rice like once a month but making it in a pot on the stove is definitely not a fire and forget thing
>put pot on the stove on high
>babysit it until water boils
>turn it to low and put lid on
>babysit it stirring occasionally else it'll boil over and make a mess
>turn the stove off and wait another 10 mins
I could see myself buying a cooker if I had to make this shit daily

>> No.20560406

Jook with chicken bullion is great poorfag food

>> No.20560421

I got a shitty one with just an on switch at a casino. Its pretty fucking cool. You don't have to have the water ratio as perfect as stove top and heat isn't a concern. It just kicks to warm by some magic and can be left in there for hours and hours without getting fucked up or dried out. Idk how it works so well, being bare bones cheapie. Its cool tho. I bet the Japanese ones that talk to you super are cool, but I'll never pay that much, unless I hit the lotto.

>> No.20560501

God, I hate chinks, rice niggers, slopes, gooks.

>> No.20560505

I imagine it's useful and conveniant for Asians like this guy said >>20559441

>> No.20560535

Its just nice if you eat rice very often.
Making rice in a pot is not difficult yeah but if you are going to have rice very often and want the end product to be consistent its incredibly handy.
It's the best thing I've bought in my entire life.

>> No.20560540

I always wondered, does the rice cooker add water and decides on the best time automatically or do you still have to measure time and water for the rice to come out right?

>> No.20560543

Two words and you'll never go back: Fuzzy logic.

>> No.20560544

It's a one-button, fully-automated, $10 appliance. It's more repeatable than other processes since it's less exposed to the atmosphere than using a pot and making good rice is really just about getting the rice-water ratio right. Sorry that you're living in a 350 square ft urban hovel.

>> No.20560546

Pointless waste of counter space when everyone already has a microwave.

>> No.20560548

It shuts off when it detects that all water has been boiled away. You have to add the water yourself.

>> No.20560556

what if I want the rice to steam?

>> No.20560562
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Your microwave heats water to a specific temperature with one press of a button?

>> No.20560573

Yes. Comes out at a perfect 212F every time.

>> No.20560594

It's mostly for families. A convenience. When your sararyman husbant comes home it's so much easier.

>> No.20560600

>No idea why everyone in this thread is so butthurt though
They're overgrown children. They eat rice rarely, so therefore they can't fathom that there are people in the world that eat rice often, much less what such people would have in their kitchens.

>> No.20560602

digital kettles piss me right off. why the fuck does there have to be a tard version of everything.

>> No.20560603

It's cooking the rice while waifu gives sarary man numma one fukee fukee.

>> No.20560605

based for taking to the office to sip tea while you pretend like you're doing anything

>> No.20560607


>> No.20560612

Rice cookers are meant for cooking enough rice for multiple people. Unless you plan on stuffing yourself with 1lb or 454g of rice, sauce pan is enough for a single serving.

>> No.20560616
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anon just buy a pickerel and learn to identify the temperature by the pitch of boil. you should be more self sufficient anon. I'm not one to spread hurtful rumours but everyone's been saying that about you lately :[

>> No.20561867

>Sorry that you're living in a 350 square ft urban hovel.
Not OP but my god you fucking weeb losers are completely insufferable

>> No.20561907

First rice cooker I got was that style because it was dirt cheap. Was useless shit, I appreciated it much more when I got an actual decent one.

>> No.20562200

You shouldn't have stopped at 2 nukes.

>> No.20562226

So I can just plop some rice and water in a thing and flip a switch and not have to babysit it so it doesn't foam up and make a mess on my stove

>> No.20564290

I frequently steam food in my rice cooker, like veggies or potstickers/dumplings.
Ricecooker is good for any porridgey grain that has a long cook time. I load it with steel cut oats the night before and use the timer function so that it's done when I wake up like a coffee maker. One time I made the funny big fluffy fwa fwa japanese pancake in the rice cooker.

What I don't like about zojirushi is that they are nonstick coating dependent and it does require extra care to clean and not abuse, so really not a tool allowed around women. Which is right fucked up for a kitchen appliance.

>> No.20564297

I got a cheap one for Christmas and it increased my rice consumption by ten fold. It cooks it perfectly every single time without effort and it's easier to manipulate the flavor with additions without fucking it over. Easily the best multitasker.