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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20552627 No.20552627 [Reply] [Original]

>precisely sauced

>> No.20552927

$500 baka gaijin

>> No.20552984
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>doesn't need a soy bath

>> No.20552999

How many years of extensive training needed to correctly apply that brush to raw fish?

>> No.20553001

Depends who you ask.

>> No.20553006

Well it looks like he took one anyway! hahaha just kiddin

>> No.20553904

2.50 where I'm from LOL

>> No.20554104
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motherfucker it's just fish on rice

>> No.20554105


>> No.20554169

>ITT: Bunch of losers who have never tried actual Japanese sushi, shitting on sushi.

>> No.20554217

sushis shit

>> No.20554282

>raw fish and rice from any other country on earth >:(
>raw fish and rice, japan :O

>> No.20554286

i had sushi at a 7/11 once

>> No.20554332


>> No.20554346

/tv/ tricked me into watching this, I thought I was gonna see an insane nip screaming at foreigners and physically assaulting his staff, instead it was just some old fart talking about fish for 90 minutes

>> No.20554376


>> No.20554383


>not having an autistic meltdown in public over how someone else eats their sushi that they bought and paid for themselves, is shitting on sushi.

500 dorrir gaijin!

>> No.20554393
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the retards were doing the equivalent of this
if you have no manners, stick to fast food that comes in buckets

>> No.20554412


>> No.20554467
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all tourists are subhuman

>> No.20554724

>11 pieces of sushi
I wish I had this dream.

>> No.20554743

Reminder that at the end of the scene in the show the guy he was complainig about gets embarrassed and apologizes to him in the restrauant. they never show that in the webm.

>> No.20554780

Oh mercy me so disrespectfuru to eat the food the way you want and not adhere to strict tradition, bring such shame to ancestors and broodrine

>> No.20554841
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big fan buddy

>> No.20555009

>food is le art
He's gonna shit that nips art out his ass in a day or two tho

>> No.20555021
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>when the sauce hits just right

>> No.20555131

If you ask any japanese they'll say they want to go to genki which is the same place all the tourists go to get inside out spicy mayo rolls

They don't give a shit, it's just piggus fetishizing their culture once again

>> No.20555167

I just made sushi and nigiri at home for the first time and was pretty impressed with the results. Tasted just like what I'd get at any restaurant, somewhat better actually since I put in a lot of the sushi vinegar I made into the rice so the flavor was strong. Genuinely cannot imagine spending the kind of money people do on premium sushi when you can make it at home with very little effort. Granted I didn't do anything super complicated since it was my first time, just some flounder and salmon rolls, with a few salmon nigiri, but given that that's the kind of sushi I see faggots fellating all day as the pinnacle of cooking I'm a little shocked.

How hard to people really think it is to put raw fish on rice? Also, "precisely sauced", if I paid money for sushi and the cocksucker chef put any soy sauce on it I'd just get up and leave. Soy sauce is a garbage condiment and I don't understand why japs love it so much.

>> No.20555178

15 years, bare minimum

>> No.20555209

When I was in college I worked overnight security as a summer job for an industrial site on the outskirts of town. Basically I just sat in a little hut in the middle of the woods from 7pm to 7am next to the front gate of the property and recorded any cars going in or out (there hardly ever was any). One of the simple pleasures I allowed myself was every Friday I would go to the local supermarket and buy one of those containers of supermarket sushi for half off just before work because it was the evening and they were trying to sell them all before they threw them out. Then I would clock in and sit in my silly little hut wearing my silly little badge and my silly little gun while slowly eating my half priced supermarket sushi. I'd give each piece a little drop of soy sauce from the foil packet and then a little dab of that fake neon green wasabi they include in the container before slowly savoring it while watching the sun set and listening to the birds chirp. It was almost meditative. I almost miss that job. Thank you for reading my blog post.

>> No.20555212
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>Genuinely cannot imagine spending the kind of money people do on premium sushi when you can make it at home with very little effort.
It used to be 10 years of training to be a head sushi chef, so there was very few. Now certification is quicker so this is no longer the case. All restaurant food in grossly overpriced. However, making cheap 25 cent rolls you'd find in the express case at a gas station is not the same as expensive restaurant sushi. For some people, they have developed a delicate palate over many years and this type of food may be appealing, for many others it is for the overall experience. Personally, I think its wasteful to give people who don't have experience high class foods when they'd be happier with cheese fries and blooming onions.

>> No.20555226

i'm gonna go to japan and eat sushi with no hands or chopsticks - like a pig eating out of a trough, just because of this post. i hope you're happy

>> No.20555242

kinda realizing that I haven't had sushi in like 5 years. I think the price shot way up recently and just made an unconscious choice to not spend money on it anymore.
It really can't be that expensive if I'm just doing the nigiri version. I prety much only do tuna and eel.

>> No.20555243

... jesus christ you're actually serious. sushi is sold at GAS STATIONS you fucking weeb, its hardly high class food. just because a restaurant grossly overcharges for something doesn't make it upper class. it'll taste better, but by your logic a hipster burger joint is high class because it costs more and is assembled better

>> No.20555256

pretentious food fags are some of the worst people that exist.

>> No.20555265

They're probably going to ask you to leave if you do that

>> No.20555309

>having standards is LE BAD!

>> No.20555319
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>in this temple
It's all pretentious cringe but that line always gets me.

>> No.20555336

>posting pepes
>in this temple

this board is already precisely memed

>> No.20555337

Pretentious bastard bullying a poor disabled man with spinal injury which causes him to have a dulled sense of taste.

>> No.20555340
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>> No.20555344
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>> No.20555351

I looked up this clip on YouTube recently because I wanted to watch it with audio after seeing it here a thousand times a day. That guy's voice is so fucking gay that I can't take him seriously.
I'm thinking based

>> No.20555364

Doesn't need a 'jak bath.

>> No.20555506

>one is just a cube of egg

>> No.20555596

>in a day or two
Start eating more veggies amerilard holy cow, the average human shits twice a day

>> No.20555598

What show?
Youtube comments are all meems

>> No.20555622

"Billions". It's about a bunch of genius hedge fund managers and the cutthroat world of corporate finance. The first two seasons are okay then it gets contrived and phoned in.

>> No.20555642

Thanks for that warning. Nothing worse than hoping a show gets better.

>> No.20555659
File: 249 KB, 1280x962, s_0nsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conveyor belt sushi is genuinely one of the best dining experiences out there. That bill gets pretty high if you're not careful though.

>> No.20555678

what does uni taste like

>> No.20555682

Mushrooms and come

>> No.20555684

sweet i eat a lot of that anyways should be a treat

>> No.20555707


>> No.20555711

just put the plates back ;)

>> No.20555727

And then everyone stood up and clapped

>> No.20555797

Man pays for a meal only to have some fagola have a shitfit over how he chooses to enjoy it. I'm assuming we're supposed to hate Gale here?

>> No.20556008

when the sushi chefs includes a a clearly inedible maple leaf with my sushi what is the procedure? Do i leave it on the plate or will I shame my ancestors?

>> No.20556019

what even is the sauce they put on there? middle of the road sushi places don't sauce their fish at all

>> No.20556055

It's usually some sort of soy sauce reduction

>> No.20556152

is this actor contractually obligated to play a massive faggot in every role? I'm glad he got shot in the face on breaking bad

>> No.20556207

>All that residue on the brush
>No scale involved
False advertising.

>> No.20556288

I think he's meant to be the hero finally showing those uncultured piggu what's what
100% written by a dumb weeb

>> No.20556291

LMFAO. Might watch this tonight.

>> No.20556296

>thought I was gonna see an insane nip screaming at foreigners and physically assaulting his staff
Il check this out tonight. Hope it's funny.

>> No.20556308

You're welcome.

>> No.20556325
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You'll feel bad about yourself.

>> No.20556337

Usually, yeah.

>> No.20556351

I'm about to precisley sauce a batch of Buffalo wings. This is a cross-cultural concept that anyone but troglodytes can understand. Stupid god damn gaijin, man.

>> No.20556371

But like, explain to me how sushi isn't a total meme. It's literally just sliced fish on top of rice. What conceptually could make this an elaborate, difficult to produce dish?

>> No.20556382
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>> No.20556415

Raw meat needs to be cut somewhat more precisely to get the desired texture and it's more important to be able to discern the quality of the meat itself but overall sushi's difficulty is massively overblown

>> No.20556432

based criminal

>> No.20556441

Breaking down a fish and choosing the right parts takes some skill

>> No.20556466

People heard that chefs in training have to spend like a year just washing rice and assumed that it was an ultra delicate craft rather than just a standard japanese master-pupil power play

>> No.20556493


Let's see your sushi and then we can judge from there.

>> No.20556506

I just cut random slices out of a filet until they look about right. Never been bad.

>> No.20556555

You still have to admit that it takes slightly more care than if you were cutting some chicken to fry up or something

>> No.20556613

Sure but you don't shid the thing you JUST ate until the next day or so
Youre always shidding yesterdays meals unless you ate something that bypasses your digestion like if youre lactose intolerant

>> No.20556614

>*squats down above a plate and drops a fat one(a turd, incase that wasn't clear)*
That's got about the same flavor ass all sushi, give it a go, anon

>> No.20556638


>> No.20556640

It doesn't matter if the flavour is the same, that's not fucking sushi. You're one of those fat nasty ugly retarded bitches that think strawberry ice cream counts as a serving of fruit. Post your sushi NOW.

>> No.20556649

>Post your sushi
Really? We are copying the ricefags now? I thought I was finally at easy when I put "rice" in the filter (always 4+ filtered threads btw).
Don't be an insufferable faggot, anon. That's a genuine advice from me.

>> No.20556652

So, a fishmonger in fancy clothing to mark up the price 3 times.

>> No.20556657

You came into a sushi thread and didn't expect to find rice-esque posts? Are you slow?

>> No.20556692

Chill out Mr. Hiroshimoot

>> No.20556884

I'm taking this

>> No.20557059

>take it and dip the whole thing in a soy sauce/wasabi mixture

>> No.20557065

Tastes varies, if the chef doesn't understand this then he's an idiot. If I haven't had any salt for lunch then I want more soy sauce for dinner.

>> No.20557147

It's incredible how the YouTube comment and 4chan tards are acting smug dunking their sushi in soy sauce. These imbeciles think they're free to do whatever just because they paid for it, absolute nigger behavior and it shows.
Stick with conveyor belt sushi :)

>> No.20557152

Who cares about what people do with the food they paid for?
It's not like they are fucking around with the food that I paid for.
Acting like you have a right to dictate what others do with their personal property is about as retarded as marxism, BLM, socialism, antifa, and communism.

>> No.20557156

I WILL whiteknight for the god tier master chef whose art you are not enjoying correctly and everyone WILL clap
Food is not just for eating, you're meant to let the chef take your taste buds on a curated journey where you can learn about life, the world, yourself

>> No.20557157

So why does the restaurant even provide soysauce? Just for decoration? Or did the guy bring it himself? Also noticed there's literally no jap customers there, it's just an overpriced gaijin place

>> No.20557161

jiro nightmares of assrape

>> No.20557164

It really is thievery. I'd highly recommend trying it at home, the taste isn't all that different from what you'd get at any restaurant. Might surprise you to know, but most restaurants that aren't located within spitting distance of a fish market are likely using the exact same frozen fish you can buy at any supermarket.

>> No.20557165

they will get what they fucking deserve

>> No.20557166

>So why does the restaurant even provide soysauce? Just for decoration? Or did the guy bring it himself? Also noticed there's literally no jap customers there, it's just an overpriced gaijin place

>> No.20557176

>Thread about sushi
>Immediately filled with weebs that have never been overseas worshipping the art of putting fish on rice
>Meanwhile, youtube, japanese forums, japan, taiwan, and every country with a lively sushi scene is filled with humble, normal people that make it at home on a daily basis and firmly believe you can too if you're not retarded
But no you see, the Japanese master (peace be upon him...) trained over 400 years to place that slice of raw salmon on rice... you simply couldn't get it, you're too low class... trust me, I've seen enough Anime to know. If you were to consume the sushi made by a TRUE master, it would KILL you. You would DIE from lack of EXPERIENCE!

>> No.20557181

>be anon
>be so fucking retarded he misses the point of dining at a fine sushi restaurant
like I said, stick with conveyor belt sushi. Actually no, stick with grocery store sushi and dunk it in soy sauce and horse radish you dipshit.

>> No.20557183

What most people don't know is that all Japanese master sushi chefs have to make their own knives. Yes. Only when a sushi chef has made a knife that has a blade that has been folded over nine thousand times, will they be allowed to begin studying how to cook an egg. And only after they go to college and get a doctorate in the philosophy of egg cooking, are they allowed to begin studying how to cut a piece off of some frozen fish and put it on some rice so some stinking gaijin can dunk it in soy sauce like the American scum that he is.

>> No.20557187


>> No.20557191

The point of dining in a fine sushi restaurant is to eat sushi. That's it. If you think there's something beyond that then you're a pretentious faggot

>> No.20557197

Those things are true but they don't go through all that to become a master, they do it because an old man doesn't like teaching them and wants them to quit

>> No.20557199

>if you like tasting fine food instead of soy sauce and ginger you are a pretentious faggot

>> No.20557200

>If you think there's something beyond that then you're a pretentious faggot
What's wrong with being pretentious and what's wrong with having gay sex with men. By definition, being gay means happily excited, keenly alive and exuberant, having or inducing high spirits, bright, lively, or brilliant in color, like all people of color.
The act of making love to a man is not about getting blood and feces on your penis. It's about having sex with no intention whatsoever of reproducing, because it is unnatural for humans to breed. Don't forget that this is PRIDE MONTH.

>> No.20557204

There's not one single thing not wrong with it and I think you know that and are just being silly to make me mad

>> No.20557205

At last, I truly see... Japan-sama, forgive me...

>> No.20557210

>There's not one single thing not wrong with it and I think you know that
That's exactly not the point that I wasn't trying to make. I mean, without all them double negatives and shit.
I dindu nuffins.

>> No.20557217
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>dunking sushi in soy sauce
>pouring ketchup on steak

>> No.20557221

I think I'm going to try putting ketchup on my sushi next time. I mean, why the fuck not?

>> No.20557225

As long as you swallow it right? In fact you can buy ape food they make this special kibble for zoos, it has everything you need.

>> No.20557231

That stuff has soy in it

>> No.20557249

>Stupid ANON doesn't get that the point of FINE DINING is to spend 500 dollars more for the same food and then eat it performatively to impress people that don't give a shit!
You guys realize that the employees at these restaurants think you're all retarded, right? I knew people who have worked at places where the menus have no prices and everything is server in courses, they genuinely believe everyone that pays for it is a bumbling idiot. The entire industry of fine dining exists to take advantage of people that have their heads stuck up their own asses. "Bro no bro eating this food it... it wasn't just food, it was an EXPERIENCE!" cut to the shot of that one restaurant that had the customers cook their own egg. It works because those people are so removed from reality they've likely never done it before, so they'll happily spend 800 dollars to have smoke blown up their ass while they crack an egg onto a hot plate.

If you're not a retard with unlimited mommy and daddy money, fine dining is what it actually is - a complete fucking scam.

>> No.20557356

if you're not supposed to use it then what the fuck is the soy sauce even for

>> No.20557362

shouldnt the rage be directed at all the non japanese fast food sushi that arent precicely sauced?

>> No.20557432

>when u nut but she still suckin

>> No.20557461
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...No mere mortal has EVER achieved mastery.

>> No.20557464

OH NOOOO!!...He gott'em...

>> No.20557534

it's not, he doesn't do any of that, he just talks about fish the whole time

>> No.20558009

Stay in your fucking lane. I don't bother you, you don't bother me, both will have satisfying meals. Mr. Miyagi.

>> No.20558102

>I just sat in a little hut in the middle of the woods
>In this temple.

>> No.20558111

>expense account
>paying for meal

>> No.20558119

while youre at it, watch The Birth of Sake (2015)

>> No.20558282

Why do you care? It's the owner's problem, not yours. The other costumers can eat from a toilet for all I care.

>> No.20558460

so they paid for the meal?

>> No.20558510

Negative. Their expense accounts did. The whole point is that these oafs could not even afford to eat there if someone else wasn't footing the bill. That's why all you autists who cry "who cares its the owners problem" are wrong in this case. Your expense account doesn't entitle you to fuck his art up the ass.

>> No.20558543

>Negative. Their expense accounts did.
You don't know that. The fag that said it didn't know that, it was assumed.

>> No.20558567

Not really. Trips of low power

>> No.20558585


>> No.20558588

What a cocksucker.

>> No.20558605
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Meanwhile, in Japan:

>> No.20560590

plees delet!

>> No.20560714


>> No.20560874
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Introducing democracy to Japan was a success

>> No.20560879
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>some 20 yo rando barrista

>> No.20560934

It's on showtime so that should always be a warning to stop watching after two seasons even if you enjoyed it. All Viacom property shows go to shit.

>> No.20560943

I haven't know what companies produce what shows since I stopped watching TV on a television 10 years ago.
Feels good man.

>> No.20560958
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>I haven't know what companies produce what shows since I stopped watching TV on a television

>> No.20560992
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>> No.20561023
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give it to me straight bros, is it all just a scam for retarded white people?

is some cheap ass grocery store sushi that some Sanchez in a Halloween-store kimono lazily threw together actually taste the same as some snobby NYC overpriced rooftop restaurant sushi from "masters" and it's just cumskins placeboing themselves from all the "muh culture" bs?

>> No.20561037
File: 1.82 MB, 853x480, sushi1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap ass grocery store sushi that some Sanchez in a Halloween-store kimono

>> No.20561334 [DELETED] 

Niggers don't make just one spelling "mistake", but faggots will always point it out

>> No.20561354

Even cheapshit sushi in Japan tastes better and fresher than most sushi in the USA, especially sushi made by Juanita Nguyen behind a grocery counter.

>> No.20561362

Niggers don't make just one spelling "mistake", but faggots will always point it out when there is one.

>> No.20561716

>fish is typically more fresh in a country where you are never more than 115km from the sea
I don't know man, that sounds a little crazy to me

>> No.20561725

It's just polite not to pressure anyone, the chef will still judge you tho

>> No.20561729

yea they actually have food standards instead of pumping their food with chemicals you dumb american

>> No.20561753

I understand you come from a smaller country so you have a smaller span of concepts, but we need some way to get the food to the middle of the country. Because America is bigger, it takes more time than it would in your tiny "country". I hope that clears it up.

>> No.20561765

You don't "need" to get fish inland at all

>> No.20561766

You don't really "need" anything except some water and protein slurry but I'm guessing you still wear clothes and live in a house

Don't be stupid

>> No.20561771

Agenda 21 buddy. We need to get all things non-red meat inland.

>> No.20561778

>Don't be stupid
He says to a guy that complains about a country that he will never be able to visit.

>> No.20562807

The weeb lashes out in anger

>> No.20563073

After years of trial and error and deliberation, I've decided that the perfect amount of soy sauce and sodium on a given piece of sushi for me is to dip 1/3rd of the piece into soy sauce until complete saturation

you cannot convince me that I don't like this

>> No.20563349

Japanese food is the most overrated shit ever

>> No.20563433


>> No.20564240

>t. Has never been to Japan, but is obsessed with Anime and thinks worshiping sushi as a holy dish makes him cultured
I travel to Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong on a regular basis for work. I can tell you with confidence that you're wrong. But, by all means, keep spending 500 dollars on what is in every way identical sushi if it makes you feel more cultured.
Yup. Grocery store sushi will be worse since it's usually got preservatives to keep it from getting rock hard in an hour on the shelf, but if we're comparing restaurant sushi, there's very little difference between high end expensive places and cheaper ones. Hell, even the conveyor belt sushi places have pretty decent sushi, and because they're not trying to be fancy they usually have a lot of fun takes on sushi you wont find at higher end restaurants. I've been to high end and cheap places, I vastly prefer conveyor belt family restaurants.

Think of it like steaks in the west. A good, proper steak is a delicious thing. It's also not THAT hard to do yourself. Butter, salt, maybe some thyme/shallots if you're feeling fancy. On a molecular level, there's no difference between the steak you can get at salt bae's restaurant and the one you can buy at the store, assuming the marbling is close. Only difference is he's gonna sprinkle some salt off his elbow and charge you an extra 500 dollars. Low IQ types will worship it for the spectacle and insist the meat is of higher quality, even though they get it from the same farms and wholesalers everyone else does. Most of the people who insist high end restaurants have better sourced ingredients never actually look into where those ingredients come from, they just assume it MUST be higher quality because the price is higher. AKA, they're retards. The entire industry of fine dining exists to take advantage of retards.

>> No.20564285

No, grocery store sushi is usually shit compared to the good stuff. I still eat it though.

Grocery store sushi rice is usually dry and low quality. Grocery store sushi fish is usually cut super thin and the variety of fish is incredibly limited. Also the grocery store sushi is sometimes cut wrong and so you'll occasionally get a piece thats stringy.

This depends on the grocery of course. H-mart makes great sushi and sashimi that will come close to going to a proper restaurant. Of course, its nearly as expensive.

>> No.20564489

They need to have some sort of sliding time-base downscaling of price where it gets cheaper the longer it's been out. I'd eat day-old supermarket sushi for breakfast if the price was right.

>> No.20564583

Armpit onigiri made by cute girls

>> No.20564591

>prep the gaijin, not the sushi

>> No.20564602
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I love fish!

>> No.20564692
File: 497 KB, 800x425, Never-Give-Up-1767768413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese sushi is good

>> No.20565255

Watch it again retard

>> No.20565262

Why are you pretending to have been to japan? You know where you are right? There's plenty of anons here that know you're lying