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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20549105 No.20549105 [Reply] [Original]

Why does meatloaf have a such a mid reputation? I love it.

>> No.20549120

Deprecated by meatballs.

>> No.20549127

White people like it and it's increasingly fashionable to hate white people and historically white culture

>> No.20549135

It stems from bitter gen xers and early millennials who had to eat it 5 times a week as a kid.

>> No.20549140

Meatloaf had a bad reputation from the 80s to the early 10s, but since has started to make a comeback. I think some of the haute cuisine fags that have also been pushing deenz on social media have been pushing meatloaf as a sandwich meat to the "trendy off-brand" restaurants, in place of hamburgers.

>> No.20549151

Home cooks with poor skills ruined its reputation over the years, mainly by producing overcooked, dry meatloaf that's just a miserable experience to eat.

>> No.20549157

Yep, they also did this with mortadella. Now it's an $18 sandwich.

>> No.20549160
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a lot of us gen xers grew up with moms making it with pic related.

>> No.20549172

a lot of food gets a bad rap because it was adopted by boomers who didn't know how to cook and their kids grew up hating it because they only had their bland, dry version of it. meatloaf is one of those, it can be great, but it's also really easy to make a bad one, and most people only know the latter.

>> No.20549178

Good meatloaf is good, bad meatloaf is really bad.

>> No.20549201

Because it typically incorporates the worst characteristics of the two things it represents.

>> No.20549216

Housewives who can't cook today, and probably because ground meat was seen inferior to whole cuts in the past. The second part is still a thing, but much less so. People would be absolutely astonished by how much meat the average family ate in the first half of the century.

>> No.20549219
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We had meatloaf like Whxte people have Mexican food. It was a grand occasion usually served with a side of mashed potatoes and broccoli sautéed in butter. I still like it, but I rarely have the bread to make it. I made some last year with a new recipe which added a sautéed mirepoix and more spices. What I need to nail down is a good sauce or whatever it's called. I used a EZ ketchup/molasses concoction that was okay. My sauce skills have multiplied over the last year, so I'm confident I can make some good shit.

Anons, what are your meatloaf and sauce recipes?
fpbp. Mexican albongodas are godtier.
Grim. My mom was a cook and my dad is a chef. We got lucky.

>> No.20549225 [DELETED] 

Speak like a real person you stupid little faggot

>> No.20549228
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I love it too. I make this sandwich from Pet Sematary all the time.

>> No.20549266

I never liked the meatloaf my mom made when I was growing up. Now that I actually know how to cook and make it for myself, I love it.

>> No.20549289

The thin layer of ketchup on such a hunk of meat is a good ratio. any kind of italian tomato sauce doesn't work.

>> No.20549308

i've had mortadella twice. both times it was just gross bologna

>> No.20549534

I miss my mom’s meatloaf.

>> No.20549738

You are not white. You are however a hipster piece of shit who has no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.20549747

Mexican food is the lowest possible tier of food. Only trashy and poor people eat that slop.

>> No.20549782

I thought that poster was saying they're Mexican but ate meatloaf and loved it.

>> No.20549849

>I've had mortadella twice. both times it was just gross bologna
Yeah it's exactly the same slop, with a different name.
You can't sell a grilled baloney cheese sandwich for $18. But if you call it an "Authentic Brazilian Sanduíche de Farroupilha" midwits will pony up the $18. It's the same sandwich.
Just another carny trick to gyp the circus-goers outta more money.
See also: all Italian food

>> No.20549869
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>You are not white.
Yes, and I thank God every day.
It's an election year, anon. They don't know which way is up. But yes, I am a Spic and I enjoy Whxte people food from time to time.
>t. only ever had Taco Bell or TexMex slop
Explore southern Mexican cuisine, anon.

>> No.20550559

who's got some good meatloaf recipes? I made it once years ago and it was really good but can't remember how I did it

>> No.20550574
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I love meatloaf. Oddly enough I never had it once growing up. My parents hated it and it was also bani-shed from holidays and family gatherings. As an adult I realized how much I love meatballs and surely I should love meatloaf, and started making it. I'm getting pretty good at it and I think it's a great low cost winter meal. And love dem leftover meatloaf sandwiches with some horseradish and mustard.

>> No.20550630

I had it in school cafeterias as a kid
those sucked
I do like the type they have as ready made food at the supermarket
maybe one day I'll try making it myself

>> No.20550678

I used to not like it growing up because my mom used to be a shitty cook, but if it's made well its pretty good. If you have to eat meatloaf leftovers for several days in a row though it makes you hate food in general

>> No.20550837

waste of time when almost any other meat is better, cheaper and easier to prepare

>> No.20550847
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Because it's fucking shit. Of all the things you can do with ground beef you just make a big meat turd. Fuck you and fuck meatloaf.

>> No.20550876

Meatloaf is only good to make meatloaf sandwiches the next day

>> No.20550881
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This is actually it, meatloaf reminds people in the media of the nuclear family and christian values

>> No.20550884

i like meatloaf but everyone seems to make it with ketchup
the costco meatloaf and potatoes meal is pretty fucking good but it requires ketchup removal

>> No.20550908

Anyone else had their grandma make meatloaf with a hard boiled egg in the middle? I'm Polish btw if it matters.

>> No.20550913
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>> No.20551141

this, and most of their moms/grandmas couldn't cook worth a damn.

>> No.20551153

Like other anons have said it's because they ate it in school or had their parents make the old premade ones that all suck. Also my father in law makes it with a ton of ketchup and bbq sauce with a horrible slimy texture but when i make it myself it's really good. It's one of those dishes that get a bad reputation because most people never had a good one and they're a common lazy meal to make for potlucks where they just throw it in a pan and drench them in sauce.

>> No.20551189

it's an excellent dish but it's often done poorly, also this >>20549127

>> No.20551285

If you're using ketchup on meatloaf you are doing it wrong. Gravy or nothing.

>> No.20551458

I hated meat loaf for most of my life until I tried it from this place that closed down called Cheddars. They had a "not your mommas meat loaf" on the menu and I was starving and didnt want to spend 15 dollars on a burger so I got it
I shit you not this was the best meat loaf I had and have ever had since. The meat was marinated before it was ground and the glaze is a loosey ketchup base onion bourbon glaze. You could also request the "chefs meatloaf" and you could get a slice made from better cuts of meat. It came with a side of saluted mushrooms and garlic mashed potatoes for only 9 bucks.
that shit was honestly to die for.

>> No.20551597

I fucking love meatloaf!

>> No.20551751

I'm a European and I wanted to try it after seeing it on things like the Simpsons. It's really delicious and I was surprised to hear people shitting on it. I don't make it much because I am the only beef eater in my house and it feels like the kind of thing you make for multiple people on the cheap.
If I had to Google "meatloaf for one" though I think I'd kill myself.

>> No.20551789

I think meatloaf could be good if the meat was briefly marinated in soy sauce minutes before being formed into a loaf and cooked, and if ketchup was only added after it was cooked, like how normal people add ketchup to hamburgers after they have been cooked.

>> No.20551802

Honestly, because meatloaf is vastly inferior to meatballs and Salisbury steak when it comes to browning ratios and sauce quality. The former has Italian tomato sauces and Swedish brown sauce, the latter is a great brown gravy. Meanwhile meatloaf gets some half-assed ketchup sauce that isn't even a bbq sauce. Even if you do it right, it's going to be an inferior product.

Add in it is "white" cuisine and it gets auto-hate from the left. Plus who knows how many bad and shitty cooks out there made this crap as a dry ass meat brick with a squirt of ketchup on it to save it.

Meatloaf needs to be updated with modern techniques to make it better. Like instead of "loafing" it, make it into slabs for better browning, update the sauce to be a bbq base, etc.

Oh yeah, Cheddars was pretty bomb as a restaurant - I ate there a lot for Sunday lunches with the family, great bread, salads, and ribs. Shame the only one near me now is way up north and sucked ass.

>> No.20551816

When I make meatloaf at home, it's my own gourmet recipe starting with coarsely ground sirloin+chuck, and chock full of coarsely chopped mushrooms, peppers, onions, celery, homemade sourdough bread crumbs, cream and egg, and it's repeatedly, anbd thickly glazed in overspiced heinz chili sauce with more oompf of allspice, ginger, mustard powder, cracked pepper and brown sugar. It's crusted over and yet full of juices.

I love leftovers, so if I'm baking a meatloaf, it'll be at least 2-3lbs. Sometimes I make small individual loaves to give more surface area to my glazing or speed my baking time, or to make portions easy to freeze for planned leftovers for when I know there will be some dinners for 1 or a quick work lunch to pack.

>> No.20551832

Lol I don't think black people even know how to make it. Only white dish they love to make is spaghetti and they keep it in the fridge for a week.

>> No.20551839

>Anyone else had their grandma make meatloaf with a hard boiled egg in the middle?

Lmao I'm american and I've only seen it in pictures before but it definitely is a thing.

>> No.20551848

>Honestly, because meatloaf is vastly inferior to meatballs and Salisbury steak when it comes to browning ratios and sauce quality.
That's why you sear slices of it in a pan for meatloaf sandwiches.

>> No.20551904

>recooking cooked food

>> No.20552047

Meatloaf is great. I have some sardines I don't want to eat straight anymore so I'm gonna toss it in some meatloaf and make bigger meatloaf.

>> No.20552063

>meatloaf for one
here's how you do it.
just use a simple 1lb of ground meat. add your oatmeal or eggs or whatever else you want in your ratios, but the 1lb keeps it from being too much. You'll eat that in like 2 days.

>> No.20552067

its a giant mouthful of ground beef with really weird and discordant seasonings. Just not generally appetizing considering what you can do with ground beef.

>> No.20552235

This. Most people don't actually cook, they just open a package and (kinda) follow instructions. A real meatloaf has the following:
>1 lb Ground Beef (80/20)
>1 egg
>1/2 cup bread crumbs
>1/4 cup chopped red onion
>1/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
>1/4 cup chopped carrots
>1/4 cup chopped celery
>1/2 tsp chopped cilantro
>1 tsp. salt
>1/2 tsp black pepper
>1/2 tsp sweet paprika
>1 tsp ground mustard (optional)
>1/4 tsp sugar

If you don't CRUNCH into veggies when you take a bite of meatloaf, then it isn't made right. Also, stop putting ketchup on it. You use ketchup to make the sauce, but to 1/2 cup of ketchup, you need to add:
>1/2 tsp garlic powder
>1/2 tsp worchester sauce
My secret ingredient is anchovy paste if you have it on hand. Add a small amount to give it some pungency and flavor variation.
Serve it with mashers, green peas & yeast rolls for the best meal ever.

People need to go back to cooking from scratch,or at least from a GOOD recipe instead of just ripping open a package.

>> No.20552238

The top portion of the meatloaf looks like it could be photoshopped on an image of someone that says "bussin'"

>> No.20552309

Yeah, we do that in the Balkans too.

>> No.20552321

Never heard of it

>> No.20552329

Just Slovenia then I guess, due to Central Europe influence. We call it Stefani pecenka (roast a la Stephanie)

>> No.20552332

Oh cool. Don't ever reply to me again

>> No.20552391


>> No.20552568

>recooking cooked food
Ever had toast, you dumb bitch? Maybe grilled a hot dog?

>> No.20552576

So when do you recook toast?

>> No.20552601

First half of what century? This one is only a quarter over

>> No.20552602
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Its easy to make bad meat loaf and many U.S. school cafeterias often made the cheapest possible version with lots of filler which might have traumatized a lot of millennial/gen X TV/movie writers. Its also seen as a poverty-tier food by some since you use filler ingredients to stretch out the meat.

I've seen jokes about meatloaf being supposedly bad for like 30 years now (at least). Go back to your containment board and take your lame persecution fantasies with you.

>> No.20552618

There's a hard ceiling on how good a meatloaf can be, since baked ground beef and can't get carried by condiments/toppings like burgers can

>> No.20552635
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>this entire post plus the sneedsons

>> No.20552763

You can add spices, greens, other veggies and orzo for texture.

>> No.20552781


>> No.20552901

>Yes, and I thank God every day.
I sure hope it's not the God brought to your people by the White man. And I doubly hope you're not using a White language to do it.

>> No.20552937

no olives?

>> No.20553340
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Because people fuck it up.
A shitty meatloaf makes you think "damn, what a waste of meat.
A half-decent meatloaf doesn't spark such thoughts.
The average person is retarded, you do the math.

Fun fact: add some hydrated wheat and ground mint to ground meat, and it becomes the oven version of kebab on a stick. You don't even need sandnigger spices or any other weird shit.

>> No.20553850

alright /ck/ I'll tell you my secret meatloaf trick
First, you make your favorite meatloaf mix. Just about anything works as long as it's not to fat or too moist.
Then the trick is you make mini meatloaves with a muffin pan.

>> No.20553857

ok but what if i dont have a favorite mix and im retarded and i bairly know how much flour i need to make meat stick vs making meat bread?

>> No.20553867

then you do it like a boomer mom and use lean ground beef, a pack of store-brand onion soup mix and a big squirt of ketchup

>> No.20553882

My grandpa would always rip on meatloaf at family dinner. You guys are retarded. It was seen as a lame dinner like the shitty casseroles or baloney sandwiches housewives used to make.
Now we got zoomer anons acting like shitty American housewife cooking is some kind of pillar of white culture. lol

>> No.20553887

because they had moms who couldn't cook for shit. i always loved my mom's meatloaf.

>> No.20553890

actually the key to great meatloaf is a 3:1 ratio of ground beef and ground pork instead of a pure beef mixture.

>> No.20553894

Don't use flour, use bread crumbs (or just bread you have laying around). When I make "salsbury steak", I use a 1:3 ratio of bread crumbs to meat. Then mix in 1/2 cup of water per pound of meat. The bread will absorb some of the water and create a much better texture while retaining cohesion. I'm assuming this translates to meatloaf, I don't see why it shouldn't.

>> No.20553903

my old man would occasionally make the full Sunday dinner meatloaf, ketchup baked on top with the standard sides to pair; greenbean casserole, funeral potatoes, slaw, maybe rolls. But more often, he'd pan fry these palm sized meatloaf hamburger balls with home fries (big round thin coins). What stood out is they were just PACKED with shredded carrot and finely diced onion. Also the pan fry would sear the top and bottoms, needing a flip. These made the texture way different from the bog standard meatloaf, that afaik is supposed to be fairly smooth and uniform throughout. To me they always tasted much better than the hamburgers we grilled outside and even if sounds weird or wrong, I grew to prefer them this way. Closest thing on googling is "meatloaf muffins" and that's still not right. Idk if he even used breadcrumbs for these (he absolutely did for the full loaf). When I tried to replicate it I just smoked up the whole house. Miss you dad, wish I asked you how you made these, because they were special to me.

>> No.20553906

i'll give a mixed of these a shot, since i do like the silly boxed soup mix and i didn't know about the bread crumbs. thanks anons!

>> No.20554085

sounds like your grandma was a shitty cook. Meatloaf is great.

>> No.20554245

it's called meatloaf, not veggieloaf

>> No.20554247
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ban ck

>> No.20554266

One of the most boring fun facts I've ever seen. I'm just glad I don't know you. You're cardboard

>> No.20554270

If anybody wants to try an actual good meatloaf recipe, try the Guardian's "How to make the perfect meatloaf"

>> No.20554305

The family and others always stuffed it with a hard boiled eggs. And let me tell you, this combination tastes disgusting. The hard boiled egg (of course way over even before entering the raw meatloaf) will get even worse and poisoning everything around. I fucking hate those meatloafs.

>> No.20554308


>> No.20554313
File: 141 KB, 602x752, main-qimg-16fcc6bc7f659e3f6f4eebb49a05ffff-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hating meatlof on the internet is literally white genocide

>> No.20554409

>my spoiled boomer grandpa would get mad if the family HAD TO EAT MEAT AGAIN for dinner

fuck boomers. i wish i could eat meat every day for dinner.

>> No.20554574

what kind of ham would be best for this?

>> No.20554581

it's strong, would take away from the disgusting banana

>> No.20554583

the fact that you refer to banana as disgusting makes me not want to trust you nigga

>> No.20554600

It's relative to the dish. Think about the savory banana mouthfeel against the salty pork

>> No.20554643

I don't get it banana is not savory

>> No.20554654

What if I add marine flavors to meatloaf? Like anchovies inside or fish stock in tomato sauce?

>> No.20554854

No shit. The vast majority of boomer housewives were shit cooks, and men didn't know how to cook at all. It's probably even worse now.

>> No.20554863

He probably meant "umami".

>> No.20554883

it is if you live in a tropical shithole or are a 50's american housewife

>> No.20555081

Because its not bussin fr fr

>> No.20555415

>ham and fruit Italy
> :O
>ham and fruit America
> :l

>> No.20555449
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for me it's Mexican meatloaf

>> No.20555824

Idk. I have always loved meatloaf since I was little. One of the first things I learned how to cook.

>> No.20555837

>shitty casseroles
There is no good casserole, never was.

>> No.20555851

this is the most faggoted incel post i've ever seen in my life

>> No.20555865

looks amazing
depends how strictly you define casseroles

>> No.20555948

I can hardly fathom what a bad casserole is like. What goes on in the stereotypical suburban American household that something as simple as a casserole is chided so much?

>> No.20556304

I made one for the first time in my life not too long ago. Totally winged the recipe. Came out amazing but I think I packed my meat too tight. Was really dense. Flavorful and full of protein and the sauce you make for the topping plays well with that. Probably would have been better with that buttery fake mashed potato stuff from a box and a runny cheese like velveeta

>> No.20556639

slices of meatloaf in old el passo corn chip tacos with some sliced celery and tomatoes would be based as hell

>> No.20556700

>Goyslop anywhere
> :0
>Goyslop USA
> >:-#

>> No.20556717

It's easy to fuck it up. A good meatloaf is actually hard to make

>> No.20556729

It's not really that hard. The biggest thing is to balance the seasoning and sauces so it's not drenched and overpowering. Also using good meat is always key.

>> No.20556738

>really weird and discordant seasonings
like what exactly

>> No.20556926
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Love making it with ground turkey. Makes a great protein, and the leftovers are great in sandwiches.

>> No.20556934
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Give me your meatloaf recipes NOW

>> No.20556945

>add egg, breadcrumbs, and whatever seasonings you want to meat
>shape meat into loaf
>bake until cooked

>> No.20556963

beef it's what's for dinner the website

>> No.20557070


biscuits are by definition twice cooked, double cooking is a common technique.

>> No.20557241
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>Explore southern Mexican cuisine, anon.
Get McFucked, Jorje. I've tried Oaxacan AND Northern Mexican food and it's shite. It's Goddamn slop.
Now I'm not going to argue for a second that American imitations of Mexican food are even worse but don't for a second try and give me this "OH YOU HAVEN'T TRIED THE AUTHENTIC STUFF" bullshit like it's supposed to be any better than the 2 or 3 different varieties of runny refried snot that I've been served in cantinas.
This is the same argument that every ethnicity makes about their food and it's always garbage and I say that as an Australian who is well aware our 'authentic cuisine' is equally garbage.

>> No.20557246

what's your resippy anon? I love ground turkey and often make turkey patties to have with rice & gravy, but never tried turkey meatloaf. How do you keep it tendre and moist?

>> No.20557301

>>20556934 this one here. I've made it. People loved it.

>> No.20557305

I don't like the taste of baked ketchup, I always scrape mine off.

>> No.20557331

tomada paste with some brown sugar or honey and chirri sauce is better. I use ketchup (not Heinz, more basic tomatoey stuff that's much more palatable) and chirri sauce and honey for mine >>20550574

>> No.20557336

>baked ketchup
never had it like that and hate the idea

i bake without and baste it every 20-30mins with a bit of beef stock I have prepared

makes a tasty crust, ketchup gets added on the plate when i eat

>> No.20557347
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but anon you don't add any kind of sweet glaze? that's one of the magics of meatloaf, and those sweet crustie edges especially shine as leftovers in a sandwich

>> No.20557357

I mean I've been curious, maybe I'll try without the ketchup but honestly I dont really feel like it needs improvement the way I eat it. Plenty of sweet from the ketchup

also I dont eat meatloaf with bread, only potatoes I prepare with it, but honestly I just enjoy it plain most of the times

>> No.20557364

that's fair man. to be honest I'm going to try the stock baste myself because that sounds just plain nice. the 'loaf gets a crusty edge in the oven anyway and frankly I prefer the savoury (i.e. gravy or stock baste) to the sweet most of the time anyway

next time I make 'loaf I'll try it and report back

>> No.20557536
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Meatloaf hack: add cornbread stuffing mix to your loaf before cooking to add a delicious texture and flavor

>> No.20557539

Also you can add instant mashed potates, maybe not for added flavor but def for better texture

>> No.20557541

Doesn't anybody cook properly any more?

>> No.20557571

>he doesn't mill his own wheat to bake fresh bread for his breadcrumbs
>he doesn't refine his own sugar from cane to sweeten his blended tomatoes for the glaze
>he doesn't extract his own salt from seawater to season the loaf
>he doesn't even grind his own beef
People have been using store bought shortcuts for centuries, midwit.
It's not even like they're using a packaged meatloaf kit, you just don't like it because of the name on the box.

>> No.20557572

beat a couple eggs, get some ground beef, put some garlic, onion, salt, msg, and a habanero into a blender (leave the seeds in, pussy.), start mixing all that shit together by hand. Add shredded cheddar, permesan flavored breadcrumbs, and and a shitload of grated permegiano cheese into the mix. Keep mixing by hand (you should be using gloves for this).

coat the bottom of your pan with wagyu tallow (or whatever grease you've got) and shape the meat mass in there. Stick it in the oven for a long time.

while that's baking, get a bowl. Mix tomato puree, worcester, lemon juice, salt, cayenne, a small amount of honey and more fucking grated PR cheese. This is your topping. When the loaf is about 15 minutes from being finished, dump this over it and let it finish its time in the oven.

Then it's done. You know what to do with food at that point.

>> No.20557574

OK, justify your inability to cook properly as much as you want, it doesn't make me a midwit. What's next, some graham crackers, with a condensed mushroom soup sauce?

>> No.20557579

Alright, so what'd you make?
Nothing? Damn, who'd have guessed.

>> No.20557582

That's sounds good, definitely gonna try this

>> No.20557783
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, Cha-Trung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vietnamese Egg Meatloaf

>> No.20557791

Banana is not umami, umami means the same thing as savory.

>> No.20557804

it's a poorman roast made with fillers and slathered in a child's condiment

>> No.20557809

that looks absolutely wretchful. please don't ever post that again.

>> No.20557821

People will be quick to shit on this, but add a pie crust and suddenly it's the penultimate brunch.

>> No.20557824


>> No.20557826

if this is a meat loaf than if you slice it and fry it is it a meat toast? is meat toast as delicious as I imagine?

>> No.20557833

Yes. It means "final", but you can use it in place of ultimate to sound smarter.

>> No.20557836

actually disgusting tho

>> No.20557839

It uh means second last... As in the one before the final. I don't know how it's supposed to fit in here

>> No.20557847

You fry your toast? It's called toast because it's toasted.

>> No.20557849

This nigga eatin beans

>> No.20557885
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Thai Curry meatloaf

>> No.20557890
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>> No.20557895


>> No.20558056
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south african meatloaf

>> No.20558063

you can make toast by frying the bread

>> No.20558065

That's fried bread. A British delicacy

>> No.20558082

that's nuts

>> No.20558091

It's called a "fried slice". It can be disgusting. If fried in bacon fat, it's nice to have once a month. Any more and I'd die.

>> No.20558099

isn't what they call grilled cheese tried bread actually? It's retarded naming but it is actually in fact fried bread.

>> No.20558112

It seemingly is, I've never had one. As long as the bread is almost unbearably greasy then I expect so

>> No.20558113

>toasted bread is toast
>fried bread is also toast
No, idiot. Fried bread is fry.

>> No.20558115
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>>>20558063 (You) #
>>toasted bread is toast
>>fried bread is also toast
>No, idiot. Fried bread is fry.

>> No.20558235

This but the opposite, meatloaf can be endlessly elevated with a much larger variety of ingredients and serving methods compared to a burger.

>> No.20558754

of all the things you can do with a dick you go stick it in some guys shitty ass. Etc.

Go be gay somewhere else we're talking about meatloaf.

>> No.20558766

It's the second best brunch in the world which is a weird thing to say but still pretty good considering how many options there are. Gotta wonder what he thinks takes first though

>> No.20558968

this looks tasty, what's your recipe?

>> No.20559012
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Dick and gay butt fucking on your mind lad?

>> No.20559642
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cajun style

>> No.20560301
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Native American meatloaf

>> No.20560383
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pleased to serving you meatloaf sars

>> No.20560448
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venison version

>> No.20560449

Unfortunately, as I must put the terms into something you'd be able to understand, given the first thing your mind went to was shit.

>> No.20560468

Ive just grown less and less fond of ground beef, heavily oiled foods.
anything fried.

>> No.20560481

except for frying, for me it's deep frying that fell off, searing something in a pan is still good as long as it's not greasy

>> No.20560702

This. It's just seething at whites. Shitskins are obsessed with white people and hating everything about them.

>> No.20560713

Actually they aren't. It's all white messiahs who do that, like naive lemmings who just don't grasp simple reality.

>> No.20560716

It's almost moussaka!

>> No.20561492

typical italian SUPREMACY

>> No.20561501

the meatloaf itself was bland and just OK
the tomato sauce on the meatloaf was bitter and metallic.

I don’t really eat meatloaf though since it’s just a easy way to throw mystery protein together with leftover bread and call it a dish

>> No.20561559

It's not "exotic" enough for most people these days. That, and just like fruitcake, media was full of "this is BAD actually" propaganda that people took to heart.

>> No.20561560

How would you have felt if you had tasted a savoury banana?

>> No.20561896
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White food humor was about hating meatloaf at family dinners since before you were born.

>> No.20561903

are you refering to a sweaty penis?

>> No.20561908

Whatever you say gayboy.

>> No.20562039
File: 131 KB, 640x480, masala meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try the masala

>> No.20562537
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My meatloaf recipe...
>2 lb hamburger meat
>1 lb sausage
>1.75 cups crushed frosted flakes
>2 eggs
>1/2 small can tomato soup
>1/2 small white onion (finely diced with 1/2 tsp garlic)
>2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
>2 tsp salt
>2 tsp pepper
>shake of cayenne
>DO NOT OVERMIX or it will become dense
>cover in quality ketchup (nothing added)
>bake at 350 degrees for 80 minutes on cookie sheet
>rest 10 minutes

>> No.20562614
File: 250 KB, 748x748, bison meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm mmm

>> No.20562653
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Is it 1-3/4 frosted flakes, crushed, or
Is it 1-3/4 frosted crushed frosted flakes
I'm slightly aroused by this recipe and want to get it right
What kind of sausage, country, Italian, German, I need to know
I would have said it needs more egg but then I saw the tomato soup, I'm assuming Campbell's (only the finest) or is it a background note and can I cheap out on the store brand?

>> No.20562736
File: 1.34 MB, 960x960, straightnigga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it 1-3/4 frosted flakes, crushed, or
>Is it 1-3/4 frosted crushed frosted flakes
I put frosted flakes in a ziplock bag and crush them until they are almost a powder. Then measure out 1.75 cups for the mix.
>What kind of sausage, country, Italian, German, I need to know
I just use the regular ground sausage that comes in a tube, typically Jimmy Dean.
>the tomato soup, I'm assuming Campbell's (only the finest) or is it a background note and can I cheap out on the store brand?
I always use Campbell's but I'm not sure it would make a difference if you wanna use the store brand.

>> No.20562784

At this point, shitskins are the only ones who care about preserving white culture

>> No.20562798

>Why does meatloaf have a such a mid reputation? I love it.
It's traditionally a struggle food used to stretch out a supply of ground meat. Also badly made meatloaf is just a soul-crushing reminder your family is poor and you mom can't fucking cook.

Good meatloaf, though, is great and comfy as hell.

>> No.20562965

TY Anon

>> No.20562987
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>> No.20563008

There was a king of the hill episode half about a meatloaf sandwich place Hank had a boner for, but was too autistic to actually eat or walk into.

>> No.20563013

meat yumyum

>> No.20563017

ill put ketchup on whatever i want, bitch

>> No.20563032

You mean lettuce?

>> No.20563035

Thats a lot of oatmeal, dawg.

>> No.20563045

Post results.

>> No.20563259

We do this in Romania too, it's great

>> No.20563279
File: 156 KB, 960x608, 20220114_170410_resized-1-960x608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much the only way I eat meatloaf anymore.

>> No.20563283

I would def try that if I saw it

>> No.20563293
File: 58 KB, 429x709, helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's stopping you? You could always get chicken leg quarters for dirt cheap

>> No.20563308

stfu gaped ass faggot

>> No.20563321

a cooking recipe on that cooking board i'm going insane help me

>> No.20563332

This but unironically

>> No.20563506

it's not just home cooks. restaurants, even fancy expensive ones, make the shittiest meatloaf I've ever had. it's truly astounding how bad people are at making meatloaf for whatever reason

>> No.20564360

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.20564378

Damn, you spent $15 on that.

>> No.20564403

Nobody does ham and fruit in Italy. Nobody does port in Italy. It's a Belgian thing.

>> No.20564657

Where's the best place to order this?

>> No.20564665

The only people who pretend to hate meatloaf are boomers whose parents were shit cooks in the 50s and 60s and younger ypeepo who desperately want to prove themselves as not being "like the other white people"

In other words the same reason people pretend mayonnaise isn't a great condiment, it's always the sappiest, corniest crackers that will never, EVER be black but try their hardest to fit in with black people online

>> No.20564977

You're not gonna find actual meatloaf at restaurants, only faggified modern abstract deconstructed meatloaf enriched with curry or some other "exotic" additions.

>> No.20565259

Golden Corral actually has pretty good meatloaf. Especially for a buffet.

>> No.20565314

Well considering he was speaking in past tense obviously not this one, smartass faggot.

>> No.20566274

>having to listen to woke blm grandpa spout his anti-white nonsense everytime grandma cooks something
My poor man!

>> No.20566335

>What goes on in the stereotypical suburban household
Having a mother that is a shitty cook and not wanting to admit it

>> No.20567522

That hasn't explained it for me. A casserole is a baked dish with meat, veg, etc in it. What examples can you list that are so horrifying? How do these people fuck it up so much?

>> No.20569000

Posting in the 200 reply meatloaf thread hey everyone

>> No.20569032 [DELETED] 

Uzbek meatloaf

>> No.20569038
File: 69 KB, 800x445, khanum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uzbek meatloaf

>> No.20569512

>s meatloaf have a such a mid reputation
If you get the herbs right it can be wonderful.