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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 800x848, Easy-Chili-Recipe-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20548835 No.20548835 [Reply] [Original]

>adulterating chili with beans
Please don't do this.

>> No.20548838

It is better with beans, so I will continue to do it.

>> No.20548842

Sorry for not wanting to make fake ragu.

>> No.20548846

All-meat chili is meant to be served over chili beans, it's just skipping a step

>> No.20548853

Texan from Texas here. We don't eat chili without beans in Texas

>> No.20548874

Without beans, chili is hardly a full Tex-Mex meal in and of itself. It's too one-note, just ground meat with spicy sauce.

The only scenario where I'd want chili without beans mixed in would be if there was a side of beans and rice.

>> No.20548882

i would double the beans in that chili.

>> No.20548889

I'll adulterate your marriage with my cock, you math hating fuck

>> No.20548898

>adulterates it with cum to replace to protein from beans

>> No.20548928

Texan from Texas here. We don't put beans in our chili. no one would do that.

>> No.20548934

t. Austin queer

>> No.20548937

>It's too one-note, just ground meat with spicy sauce.
yes thats literally is what chili con carne means.

>> No.20548943

>le chili
Just say chili con carne you degenerate ADHD brain. God I hate anglos.

>> No.20548948

you're mom has double beaners in her.

>> No.20548951

houston homo

>> No.20548953

Who the fuck are you trying to impress?

Chili with beans. Suck my dick.

>> No.20548959

Why would we use the dumb euro name when we invented it here

>> No.20548964

>adulterating your life with a bullet
Please do this.

>> No.20549000

>nooooo dont add beans to chili its wrong!!!
>nooooo dont add tomato to chili its wrong!!!

What the fuck are you putting in your chili then? Faggot.

>> No.20549009

chili con carne.
chili with meat.

>> No.20549022

That's not chili, that's just ground beef soup.

>> No.20549577

Cool Bolognese sauce, but where are the spaghetti?

>> No.20549708

Chili con carne is not real chili. Fucking retard.
Chili con carne sucks which is why nobody makes it that way.

>> No.20549714

Triggered brown mutt detected

>> No.20549719

Because most of the people here a mixed mongrels living in third world country

>> No.20549721

i can barely taste the difference but the texture certainly helps

>> No.20549723

>crying about beans
>when there are subhumans out there putting onion in their chili

>> No.20549732

dont lie, no one would actually decimate a chilli like that

>> No.20549757

What I've gathered from "real chili" arguments:

>Real chili does not include
-chili powder

>Real chili does include:

>> No.20549761
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>he doesn't know

>> No.20549766

oh diced red onions i saw ive had before (in canada) i thought you meant like huge chunks like youd see in a very chunky stew

>> No.20549777

okay but what if you put okra in it

>> No.20549959

Yanqui bean stew

>> No.20549965

Trips tell truths this might be delicious
But I gotta give a shout-out to okra sabzi, like an okra and greens or cabbage sabzi

>> No.20550067

I have come to realize that it is more important to not put tomato in chili. if you get rid of tomato beans will follow since only a lunatic would put beans in a tomato-less chili.

>> No.20550170

when i have guests over i break out the fine china and texas chili.
but if im making bachelor chow, i put whatever the fuck i want in it since im the one eating it.

>> No.20550189
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im not going to eat a bowl of sloppy joe, throw some fresh poblano pepper and beans for texture

>> No.20550522

I'm Australian, how do I make chili? Iv looked up a bunch of recipes and they are all wildly different from each other

>> No.20550567

Why not? I like onions

>> No.20550733
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seppos can get absolutely demented with how prescriptive they are with the naming/definitions of food. post that pic rel a burger (which it is) or say that cottage pie is an irrelevant term (which it is) and they'll fully melt down
it's bizarre but they all do it
Just make whatever one sounds good, they're all chilli

>> No.20550768

if the recipe calls for beans or tomatoes, turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.20550780


>> No.20550788

My white clity just came to that thought. :3

>> No.20550822

from what I gather it's just ground beef and autism

>> No.20550825

is putting tabasco sauce in chili allowed?

>> No.20550829

>Chili with beans

>> No.20550839

1 can kidney beans
1 can whatever beans
1 big can crush tomato
1 small can tomato paste
1 lb ground beef


simmer 30 min - 1 hour

probably add some a little shredded ched in your bowl

>> No.20550848

>no cheddah
>no sour cream
>no oyster crackers
what are you doing son?

>> No.20550856

ITT: anons quibbling over the slop ingredients in a slop meal for slop "people"

Don't tell me you eat this literal diarrhea

>> No.20550887

I'm trans BTW

>> No.20550892

No ma'am. I just eat plain white bread like you. It's good for our neo vaginas isn't it?

>> No.20550902

So I'm just gonna put beans and tomato and minced meat and onion and spices into a pot and stew it for eight hours and you can all suck the farts out of my arse.
And I'm a wog so I eat a lot of cabbage so those farts are fucking heinous son.

>> No.20550988

I'm not American, so I would never make dumb shit like 'chili' but if i did I would start with a mirepoix

>> No.20550994

I thought beans were the entire point of chili....

>> No.20551027
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Nobody gives a shit if you're so fucking unadventurous as to try making a dish without resorting to the most basic fucking soup/stew base rather than trying the recipe as is to see how it tastes traditionally.

You might as well have come in this thread with some fucking lawry's and a YPIPO DON SEESUN DEY CHILI post.

>> No.20551035

what is the traditional recipe though?

>> No.20551036

I hate texans so much, they are the obese shitalians of north america.

>> No.20551045

It’s just meat cooked in a paste.
Technically it’s a curry.

>> No.20551052

Theres no reason to eat a single bean in your whole life unless youre starving and have no other choice

>> No.20551054

>I would put vegetables in my chili
well aren't you fucking special

>> No.20551061

Chili and meat with some fighting over beans and tomato.
I'd put some onions and shit in it myself but I'm not gonna come into the thread like some absolute wanker going "WELL I WOULD NEVER MAKE DUMB SHIT LIKE AMERICANS DO BUT IF I DID I'D MAKE IT BETTER"

You arrogant cunt.

>> No.20551062

Mind your own fucking food, snob. You ain't having any of mine, so you get no say in what goes in it. Fag.

>> No.20551064

What do you expect from Texans who are all mystery meat themselves?

>> No.20551068

it's amazing that I can't get a single straight answer from any of you dumb seppo cunts, all I want is a decent chili recipe not you retards arguing over beans and tomato but giving no actual recipe, fuck this board is useless

>> No.20551077

They taste good and they're cheap

>> No.20551079
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>> No.20551080


>> No.20551089

it's barely half a recipe, "season" season with fucking what cunt? Dijon mustard and sumac?

>> No.20551092

thank you, I'll give this one a try

>> No.20551267

Fuck Texas

>> No.20551350

dice beef in to half inch chunks.
sous vide for 6 to 8 hours at 130° freedom
make chili sauce from red chili's beef stock, garlic, onion, oregano, salt, pepper, and msg. thickened with a roux. that's it that's all it's chili con carne (chili with meat) not tomato bean soup with meat.

when chili sauce is ready add meat.
boom done.

measurements? fuck you. it's to taste.

>> No.20551354

>Chili con carne is not real chili.
it literally IS chili and I make it.

>> No.20551358

that's bean soup.

>> No.20551361

hey, you be you. no judgment.

no beans are what poors, and tastelets add to chili.

>> No.20551366

seethe more. texas is SHIT

>> No.20551373

thanks, I don't have a vacuum sealer would pre cooking the meat in a smoker BBQ be fine aswell?

>> No.20551377
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wow Texas, what a great "chili"

>> No.20551379

>yes thats literally is what chili con carne means.
>hurr durr carrot celery and onions don't belong in chicken soup, it's called "chicken soup", not "chicken carrot celery and onion soup" herpa derp
that's how retarded you sound

>> No.20551381

Its wildly different from chili to chili. We had an annual chili-fest in my hometown and no two chilis were ever alike.
Anyway here's some good recipes without autistic memes.
I like the homestyle recipes best

>> No.20551382
File: 63 KB, 730x320, Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 07-56-06 schizophrenic - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool so a steak with hot sauce

>> No.20551387

That "steak and hot sauce" is what texans UNIRONICALLY consider to be the ideal chili. It's insane.

>> No.20551404
File: 881 KB, 1388x1045, Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 14-42-53 _ck_ - give me a recipe for a real NO BEANS chili - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20551406
File: 235 KB, 640x358, stop my penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's perfect chili.

>> No.20551411

Finally some real chill in this thread

>> No.20551418

It gives me more chili for not much more money. Simple as.

>> No.20551436
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>> No.20551474

What a hideous bowl of slop.

I don't care if Texans think this is authentic, if this were say a British dish, there would be loads of memes and reposts.

I'm glad that most people don't make it this way, onions, tomatoes and beans are the way to go.

>> No.20551521

why are brown boys like this?

>> No.20551528

That's because America is fuck huge and we all have our own regional quirks and so no one can agree on anything. How to make a pizza, what should go on a hot dog, how to make chili, all of these things vary wildly from state to state and city to city. Why is this such a difficult concept for Aussies and euros to understand, when you all engage in exactly the same kind of tribalism. Is everything in Sydney exactly the same as it is in Brisbane? Do you eat the same exact things and share the same exact opinions? Fucking daft cunt

>> No.20551552

thats because your tastebuds have been warped by corn syrup

>> No.20551555

ironically the english (actual anglos) do call it chilli con carne

>> No.20551566

>Technically it’s a curry.
no, curry is a stew. chilli is a stew

>> No.20551613

>chilli is a stew
you're doing it wrong
chili should be so thick you could pick it up by hand

>> No.20551618
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>> No.20551635
File: 1.49 MB, 926x7362, Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 11-44-43 _ck_ - Made enchilada sauce from scratch for the first ti - Food & Cooking - 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this if you want proper Texas style chili

>> No.20551641

Okay give me a good cookbook that covers different states/city chili. I know that every grandma has their own version of chili. Even had the misfortune of being in Ohio and having their desert with the pantry dumped on it

>> No.20551642

That's chili colorado

>> No.20551647

why? because of the tomato?

>> No.20551698

No because Texas Red is chili colorado
It's the cultural appropriationest of all chilis
It's such bullshit because Texas legit inherited chuckwagon chili but then then turned into bean-deniers in the 50s and 60s, it's all a fraud

>> No.20551799
File: 765 KB, 766x430, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 13-35-42 french purchase - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chili predates the boarders, by your logic chili would actually be French and from Louisiana

>> No.20551841

Come to think of it I've never had chili without beans. Ironic because I live in texas which is the chili contest king apparently.

>> No.20551843

i put chickpeas in my chili

>> No.20551853

nigga i can't even buy one of these chilies here

>> No.20551878
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that sucks, its real easy to dry pepper if you can get their fresh equivalent. Just do a big batch all at once and you're good for the year

>> No.20551883

What can you even eat that with? It's so disgusting and heavy.

>> No.20551885

Just buy a can of Hormel Hot Chili with Beans

>> No.20551896

Yeah, I love many of these, but a lot of them are difficult to get hold of without paying extortionate prices in my country.

>> No.20551919

Chili colorado was not invented in Colorado, chili colorado means red chili the same way chili verde means green chili
Denver chili was invented in Colorado but it's not actually chili it's gravy

>> No.20551927
File: 430 KB, 403x604, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 14-22-08 chili dip - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat it like a dip on tortilla chips or saltine crackers

>> No.20551930

I put onions, garlic, chilli, and beans in my chilli.

>> No.20551945
File: 420 KB, 548x547, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 14-25-08 Hormel vegetarian chili - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing up my mom would buy Hormel vegetarian chili then add ground beef to it because she didn't trust their meat
she considered that home cooking and it was one of the better meals

>> No.20551950

Strange. I dislike their vegetarian chili. It's much more acidic than their regular chili for some reason.

>> No.20551969
File: 115 KB, 584x451, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 14-28-12 most mexican county in Florida - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit dude i live in the most Mexican area in Florida and the only peppers i can get are bell, jalapeno and occasionally habanero.
i just started growing my own, they grow relatively fast.

>> No.20551976
File: 467 KB, 766x477, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 14-33-44 verde location - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chili verde means green chili
bruh its named that because it was invented in cape verde

>> No.20551989

Really? You don't have a Badia section at the store? You gotta have a carniceria somewhere, right?
I literally kekked, TY, I genuinely love you guys

>> No.20551998

okay, so is chili supposed to be, what, a cumin flavored bolognese?

what is chili, if not a delivery system for beans?

>> No.20552003

That only makes it even heavier

>> No.20552009

>okay, so is chili supposed to be, what, a cumin flavored bolognese?
No tomatoes are optional the red comes from ground dried peppers (although traditionally, tomato is also optional for bolognese, are you Commonwealth?)
Cumin is also optional but not really
All-meat chili is meant to be served over chili beans, which are beans stewed with cumin
Rice is also a popular pairing with chili

>> No.20552029
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its a hell of a drive, ALDI's had them for a while but they haven't been back in stock in months. Publix has only arbol and they're way overpriced.
i always see the migrant workers shopping at save-a-lot, i guess i should check in there because they gotta be getting them from somewhere

>> No.20552041
File: 494 KB, 767x482, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 14-57-02 manual labor sun up to sun down out in the snow - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ever work manual labor sun up to sun down out in the snow? you'll want a heavy meal that sticks to your ribs

>> No.20552050

Oh for sure the ones here are full of Mexicans and you can get oddball ingredients like tomatillos and yucca

>> No.20552078

wtf are you talking about thats clearly a veggie burger you obsessed faggot who in their right mind would argue with that statement

>> No.20552079

and wtf is a cottage pie? how would it be relevant?

>> No.20552088

butter and saltines for me
lots of butter

>> No.20552095

sounds like chili to me
go ahead and stew in your own farts as you please

>> No.20552109

of course you can put dijon and sumac in it
alongside all the other seasonings

>> No.20552129

Beans make chili thicker, more filling, and healthier, I will continue to add beans to chili, cry about it.
Also ground beef is not the ideal chili meat, what you really want is diced beef chuck roast for the best flavor and texture.

>> No.20552134

did it go anything like this?

>> No.20552240

Chili without beans is just a sauce, often eaten on bready foods.
Chili with beans is an actual meal, often eaten with bready stuff on the side.

Know the difference.

>> No.20552251

i'm british so i put a tin of baked beans in my chilli

>> No.20552256

I've bean there. It ruins it.

>> No.20552428
File: 3.13 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230529_203959637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chili without beans is bolognese
this has to be the dumbest thing that I see unironically posted on /ck/. it shows a complete ignorance of what both chili and bolognese actually are.

>> No.20552444


>> No.20552516

if you're using ground beef you arent making 'real chili' anyway so you better put beans in just to make the awful texture better

>> No.20552566
File: 113 KB, 892x882, dried_chile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real chili was made with beef jerky

>> No.20552641

fuck you cunt I just wanted some recipes to try

>> No.20552724

ground beef
tomato pulp
kidney beans

>> No.20552751
File: 930 KB, 1285x713, 1668140307507740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem
(would not recommend this recipe)

>> No.20552860

chili with meat and no beans IS the meal. what would you need bread for? grow up.

>> No.20552990

that is a component of a meal

>> No.20552996

chili = beans
the meat is whats not needed
nope you are wrong

>> No.20553009

Chili without meat is just salsa
And I'm pro-bean

>> No.20553037

based, I work manual labor and chili is one of my favorite foods of all time.
I also dip corn chips into chili that has beans in it and cheese on top.

>> No.20553043

More like Fazool (no pasta yet)

>> No.20553049

do they eat chili in chile? is that where it came from?

>> No.20553064

That's bot how you pronounce "Chilé"

>> No.20553095

no thats chilly

>> No.20553121

That was a cold joke you just made there

>> No.20553157

dont give a man heat just because his jokes arent hot, not everyone has a spicy sense of humor

>> No.20553179

It's Chee(lay), correct yourself.

>> No.20553197
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You shouldn't put on the heat so hard. You need to pepper it on.

>> No.20553208

Sometimes you gotta grind it out to make people get salty

>> No.20553226
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your jokes are weak you need to shake it up a bit

>> No.20553245
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You're making me blush

>> No.20553324
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>> No.20553352

>Things that don't belong in chili according to /ck/
-chili powder

>> No.20553366

I used to be a Texas chili absolutist.
Then I tried making a good classic 3 bean and I was enlightened.

>> No.20553381
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>> No.20553457

Hahaha... Milk... Classic stuff

>> No.20553490
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>beef is done? drain it and add to the pot

>> No.20553494
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>> No.20553523

>"2 am" chili
>a food your hungover ass would definitely burn AND you wouldn't even get to eat while you're hungry if you actually tried to make it at 2 am
never gets old

Does actually sound good but something tells me rare steak "I need to taste only the meat, A1 sauce is a crime against humanity" caveman larpers and "proper chili is steak and chilis" are the same people

>> No.20553526

i really, really like this image.

>> No.20553534

>Basil in chili
stopped reading there.
Green spices in chili taste weird. I ruined chili by experimenting and putting thyme in it once

>> No.20553654

Beans make everything better. They make chili better, they make tacos better, they make toast better

>> No.20553700

that's because it is meant to be a base to which you add condiments or to be used as a condiment in it of itself. For me, I'd put diced onion, sour cream, shredded cheese and fritoes, or throw it on a burger/hotdog. it is cheap, kids will eat it, and you can make a bunch of it at once and freeze it for later.

>> No.20553788

I put thyme in my chili literally every time I make chili
I always use
chili powder
cayenne pepper
black pepper
sometimes rosemary

>> No.20553799
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Once again it needs to be explained to historically handicapped; chili is an ancient Mesoamerican stew that contains tomatoes, chili peppers and BEANS, meat is actually optional.

>> No.20553802

Neither modern recipes or ancient recipes matter at all. Make your food the way you want it. Simple as.

>> No.20553941

so a bunch of crap that doesn't belong but no mexican oregano which does

>> No.20553999

there are two that are approved
a little mexican oregano and garnished with cilantro

>> No.20554013
File: 441 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240603-032937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This joke got me banned from /pol/

>> No.20554021

We call it mexican chili beans and has tomatoes, maize and two kinds of beans in it with smoked bacon bits, ground meat and potatoes with lots of hot paprika

>> No.20554025

why do they dress funny for mauling people

>> No.20554040


>> No.20554062

Kek wow, I mean it's usually really difficult to get banned from /pol/ and they got you for that?!

>> No.20554071

yea, there was actual discussion going on, with chileans and mexicans threatening each other. it was a good thread
bastard jannys

>> No.20554081

yea me to, that thread was 404ed pretty quick

>> No.20554130


>> No.20554171


>> No.20554390

Actual britbongs do call it chile con carne though. Which you'd know if you weren't a /pol/-spic larping about their german heritage or whatever.

>> No.20554394

*chilli con carne

>> No.20554400

I put corn in my chili

>> No.20554404

*chili con carne

>> No.20554408

Anything that pisses off texan spics and queers is based.

>> No.20554417

No, no.

>> No.20554588

this but a reds jersey

>> No.20555239

>Brown ground beef
>Pour in a fuck load of crushed tomato
>Pour in a fuck load of chili powder
>Simmer for 30 minutes to an hour
That's all you have to do. You can do anything else you want to on top of that.

>> No.20555270

Because religion.

>> No.20555734

lmao top tier

>> No.20556597
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>'with cornbread'
>0 results

>> No.20556620

You ever take your leftover chili, cover it with grated cheese, and pour cornbread over the top and bake it?
Goes great with coleslaw and a side of mac and cheese

>> No.20556630

Killeen kween here, chilli without beans is no chilly at all

>> No.20556643

They taste good cause you're cheap.

>> No.20556646

corn bread in old hat
tortilla chips are now the preferred method of sneaking corn into every single meal we eat.

>> No.20556662

corn chips and salsa and nacho cheese

>> No.20556665

Fuck off beans are great

>> No.20556670

Chili colorado and chile verde are supposed to be served of chili beans, which are seasoned and stewed pinto and lima beans, respectively
Anyone who says no beans and/or tomatoes is actually a chililet who doesn't know shit about culinary history

>> No.20556673

*over not of

>> No.20556864

If I want to offer a tribute to Quetzalcoatl or Yosemite Sam, I'll ask you what a proper chili is. But when I want chili, I make some meaty slop the way I like it.

>> No.20556897

Nice Mexican Bolognese bro. I agree, no beans!

>> No.20556914

>Mexican Bolognese
This is the most retarded phrase I've ever heard

>> No.20556917

dis nigga ain't eatin beans

>> No.20557084

calling it chili con carne implies you can have chili without meat *you cant*

>> No.20557087

not chili pepper means no chili

>> No.20557146

i consider chili partly a way to get rid of shit and make a pot of hot slop. and nothing helps a pot of slop like a dose of beans.

>> No.20557317

fuck you i love beans
I put beans in my chili
i also crumble cornbread into a bowl then put the chilli in it and eat it that way
Fuck you i like it

>> No.20557569

The beans are what makes it chili!!!! It's just meat sauce if it doesn't have beans!!

>> No.20558017

>chili con frijoles

>> No.20558289

>ground beef
>ground pork
>crushed tomatoes
>black beans
>kidney beans
>navy beans
saute the vegetables, stir fry the meat, then dump in everything else. Simmer for three hours. Serve.
Absolutely delicious

>> No.20558628

>if there was a side of beans and rice
that's how real chili, or bowl of red is served.

>> No.20558674
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fuck you asshole, cowboys were vegan

>> No.20558694

There's a lump of salt pork in them beans, yo

>> No.20558923

Ok so you have to serve it with beans but if you put the beans in directly that's just too much for the t*xan mind to handle

>> No.20558942

I mean, you pretty much got a handle on this

>> No.20558948

I mix in a can or 2 of refried beans to spite you anti bean fags

>> No.20558958

anti-bean fags on suicide watch

>> No.20558995

Typical american "home cooked meal"

>> No.20559105
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probably for the best because her shitty food inspired me to cook

>> No.20559116
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> refried beans in chili
as a member of the pro bean society i must ask you to cease and desist

>> No.20559128


>> No.20559555

Sam here anon. I ghosted my grandma for over a year when I asked her for old family recipes for thanksgiving one time and all of her answers were "I just make it like it says on the box"

>> No.20559592

what was the worst meal she made?

>> No.20559644

I, too, am now invested in this reply

>> No.20559743

she would put unseasoned chicken breast in a cast iron then fill it with water and boil it until the water completely cooked off...THEN FILL IT BACK UP AND DID IT AGAIN (just to make sure it was fully cooked)
served with a side of white rice which she opened the lid every minute to check if it was done which made it both burnt and overcooked so crunchy and mushy
We ate that about 5 days a week

>> No.20559792



You're among friends, it don't need to be that way, we'll get you through this

You need a cup of tea? Shot of whisky? Name your tipple, Anon

>> No.20559806

if i have it around i use Wild Turkey 101 in my chili

>> No.20559831

holy shit that is foul. Anon I am sorry, but I'm glad it made you get into cooking.
I hear you on the overcooked chicken, my mom would overcook chicken and pork chops, so I thought they were gross until I started cooking them myself. Now I love both those things.

She made killer lasagna though.

>> No.20559875

Chili without beans is spaghetti sauce for Mexicans.

>> No.20559889
File: 334 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-4-way_Cincinnati_chili_from_Camp_Washington_Chili_in_Cincinnati_OH_USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior chili coming through

>> No.20559935

Italians without spaghetti sauce are Mexicans

>> No.20560665

thick spaghetti sucks
angle hair is where its at

>> No.20560905

for the love of God don't get your recipe from here. half these anons aren't including chili's of any kind in their recipes it's fuckin gross to think about. I have to imagine they're British not Americans.they're literally making a bland tomato sauce and throwing beans and meat in it.
I'm having a hard time finding a good recipe as well but this ones okay. you can play around with different dried chili's for different flavor profiles. I've never used coffee personally. and yes, you can play around with adding tomatos and or beans as well if you prefer but tomato is not at all the foundation of the sauce. it shares a lot more commonality with authentic Mexican cooking like making authentic tacos and such in how the chili's are prepared.

>> No.20560920

You remind me of those vegans who would go around slapping meat out of peoples' hands, saying "I DON'T LIKE EATING MEAT. I ONLY EAT VEGETABLES."

>> No.20560950

okay actually upon reading the whole recipe he uses way more different spices than I normally do. idk if it's good that way but most of that tuff you don't need. cumin (a lot more than he uses) and chili powder are essentials to fine tune flavors. everything else play with it yourself and taste as you go till you come up with your own profile you like.
the chili paste he describes is the main thing to be focused on that's what you start with, that's the foundational sauce. and it can be made in bulk and frozen and tweaked with different peppers to try things differently. it freezes very well and can also be used in other recipes like

>> No.20560982
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How about beans AND macaroni?

>> No.20561347

>you ever work manual labor
No, thank god I'm not some dumb uneducated wagie slave like you lmao.

>> No.20561353

Everyone should spend some time doing manual labor. At best, you may find it surprisingly meditative. At worst, you'll know exactly why you should commit yourself to doing anything else.

>> No.20561489
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I fucking love goulash. It is so simple yet so tasty.

>> No.20561847

Onions and chili on a gas station hot dog is top tier.

>> No.20562082
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I like beans.
You may delet now.
Thank you.

>> No.20562123

no cumin

>> No.20562143
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There are "people" out there who eat chili without beans? That's kind of sad.

>> No.20562167

i'm a fat ass who'll eat a bowl of chili whether or not it has beans in it, simpel as

>> No.20562213

Fuck you I'm adding beans AND lentils AND corn

>> No.20562239

They're almost the same. You start with a basic meat stew (tomato, onion, stock, meat). To convert to more fancy recipes, add:
celery, carrot
chili peppers, beans

>> No.20562242

This is the most smoothbrained Euro shit and I can't believe it gets flogged so hard

>> No.20562244

Not everyone is ready to take the mother sauce pill, especially the cooklets around here

>> No.20562247

The fact that you think both chili and bolognese are tomato-based makes you the cooklet

>> No.20562249

do you not put tomatoes and onions in both those dishes?

>> No.20562251

More like tomato cringe

>> No.20562259
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At that point, why not just add some fucking candy to the chili at that point you fucking retard.

>> No.20562264

Tomatoes are completely optional in both
Can't make a bolognese without onions, tho
Bolognese was a sauce prior to the Columbian exchange and classic chilis (green, red) did not use tomatoes, although they are admittedly popular options in all three today

>> No.20562298

I have made a side by side comparison of chili and bolognese. I have highlighted the common ingredients. if chili is bolognese than so is beef stew and curry.

>> No.20562301
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woops forgot to post it

>> No.20562311

that's just your recipe though. most people put tormato puree in their chili as well as garlic and oregano in their bolognese

>> No.20562317

>Blooo blooo bloooo
Eat shit, amerishart

>> No.20562319
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>At that point, why not just add some fucking candy to the chili at that point you fucking retard.
Wait until he finds out about using chocolate in chili

>> No.20562322

I do both cocoa powder and corn

>> No.20562323

I'm about to call you a bad word.

>> No.20562325

Boomer here. Pinto beans ain't gonna hurt ya, little buddy! But you know what will? Well, how about you serve me up some chili, and forget to top it with shreddy cheddy, Fritos, and Daisy sour cream...then you'll find out what will really hurt ya....ME! Because I'll be P-O'd!

>> No.20562332
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>I kneel

>> No.20562341
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Why the fuck make chili bitter? Go back to drinking your vomit soda.
Here, I got picrel for your chili you lardass.

>> No.20562360

strong words from a weak boy living off daddies money

>> No.20562372

>tomato, onion, stock, meat
wrong. chili sauce is primarily dried chilis. best to use broth as well but plain water does work. tomatoes are not to be a star of the show although like I said when explaining to the Australian dude tomatos are in fact tasty to add. the star of the show is the chili's, hence it's name. that's what people get so angry about. it's like calling taco bell authentic Mexican. it's not. it's tasty yes, but that doesn't make it chili or authentic Mexican food. they have extremely different flavor profiles because taco bell is a neutered version of the real thing. and we're especially annoyed with retarded brits that don't think chili peppers belong in chili see >>20550839
it's a recipe that literally happened because cowboys in America met Mexicans on the trail and took from their styles of cooking. you people keep skipping the step of chili's because you're retarded. it's called chili because that's the star of the flavor. what you are doing is akin to calling a steak with mushrooms a mushroom medly or some shit. it's blatantly wrong and deliberate stupidity.

>> No.20562377

>beet sugar

>> No.20562383

The corporate loyalty is really what cracks me up. Thanks my dude. o7

>> No.20562386

this is bullshit but I'll believe it

>> No.20562448

walmart sour cream is better than Daisy by a margin

>> No.20562464

so just because "most people" make this shit
and call it goulash does that mean that goulash is just hamburger helper?

>> No.20562469

That's American goulash. Traditional goulash is indeed different.
I think you might have autism

>> No.20562479

Hamburger helper? Kinda? It's also kinda chili plus macaroni/egg noodles.
Feeds a family of 5 kids.

>> No.20562498
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>He thinks the chili will get bitter when he puts chocolate in it

>> No.20562500

>does that mean that goulash is just hamburger helper?
It means hamburger helper is a goulash

>> No.20562505

I assumed you meant cocoa powder not actual chocolate.
How do you still have teeth?

>> No.20562506

People like to sperg out over the name but they're missing out on classic comfort food.

>> No.20562519
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>> No.20562595
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>comfort food
Fuck yeah

>> No.20564369

i just made an abomination chili with baked beans

i think i went too far

>> No.20564376

Odd, but not terrible. Hormel and the like do use filler like soy protein in their meats so they can cheap out on production.

>> No.20564860

Post it

>> No.20564869

Beans are the basis of chili, it's the meat that's optional, hence:
>chili con carne
>chili WITH MEAT

>> No.20564916

It's "con carne" to differentiate from chili made with turkey or chicken, not that beans are the basis

>> No.20564937 [DELETED] 
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You crackers actually put MEAT in your chili?

>> No.20565032

I wish Wendy's sold corn bread to go along with their chili since it's actually pretty good.

>> No.20565225

But textured vegetable protein is fine :)

>> No.20565281

better off with /int/

>> No.20565308

My BIL served me chili with that plant substitute and I could tell right away, it's just awful and I feel betrayed

>> No.20565814

Nobody gives a rats ass about Texas but texans.

>> No.20566685

the whole world romanticizes Texas
t. european americansouthboo

>> No.20567711

you under estimate how much they contributed to the world

>> No.20568236

boomer Frito pies only work with canned chili YOUR NOT A REAL BOOMER

>> No.20568254

I made a chili with lentils instead of beans. Fuck you, you stupid dykes, I do what I want

>> No.20568256

I buy NO BEANS chili, and then mix in a can of pinto beans into it. Much better than that pre-beaned SLOP that you buy at grocery stores

>> No.20568270
File: 77 KB, 1280x640, Cartman-trains-a-pony-to-attack-Scott-Tenorman-2055632713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boutta get ready for the chili con carnival

>> No.20568272

You ever try making your own beans? It's worth it

>> No.20568275

Cowboys eat beans

>> No.20568277

Are you a cowboy?

>> No.20568307

The only guy I know who doesn't put beans in his chili was an alcoholic, coke addict who cheated on his wife and neglected his kids.

>> No.20568361
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>Please don't do this.

>> No.20568673
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>make beans
i have, but its a lot of work

>> No.20568751

>no elbow macaroni
>no crackers
That's not chili. That's a sloppy joe without a bun.

>> No.20568753

>poorfag dish
>poorfag component not allowed

>> No.20568771

every time I eat chili with beans I adulterate my gaming chair with my brap stew until it practically seeps into the seat cushion. I swear it weighs 2-3lbs heavier now because it had soaked up all the weight of my brap fluid like a sponge

>> No.20568793

Wisconsinite here. We do chili a bit differently here.

>Ground beef or venison
>Black or pinto beans
>Diced or stewed tomatoes
>Chopped onions
>Sliced jalapenos (optional)
>Cooked elbow macaroni
>Spices (salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, cayenne powder, crushed red pepper)
>Spicy V8

Mix everything together in a pot or slow cooker and cook for several hours. Serve with sour cream, shredded cheese, and crackers (either by sprinkling in oyster crackers, crushing regular saltines, or by dipping saltines into the chili and eating it that way).

>> No.20568817

I put everything in my chili. Put some dark chocolate into it, just a little at a time

>> No.20569366

>Birds are not made of meat
You're retarded.

>> No.20570717

Eats your veg, NOW!

>> No.20570849

redpill me on tomatillos i see em next to the tomatos but ive never bothered looking at what you actually use them for.

>> No.20570874

2lbs ground meat
1 large yellow onion
1lb jalapenos
1lb habaneros
1lb serano
3 bell peppers of various colors
1 can tomato sauce or 10 tomatoes blended
1 can pinto
1 can kidney
1 can black bean
Chili spice
more cayenne
some more cumin
more cayenne

Halloween Chili serve on frito, egg noodles, and/or rice, with cheese pickled and fresh jalapeno, sour cream, raw red onion

>> No.20570901


>> No.20570905

>brap fluid
Ah, anon...

>> No.20572043

I make chili with beans every time....and I always omit the bell peppers. Besides, unless it is winter time where you are, chili is not great in the summer.

>> No.20572368

ye but its a troll recipe

>> No.20572469

>ground beef
>complaining about beans
You may only pick one. If you're cretin enough for ground beef chili, you can't complain about some tasty filler. Otherwise it's just extra runny sloppy joes (hopefully with some actual chili peppers in it, but we all know you use 1 tbs ground bullshit that's been sitting in your cupboard right above your stove for over 2 years per pound).

>> No.20572950

who the fuck told you chili was supposed to have bell peppers?

>> No.20572989
File: 1.38 MB, 1146x863, Screenshot from 2022-10-23 13-49-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty standard anon
i use poblano in place of them when i can get them