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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20532667 No.20532667 [Reply] [Original]

If you're not regularly eating food off the floor then chances are you're a sickly weakling. It's a known fact that eating food off the ground introduces your body to minute amounts of germs which allows your immune system to bulk up its disease-fighting capabilities.

>> No.20532677

If you're not regularly eating shit then chances are you're a sickly weakling. It's a known fact that eating shit introduces your body to minute amounts of germs which allows your immune system to bulk up its disease-fighting capabilities.

>> No.20532690

Is that why germans are so strong?

>> No.20532758

kids that pick their noses and eat their boogers have stronger immune systems but that doesn't mean I'm about to start fingering every orifice

>> No.20532775

this is why i take the opportunity to be a little bit dirty and sometimes eat things that are a bit dirty, to strengthen the immune system. i don't get sick
also bad to super sanitize everything all the time. there's a difference between being disgusting and filthy and having a healthy tolerance for dirt and such

>> No.20532791


>> No.20533369

>picked my nose ever since i was little
>used to eat dirt when i was a preteen
>routinely ate gas station food for breakfast at college
>cook a lot as well, but only clean stuff that's been out overnight or in the sink. if i put foil down, i take the foil out and don't bother washing it
>food is eaten until it starts smelling or looking funky. period
>still eat gas station food to this day
>its a 20 second rule, not 5
>often go up to a week without showering if i dont have to go out beyond my own yard
>literally never ever wash my hands except when im in public so i dont spread germs to other people
>the other day i got food poisoning (i knew because i got those sickly burps that tell you it's gonna suck in about a day tops)
>never actually felt pain, just bloated and gassy then eventually i shit like a diseased hippo and it cleared up
I'm also fat as shit but idk if that helps or hurts my resistance.

>> No.20533383

Oh, I also shit outside on my viewing toilet whenever possible since I feel like it keeps me more in balance with natural-dwelling contagions versus houseborne ones. Plus it smells nicer.

>> No.20533384
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>> No.20533390

Fuck no, I'm a bathrobe and rimless square glasses guy. And that thing needs more bread. I eat garbage but I still have preferred types of garbage.

>> No.20533395

I have lupus and am on a high dose of immunosuppressants to manage it (3g daily; you know your shit is fucked when they measure your medication in grams) and will still eat things other people are afraid to eat. Like, I left a bit of beef outside of the cooler today in 80°F weather for several hours. I took it out, intending to cook it for myself at our block party (a nice time, despite the rain) but got distracted with my kid losing a loose tooth and forgot the burger for idk how long.
Anyway, nobody put it back into the cooler and when I realized that I hadn't eaten my state-required Memorial Day Burger, I went to the cooler to fish one out when I saw the one I took out earlier sitting on the card table where I'd left it so I cooked that shit and ate it.
Exactly zero fucks given.

>> No.20533413

>I'm a bathrobe and rimless square glasses guy.
Are you me? Is your bathrobe also maroon and 2 sizes too big so it feels like a cloak?

>> No.20533427

Dark blue, and yes. Though it's a bit short so I have to wear pants and not shorts when I go to the store, otherwise people think I'm nude underneath it.

>> No.20533433

>viewing toilet
I don't want to know, but I kinda want to know

>> No.20533444

It's a toilet that I use outdoors. It's against wood and often has sun and shade from the nearby trees. I prefer to shit under an open sky.

>> No.20533445

may the rest of your days be comfy and utilitarian in nature

>> No.20533532

>minute amounts of germs which allows your immune system to bulk up its disease-fighting capabilities.
this is why covid mask mandate was so destructive to the human race.
sure you protected yourself against covid(not really but ok) but you now weakened your immune system to ever other disease that up until now your body had been successfully fighting off.

>> No.20533594

Are you the same guy who posted his mondo turd on Toonami General a couple years ago? I've never heard 'viewing toilet' elsewhere.

>> No.20533629

Sometimes I forget to wash my hands so I’m pretty much covered.

>> No.20534019

Yeah. I'd post it again but I'd rather not quite literally shit up the thread, but it was the one with sunlight in the bowl.

>> No.20534130

I rarely eat off the floor but I only really use one bowl and plate and just kinda quickly rinse it under the tap enough to knock any chunks of stuff loose before reusing it the next day

>> No.20534161
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Damn guys...