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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.24 MB, 1664x1664, 1689078013978059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20517776 No.20517776 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Unbothered edition

If you're inexperienced start here https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're experienced what's your daily?

Previous thread >>20494463

>> No.20517792
File: 1.68 MB, 576x1024, not a hobby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is not a hobby

>> No.20517798


>> No.20517858

Spending money is my hobby

>> No.20517863

Mokafrà, please. I don't mind if you want to continue posting in these threads, just don't make the new. You can't even drink coffee or dairy anymore and your OPs are boring. FFS, you started this new the literal minute the old hit bump limit.

>> No.20517870


>> No.20517899

>t. w*man

>> No.20517944

that's a predditor

>> No.20517964

it is if you start roasting your own beanz

>> No.20517970

you still need to grow your own coffee

>> No.20518023

i plan to try someday
every so often ill plant a stray bean if it gets separated from the rest of the lot
i know its viability is unlikely at best but ive heard that sometimes theyll germinate

>> No.20518042


>> No.20518092

I like it more when the OP image is people's photos from the threads, personally

>> No.20518102

I don't mind mokafrà. Stop whining and get over it.

>> No.20518178

does too much coffee upset your tummy?

>> No.20518192

Anyone else chew their coffee beans because they can't afford a grinder?

>> No.20518199
File: 31 KB, 256x192, Godot_Sniffing_Coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Prosecutor Godot bringing to the courthouse to brew his 17 cups of coffee per trial day?

>> No.20518219

i literallyy thought your post said
Anyone else chew their coffee beans because they can't afford gender surgery?
maybe i need a break from this site

>> No.20518239

I'd rather not pour boiling water in my mouth.

>> No.20518500

One must admit his OPs are boring and uninspired.

>> No.20518678

he probably has an assistant who carts around a kalita wave and electric kettle for him
i like le funny italian man

>> No.20518741

>never made good coffee(broken moka)
>never enjoyed coffee(just came here to goon over an old Italian man with down syndrome)
>never liked by anyone
>finds out he can't drink coffee at all
>says he's going to leave forever
>doesnt leave
>is still here gooning and he doesnt even post about coffee.
you deserve only pain and suffering.
your existence proves that italians are subhuman

>> No.20518745

well unfortunately the worst person on this board is the only person who can be bothered to make a new thread.

>> No.20518751
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17 makita 12V Max and 18V Coffee Machine

>> No.20518785

I used to always pull a picture and the topic from recent discussion when I made the thread. Then the retarded Italian started crying about dossiers.

>> No.20518816

fun fact, italian towns are full of old lead pipes that leach into the drinking water.
so mokafarts mind cant comprehend just remembering information without having some kind of physical dossier

>> No.20518835

I thought this was a joke. It's not practical at all.

>> No.20518845


>> No.20518852

I chew coffee beans sometimes because they're tasty and have a nice crunch.

>> No.20518877
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>incessantly blogs about his life
>schizes out when people make fun of his life

>> No.20518885


>> No.20518892

He's not entirely fair to it in terms of practicality. With a proper sized battery you could brew 4 cups on a charge, which means 8 cups on two batteries, which is a pretty reasonable amount of coffee for a day's work. It also means you don't need to make coffee before work so you can get another 5-10 minutes of sleep, and you don't need to carry a huge jug of coffee around with you to last the whole day.

>> No.20518899

Also it's more convenient to have a coffee maker (that conveniently stores the mug) and a bag of ground coffee than a kettle, a grinder, an aeropress, a separate mug, and a bag of whole coffee.

>> No.20518936

It's more convenient to plug in a small nespresso machine.

>> No.20518940

>the only person who can be bothered to make a new
He made it the minute the previous thread hit bump limit. Very inconsiderate and rude to say the least.

>> No.20518972

squatting on a table
with a col bru

>> No.20518977

but then youd have to drink nespresso

>> No.20518995

You could bring a different brand of pod

>> No.20518999

sorry what i meant was youd have to drink a beverage brewed by a nespresso machine
i admit ive never tried specialty coffee brewed in one of those reusable pods but i feel comfortable saying its probably not good

>> No.20519007

If you're on a cold building site and someone offered you a coffee pod coffee I'm sure you'd accept and enjoy it.
My dad uses those reusable pods for his coffee that he grinds himself. They're as good as the coffee you put in them.

>> No.20519016

im not one to refuse hospitality but thats hardly the point, is it?
id rather buy the makita

>> No.20519020

>someday i will find my purpose in life.
well i guess he found it.
being an annoying cunt in /ctg/
>reddit spacing
truly insufferable

>> No.20519025
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>He made it the minute the previous thread hit bump limit.
which means he was waiting for it to happen
which means he was sitting in the thread doing nothing but waiting to make a new thread so he alone could ruin it.
i bet he looks like this

>> No.20519033

You still have to grind your own beans with that piece of shit and then you can only make a couple of coffees per charge.

>> No.20519037

sounds fine to me

>> No.20519046

You could grind your beans and use a reusable pod in the nesspresso or delonghi or whatever brand you like and make unlimited coffee though. Instead of being so limited by the battery.

>> No.20519097

>They're as good as the coffee you put in them.
there is no possible way that is true

>> No.20519108

Are you just saying retarded shit to bump the thread?

>> No.20519109
File: 844 KB, 1152x896, burnt coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling Mokafrà actually left, or at least limited his time in these threads. We have a Mokafrà impersonator in our midst.

>> No.20519128

>We have a Mokafrà impersonator in our midst.
do you think it was the same one as last year?

>> No.20519248

Mokafrà never posted in these threads.

In fact he never existed.

>> No.20519274
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>> No.20519375
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I like this TIMEMORE U French Press, it's very portable and filters the coffe great.

>> No.20519376
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Tasty cup

>> No.20519526

Having some tasty coffee

>> No.20519532

i suck at steaming milk.

>> No.20519703

I just started home brewing now every time I enter my apt the whole fucking place smells like coffee. How do I fix this

>> No.20519831

start home roasting

>> No.20519837

ESL retard.

>> No.20519856
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>> No.20519888

The design is very human.

>> No.20519928

>posted it again
you can repeat yourself as much as you like, it won't change the fact that you're wrong.

>> No.20520052

But he's not though.

>> No.20520073

it's a 100% acceptable and normal use of the word adjacent

>> No.20520077

don't sweat it, that anon is retard adjacent

>> No.20520083
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He really is moisturized.
Look at his face skin, it's so soft.
Aged like fine wine.

>> No.20520084

>position and proximity of things in relation to coffee
Dumb cunt.

>> No.20520095

I concur.
It’s the wop isn’t it?

>> No.20520099


>> No.20520105

When a normal anon makes the thread, they copy the previous OP format which uses "coffee related". The Italian retard has been co-opting the thread and changing it to "coffee adjacent" because he can't drink coffee or anything coffee related but wants attention. He drinks ground chicory, which could be considered adjacent. The attempt is to reverse gatekeep and drift this general off topic. He also used to remove the pastebin.

>> No.20520111


>> No.20520113

That doesn't help Prosecutor Godot get his maximum of 17 cups per trial day, though

>> No.20520130

actual native English speakers use "adjacent" synonymously with "related" all the time, and common usage is more important than dictionary definitions. only an ESL would object to this use of adjacent because it doesn't match their sterilized, classroom version of English that has nothing to do with real life.

>> No.20520144

>Are you two related?
No we're adjacent.

>> No.20520161

>cope post
Just admit you were wrong and we can all get along again.

>> No.20520168

You sound like a zoomer who takes YouTube “influencers” too seriously.

>> No.20520179
File: 134 KB, 961x961, 20384892539_d3bfcb01e4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He really is moisturized.
>Look at his face skin, it's so soft.
>Aged like fine wine.

>> No.20520342

>words have different acceptable uses in different contexts
welcome to English 101 anon. you should probably refrain from posting until you grasp the basics.
I would admit I was wrong if I were wrong.

>> No.20520360

>Plug in
That's the problem. If you're on a job site without power you can still use the Makita, it just uses 2 of the 6-8 charged batteries you brought with you. A bit of water from the water cooler and you're good to go.

>> No.20520619

Rare on topic goffee poster.

>> No.20520743

Usually there is access to power though and if not just use a power bank

>> No.20520752

>and if not just use a power bank
to boil a kettle
multiple times per day?
you already have batteries for tools
why carry another battery just for a kettle that cant be used for anything else.

>> No.20520839

You wouldn't, and you have not.

>> No.20520850

>to boil a kettle
For your little coffee machine and anything else you might want to plug in to it. You could make 50 coffees and it would be fine. That makita abomination kills the battery making 2 coffees and you can't even put standard pods in it.

>> No.20520860

sorry but this is the coffee time general
please leave.

>> No.20520871

Pods are coffee adjacent he's fine.

>> No.20520877

You have to use a reusable pod in the makita anyway

>> No.20520879

Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought this was the 'lusting after old Italian men' general. I'll show myself out, thanks.

>> No.20520881

Re-use deez NUTZ, nigga!

>> No.20520888
File: 124 KB, 1500x1000, Everything-You-Need-To-Know-About-Turkish-Coffee-FT-1-BLOG0822-2000-81998ccec0b845fa8d3174584a2eef5d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations of beans to buy for turkish coffee? Ive been buying a preground brand with cardamom but i figure for the sake of variety and economy i should grind my own and add my own spices. Its supposed to be light roast, but the method of brewing results in very little acidity so I figure theres no point getting something thats strongly fruity.

>> No.20520891

Many generals have this problem, autistic OP's make threads none of the other posters like that make the general look bad
And the dumbfucks are so eager to make their new thread that they dont wait until bump limit so theres multiple generals on the catalog for hours

>> No.20520900
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, reduce, reuse, recycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot adjacent image.

>> No.20520911
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The bastard thread-sniped us which leads me to believe it's not Mokafrà. Mokafrà is annoying yes, but I'd like to think he's a little more courteous than this.

>> No.20520931

You think the guy who spent months spamming his failed Instagram is courteous?

>> No.20521009
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Feeling cute, might delete later.

>> No.20521033

>most straight italian man

>> No.20521144
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You don't think there is a good chance someone could be spamming his shit and copying his posting style for the lols? I think it's likely.

>> No.20521202
File: 282 KB, 719x784, Screenshot_20240523-200947_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ol' glass o' milk foam. Yeah, I guess you could say I'm livin' lavish.

>> No.20521206

>Any recommendations of beans
No, this is the italian adjacent seething general.

>> No.20521274

I think that's a shitty cop out he's been using for months.

>> No.20521288

its NIGGER you dumb jungle gorilla

>> No.20521313
File: 76 KB, 486x1000, 71HI+F9G+vL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a taster and this is my choice.

>> No.20521331

Wonderful choice, sir. Will that be for here, or to go?

>> No.20521336

My apologies. You see, I am not entirely familiar with the linguistics around these parts. I am visiting from sugan. It's quite lovely this time of year, I invite you to visit should you get the chance.

>> No.20521438

What's the best low effort and cheap way to measure water temperature for my Aeropress?
At the very least I'd like to check the water temp of my tap water and whether it's consistent so I can mix ratios with boiling kettle water.

>> No.20521491

Here you go:
aliexpress com/item/1005006861690863.html
I'm assuming you don't want anything electronic with batteries that might fail, yes? This should be accurate enough for your purposes.

>> No.20521500

Actually, these ones are a bit better for water temperature:
aliexpress com/item/1005006284037752.html
aliexpress com/item/1005003354941045.html
This isn't a blind recommendation. I have this thermometer on a stovetop kettle, and I have verified the accuracy with a digital thermometer.

>> No.20521544

Yeah thanks that looks good, I like the look of the clip especially

>> No.20521594

Waste of effort, temperature drop once mixed withe the coffee and in contact with air and aeropress will vary wildly.

>> No.20521601

It's still good to hone in on it, I'm not expecting what I get to be 100% accurate.
Like I said I'm more interested in how cold my tapwater is so I can figure out the general ratio of that to boiled water.

>> No.20521694

Wasting your time, just enjoy coffee

>> No.20521701
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And other coffee adjacent plant based beverages like tea, roasted chicory, Jamaican peanut punch, and lemonade.

>> No.20521798

Really like my orea, what type of recipe are you guys doing?

>> No.20521874

Hmm, I'm doing a little coffee, a little water. Y' know? The yoosgh. How about yourself?

>> No.20521947
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>> No.20522080

I picked up some heavily discounted lavazza pods

>> No.20522159
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just got me self a cuppa innit

>> No.20522235


>> No.20522248
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oh sorry
i think bosnia and herzegovina is a silly country
they are almost landlocked by croatia if it wasn't for a tiny little bit of coastline
and what's more is the the town that is located here is called Neum, but its just a vacation type place.
its not a big port like you would expect for a countries only access to the ocean.
regardless it looks beautiful, unlike croatia.

>> No.20522271

Ever been to Međugorje?

>> No.20522272
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recently got a clever dripper
anyone else use it?
im not a filter guy so its hard to tell if im making good coffee.
but i guess if i like it then its good.
anyway i watched the hoffmann video on it and followed his advice but for me i just think everything he said was wrong
i ground the same as him and it was just totally wrong, super weak
i did water first then coffee like he said and didnt like it at all
same time he steeped for
and he said to not use the lid since there isnt a real benefit
but i found its at least 10c hotter in the brewer and 5-7c hotter once drained into the cup.
i found using the lid. using the same grind size as i would for a moka, a higher dose(25g) more water(300g) and longer steep(4 minutes instead of 2) and coffee then water which has a drawdown of 2 minutes.
a much much tastier cup of coffee.
not bitter
not acidic
not sour
not astringent
not hollow
not weak
just a tasty cup

BUT in the video he is using different filters than the ones that come with the dripper.
so, could these different filters be making that much of a difference? or are his and my filter coffee preferences just polar opposite which is why his advice didnt work for me?
thanks for reading my blog
oh and i was using this coffee.

>> No.20522278

but it looks nice :)
does it have any church bell towers that chime during the day?
i like places like that
going to a place that doesnt have bell chimes is kinda depressing after living in a town that does for so long

>> No.20522285

At least during the pilgrimage there is.

>> No.20522333

Can't stand when the packaging doesn't give actual flavor notes

>> No.20522346

>flavor notes
maybe taste the fucking coffee and decide for yourself

>> No.20522349

also im more annoyed that it says wild and its actually very mild
so if they cant even do that right why the fuck would i trust what they have to say about what it supposedly tastes like?

>> No.20522362
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>> No.20522372

The aroma features hints of chocolate and dried fruit

>> No.20522406

the tasting notes are "Red fruits, grapefruit, & coffee cherry"

>> No.20522427

full-bodied velvety coffee. Robusta lends it a chocolaty flavour, making it the best coffee for bakery products. It is also a great breakfast coffee that can be enjoyed with cookies.

>> No.20522473

goodmorning gpt

>> No.20522502

stainless steel absolutely destroys the flavor of coffee and I'm tired of redditors telling me it doesn't

>> No.20522521
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>> No.20522530

I'm going to be having it with a croissant tomorrow.

>> No.20522561

I have K6 and I want to try hoffmeme french press method, how many clicks should I set up my grinder?

>> No.20522629

Milwaukee has adopters that'll take an 18v battery and give you a 120v plug. Not sure how many coffees it would make, but you should still be able to use your batteries regardless of your brewing method.

>> No.20522657
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think im gonna have a hot choccy(home made)

>> No.20522723

mmmmm yep
thats a good hot choccy

>> No.20522867

Don't forget the hot choccy!

>> No.20522922

Somewhere around 90 – 120 clicks depending on the bean and roast.

>> No.20523040


>> No.20523088
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>order 2-3 month supply specialty beans
>arriving tomorrow
>decide it's time to clean machine & grinder
>remove water tank and wash it out
>remove shower screen, gasket and unscrew water dispersion plate
>replace water and add 2 tbsp powder citric acid, mix well
>scrub dispersion plate and soak it in a bowl filled with same citric acid solution
>put tank back in machine and run to refill boiler let sit 20 min, backflush, wand flush
>repeat until tank empty
>refill tank with cold water, run to flush boiler, group and wand
>repeat until two tanks worth of water spent
>replace dispersion plate, gasket, and shower screen
>remove hopper from grinder
>upend and tap to tap out waste grind
>replace hopper drop in some urnex
>grind while sliding grind level sliders
>repeat with one more helping of urnex for good measure
>upend grinder to tap out waste grind
>use brush and vacuum on burrs to suck out whever that missed
>grind some old beans just to get any urnex i missed
>all done

My beans arrived this morning and wow what a difference a clean machine makes. This maintenance isn't even that time consuming but it's sooooo easy to overlook it. Went over a year since I bought the gasket & showerscreen kit and I was already due for that 6 mo maintenance back then.

>> No.20523255
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, wakata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that thumbnail, you had me thinking something was going to go wrong. Glad it worked out!

>> No.20523263
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>> No.20523319

the only thing that went wrong was not doing it sooner. tl;dr is done't miss your 6 month maintenance cycles!

>> No.20523339
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Yum yum in Tum City!

>> No.20523353

what kind of machine do you have

>> No.20523360
File: 362 KB, 891x720, 20240524-144210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Und für 'ssert-fast.

>> No.20523374

Coffee machine.

>> No.20523454

brand and model?

>> No.20523483

Mr. Coffee machine

>> No.20523488

just wondering

>> No.20523492

Silvia v3 PID and Vario is my daily driver. I also have a Bezzera B07 which I use for straight espressso (typically use it for ice latte and iced americano preparations)

>> No.20523521

Anyone here had Yunnan Hali beans before?

>> No.20523572

Any of you homos going to the /ck/ meetup?

>> No.20523734

I don't think I'd wanna go even if I was close enough. besides, I only come to this board for this general.

>> No.20523742
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_20240524_111601_419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ode v2 just arrived, hope you like my set up :D

>> No.20523762
File: 282 KB, 800x800, 1703813413059654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted about this thing a couple of days ago, Casabrews CM5418 espresso maker. It's decent! The tamper it comes with is thin plastic dog shit as is standard with basically any espresso machine. It claims 20 bars but dials itself in at 8 to 10, so good espresso range, and it actually warns you in the manual that if your machine is putting in more than that much pressure you should probably RMA it. Milk steaming wand works, but it doesn't come with a small pitcher or anything so that you can, you know, steam milk without needing to buy further equipment.

For $139 I'm very pleased with it.

>> No.20523766

did you sand down the carrier for hyper alignmentrino

>> No.20523768

pull a shot and record it

>> No.20523774

Ill probably get a kilo of lavazza and just go through 250gs a day so I can season it
Good coffee tho

>> No.20523915
File: 30 KB, 551x612, istockphoto-175991375-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the seasoning autism

>> No.20523927

Good coffee I mean its brewing really well, I have some coffee collective with me rn
Lavazza is dogshit

>> No.20523994

I think I saw this on r/coffee

>> No.20524075

Lavazza Qualità Rossa

>> No.20524084

I have a light roast batch, so I think I'll try somewhere around 95-100, thanks

>> No.20524351

>iced latte
...Is this just espresso + ice + milk directly from the fridge? Why is this a thing?

>> No.20524516

Peolle who live in places where it's hot still want coffee but not hot coffee

>> No.20524600
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>It's decent!
not it isn't
this is decent ;)

>> No.20524602

im not a discord user so no

>> No.20524606


>> No.20524607

I've never met a Peolle before. What are they like?

>> No.20524611

they are like people but shorter

>> No.20524682

You a funny guy. I kill you last.

>> No.20524705

I said to a zoomer at work, he took it as a genuine threat.

>> No.20524719
File: 153 KB, 852x1000, come 2 poppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are too kind. I kiss you first.

>> No.20524754

Update: set at 100, tasted somewhat thinner than my usual hoffmeme aeropress brew, but still smooth, clean, and good. Probably will adjust it few clicks down, thanks anon.

>> No.20524770

this >>20524719
isnt me
this is me

>> No.20524786

What is Chicory.
Is it good?

>> No.20524835
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My condolences for your short stature.

>> No.20524844

It's like if coffee and tea had an uncaffeinated child.

>> No.20524846

That's what I had for breakfast

>> No.20524983


>> No.20524999

It's kind of like a tea which tates like a coffee and doesn't have caffeine

>> No.20525081

>want to try hoffmeme french press method
>french press

>hoffmeme aeropress brew

Well, which is it? My original 90 - 120 recommendation was for Hoff French press. My recommendation for aeropress is 60 - 90 clicks on K6, just for your information.

>> No.20525112

I dont use reddit, if you reverse search you wont find it

>> No.20525124

why close to a thousand on an espresso machine when a moka pot costs like 12 bucks

>> No.20525127

because a moka makes moka and an espresso machine makes espresso
also any moka less than $100 is garbage.

>> No.20525134

not true, mine lasted a year until the handle fell off but i hammered it back in

>> No.20525138

>he thinks im talking about build quality

>> No.20525147

it's a funnel with holes in it

>> No.20525310


>> No.20525439

obvious, no need to sign your posts

>> No.20525493

>i know you are but what am i

>> No.20525519

see >>20523762

>> No.20525969

What do you prefer?

>> No.20526195

Glass adjacent materials.

>> No.20526356
File: 53 KB, 515x384, drippin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted the porcelain orea but these were finally back in stock.

>> No.20526413

I will never buy a dripper with rubber touching water again. Taste it way too much on my clever

>> No.20526437

its silicone not rubber.

>> No.20526450
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>> No.20526527

we both know you meant rubber, not silicone
because as we both know, they taste different.
which is why a common tasting note of dark roast coffee is rubber, not silicone.

>> No.20526590

Got some cheap cold brew from the store. It just taste like chocolate, no acquired taste neeeded. Is this what "good" coffee is like?

>> No.20526618

check the ingredients

>> No.20526627

this is what untreated mentall illness looks like

>> No.20526636

Nah, he's right.

>> No.20526641


>> No.20526701

Yuo have inspired me! Today, I vvill brew my purover into a mug in which I will place some choacolate.

>> No.20526727

>Natural Flavor
oh... have I just been drinking artificial coffee flavor

>> No.20526750

no im just saying, make sure its just coffee
you never know.

>> No.20526902
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Does coffee education actually have an influence on normalfag k-cup drinkers?

>> No.20527053
File: 145 KB, 576x520, chocfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on chocolate coffee concoction:
I put about a teaspoon each of evaporated milk and raw cane sugar in the mug along with 10g of 70% chocolate broken into small chunks. The fatal flaw came when I decided to mix a teaspoon of cacao powder into the coffee in the filter. The additional cacao powder in the filter stalled what should have been a 3 – 4 minute brew into a 28+ minute brew. I knew it would slow it down, but I didn't think it would be this severe. I decided to pull it at 28 minutes because I just got tired of waiting. Brewed coffee tasted like, surprise surprise, coffee mixed with hot chocolate! I think if I ever want to put cacao in the filter with the coffee again, I will grind cacao nibs at the same grind setting as the coffee.

>> No.20527172

recs for grinders in the $100-200 range?

>> No.20527204

I prefer brewing my coffee separately like normal and then adding powder or chocolate flakes to the finished espresso.

>> No.20527211

I have a Krups burr grinder that's lasted 15 years, still going strong

>> No.20527327

>raw cane sugar
raw cane sugar is a chunk of sweet tasting wood.
otherwise there is no such thing as "raw" sugar.

>> No.20527358

My apologies. I suppose the correct term would be unrefined cane sugar. The jar says "100% natural cane sugar". Demerara brand.

>> No.20527360

You never know until you try, eh?

>> No.20527526
File: 246 KB, 6857x513, yoinkv13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got options. What kind of coffees are you brewing?

>> No.20527553

The coffee kind.

>> No.20527582

real machines have an LED that informs you it's time to run the cleaning program.

>> No.20527844

i'm just using a drip right now, i wanted to get a decent grinder before investing in other methods

>> No.20527860

Pod machine is better

>> No.20527873

Kingrinder k6 is the price/performance sweet spot.

>> No.20528339

If you think I can distinguish between the taste of rubber and silicone you're mistaken.

>> No.20528601
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>> No.20528606
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>The fatal flaw came when I decided to mix a teaspoon of cacao powder into the coffee in the filter. The additional cacao powder in the filter stalled what should have been a 3 – 4 minute brew into a 28+ minute brew

>> No.20528661

>made by modifying the naturally occurring chemical element of silicon

>> No.20528844

Filter and I have Comandante. Had it a while now its pretty good but better grinders have come out but I have no desire to change or upgrade at the moment.

>> No.20528862

>recs for a grinder
>I have one and no desire to change

>> No.20528864

Get a K6

>> No.20529627


>> No.20529638

Just got my Hario Switch in the mail, this thing smells like a fucking condom. Is it safe to put hot water through this? Am I going to accumulate microplastics in my balls from drinking coffee made with it?

>> No.20529655

Yes, throw it immediately into the bin.

>> No.20529660
File: 2.35 MB, 1843x1076, 1697947269154542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made macarons for pleasant cobbee adjacent nibble.

>> No.20529710

That's a nice cup some and some good looking macarons

>> No.20529740

You just can't help yourself huh?

>> No.20530226

just rinse it out with boiling water like 10 or so times and it should go away
all new plastic things smell like shit when you first get them

>> No.20530254
File: 90 KB, 1002x1000, 1687307855148776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a bag of this
fucking gross
tastes like melted camembert
but im at a decently fine grind so maybe lower it a few clicks and it will change the taste.

>> No.20530264

howd you brew it? when was it roasted?

>> No.20530282

>howd you brew it?
clever dripper :)
gonna do a moka later
um roasted 2 weeks ago it think.
i have alot of coffee so im only just getting around to it.

but i dont think that its how i brewed it because the way it tastes in my cup is how the grounds smelled and how the beans smelled when i opened it.
so i think thats just how it is.

>> No.20530305

Espresso roast in a clever is an odd choice. Hopefully you can get something (more) drinkable out of the moka.

>> No.20530314

i dont have any experience with clever drippers or padre beans but keep an open mind, most competently roasted coffee can be made palatable in one way or another

>> No.20530341

It is a nice cup indeed although i prefer a cup handle for tall all black coffee drinks. The macarons were super tasty, they were lemon flavour.

I made like thirty macarons, helped myself as much as i liked anon.

>> No.20530344

i know it says espresso roast but its not, which shocked me when i opened it. its like a medium light.
padre has been all over the place recently when it comes to what they consider espresso vs filter roast.
i think it should be mandatory to include a picture of the roasted beans that are in the bag. because so many times i order for filter or espresso and its like bro do you even know what these words are supposed to mean?

>> No.20530347

Something something apple pie from scratch

>> No.20530351

well they dont really mean anything, do they?
ive had fantastic filter coffee from french roasts and fantastic espresso from city roasts
i suppose roasters are concerned that those terms will just confuse consumers
but as we have demonstrated here, theyre already confused
perhaps a little plastic window on the bag would be helpful but of course that would drive up costs

>> No.20530357
File: 46 KB, 1000x515, 4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going by what the site says. Its a ~1000m double fermented brazilian with some development time on it they recommend at a 1:1.7 ratio. Wouldn't be my first choice for a great cup of filter. Probably cuts through milk great though.

>> No.20530374

that chart seems a bit reductive but i support anything that makes people think more about the quality of the coffee they buy

>> No.20530375

>Probably cuts through milk great though.
yeh i added some milk to make it drinkable which i really dont like to do with filter but it made it ok.
i think my first post was from shock but now that i have had a couple hours to think about it im excited to drink more of it and dial it in.
also im sure my ratio was wrong, i was pretty rushed this morning and then had my plans canceled just as i was about to leave haha.

>> No.20530437
File: 126 KB, 1200x715, blog-scribblers-taste-your-way-up-the-mountain_3eeeb7ea-0064-4f1d-bcd3-d76e112f9b53_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I usually post. Whats important to know is coffee grows and ripens slower at high altitudes. Denser fruits, more "complex" flavors. Brazil is the capital of cheap commodity coffee because they have a shitload of "low elevation" farmland so they get to pump out tons of quick growing, (mid) arabica and robusta. You can grow robusta at sea level just fine. Arabica likes mountains. Not knocking what padrenon bought at all, its just expected. Doublefermented low altitude brazilian is going to have a different flavor of funk than double fermented east africans, or 1900m columbian.
Good luck! Let us know if you solve that. I had to work my way thought 5lbs of brazilian maragogype that was straight hazelnut a while back. No matter the roast,recipe, or method, always fucking chalky hazelnuts. Someone else would have been in heaven.

>> No.20530454

High Altitude Chads wwa?

>> No.20530464
File: 2.25 MB, 2160x2160, 1713559195289759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knocking what padrenon bought at all, its just expected. Doublefermented low altitude brazilian is going to have a different flavor of funk than double fermented east africans, or 1900m columbian.
ngl i didnt even know it was fermented at all.
i literally just bought it because it was new in stock and i had tried everything else.
i also got a bag of this
again because it was new.
padre has been kinda mid this last year and the selection hasn't been really what im into, but five senses has been consistently great.
so i just got to padre/five senses/proud mary/single O, every couple of weeks and just pick up whatever is new in stock.
i am about half way through a bag of this and its been fantastic.
i have been on vacation for about a month so time to get back into things.

>> No.20530470

sipping on a washed PNG right now, 1700 masl
fantastic stuff
>burundi anaerobic washed
sounds delicious

>> No.20530525
File: 73 KB, 1000x431, burundi-gatara-kayanza-gakenke-1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rwandan, ethiopian, and burundi cups today. Running low on the R and B, going to have to reup on greens in a few months.
Yeah you have to look at what they're actually doing to the beans. Hard to fit it all on the label and most people don't give a shit. I had a "double washed" kenyan last year(?) that was washed, fermented for 15 hours, and washed again. Very tasty. Like funky spiced lime wine.
>Brazil Rafael Vinhal 100%
>The Red Catuai variety, washed and double-fermented, is from the Cerrado Mineiro region and is grown 980 meters above sea level. This elevation, correlated with the region's unique microclimate, gives the coffee its expected unique profile.

>> No.20530851

Should have bought Daddy's Girl baka

>> No.20531137

>Yes, Sydney is a laid-back beach town and the atmosphere in its cafe most certainly matches the vibe
so is every article written by ai now?
there is no way a human wrote that.

>> No.20531482

>Good luck! Let us know if you solve that.
mm made a latte with my moka
more sweetness
the overpowering funk has been dulled
nutty notes are coming through
its still super funky but at least it can be enjoyed now
this cup has given me hope for the bag :)

>> No.20531489
File: 712 KB, 1080x1920, mooncroissant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A coffee with this feel?

>> No.20531605

I just bought myself a Bambino plus and grinder.
Are there any suggestions for portafilter upgrades, or is the standard included one good enough?

>> No.20531769

>I just bought myself a Bambino plus and grinder.
What grinder

>> No.20531815
File: 2.15 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20240525_121145133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my new purchase /ctg/ Only took me 6 extra weekend shifts.

>> No.20531833

The Sage Smart Grinder Pro

>> No.20531853

how does it compare to the skerton pro?

>> No.20531980

60g bloom + swirl
60g pour + swirl
poured into 80g of ice
got me some choco in sw's ethiopia. it isnt the first time i get choco in a light roast from sw (el salvador rainbow bourbon). very nice and clean.

>> No.20532152

espresso is just a preperation method. medium light is the trend for third wave espresso. if you wanted charcoal then buy costco beans. if you want good coffee look at the label and if the tasting notes sound to your liking then buy it regardless of how you intend to prepare it. i enjoy lighter ethiopian single origin in my espresso and often have to buy a "filter roast" just to get the right kind of beans i enjoy.

>> No.20532164
File: 335 KB, 1075x1428, KakaoTalk_20240524_203539608_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had her, only points of comparison I have are 1)my DF64 gen 2, 2) my Niche Zero, 3) local cafe's Weber EG-1 (caveat that their puck prep is not as careful as mine because they're a cafe). Biggest impression is that it's hard to mess up coffee with the Max, like even if I'm careless I get a lot more clarity than I used to and less harshness.

>> No.20532165

Looks like a qualitative solid and good build. What model and brand is this?

>> No.20532202

What burrs did you get? I almost snagged a kafatek back in 2022 but went with my wug sweet instead.

>> No.20532204


>> No.20532384

Thanks anon. Will look into this.

>> No.20532471
File: 2.86 MB, 5912x3938, sswscr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatboy just did a video on the max2. TLDR they're nearly entirely machined in seattle,+ top of the line bearings and jap motor. Motor and driver are "off the shelf" which is good for futureproofing. Used to use ssp burrs but they got tired of slient revisions/updates so they make their own now.

>> No.20532492

Anyone here tried making pour-overs with their Eureka Specialita? If the problem is too many fines, then wouldn't slow feeding completely eliminate that? Or even just methods that involve less agitation/pours. I really don't trust Redditors who tell me to get a whole new grinder for better pour-overs...

>> No.20532496


>> No.20532517

every time I try to make microfoam I make macrofoam instead, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.20532530

You make macrofoam instead of microfoam baka

>> No.20532541

Why would you work six extra shifts just to buy something you already have (a high end grinder)? You clearly can't afford it considering you saved up for it over six weeks. You don't have any other hobbies? Nothing else you'd rather spend your hard earned money on? Shit dude, you already have two other nice grinders. Not clowning on you, I'm genuinely flabbergasted at how people can spend their money so frivolously. Hell, you could just spend that money on some nicer coffee beans. That would have a greater impact on your brews than the jumps between any of those grinders. You're brewing coffee in your bathroom, for goodness sake! At least allocate some space on your kitchen before buying a nicer grinder.

>> No.20532577

This is what espresso faggotry gets you.
Stick to V60, kids.

>> No.20532590

What frother are you using?

>> No.20532601


>> No.20532609
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>> No.20532622
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SLM burrs, according to online owners they're the most forgiving. But I plan to buy SSW at some point when I get bored of my current setup.

I think you misunderstand, I do the extra shifts so that I don't have to deprive myself off my other hobbies/traveling/etc. I'm seldom pressed for disposable income, but I do like having a long-term project to work on and for me, having the best possible setup is a project worthy of spending some Saturday mornings at work when I could be sleeping late instead.
I'm very aware that the returns are diminishing the more expensive you go, and cannot speak for the quality difference between i.e. a $1200 Zerno Z1 and a $3,600 MAX2, but for the jump I made the difference is night and day and it has meant maybe 30% of my espresso coming out great to >80% of it doing so.
My next project is to get a machine that will allow me to automate temperature and pressure profiling, but I'm not sure whether I want to uninstall all the manual pressure/PID mods off my GCP and install a Gaggiuino (installing the current setup took me enough time that it might not be worth it) or just buy something like a Decent.

>you're brewing coffee in your bathroom
No this is a little space in my apartment living room which I use for coffee equipment

>> No.20532634

it's the steam wand on a saeco incanto deluxe

>> No.20532675

I'm not familiar with panarello wands but the comments from the comf lesbo granny keeno say

>Hello, Make sure the hole at the top of your panarello is not blocked with milk, and as you froth be sure to keep this area clear of milk. Be sure that you have the panarello insert peaking out from the end of your panarello sleeve by about 1/8 to 1/4 or an inch. Also keep in mind that the Incanto still uses a panarello rather than a traditional milk frothing wand, and so you will end up with larger bubbles rather than smaller micro foam. Because of this panarello, you should need to simply insert the tip into milk at the right height and allow the machine to do the work of heating and building volume. You can incorporate large bubbles at the end of frothing by swirling and tapping the frothing pitcher on your counter. Practice is key, but hopefully this helps you! - Teri
>You definitely don’t want to submerge too far if you want foam or no air can be drawn in and you won’t be able to build foam, just heat your milk. If you are using a very large frothing pitcher, you may have trouble reaching the correct level on the panarello sleeve. If you’re using a very small frothing pitcher, the milk may spill over if the pitcher is too full. No matter which size frothing pitcher you choose, filling it about halfway up is ideal. Milk types like 1% versus whole milk, as well as different brands and sometimes even the age of the milk may all contribute to the your frothing. Keep trying- I am sure you will be able to obtain results you like! - Teri


>> No.20532693
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I don't know, man... Looks like a bathroom to me.

>> No.20532701
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Good shit. I was set on the 75mm LM when I was looking at one but ended up with the wug. About the same price with lab sweets but it shipped quicker and kafatek orders were closed. Are you the anon I rec'd the sey chelbessa to the other day?

>> No.20532727
File: 515 KB, 650x497, b6vPjah[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you swap conical/flat burrs with the Wug? For the functionality it looks pretty slick.

I haven't posted in ctg in a hot minute but someone here recommended Sey, Flower Child, and Hydrangea to me some time ago. Love all of them. If that was you, big thanks

I actually opened a bag of Chelbessa today and it's the tits. Half of it is now sitting in a vacuum container in my freezer now in case they stop selling soon, and I'm buying some more once my current coffee runs out.

>> No.20532763
File: 757 KB, 3024x2800, PXL_20230128_2101595292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the idea when I bought it but I haven't gotten around to it. I've been real happy with the LS for 2 years now. I do want to eventually snag a set of weber ULFs to swap in.
>Sey, Flower Child, and Hydrangea
Yeah that's me lol. You should probably add moonwake and the picky chemist to that list too.

>> No.20532778

I've bought moonwake recently, loved it, stalking them every week for something I like. Will try the picky chemist. Thanks for the great recs my man

>> No.20532802

>my apartment living room
Oh no no no, boy! You need to be buying land, my brother, not more coffee equipment.

Seriously though, you ever try saving money? And I'm not just talking about three or four digits here.

>> No.20532809

shit I didn't even realize it used a different kind of steam wand. thanks anon. guess I'll just have to tap and swirl very aggressively idk

>> No.20532823

>just have to tap and swirl very aggressively
That's what I told her, but she still didn't get it.

>> No.20533125
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i just dont think these are filter beans
moka only
thats ok i tried.
this morning wasn't really any better than yesterday.
oh well
not gonna try and force a square peg through a round hole.

sunny day. from my bedroom i can see only the horizon in every direction, not a cloud in sight.
leaves arent moving an inch
ice cold in the shade, too hot in the sun

mm its a good morning.

>> No.20533206
File: 2.79 MB, 3162x4624, PXL_20240526_011658868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this Breville Bambino thing after asking /ctg/ (some of you recommended the Gaggia I know) and it's decent, I'm pretty happy since now I can have decent coffee without having spent a fuckton of money. Even with this preground stuff (does /ctg/ like it?)

Anyway, my question is: the portafilter has two spouts or whatever they're called while I almost always make single shots. I could buy a new portafilter... but is there some kind of adapter I could use? I mean the portafilter is fine (fine-ish, it's plastic inside), I just want to funnel into one stream.

>> No.20533207

>cafe bustelo
oh anon...

>> No.20533220

give it to me anon, what should I get instead

>> No.20533234

well you should get a grinder and grind specialty coffee.
but even if you didnt want to do that.
buying pre ground specialty coffee will be 1000x better than cafe bustelo
i mean its really just bottom of the barrel stuff.
also i dont understand why you want "I just want to funnel into one stream."
is it just a visual thing? because its not like the coffee is going anywhere else but into the cup.

>> No.20533240

Thanks, yeah my next thing would be finding a decent coffee roaster nearby. It's funny how, anyway, this is much better coffee than I could previously make with anything else. I would say it even compares to a nearby coffee shop (Cherry St, in Seattle if that rings a bell to anyone)

>also i dont understand why you want "I just want to funnel into one stream."
>is it just a visual thing? because its not like the coffee is going anywhere else but into the cup
I've been using a very small cup I got in Japan that I like a lot. If I had a bigger one it would not be an issue, yeah.

Also, I'm getting some splatter when the coffee hits the cup. The drop is pretty big. Do you guys supplement the height of the base somehow? Or is it a non-issue for bigger cups?

>> No.20533256

>Also, I'm getting some splatter when the coffee hits the cup.
could you take a picture with the cup under it or even better when its brewing
and on the topic of portafilters im afraid i dont know anything but i think its a pretty standard 54mm so you should be able to find something you like pretty easily

>> No.20533270

>could you take a picture with the cup under it or even better when its brewing
it's gonna make a huge mess, let me take pictures without it running

>> No.20533275
File: 3.64 MB, 3472x4624, PXL_20240528_010509686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

size comparison, small cup I know

>> No.20533279
File: 2.42 MB, 3472x4624, PXL_20240528_010528084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big drop, which would splatter

>> No.20533283
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what I usually do: hold right under the spouts

retarded I know

the full distance from the spouts to the base is slightly over 5", cup height is slightly less than 2"

>> No.20533328
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>> No.20533336

i think its time for a new cup

>> No.20533356

thanks /ctg/

>> No.20533392

I'm shifting between the Weber and the Mono Max after all i've seen so far in the reviews.
Fact is, i want an "end game grinder" so i don't have to worry about it anymore.

Wife and i do brew moka pot, espresso and also french press sometimes, although we tend to mostly brew moka pot.
I experimented a lot with coarseness and different roasts.
A real experimenting field.

>> No.20533399

can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning so I can drink more cobbee

>> No.20533406

blessed cobbee drinker

>> No.20533421

I'll shill the wug all day. The endgame experimental grinder if you ask me. You could grab weber burrs and save yourself $2k.

>> No.20533710
File: 197 KB, 1240x824, Weber-EG-1-grinder-V3-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never operated the EG-1 myself but seen it in a bar and did lots of research between the two options when I ended up buying my Mono Max.

Overall I decided to bite the bullet and wait for the Max because a) I seldom drink anything other than espresso (If I drank more pourover I might have gone for EG1) where the Monolith just seems to shine, b) I want it to last at least 5 years and if I need to service it, I can just ship it to a guy in the US (not sure if Weber services machines from Taiwan)

To summarize what I got (largely from hearsay of owners)

EG-1 pros over Max2
-Better workflow
-Blind burrs that are magnetically attached and relatively easy to switch compared to Max2- easy enough you could try multiple burrs in a day. This is probably a benefit of the Wug2 as >>20533421 says except the Wug also does conicals which is pretty neat. The Kafatek guy Denis says he has tried putting blind burrs in the Max and it did not significantly impact flavor, but he's not particularly impartial here
-The consensus is that core burrs are good for espresso, and the Ultra burrs are the best or among the best in the endgame market for pourovers (not sure if this also applies to French press)
-The EG-1 is very pretty (if you're dishing $4,000 it might as well look beautiful on your counter)
-You don't have to wait until the fall to get one unlike the Max
-The retention is actually consistently pretty low, and when you use the purge button it purges the system pretty well, don't have to use silly plastic bellows

>> No.20533714

Max2 pros over EG-1
-Everything >>20532471 said; the build is very solid and motor is rated for more hours than you will be grinding your whole life. Oldest Max1 models still show up on marketplace and seem to be doing pretty well. Within the Max2, updates can be installed by Kafatek/the user similar to Decent machines
-Additionally, the Kafatek owner Denis Basaric is pretty responsive to users and they have an active forum community where they come up with mods if that's your kind of thing. Both Denis and Lyn Weber seem to be polarizing characters in their own right but Denis has been nothing but attentive to my requests/questions
-SLM (I have these) and SSW are pretty great and proprietary and the grinder spins opposite the direction so you won't be able to get them if you buy another 98mm machine. From what I can gather, they're better for espresso than the EG1 cores (matches my experience with cafe's EG1 vs my Max2)
-I've read mixed stuff about EG-1 stalling, not sure if it was a bad batch or a universal issue but the Max2 will spin at <100 rpm and not stall. I don't know that the rpm itself is of much significance in the final product (people disagree on this) but I like that I won't have to worry about whether my beans aren't roasted enough (one reason I did not go for a Lagom 01 or p100) - see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aweHJd9KM70
-Less tall than the EG-1 and still pretty
-Less loud than the EG-1. I upgraded from a DF64 which I'm pretty sure has done irreparable damage to my hearing so this mattered to me

But still, if you're thinking of dishing a buncha money into a grinder also worth thinking about >>20533421 (esp if you like conicals and want the versatility) or the Lagom 01 (a lot cheaper than a Max2)

>> No.20533735
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Congrats on the new gear. Current Gaggia (EVO) is apparently shedding metal from its own boiler and the US vendors are not very responsive to return requests, so you dodged a bullet there.

And if you ever decide to buy a grinder, there are tons of people selling good quality used ones at discount online (there's a coffeeswap subreddit and one of the espresso discords has a marketplace, but the Facebook marketplace occasionally has them too if you live in a big city.

PS try buying from Elm if you're in Seattle. I've had no bad experiences with them.

>> No.20533794 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20533808

>PS try buying from Elm if you're in Seattle. I've had no bad experiences with them.
Thank you based Seattleite, I'll keep them in mind.

>> No.20533819

Looks like we hit the bump limit, new thread

>> No.20533965 [DELETED] 

whats the best bang for buck french press without plastic or other questionable things

>> No.20534028

Thanks for the summary of your impression and details around these grinders.
What i like about the EG-1 is the smooth workflow and it seems it's a good choice for the entire range of coffee making. I also like the easy access to the burrs and that they're easily exchangeable. What i don't like with it is the sound. In all videos i've seen the EG-1 sounds like an electromotor that's dying.
The Max2 pro sounds a lot better.

Since i'm in the machine engineering business, i think i can service these griders well without the need of a service hub.
Living in Europe, neither of them is built in my region and i think none of these brands has a service point here.
Maybe one can get the EG-1 to reach the Max2 pros capability of making expresso by changing to a different set of burrs? I'm eager to find out desu.
Money isn't the problem on my side, but i don't want to buy both of them, just to resell the one i'm not keeping.