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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.28 MB, 1242x925, Ck cookout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20532353 No.20532353 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at noon at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies (no /k/um brownies)
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it
12. your car so that everyone from /o/ can criticize it
13. a deck of cards, a chess set, or checkers
14. a notebook to get everyone's number so that you can have new frens to call
15. a whistle incase you want to referee the basketball/football game that breaks out.
16. A nametag for yourself and the potluck dish that you brought so that people know who to sue if they eat your /k/um brownies
17. An Iron skillet or other pan to cook omelets on.
18 Paper plates, plastic forks, and other cutlery
19. Bug spray and sun screen

>> No.20532360

Cookout, hook up, fook off. Simple as.

>> No.20532363

are incels allowed? I'll wear my Pepe costume for a laugh

>> No.20532372

Next year's cookout needs to be in Boston.

>> No.20532486

why has everythread devolved into requests to open carry? why cant we just have a normal cookouit

>> No.20532493 [DELETED] 

their are going to drunk niggers in the area
it's a good idea to be armed

>> No.20532494

See point 16 in OP.

>> No.20532495

im making the best bean dip yall will ever have! it has special ingredients!

>> No.20532500

Will there be a Swastkaget?

>> No.20532507

We want to ensure that no women show up

>> No.20532516

someone better go just to take pics proving that no one went

>> No.20532518

Because barbecue guns are a thing
I have one, a nice SIG 1911, but I haven't commissioned a holster for it but it's OK I'm a thousand miles away and won't be able to make it
Sorry, frens
I can help you pick out a nice gun and help with recipes

>> No.20532519
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im going to fuck the women that show up

>> No.20532532

they shall be sexually harrassed for sure.

>> No.20532559

Make a thread then.

>> No.20532632

I mean this seems fun but I don't want to be in the 4chan meetup image

>> No.20532648

>why has everythread devolved into requests to open carry?
see that fibby agent in the op's pic?

>> No.20532665
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there better be a fucking live thread going on when this happens.

>> No.20532723

who do you think is coming to a /ck/ cookout

>> No.20532726

/ck/ barbeque
every is so fucking afraid of getting spiked or food poisoning from other anon's cooking that they only allow prepackaged foods

>> No.20532786
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I live in Plano but I'm not going to this shit show. It doesn't make any sense and none of my concerns have been addressed by the many OPs who've posted this thread in the last month.

If all we're doing is bringing prepackaged, vacuum sealed food, then this entire meetup is pointless. I get it, we wanna reduce the possibility that some sicko fucks with the food they bring. But that means we're doing a food and cooking board meet up, and we're not allowed to do any cooking. How in the hell does that make sense to anyone? Also it's not even like we can buy fresh ingredients like meats and vegetables to cook in the park; someone could have easily fucked with those as well before bringing them. Meat can be easily repackaged with plastic wrap after some dipshit rubbed a ribeye between his asscrack, and shoved cucumbers up his asshole. You may laugh, but it's not out of the realm of possibility, and previous meetups on other boards like /k/ have proved there are real sick individuals out there who will taint the food they bring to a friendly meet up for... reasons?? Idk.

This fiasco needs to be canceled and brought back to the drawing board. My suggestion: nobody brings any food at all. We all meet up in the park, then we all go as a group to Kroger or Tom thumb and go shopping together. We buy a bunch of cookout ingredients like burgers, hotdogs, potato salad ingredients and whatnot, we all split the total bill evenly, and we drive back to the park together. Then we make the food in front of each other so we know nobody had a chance to fuck with anything. That way the spirit of the /ck/ meet up is preserved.

Failing that, we should just meet up at a restaurant and get lunch/dinner together. Because as it stands, there's gonna be a bunch of sweaty autists meeting up in a park to drink soda and eat prepackaged chips and cookies. That sounds fucking awful. I'm not doing that. OP, come up with a better plan or don't even bother showing up guys.

>> No.20532818

Holy autism

>> No.20532858
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16. A nametag for yourself and the potluck dish that you brought so that people know who to sue if they eat your /k/um brownies

You can still cook if you want to, just don’t expect anyone to eat your cum brownies

>> No.20532866
File: 52 KB, 200x200, 816886f323f04d1c887d6def8d975dba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be the one to handle the bags of food YES YES i can handle them in the back of someones car alone.... OR ALONE IN MY OWN CAR....yes yes I SHALL HANDLE THE FOOD WE BUY IN TRANSIT BETWEEN THE TOM THUMB AND THE PARK yes

>> No.20532869

>Because as it stands, there's gonna be a bunch of sweaty autists meeting up in a park to drink soda and eat prepackaged chips and cookies.
you keep talking about the "spirit of /ck/" but honestly this pretty much sums up the board in a nutshell, i don't see any problem here

>> No.20532875


This is why all attendants should be carrying, preferrably open.

A polite society is an armed society, as Heinlein said.

>> No.20532880

if everyone brings their own hotdogs, condoms and drinks it'd be pretty hard to fuck that up
who tf is gonna reseal a can of hot dog chili

>> No.20532884

We already explained to you retard that poisoning is against the law and if you think there's less of a chance of some pissed off wagie spitting in your food in the back of a reatraunt than someone from this board doing it you're wrong. People can fuck with your food anywhere, anytime. You're not safe anywhere so stop worrying.

>> No.20532897
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Your solution to us not being able to bring any homemade food we cooked to a food and cooking meet up is name tags? Dude you need to think this entire thing through. This is fucking stupid, think about what you're asking people to do; drive out to a park and drink soda and eat chips. That sounds retarded. There's still time to implement my idea of going to the grocery store as a group. How hard is that? Is it a money thing, you think people won't wanna split the grocery bill? That I understand I guess. But I don't understand why you think we'd want to meet up and eat prepackaged and vacuum sealed slop.

This should have been a meetup to eat at a restaurant. This entire concept of a /ck/ meetup in a park where we eat chips is a mess. Why in the fuck would anyone go to this shit show?

Hey retard, did you know a car can fit more than 1 person in it? Did you miss the part where I said we'd drive to the grocery store and back in groups? I don't trust one person with all the food in their car, but if there are 3 other, unrelated anons in the car, then yeah I don't have a problem with that. Somebody will definitely speak up if the driver of the car pulls over and shoots big loads into the cooler filled with meats and veggies if there are 3 other people in the car, you fucking dipshit.

A can of chili? Sure that's improbable. But any meat is gonna be relatively easy to reseal if someone wanted. The meat section of the grocery stores I go to all keep their meat in those foam trays with plastic wrap around it. It'd be super easy for some freak to fuck with the meat then reseal it. Not saying it's gonna happen for sure, but do you really want to take that risk?

Ah yes. Classic. If something is heckin against the law, that prevents it from happening. Omg I can't believe what I reading. You're so fucking stupid it's unreal. This has gotta be bait, right? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you're trolling.

>> No.20532901

okay your banend from the cookout, do not come

>> No.20532914

>someone with real life, actual concerns over food safety at a meetup is banned from attending because he voiced said concerns

First of all, you sound like an obese, discord moderator, you faggot. Second of all, no prob, as I said this entire thing sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I won't be there. Or maybe I will, because you might have forgotten that this is 4chan and not reddit, you faggot, and you have no idea who I am since there aren't usernames and post histories like you're used to lel. Enjoy your cookout where nobody brings any actual food.

>> No.20532932
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step back, chud

>> No.20532935

>Somebody will definitely speak up if the driver of the car pulls over and shoots big loads into the cooler filled with meats and veggies if there are 3 other people in the car, you fucking dipshit.
idk about other ppl on this board but i am extremely adept at masturbating stealthily, i would imagine there are others on 4chan and even /ck/ who are the same. birds of a feather flock together. not saying i will show up and do this, im in canada nowhere close to dfw nor do i want to do it, but it might be worth keeping in mind that people like us exist

>> No.20532950

I'm pretty sure of the "special ingredients" that you'll include, you creep!

>> No.20532953

If you're able to jerk off and coom within seconds of getting out of a car when 3 4chan users are watching you (the whole point of going in groups would be to monitor the food at all times) and you're so stealthy that they don't notice your coom shooting out all over the food, I might just eat a steak tainted with your semen, just so I can be granted your awe inspiring powers.

>> No.20532957

Norf FC!

>> No.20532968
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weed acquired, any drink recommendations?

>> No.20532969


>> No.20532971

What's the process of this stealth cooming? Do you need a tiny benis?

>> No.20532973

Bourbon and beer

>> No.20532979

steel reserve 40 oz

>> No.20532982

i need brands otherwise ill only bring modelo and mid shelf alcohol

>> No.20532986

For bourbon Evan Williams black label, white label bottled in bond if you want to seem respectable.
For beer, Modelo Negra works.

>> No.20532987

Jim Beam
Everybody loves Beam
If you're feeling generous Bulleit
Beer should be PBR or Yuengling
Or Bud Lite if you want to be called a fag in person by strangers, which might be kind of fun, people only drink that shit out of a sense of irony now

>> No.20532989

alright Everyone will put their Id's in a single spot and everyone will have a photo of them. Everyone can scrutinize and sign off on each persons id to ensure no fakes
Then We'll have all the women begin cooking while the men monitor
after food those who wish to party will continue with us to club Station 4 for drinks and hijinks

LA bros . we meet at portos

>> No.20532993

illegal in texas

>> No.20533013

>illegal in texas
I guess he'll be stuck smoking an entire bowl by himself before coming to the party, because even if he wanted to share, SOMEONE would snitch on him.

>> No.20533037
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if someone doesn't bring malt liquor, fried chicken and watermelon it's gonna be lame as fuck

>> No.20533038

>this hating bitch again
fuck you man, literally nobody cares about a little weed. if you opened your eyes more youd see people smoking out of their car on the highway, unironically because it’s one of the safest places to smoke weed

>> No.20533040

im gonna snitch to authorities

>> No.20533058

Illegal never stopped us here in New York, now that weed is legal here it just doesn't matter as if it ever did. Just remember that Julie's been working for the drug squad.
Live in New Jersey - Julie's in the drug squad
The Clash - Julie's Been Working For The Drug Squad - 3/8/1980 - Capitol Theatre

>> No.20533060

guess i’m not going then, not gonna let some random loser ruin my high

>> No.20533065

Sounds like you just gave yourself one job...

>> No.20533067

im not snitching im from california :) I was just teasing ur pot head ass

>> No.20533070

grapevine, tx is nothing like NYC. there are still many cops that can and will throw the book at you for weed. I know because I used to live there

>> No.20533077

It's not just nyc, it's ny state, it's pretty cool, the last thing Cuomo did as governor and there's no weird rise in crime rates or shool shootings, that's bullshit from the media and feds to keep people in prison and jails.

>> No.20533079

>guess i’m not going then, not gonna let some random loser ruin my high
He probably lives in San Francisco, smokes meth and crack, and does poppers while having gay sex with boys, but he hates marijuana. Everyone has a line that they won't cross.

>> No.20533084

Who can deny the truth of frisco faggotry?

>> No.20533099
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maybe if everyone dresses like supreme gentlemen then the cops will leave them alone

>> No.20533106

You topsie turvy types are the most suspicious of them all and you're being watched.
The Police - Shadows in the rain.

>> No.20533215
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Coulda been a funny green text but ya blew it, chief.
smdh @ u fäm

>> No.20533224

As pointed out in the previous thread(s), DFW cops aren't going to care about weed, whether it be smoked from a bowl or ingested via THC-infused deviled eggs, you are just going to come off as a pathetic little whiney tattle bitch to anyone you try reporting this cookout to

>> No.20533235

I was interested in this until that retard had a melty about bringing their gun. There's no way I'm risking being on channel 8 news because some Elliot Rodger wannabe decided to open fire on us after being made fun of for their autism shoes.

>> No.20533241
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Bet you don’t even know who Tracy Rowlett or Dal Hansen are.

>> No.20533246

Bruh I literally said channel 8 of course I know who the fuck Dale Hansen is

>> No.20533250

The Weed Eggs must flow

>> No.20533253
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Wait, women are not allowed to come to the cookout right?


>> No.20533264
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Yeah, but do you know who really was Dallas? Russ Martin

>> No.20533267

My mom is dropping me off and might stay for a bit

>> No.20533274

my dad was more of a cassette/CD guy so I missed out on a lot of DFW radio unfortunately
my mom was just 94.9 all day every day which was genuinely awful

>> No.20533277
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Ok reviewbrah but no one else is allowed to bring one

>> No.20533296

Alright faggots tell me
Chili with beans or no beans
I’m making it for the cookout

>> No.20533303

no beans you cheap bastage

>> No.20533306

Got it
1 vote for no beans

>> No.20533308

>the car pulls over and shoots big loads into the cooler filled with meats
the more you speak the harder i get.

>> No.20533339

Tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin

>> No.20533354


>> No.20533361

>The Weed Eggs must flow
Hmmm... how does this work? Do you simply add some shake as if it were some kind of herb, or is there something else that should be done when cooking this kind of food?
I don't do anything food related with my weed, so I'm curious.

>> No.20533362

More specifically, I was wondering about scrambled eggs, since I consume those somewhat frequently.

>> No.20533389

Sorry KLTY fag

>> No.20533400

I miss 102.1 the edge

>> No.20533402

some retard will say out loud "tits or gtfo"

do you think he'll say 'G-T-F-O', 'get the fuck off', or 'gtfuh/gtfoh'

>> No.20533409

Remember what website you are on

>> No.20533443

You WILL listen to Star 102.1 and you WILL like it!

>> No.20533449

*whiskey cork pops*

>> No.20533510

THC is activated by heat in a process called decarboxylation. You wouldn't want to just sprinkle it in like an herb but you could if you baked it first. Typically you decarb it in oil or butter, strain it, and use the oil for cooking.

>> No.20533521

I'll try that out and you should try out
Radio Jackie and Radio Caroline

>> No.20533537

I think the solution would be to pay for catering and then charge anons a small fee to partake

>> No.20533559
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>eggs infused with THC and DMT

>> No.20533568

>Star 102.1
Not bad... https://star1021.iheart.com/music/ but they can do without that whiney bitch that's on now.

>> No.20533579

don't listen to the paranoid faggot no one is going to fuck with the food

>> No.20533582
File: 78 KB, 540x410, 1697514370429538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't listen to the paranoid faggot no one is going to fuck with the food

>> No.20533593
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it was a good time to be an indiehead hipster...

>> No.20533648

>that means we're doing a food and cooking board meet up, and we're not allowed to do any cooking.
you cook it live, anon.
all the ingredients and seasonings will be added in front of everybody.

>> No.20533657

looking solid, anon.
the secret is joints.
paraphernalia like pipes or bubblers is bustable.
a joint you can just eat quick if a cop rolls around.

>> No.20533686
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After smoking a bunch of weed who's bringing the twinkies and devil dogs?

>> No.20533696
File: 300 KB, 2250x775, Document[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW cops

you guys act like it's NYPD or something. there's not "DFW cops" it's grapevine police, they are a small town cops that have nothing better to do than bust you for weed

>> No.20533726

Both you cheap savage bastage, let the savages fight over it.

>> No.20533740

That's just plain retarded trying to compare savages to NYPD coppers, get the fuck outta Dodge.

>> No.20533795

Okay so I’m just gonna pour no beans over the beans version of the chili and let the retards seethe over it kek

>> No.20533832

The difference is that most cops in the DFW area are actually pretty cool unlike jew york gestapo

>> No.20533837

every one of these threads look sadder and sadder

>> No.20533840

still remember the dallas pd was chasing someone going northbound on 35, they called up the lewisville pd for assistance and lewisville just went
>uh yeah we dont do high speed chases bye

>> No.20533852

Insane take, these threads are looking incredible and I am fucking HYPED for the meetup

>> No.20533859

Oh i'm sure those idiots are incompetent as fuck. City police are garbage. Only real interaction i had with dallas PD was when some homeless guy tried to steal our pizza at a restaurant and we had to fistfight him. The cops just told us to leave and took care of the dude. Sheriffs are usually cool, city cops are trash.

>> No.20533862

your missing the bigger thing that makes no sense: there is no location posted

sure it’s this park, but the park is enormous. like many many square miles. if there’s a site reserved, they would post the site number. they don’t have one

>> No.20533865

i never realized how many of us are in DFW, typically my online communities were all spread out or majority came from some place half way across the world

>> No.20533884

I thought this is about food? Be honest here 90% of you are black

>> No.20533891

Don't worry, I have a box of MREs to share because i'm not getting pozzed by the cum brownies

>> No.20533896

U non cooking fags better share autistic photos from the meet.

>> No.20533900

Literally GPS coordinates

>> No.20533902

/ck/ in dfw? Well of course

>> No.20533926

the thread the day this takes place and the day after is going to be legendary. im extremely excited. wish i lived in the area because id totally come by. (id drve by sneakily first to see if it was cool)

>> No.20533935

>going to be legendary
It really isn't. It's going to be a few autistic-looking but otherwise normal autists hanging out and being somewhat awkward. None of that is interesting.

>> No.20533939
File: 165 KB, 1313x733, massage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone been to this massage place?

>> No.20533940

come on anon have some enthusiasm. shits always gay and lame and boring. this might not be.

>> No.20533946

I hope someone brings a microwave and gordon ramsay frozen meals

>> No.20533961

gun autists on 4chan are a little different than the joggerkin but dont let me stop you from believing what you wanna believe

>> No.20533989


>> No.20534001

Pussy. Eat the syphilis burgers. No balls

>> No.20534022

Just in time for gay pride month, special brownies

>> No.20534029

Can I bring my George Floyd plushies?

>> No.20534034

As long as they dindu nufffin

>> No.20534072

this is a free country, i believe what i damn well want to believe good sir

>> No.20534127

This is just dead internet theory/sharding, we're all in the same isolated sub-section of the internet. You really think half of 4chan is within an hour of Dallas?

>> No.20534129

They're filled with dindu stuffin :3 so cute it'll take your breath away

>> No.20534132

Yeah that's gonna end well

>> No.20534151

Is there a signup sheet somewhere or are fe just going to have 10 people bringing raw meat and 0 people bringing charcoal?

>> No.20534281

The heat of the meat cooks the meat.

>> No.20534319

What happened to Borneo? I met her once

>> No.20534323

I'll eat all the semen and you can't stop me

>> No.20534421
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I bring some iced tea.

>> No.20534459
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I live in houston.
I look like a normal white guy, so I already have the halo effect.
I am going to bring a bunch of good sides, maybe “prepackaged” or not.
You wont be able to tell.
And i am absolutley going to sprinkle my pubes, cum, spit, and boogers into the food.
You wont be able to tell.
Why? Because it will be funny.
See yall there

>> No.20534464

Sounds like a good time. Nice way to meet people. And you could invite park goers too so more women will be there. What a great idea!

>> No.20534486

/pol/ here, bringing some of my aryan brotherhood bros as well.

>> No.20534581

i live in houston also
not going to bother to take the 4 hour drive
haven't been to dallas in 20 years
have fun
anyone know what happened to that fml fucker?
probably dead or incarcerated

>> No.20534709

From the thumbnail i thought its a table but its your fat hairy belly.

>> No.20535043

>we all go as a group to Kroger or Tom thumb and go shopping together.

How do you know there aren't any sick fuck anons that work there? You have to grow the food from seed and stare at it without sleeping until you eat it to be safe.

>> No.20535095

You the same guy who bragged about stalking a woman in another thread a while back? Fuck you. I hope you mess with somebody with paranoia and they shoot you to death.

>> No.20535133

just bring your own fucking food and eat it yourself. you're not going to be forced to eat anything and the non schizos can have their meal without you.

>> No.20535183

What's the story with /k/?

>> No.20535341

Anyone bringing a dog?


>> No.20535392

Already wiped my ass with my ingredient, gonna let it ferment on the counter for a few days. Glad I still have that fake ID.

>> No.20535401

NTA but damn I’m so lucky I have a gf

>> No.20535427

You were the first one to bring it up, stupid nigger

>> No.20535509

Let’s grill


>> No.20535544


get a gun and fucking kill yourself

>> No.20535563
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Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just stupid? I can't tell. Of course food safety violations happen everywhere, all the time, and we can't have perfect control over what we buy and eat. Of course it's possible the wagie at your grocery store dropped that steak he was wrapping, thought to himself "meh 3 second rule fuck it, I'm too lazy to get another one", and just kept on wrapping it. Of course some burger flipper who doesn't like your hat or shirt decides he's gonna spit in your burger for revenge, like a psychopath. I'm sure shit like that happens. Not all the time, but sometimes.

The point is would you rather trust a random wagie who has cameras in every inch of their business and will probably get fired for fucking with a customer's food, or would you rather trust a random anon, people who have been known to fuck with food in the past? Could this image be fake, and it's actually just melted white chocolate and not coom? Sure, but is it worth the risk? There are all manner of sickos in this world, and would you believe that more of them congregate on this dogshit website than employees at your local grocery store or fast food joint? I would. You have no idea what kind of disgusting things people are capable of, and if you think your fellow anons on /ck/ aren't susceptible to them, I'd say you're fucking dead wrong.

That steak you'll be grilling that the anon brought to the meetup? How do you really know he didn't use it to clean his toilet beforehand, then resealed it with plastic wrap and the foam carton? That vacuum sealed potato salad someone brought? Are you sure there isn't a tiny puncture in the corner, completely undetectable to the naked eye, where someone stuck a syringe full of bleach?

And of course, the only solutions mentioned in this thread are "just bring vaccum sealed prepackaged food", "it's heckin illegal so nobody would do that!", "bring your own food at don't eat anyone else's", and "wear a heckin name tag". Lmao.

>> No.20535573

Dude that's sweetened, condensed milk

>> No.20535591
File: 79 KB, 714x574, 1716930739442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, someone did recommend a solution that makes sense: you all meet up and go shopping together and make the food in front of each other. It also has the added bonus of incorporating even more, and I know this might shock you but stay with me, cooking in a food and cooking board meetup. Everyone participates in the shopping. Everyone participates in the cooking. How hard would that be?

But no, either bring your own food, eat chips and drink soda, just risk it bro who cares, and uh that's illegal, you can't do things that are illegal that would be illegal: that's what you bitches are sticking with. Ok. It's either laziness or incompetence, which one is it? I just want an answer.

Personally, I thought it was just harmless and tasty melted white chocolate. But again I ask: are you willing to risk it? Are you absolutely sure it's just condensed milk? Are you willing to bet that someone from this gay faggot website didn't fuck with your food "for teh lulz"? Do you think the chances are higher or lower that some anti social psychopath works at your local McDonald's, vs someone who lurks this website?
Someone already provided the perfect solution to this problem, but it's being totally disregarded in favor of "so what who cares", "just bring your own chips and soda and don't share with anyone", "hi here's a name tag please write your real name on it, pinky promise ok xD", and "nuh uh you can't do something that's illegal". Bitch please lmaoooo.

>> No.20535832

safety is an illusion. you could be walking down the street and someone could bash your head in with a hammer when you're not looking and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. next time you're driving someone could hit the accelerator and swerve into to crash head on and there's nothing you can do about it. next time you're on a plane the pilot could just lock himself in the cabin and plunge it into the ground and there's nothing you can do about it. you can't live life afraid of everything.

>> No.20535865

posting in a schizo thread

>> No.20535914

>just bring your own chips and soda and don't share with anyone
tourist here and I will guarantee you will become the laughing stock of 4chan via a ever degrading jpeg if you get caught doing this. I'll do it myself

>> No.20536035


You can improve your chances. It's actually quite simple.

1. ALWAYS carry. Many life threatening situation can be resolved this way. In situations where an assailant does not care about his own life, and you have no easy way of taking him down, carrying may still allow you to strongarm situations in your favor a lot of the time.

2. ALWAYS stay vigilant. Scout emergency exits, both official and makeshift, as soon as you enter an establishment. Learn how to tell if someone's carrying just by looking at the way their clothes fall or how they walk. Give up alcohol and other drugs -- will honestly prolong your life in other ways too so it's something you should do either way but there's no easier target than an inebriated person.

3. ALWAYS exude an air of confidence. Assailants pick targets based on very primal instincts -- by making yourself come across as confident and capable you're much less likely to be the victim of a random attack. Walk with your head held high, dress smart, speak loudly and with a deep voice, look people in the eye. Never say "sorry" or excuse yourself unless you've actually done something wrong. Speak openly about times you resolved situations with necessary viilence, and give no no fucks who's listening.

These are just some things one can try. It's not by any means an exhaustive list, but it's a decent start that will in an likelihood honestly improve your survival chances in a targeted crisis situation by several magnitudes. It's based on my own personal experience along with direct accounts I've heard from people in service or otherwise engaged in compromising situations on a frequent basis. Build upon it as you see fit: we're all different, and playing to your strengths is one of the smartest things you can do.

>> No.20536459

Fuckin bubble boy over here. nigga you are fucking crazy!

>> No.20536473

Yeah I don't get it
Some of my best nights started out with accepting beer from some rando Mexico Mexican

>> No.20536484

Best night of my life was when I took candy from a stranger and went for a ride in his van

>> No.20536496


DO NOT COME you're scaring me

>> No.20536505

Has to be bait. Ain’t no way he serious. Right….. RIGHT!?

>> No.20536523

Candy scare was from the 70s, prove it

>> No.20536527

I'm not going to this shit show, as I've stated, you dipshit. And this psycho:
Isn't me. Have fun at your cum brownie/prepackaged food festival.

>> No.20536540

Nigga I don’t think you should ever go out in public, although it’s highly probable that you never have.

>> No.20536544

If there's no cum, I'm not coming.

>> No.20536545

I’m not showing you my butthole

>> No.20536549


>> No.20536551

No. You can't trust that. We all have to go to the nearby cum store together in randomly assembled groups to distribute the risk and ensure accountability so nobody brings impure cums to the meetup.

>> No.20536552

Well played

>> No.20536560

Just put it in a cup with child proof cap that will ensure no one messes with it. Make sure to write your name on it

>> No.20536611

This guy knows

>> No.20536624

Thanks for the cross-board invite, /ck/. I'd love to show but I live hundreds of miles away and don't even own a car.

Have a good day out for me, will you?

>> No.20536625

If you see an obese guy in wornout clothes staring at y'all while reading manga behind a tree that's me, I'm too anxious to join but I'll shit post live.

>> No.20536628

I'll bring brownies, made with love

>> No.20536632

I’ll come say hi and tell you that there’s nothing to fear that you are amongst frens

/k/ is NOT invited

>> No.20536637

Can’t wait to try them!

>> No.20536642

Too far away too short of notice too many people it would be fun tho so have a bump

>> No.20536655

Dallas bros my power's been out all day wtf

>> No.20536690

Mmmm so moist. Did you used condensed milk?

>> No.20536702

Holy fuck autistic MOMMY

>> No.20536714

Can /pol come?

>> No.20536736

Gov didn’t weatherproof against storms!

>> No.20536751
File: 76 KB, 800x450, Spooky_Spider_Cookies-Betty_Crocker-782d1323-5ff2-45cd-94ca-a1ff5da8739a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should bring spooder cookies, I first saw them from here on 4chan.

>> No.20536850

that grill.

>> No.20536903
File: 115 KB, 1200x800, 2126666857.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol is invited to the bbq

>> No.20536911

>20. A gun so you can murder everyone who thinks organizing and/or showing up to this shit is a good idea

>> No.20536916

Of course. We need the brown and asian people so people don't think it's a KKK meeting

>> No.20536923

Don't worry, the only creatures stupid enough to show up to these types of things are minorities. It'll just look like any other day at the park.

>> No.20537048

Those chicks don't look like the types you want to piss off in a dark alley.

>> No.20537054

You just hate fun. Meet ups are always stupid but it can be a good time

>> No.20537092

If you approach me I will shit my pants.

>> No.20537096

No, but that's probably the pineapple juice...

>> No.20537097

Sure, they can be a good time if you're a stupid minority who enjoys spending time with others of your kind.
If someone shows up with a bomb it'll be a good time for society as a whole, getting rid of all those undesirables at once.

>> No.20537104

Any autistic BPD girls wanna pretend to be my gf for an evening? My highschool reunion is on the same day so we can meet up at the cookout and then come with me to the barcade in cedar hill my class rented out. Probably only be there an hour and I'll Uber you home. Hell I'll take a trap too.

>> No.20537134

I am fat, hairy, have a beard and i smell bad. Does that do anything for you?

>> No.20537137

Why not take a shower and clean yourself up before showing up to a fag fest?

>> No.20537144

To be fair I want to cook but all the rules kinda make it a pain in the ass for the recipes I'm good at, I live in the area and was going to bake some homemade pizzas and wings, now it's looking like we're all to be eating little Caesars and discount Kroger cookies like 3rd graders kek

>> No.20537154

To be fair, you're disgusting and should kill yourself right now. &t

>> No.20537176

Because that's not who i am, if i dont smell like a 4 weeks old roadkill in summer i would betray my own identity.

>> No.20537209

As long as your food is good you'll be fine. Everyone is gonna be ugly.

>> No.20537243

Filthy bears are popular at fag fests. Wait this is a pride thing right? Since it's on june first?

>> No.20537251

bpd girls are not autistic

>> No.20537265

/pol/ has infested every single board
a week ago or soon they linked this thread here
so have fun dealing with those "people"

>> No.20537289

I'll be there but fair warning, I'm black.

>> No.20537380

>is it worth the risk?
There is literally no risk. Even if you have AIDS the heat of the oven kills the virus. I bet you think eating cum makes you gay or some dumb shit like that you stupid faggot.
Everyone here is overreacting. Just go to the meet up and cook some good food. Who cares if some of it might have cum in it?

>> No.20537512

Than you

>> No.20537551

kill yourselves faggots

>> No.20537595


>> No.20537741

Label your name tag so we know you’re the MRE guy.

>> No.20537912
File: 444 KB, 1017x955, 1716858028952256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is really over here saying it's cool to eat cum... Jesus fucking Christ. Rethink your life.

>> No.20537915

I'll be there. I'm the guy that will threaten to buttsex everyone and shit in the public grill

>> No.20537920

I am not planning on attending this event.

>> No.20537924

all these threads are just the same three guys (that already know each other irl) samefagging

>> No.20537939

Go jerk off to andrew tate sigma grindset videos you fucking closet case
Go make a grindr account to bottom for that big ebony cock youve been dying to slobber over, magat.
Ps. Donny is going to prison. Seethe, cuckold.

>> No.20538000

Dont forget about the schizo retards too

>> No.20538007
File: 1.64 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s bringing steak?

>> No.20538010
File: 195 KB, 850x1020, sample_72e1b8f73a84126102a2ce38d1882d1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going and I'll bring turkey and buns to make simple burgers to share.
Also I'm brown so /pol/cels won't touch my food so I can buy the good stuff

>> No.20538021

Why not?

>> No.20538036

The one anon that is bringing deviled eggs said he was testing recipes with THC-infused mayo

>> No.20538092

Don't worry, I'll bring an unopened A box.

>> No.20538093

you are crazy if you think us poltards are brave enough actually be racist to people's face

>> No.20538111


>> No.20538152

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.20538155

You want some buttsex?

>> No.20538163

Yes, but I only top cuz that ain’t gay

>> No.20538164

Sorry boi. You get the bottom and you will like it

>> No.20538169

I do not agree to those terms

>> No.20538172

shut up jew

>> No.20538185

>1. Prepackaged
not interested in going, fucking cooklet meet up

>> No.20538193

I'm not asking

>> No.20538196

>t pozzdaddy that wants to serve everyone jizz brownies

>> No.20538199

You are, anon!

>> No.20538200

Good luck trying to force it in, my anus it so tight.

>> No.20538201

Based on the state of this thread, the meet up is going to be some kind of BBQ pit boys situation.

>> No.20538203

We can use some of the bbq sauce as lube

>> No.20538208

Bot post I guess? If that was written by actual human hands then I feel legitimately sorry for your crumbling state of mind.

>> No.20538209

anyone got that picture of the /fa/ meet up?
I would imagine it's like that with a bunch of fat redditors

>> No.20538211

>first item is bring junk food
not going

>> No.20538220

thank god

>> No.20538221
File: 1012 KB, 1080x720, 1706657950360352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20538224

Now post the version with the captions. You know the one I'm talking about.
>Adolf Crippler

>> No.20538240
File: 209 KB, 1200x900, 1705689926625282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find it but here's your fat redditor meetup

>> No.20538254

so how many people will actually go the cookout?
it'd be really awkward if there's only 3-4 person there

>> No.20538259

My guess is zero

>> No.20538263

>only one normal looking woman
>aaaand she fucks dogs

>> No.20538285
File: 50 KB, 600x508, animal-abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20538323

I'm going >>20538010

>> No.20538371

I'm hiring an escort to show up alone just to make everyone feel uncomfortable

>> No.20538374

not knowing how to smile for photos is textbook autism

>> No.20538377
File: 60 KB, 500x580, 0b34e61b2e8050433b3a63431a313917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20538382

Freak schizo vocal conservative /pol/lacks are incel hermits, so they wouldn't attend. If anyone would attend, it would be the normal Nazi types, but you'd never know they were Nazi's. /pol/ doesn't care much about gun rights either. That's /k/.
Frankly, 90% of anyone from any board is going to be a socially awkward weirdo.

So good luck.

>> No.20538392

And after reading this thread, I'd be less worried about schizo qtard hermits or Nazi's that keep their politics to themselves, and more worried about lonely homosexuals with blue balls trying to drug me.

>> No.20538787

>/k/um brownies
>requests to open carry
>special ingredients
>fuck the fat women
>Jim Beam
>syphilis burgers
This damn cookout is more treacherous to navigate than Ukraine right now.

>> No.20538972


I'm >>20532786 and don't worry, I would never willingly put myself in a situation that may quickly turn hazardous like that. Good thing for you since I won't be there offending your snowflake sensibilities, but also bad thing because I can promise you the whole thing would be a lot safer if I was.

>> No.20539373

>The most normal looking autist is the fucking weeb with a katana
Science has gone to far.

>> No.20539375


>> No.20539382

I really hope you autists show up in open carry, I'll be on the phone all day placing reports of a white supremacy terror organized riot. It would be the highlight of my year to watch you faggots get turned into swiss cheese by Dallas swat kekekekek

>> No.20539401

I'm bringing taco doritos, jalapeno cheetos, and and some rotisserie chickens.

>> No.20539407

Who's bringing the beers?

>> No.20539437

ill bring a few 30 racks dont worry

>> No.20539452

Just cook everything there and bring pre-sealed ingredients and meat like the squares/steaks you can get at Aldi.

>> No.20539465

the same way a dandelion will grow in like five specks of dust in a concrete crack or that there is 9000th generation blind and albino salamanders living in some sunless cave beneath a factory jizz is going to end up in the food

life finds a way

>> No.20539488

This guy gets it.

>> No.20539499

im a boy and am probably 600 miles away from this cookout and will not go to your prom or whatever but im interested

>> No.20539817
File: 284 KB, 1300x1300, shiner bock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be brining the shiner?

>> No.20539846

Yeah, I have a vacuum sealer at home so I can just bring my own food with my special marinade.

>> No.20539934

black shirt on left has god tier hair genes

>> No.20539952

Richfag here.
I am offering to have this whole event catered. That way all the food will be safe. Let’s get some suggestions going.
Also I’m not buying any beverages or alcohol byob bitch.

>> No.20540003

Winners BBQ, or Burnt BBQ and Tacos in

>> No.20540012

That seems pretty dubious, it would be safer if it was from multiple people instead of from a single source.

>> No.20540015

Order from me so I can jizz in the food. No, I won't tell you where I work.

>> No.20540025

Bro is literally offering to essentially have a restaurant come out and serve us food in the park, you literally can't any more legit than that unless you want to have a fucking farming haul a cow to the park and slaughter it in front of us and grill it.
>nb4 the farmer has aids and raped the cow 5 times on the drive over

>> No.20540028

If you are a richfag, let's put a catering order into Weinberger's so that we all can have delicious sammiches.

>> No.20540029

You just want me to give you my cc info then?

>> No.20540033

that's fucking dumb this is the COOKING board everyone brings food they COOKED don't listen to paranoid faggots you might as well just meet at a restaurant at that point

>> No.20540034

Richfag here.
Obviously you can’t make these faggots happy no matter what you do.

>> No.20540041

Schizos are schizoing about bringing food.
Faggots want to cum in food.
Wut do?

>> No.20540045

Here's my cc info... 8675309

>> No.20540047

What’s the area code?

>> No.20540051
File: 87 KB, 400x400, 1000009801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ACKCHULLY the board is called food and cooking. So food is still valid even if you don't cook it yourself

>> No.20540053

Add pubes for protein and healthy shiny hair.

>> No.20540056

You want me to trust eating food from one of you faggots? There’s going to be cum and poop in all the food.

>> No.20540060

212 and 646 but also 607.

>> No.20540061
File: 427 KB, 2048x1364, fashion meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never again after the last meet up I saw.

>> No.20540067

Holy macaroni and cheese, did they just do some prison release program?

>> No.20540068

Long neck is long

>> No.20540072

Are you fucking high? That makes no cents

>> No.20540074

I'd rather take two cents than a wooden nickle.

>> No.20540076

Well that's/fa/ and they're all a bunch of school shooters. /CucKs/ seem more down to earth

>> No.20540089

Aren’t you supposed to be taking my catering order?

>> No.20540099

This image without Dylan Roof added is over a decade old at this point. Wonder where these guys are now.

>> No.20540101

Sure, that'll be 'bout tree fiddy cash.

>> No.20540104

I wanna speak to your manager

>> No.20540105

I won’t be there but in n out truck would be cool (I know people don’t like their fries but it would be a good opportunity to experiment, and also have a burger eating contest).

>tfw not yet rich enough to comfortably pay for catering for anonymous frens.

>> No.20540107

managers? we aint got no stinkin managers

>> No.20540112

It's dfw, you can just call some random Mexicans and they'll show up with a food truck. I was working construction sites and they had trucks coming up to our job sites all the time. They just drive around looking for crowds and work crews.

>> No.20540140

Oh nice, in that case I vote for taco trucks on every corner

>> No.20540337

>poisoning food is illegal therefore no one will do it
>hey bros i know it's illegal in texas but im gonna bring a ton of weed DUDE

>> No.20540457
File: 250 KB, 1600x900, 1407100405022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist
>anons all get stoned on weed brownies
>they eat the /k/ brownies anyway because they have the munchies
>just vibing
>anon spends 30 minutes trying to cut a watermelon, cuts himself
>anons who brought manga spend an hour trying to analyze one thing Asuka said
>anon who carries has a negligent discharge, local Mexican grill anons are too cool to rat him out
>steel reserve anon projectile vomits
>too stoned to notice, they keep vibing
>grill anon forgets to flip the burgers because he got distracted by anime tiddies on his phone
>all food gets burnt, only food left is prepackaged potato salad
>300lb anon eats all the remaining food, only thing left is redbulls and steel reserve
>steel reserve anon passes out and everyone takes his steel, having a great time
>everyone gets sunburnt because they forgot to apply sunscreen
>the one girl who showed up leaves because she can't stand the BO
>great success

>> No.20540468

>>steel reserve anon projectile vomits
I hope we have a based steeler showing up. They're more fun than stoners.

>> No.20540863

If the cum is cooked I don’t see what the problem is it can’t hurt you.

>> No.20540898

Are we actually getting catered or are we gonna show up hungry and empty-handed like hobos?

>> No.20540927


>> No.20540946

Richfag here.

If someone tells me how many people are attending and what the fuck to order and from where I will order the fucking food and pay for it. Someone has to pick it up as I am not in Texas and will not be attending.

>> No.20540950

I'll pick it up bro. Be sure to cum in it for everyone.

>> No.20540964

I'll be attending and I vote for Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich packaged meals

>> No.20541054

There is a chick fil a close. 50 regular and 50 spicy sandwiches?
You fuckers can bring whatever else the fuck you want.
Who’s picking it up?

>> No.20541104

That should be more than enough, meetups are usually 10 people or so >>20538221 >>20540061
Can any Dallas anons pick it up? I can pick it up but I'm coming from Austin so I might be late

>> No.20541119

cute boy in the middle

>> No.20541127

>order catering so people don't jizz on food
>the guy picking it up jizzes on the food
Why don't we all go together to pick it up instead?

>> No.20541141

Richfag here.

I need a secondary contact for the order!! Who is picking this shit up?

>> No.20541144

You could not pay me to eat the food at this cookout.

>> No.20541145

Also need a phone number for the secondary contact

>> No.20541162

what time everybody showing up?

>> No.20541168

me on the right

>> No.20541179

i can't believe you let the schizo retard actually scare you into ordering food or catering. fucking cowards

>> No.20541200
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m bringing Weinbergers for myself.

>> No.20541262

Grab something for me too bro

>> No.20541265

I don’t like cum faggot

>> No.20541334

cum honestly doesn't taste that bad + it's free extra protein
I'm honestly not sure what you pussy are sperging out about desu

>> No.20541580

What time is it actually starting because I have to work at 4

>> No.20541610
File: 323 KB, 474x316, fishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going fishing?

>> No.20541645

Is this still happening? What time? I'm gonna pay some nignogs to peg you faggots with piss balloons.

>> No.20541653

Nigger read
>June 1st at noon

>> No.20541729

Is someone going to be taking photos of this?

>> No.20541924

Ve have vays to make you like da frothy cum

>> No.20542132

I'm gonna bring one handmade loaf of bread, disposable plates, utensils and a roll of napkins.
What are you guys bringing?

>> No.20542292


>> No.20542331
File: 757 KB, 1064x1164, 1715700080404423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going

>> No.20542502

>from san fagsicko
>hates weed
Its like you dont even know weed is legal in the bay retardkun

>> No.20542527

I’m a Canadian retard but I’m sad I can’t make it. Texas is amazing, wish I could be there. I’d bring a few jugs of choccy milk and Dino tendies for all

>> No.20542720

Thanks canadian retard that gave me the idea of bringing choccy milk since I'm a Texan retard. Just half a gallon though

>> No.20542727

Richfag here.

lmao you all poor

>> No.20542760

I’m also a richfags…. But I guess everyone’s definitions are different

>> No.20542956

You have no idea what you're talking about, Texas sucks. I'm thankful every day I'm not still in that shithole.