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20517064 No.20517064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ice cold beer general

>> No.20517067

thats cool and all but you should try piping hot beer with chiliflakes

>> No.20517139

Good beer should not be served ice cold. Even typical refrigerator temperatures are too cold for most beers besides lager or pilsner.

>> No.20517142

japs are a nation of alcoholic pedophiles

>> No.20517212
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I look like this and I drink these things.

>> No.20517277

>Brewed from only the malt for a crisp,
>first press of genuine delicious flavor.

>> No.20517365

are you one of those faggots who are like "noooo you can't put soy sauce in your sushi it's already perfectly sauced" fuck you I'll have my beer cold if I want

>> No.20517376

uhhh based department? its a biggie, an entire country

no it's not niger being shaped like fried chicken

you might wanna take a seat

>> No.20517784

I don't really care for sushi, so you do you. If you serve me an ale thats 32°F I am going to be a bit annoyed because I'll have to wait for it to warm up enough to actually taste it. If you're drinking cheap adjunct macro-lager then by all means, drink it like a slushie. There's not much flavor there to explore, and what flavor there is probably isn't very good.

>> No.20518254

Is that beer massive or is she tiny?

>> No.20518261
File: 590 KB, 680x680, Fag Light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Real-pilled
But anon, there ARE times when a decent Macro or 3, ice cold and sweaty are JUST THE THING for working outside with bros... Preferably with power tools.
I'll drink beer snob brews and homebrew at reccomended temps(yeah, that's PISS WARM for IPAs--that's what they're made for.
But knocking back a few low ABV Hamms or other "Not too pozzed" macros is sometimes just the thing for the day.

>> No.20518328

>0.5% ABV

>> No.20518336

yea bruv me too luv me sum fish and chips wif a nice warm lager!

>> No.20518343

Earlier he marked lagers as an exception, in that they should be drank cold.
Not that I care, just for semantics' sake.

>> No.20518356

those of sodomite light look so low quality. why is the bottom text cut off?

>> No.20518364

thats alright. i dont give a fuck either because that blokes retarded.

>> No.20518384

I brew my own beer. I have four different beers on tap right now in my kegerator. Two pale ales, one IPA, and one lager. I currently have my kegerator set to 38°F. If I didn't have the lager in there I'd probably have it set to 42°F, but 38 is a good middle ground where my ales aren't too cold, but my lagers not too warm.

>> No.20518435

Odds are yes to both.

>> No.20518511
File: 639 KB, 4000x2250, beer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you get ice cod beer.

>> No.20518542

>ice cod beer
That seems fishy, anon.

>> No.20518561
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Based, I like doing that too with my beer occasionally, it makes it even more refreshing. But I also drink my spirits neat. I guess I'm just autistic like that

>> No.20518591
File: 3.86 MB, 177x220, Fag Light.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, Not my OC..But the Galactic heroes one is.
Perhabs a RUSH JOB??

>> No.20520217
File: 3.76 MB, 320x240, 6-w3N5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Bass.

>> No.20520235

Its sad seeing nations promote masculinity in women but not marriage or responsibility with it.

Just get drunk, fuck, abort, eat hot chip and lie. Woman's version of what they think men are but is actually rooted in them, per stereotypical.

>> No.20520240

I read it this way first and choose it after seeing the intended message.

No, my message is better.

>> No.20520257

the actual fucking bud light can is like that. same with budweiser. the text is just cut off

>> No.20520332

one time in hanoi i was walking around and this old lady had a “store” at her house which was basically a table at her front door. she was selling some old pre packed snacks from her cabinet. like one piece each. and i asked her if she had beer. she gave me a glass with ice and opened a warm beer from under her table. i sat on her stoop drinking it. i bought another and she gave me more ice. shit was cash

>> No.20520487
File: 1.99 MB, 2004x2239, Hammsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the actual fucking bud light can is like that.
Fucking LEL!
Troons are even shittier a design than I thot.
A bottle of Bass and a shot of Cuervo gold was my standard billiards primer for YEARS at the local's bar, back in college.
...but it was $3 a pop back then.
I'm not fucking spending $9/bottle at a bar just to be surrounded by today's whores-- Not worth it.

>> No.20520502

>people still absolutely SEETHING about some dumb little Bud Light promotion

>> No.20520504

sounds based and comfy, what were you doing in hanoi anon?

>> No.20520544 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 422x288, laughs in your face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Ernie Laugh*
Seething?? Are you kidding? It was hilarious how spectacularly the DEI Troon gambit was MASS rejected.
That fuckin' Tranny fluid stayed on the shelves for MONTHS longer than had they not tried to fuck with their main consooomer base.
IDGAF--I wouldn't touch Am Bev shit with YOUR dick even before the POOOSH.

>> No.20522083


>> No.20522094

beer tastes like shit. i want a glass of chocolate milk.

>> No.20522101
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>tfw no alcoholic Japanese gf

>> No.20522116

Sorry, every single beer is vastly improved by being chilled. Maybe you like it when the flavors are at their most volatile, but everyone else prefers the balanced and pleasant taste of chilled beer.
It's possible your sense of taste is muted form eating like shit, disease, or drug abuse, in which case I hope you see better days soon. But that's still no excuse to assert your fringe preferences onto everyone else.

>> No.20522603
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All of them? How can an entire country manage to be so based?

>> No.20522650

>sample many different beers last night
>not too hung over
>smell hops specifically from the red ale i had
huh, maybe i do have a problem

>> No.20522665

I cluck on this thread assuming the OP was a webm.

fuk u OP

>> No.20523085

>japs are a nation of alcoholic pedophiles
Please, I was already sold by the alcoholic part

>> No.20524393

I hate how liquor stores don't sell beer here, only grocery stores, and they both close at fucking 9pm.

>> No.20524427

I was disgusted by not being able to buy beer in a gas station when I went to philly. Never again.
>t. Georgian