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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20516219 No.20516219 [Reply] [Original]

Where did the British cuisine is shit meme come from?

When I was in London, I found their restaurants to be much better compared to American ones.

>> No.20516243

Lol, why lie like this.

>> No.20516252

>Where did the British cuisine is shit meme come from?
From everyone in the world who has functioning taste buds and has eaten British cuisine
>When I was in London, I found their restaurants to be much better compared to American ones
No you didn't

>> No.20516255
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Like most things, it was a German's fault (see also, the Midwest). Protestants believed in self-denial of pleasure, so they promoted bland food as godly.
>Perceptions of the very nature of food were accordingly altered as a result of the central theological changes of the Reformation in England. Food could no longer depict God in its material properties, materially contain or emit holy power, or have an impact on salvation.

>> No.20516257

2 questions - what restaurants did you go to in England and what "restaurants" did you go to in the States?

>> No.20516258

t. never left xer state

>> No.20516260

>Where did the British cuisine is shit meme come from?

From 500 years or so ago? More merchants, more travel.

>> No.20516294

I mean compared to French/Mediterranean cuisine, I can see why someone would think lowly of British cuisine. But compared to other european countries and America, it doesn't deserve such a bad rep

I am comparing the restaurant qualities to my experiences with chigaco restaurants and food places which is probably not a fair comparison with London. Whereas New York might be more fair

>> No.20516328

>When I was in London
Where would you find British cuisine in London lmao

>> No.20516342

answer the question, which restaurants are we talking about here specifically
if you only ate at michelin star restaurants in london, its not a fair comparison to make and the food there isnt british anyways
if you ate at nandos and are comparing it to american mcdonalds, that is an entirely different story

>> No.20516360
File: 807 KB, 4032x3024, baucug6u44r21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP ate at trendy urban cafes
This is what the average brit eats

>> No.20517819

Don't think that negates OPs point at all, it is precisely regarding places people want to go to eat in a city rather than what people eat on average

>> No.20517868

Ok reddit

>> No.20517881

unmelted cheese

>> No.20517913

>Food could no longer depict God in its material properties, materially contain or emit holy power, or have an impact on salvation.
How would food do any of that? Were people eating miniature Jesus made of mutton and turnips?

>> No.20517942

Because the average Brit over 40 is likely going to ask the person who cooked "does it taste of anything?" and then nod satisfied when the response is no.

The rapid 'cultural enrichment' of London and other large cities has led to Millenial and Zoomer Whites in those places eating better food, but seriously. The British are good at literally one thing, and thats savoury meat filled pastries.

>> No.20517965

>answer the question, which restaurants are we talking about here specifically

I'm comparing the ones that serve primarily english cuisine with american food restaurants. I also found the asian and italian restaurants in London more enjoyable.

But I'll admit, I was being too hyperbolic claiming that London restaurants are much more enjoyable. However I thought the quality in london was very good.

>> No.20518125

because when people think of British food, they're picturing working class food or pub fare, not upscale restaurants. also restaurants don't tend to label themselves "British" the way they would "Italian" or "Greek" etc, even though a lot of upscale restaurants are British, it doesn't get the name association.

>> No.20518249

>Don't think that negates OPs point at all, it is precisely regarding places people want to go to eat in a city rather than what people eat on average
Then there is no fucking point. Go to any large city ANYWHERE and you will find good food

>> No.20518255

I'm English and this conversation always annoys me. First of all, the OP's post isn't even the point, all his experience supports is that British cooks/chefs are good, which I don't think anyone would seriously challenge, Britain has a well established culinary heritage when it comes to producing chefs.

Secondly, British food being "bad" is not the same as British people eating poorly. The examples often given are takeaways/sports venue/greasy diner examples which you could easily do the same for America for example, lowest standard, low economy food. It would be correct to say the eating habits of a large portion of the nation are garbage and the food is shit, but that has no real bearing on the quality of "British food" if you're talking about national dishes/recipes, like you do when referring to the Mediterranean or other European countries.

Lastly, on actual British food, there are a good amount of traditional dishes that are delicious, but many of them aren't dramatically different from other European nations. Roast meats with vegetables and sauces are in every northern/central European countries list of foods, same with stews and broths, same with any coastal nation and seafood. If you actually care you can look into the dishes and see the variances that the UK has and it has plenty of great dishes, but it's not notably diverse. The areas the UK comes into its own is in pies and puddings, but they are time consuming, hearty so more seasonal and fairly difficult to prepare compared to easy, quick things like pasta or rice dishes. Just because the national food isn't as diverse as the more mainstream countries' fare doesn't make it bad. I cook curries, pasta, stir fry, arab dishes most of the time, but my death row meal would probably be steak & ale pie.

>> No.20518306

>another tourist thread about dumb shit nobody cares about
You are boring. Your cultures are boring. You are here for a reason and not the other way around. If anyone cared about what non-Americans thought, you'd have created 4chan instead of an American.

>> No.20518315

...and then these boring Protestants went on to do *ABSOLUTELY NOTHING* of note. Catholics, Jews, etc. are truly validated. Everyone should let their freak flag fly.

>> No.20518429

>Where did the British cuisine is shit meme come from?

From Britain. On account of their cuisine being shit.

>> No.20518586

>Go to any large city ANYWHERE and you will find good food
If you said metropolis, or gave me a number like, say, having more than 1 million people, I think I'd agree. Eventually the numbers work out for some subset of people in the city, assuming there is a market for fine dining.

I can name a few cities in the US that have 100,000+ people but a relative dearth of good eateries when I go through them for business/travel, such that I'd just grab something generic from them.

Don't feel like writing about my subpar experiences in large midwestern cities if you're just going to say "well actually Springfield, IL or Columbia, MO isn't a city because [objective reason]."

I just want to say you can go into a city of 100,000 people with diverse industry and culture and whatever, and still be in the scenario where on a typical day, the best food you can get isn't that much of a step-up beyond consistent quality chains.

>> No.20518592

Oh and this is mid-2000s email/IRC chat spacing, not reddit spacing.
If you can't insult me for using spacing based on my experiences of writing emails in a boring office job, but rather only insult me for using spacing based on a site that I don't have a reason to post comments on, I question the ultimate meaning of your insult beyond not having anything else to say but needing to say something.

>> No.20518594

Obviously he's comparing it to London because that's what OP cited. Metro London has a population of almost 10 million, the only comparable US metro area is LA which is known to be a great food city. NYC doesn't count since its population is nearly double that of London's, and so is its culinary reputation.

>> No.20519182

There's a bunch of food pageantry in Christianity, for example you must have heard of the blood of Christ, body of Christ, wine and crackers thing?

>> No.20519188

I can insult you for being so insecure that you had to make a whole extra post begging random internet retards to not point out your fucking text spacing. Faggot.

>> No.20519192

Oh yeah that's fair.
I'm quite comfortable with my insecurity as long as the only thing that can be done is denigrate it.
Misappropriating my insecurity to serve some narrative which is convenient but false is much less tolerable.

>> No.20519233

>compared to American ones
Theres your problem, if you were a tourist in america and went to sit down family style restaurants that were recommended to you or you've heard of you got served dressed up slop that uses a lot of oil, cheese, or seasonings to make it into comfort food. These places cater mostly to people there not for the food but for an event like a birthday/graduation/date. If you go next door to the hole in the wall place and get something served to you in styrofoam it'll be 50x better for half the price.

>> No.20519297

>IRC chat spacing
>sending multiple paragraph messages on irc

>> No.20519299

No, it's more
>Single sentence
>Single sentence
I browse IRC two IRC channels for over a decade where people talk like that.
I've learned my lesson about sharing public IRC channels on 4chan

>> No.20519302
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>> No.20519304

Yeah this isn't really talking about British food anymore, so unless you have something to say about food I think it should be dropped.
Have a good day or night now.

>> No.20519346

>tatties with cheese
a hearty and easily prepared meal, i see nothing awry here

>> No.20519348

When I was in London the restaurants served shit on a platter, and it tasted fine but nowhere I went did it look good.

>> No.20519352

Man, you really went through every town sucking mad dick didn't you? You are the typical faggot.

>> No.20519407

Mate what did your mum cook you for dinner every night, don't lie because I know what you ate.

And what is this absolute excrement you made up on the spot about reeeal British dishes not getting credit because they're interchangeable with other European dishes, no sorry, eat some Italian seafood, the flavours different , they are deeper, it might be subjective but at this point you could almost say it's objectively more enjoyable and better quality.

I'm not biased, I'll admit that English Pies, and Irish stew is good, but not even really worth bringing up

>> No.20519643
File: 162 KB, 1500x1125, 2cac19f445158bedf59c71af4bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but its like traditional British meals like roasts, soups and stews are fucking amazing but since basically every nation has their variations of roast meats, soups and stews people will consider British food bad as they are only looking at the stand out meme foods like battered mars bars which imo is a completely fucktarded way of measuring how good a cuisine of a nation is.

>> No.20520914

>uses the word "slop" unironically
I hate British people. I unironically wish your shithole tyrannical governments would ban you all from the internet

>> No.20520920

ok you were in England's most major metropolis and you're comparing that to whatever city you're from? have you tried eating at popular restaurants in LA? NY? Vegas? Miami? what are you even comparing it to, food in England I'm sure is fine but it's shit on the world scale.

>> No.20520953

The fact that most Brits now eat crap and convenience food and only pubs & restaurants serve traditional British cuisine

>> No.20520959

You can't name the restaurants because you never went there, sit down you lying ass nigger faggot

>> No.20520962

Yeah it is kind of dumb to compare my experiences with a major city like London but I just had low expectations when going to England and highly enjoyed traditional british cuisine there.

but can you cunts stop bumping this thread and let die now please

>> No.20520997

the traditional british places I tried was blacklock and argyll arms in soho
you want the names of the asian and italian restaurants too faggot?

>> No.20521502

Based Protestant Chads making jews seethe

>> No.20521507

It comes from other Europeans because their food is shit in comparison to theirs, but yeah it's still easily better than the average American cuisine

>> No.20521695

Nah, just twice in my life.
I see no issue giving people pleasure if they want and I have nothing going on, but I don't enjoy and wouldn't go out of they way for it.
I don't think my willingness to be a faggot has much affect on the restaurant scene of London or comparable places, so again I'll drop it.

>> No.20521852

Took you long enough

>> No.20521870 [DELETED] 

>Where did the British cuisine is shit meme come from?
people ate british food

>> No.20521887

As an American I can't 100% tell what this is but I would definitely devour it. Looks like British baked beans over a potato (?) with shaved cheese over it and some kind of shredded meat.

>> No.20523165

Adding to this, in Catholicism, the "body and blood" thing is interpreted literally, not figuratively. Denying that the bread and wine literally transform into flesh and blood is considered heresy, and a major reason why Protestants were persecuted.

>> No.20523907
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our food is the best on the planet and all other countries are just jealous they don't have anything half as tasty as a smack barm pea wet