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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 228 KB, 800x928, DFW ck meetup meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20495625 No.20495625 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it
12. your car so that everyone from /o/ can criticize it
13. a deck of cards, a chess set, or checkers
14. a notebook to get everyone's number so that you can have new frens to call
15. a whistle incase you want to referee the basketball/football game that breaks out.
16. A nametag for yourself and the potluck dish that you brought so that people know who to sue if they eat your /k/um brownies
17. An Iron skillet or other pan to cook omelets on.
18 Paper plates, plastic forks, and other cutlery

>> No.20495629

Stop trying to make your gay offline meetup shit happen, OP. Nobody wants to have buttsex with you in a public park.

>> No.20495653

What state? I can bring vitamin C supplements and we can all megadose.

>> No.20495660

It says TX in the OP pic dingdong

>> No.20495664

Thanks, I can't come to Texas but I hope you guys try vitamin C megadosing.

>> No.20495677
File: 76 KB, 1268x713, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, if it wasn't so far away I would actually consider going. /ck/ is one of the only few boards that still had mild quality control, stays on topic, is genuinely funny and didn't just become /pol/ lite. If this happens, hope you have fun, frens

>> No.20495681
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, 72021971924__8DEE41B1-22BD-4885-A930-D3AAA8CC9786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the weed and bong bro

>> No.20495689

inb4 someone prints out 100 Coinslots and puts them all over the park the night before

>> No.20495690
File: 73 KB, 800x800, 821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i got the weed and bong bro

>> No.20495720
File: 645 KB, 1000x1000, 1684546511509666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, faggot.

>> No.20495723

forced meme

>> No.20495725


>> No.20495727
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>> No.20495758

but I live in europe

>> No.20495767

The organizer will have a laptop with a camera, look for the Zoom link and you can join remotely.

>> No.20495768

so I can watch you all eat and have fun? fuck you!

>> No.20495776

DFW is a fucking hellhole and I wouldn't ever have visited it if it wasn't for the eclipse. Have fun in your flat, boring, highwayed to fuck shithole Texgers.

>> No.20495803 [DELETED] 

No, so you can watch a bunch of people who somehow fail to grasp the concept of an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD awkwardly sit around and eat the bagged lunches they brought from home to avoid getting drugged or eating feces, make awkward conversation, occasionally shouting a few memes, before begrudgingly taking a group photo and leaving after about 15 minutes, vowing "never again". But it will be fun to see /ck/ learn the same lesson that /o/, /k/, /fa/, and other boards learned years ago.

>> No.20495814

This is so wholesome. I hope it's a big success.

>> No.20495945

i'll bring the *snicker*...muffins...

>> No.20495967

I would totally come if you had one in my cunt in Europe

>> No.20495969

I'll bring a lil Bluetooth speaker and a couple chairs. No job at the moment, so that'll have to do. Can't afford to spare my half loaf of bread, and I don't think it'd find much favor anyway lol
What do you want, a fucking plane ticket?

>> No.20495974
File: 78 KB, 540x410, 1697514370429538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need, the public grills already have the, uh, "stuff" that you're looking for...

>> No.20495975

Open carrying a pistol is cool and all but open carrying a bottle of Tabasco and a Steelie is a power move.

>> No.20496001

whatd this girl do again eat shit or something? i forget

>> No.20496018

boring faggot

>> No.20496038

I live like 300 yards from grapevine lake lmao
But the lake is big what part

>> No.20496041

I didn't read the Pic. I'm like a 5 minute walk from Katie's woods looool

>> No.20496055

Are off duty cops welcome?

>> No.20496056

I'm right by there and might be in, but unfortunately I'll be in fucking St. Louis that day. Pray for me, anons.

>> No.20496076

maybe, but there will definitely be a lot of on duty cops there at some point

>> No.20496090
File: 12 KB, 743x104, don't let your memes be dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempting. If only for the memes.

>> No.20496095

That seems cheap, are flights out of Canada usually cheap?

>> No.20496110

I'll meet you there. My name is Roderick, but I go by Rick. I'm mixed race male, 6'2", short black hair, 2nd year med student at TCOM and can cook brisket and bake a blueberry pie. Hope to meet frens there. No need for hate and ugliness in this world, we're all in it to better ourselves and those around us!

>> No.20496118

^ fed

>> No.20496127

Escaping Canada to the states? Yes. In Canada? Hell. That is really cheap. Honestly I've been dreaming about just taking a flight to another country hanging out for a few days and coming back.

>> No.20496142


if there is alot of melanin when I get there I am doing 360 and walk away

>> No.20496190

With those grills in public parks it's best to add some cleaning supplies to OPs list. brushes not metal bristles, the metal bristles can leave metal things that have killed people. You might be best off bringing some portable grill.

>> No.20496196

I'll bring the deenz, you bring an appetite

>> No.20496220

ill bring the four lokos and steel reserve

>> No.20496229

ill bring the lube

>> No.20496233

Whether beans, nigs or mystery meat

>> No.20496246

is /k/ bringing the brownies?

>> No.20496255

Surely I'm invited too seeing as how all boards belong to /pol/ now.
t. /pol/ack

>> No.20496259
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, ckfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496316

what kind of meat should i bring?

>> No.20496334
File: 142 KB, 1024x974, 1652560236329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume there will be a few FBI agents there.

>> No.20496340

>does a meetup for a NA board in bum fuck nowhere Texas.
Bro at least make an effort, find a park in Austin or Dallas or some shit.
I can't go either way since I am a leaf and Texas food makes me depressed since it is so much better than Toronto.

>> No.20496351

Don't worry /pol/ and /vt/ aren't invited

>> No.20496355

Do you not know what DFW stands for?

>> No.20496367
File: 207 KB, 840x630, IMG_5161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a fake Texan

>> No.20496426

Weedfags are the most boring fuckers imaginable.

>> No.20496428

You type like a tranny. Don't come.

>> No.20496431

Oh so it's a meetup for the outsider """"4chan"""" tourists

>> No.20496447
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>> No.20496531

no one’s telling you to smoke if you don’t want to

>> No.20496539

Is there some sort of high you get from ingesting lots of vitamin C?

>> No.20496625

Yes anon, the CIA wants you to come to a park to talk with the cookbros as a psyop to get at your cheese pizza recipe hoard (59tb)

>> No.20496628

No one's telling you to mention that you totally dude weed lmao, faggot. Go have a hit then sit quietly in the corner like your boring asses always do.

>> No.20496647

Did a pot smoking Chad steal your gf?

>> No.20496653

The OP was posted on /pol/. Just stop being brown so others can enjoy themselves.

>> No.20496659

Who owes you entertainment? You sound insanely feminine, but will never be a woman.

>> No.20496667

Might just stop by and bring one of my leftover box of MREs because i'm not touching a single fucking thing from you guys.

>> No.20496673

You aren't going to know who I am anyway dumb ass

>> No.20496678

Please share an MRE with me I haven't had one before

>> No.20496686 [DELETED] 

>You might be best off bringing some portable grill.
It's the only option. Believe it or not, some people actually think that a couple minutes of scrubbing, followed by a lighter-fluid fireball actually does something. The fireball might look pretty, but you're really just charring the years of caked-on shit a little bit, for some extra umami flavor. And nobody ever bothers to clean the grill bed, where all that ancient hobo AIDS piss gets reactivated by the heat of the coals.

>> No.20496692

You don't pass. You'll never be a real woman.

>> No.20496693

Hope you talk the same in person bro

>> No.20496696

He meant "don't come Yet" as in he's not finished edging you. Relax

>> No.20496699

Yeah i have an open box with 11 of them so i can pass them out.

>> No.20496702

inb4 cum brownies like the /k/ meetup

>> No.20496711

How are you inb4 when it's in the OP?

>> No.20496719

there was a guy in the other thread offering a lift from the airport

>> No.20496738

Cash, grass, or ass. No one rides for free.

>> No.20496743

The airport is close, you can stay at my place bro I have a couch

>> No.20496749


>> No.20496752

when is the designated kissing hour?

>> No.20496759

1100 CDT

>> No.20496779

Ahhh change it to the next weekend, I'm visiting my mom in Grand Prairie on the 8th

>> No.20496786
File: 790 KB, 1189x649, Mass Transit will help to get you there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Texrail to Grapevine, Walk to Weinberger's have a sammich and then walk to the cookout!

>> No.20496802

Visit the park with her, but stop by Weinberger's and get some sammiches. Then post pics of your sammiches at the park! Everyone loves a picnic!

>> No.20496805
File: 10 KB, 474x355, Kite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to bring a kite to fly?

>> No.20496815

i'd go if i wasn't on the other side of the country but i wouldn't eat anything anyone prepared. i'd drink with ya'll though.

>> No.20496823 [DELETED] 

> wahhh muh /pol/ lite
nigger detected

>> No.20496828

Let's not kid ourselves. Just like most other 4chan meetups it's going to be all kinds of mystery meat and not just a bunch of white people.

>> No.20496877

>find something in Dallas rather than the middle of bumfuck Texas
>meet is in Grapevine

>> No.20496884

How does that shit take 74 minutes? Half of that trip is still within the airport.

>> No.20496887

I wanna do one in Wash Park here in Colorado, the weather's been breathtaking

>> No.20496898

Oh shit really? They don't let just anyone make threads after all

>> No.20496918

Yeah, really. Looks like /pol/ is invited; cope, seethe, and see ya there!

>> No.20496932

Having it outside of downtown Dallas is the smart move. I had a meetup with some of my buddies at some pizza place in Dallas and we ended up getting into a fist fight with some homeless person trying to steal our food.

>> No.20496937

I don't have reason to go to downtown Dallas much, but whenever I go I'm shocked at how clean it is, how few homeless folks there are, how safe it is in general.
Also, I moved here from Portland 5yrs ago.

>> No.20496946

Waiting for that bus. The walk from the Texrail station is like an hour.

Start a thread

Dallas' leftists are kept in check by Bible believing folk.

>> No.20496949

What date would you suggest for a Wash Park meetup? I'm at the firehouse end, the grill is 100 percent safe

>> No.20496957

Pick a Saturday that the Rockies aren't in town. Then tell /sp/ specifically /mlb/ to show up. Go there and take pics and make memes with coordinates so that autists can't claim to have gotten lost. Post it on /n/ if mass transit goes there or it's a place to bike. Post it on /o/ as well so you can see people broken down in their daily driver.

>> No.20496960

No they cleaned it up pretty well. Even deep ellum is actually pretty nice outside of weekend nights. It's so much better than Portland or Seattle. I lived in the seattle area for 4 years and went to portland a lot. In portland they had pallet forts and the police didn't do shit. Before I left almost half of seattles PD resigned because the city wouldn't let them enforce the law or prosecute crimes. That was a little over 2 years ago.

So the dallas crackheads aren't as bad but they're there. The difference is that when they do shit like that the police show up with 5 squad cars.

>> No.20496970

Oh shit those sandwiches are the best

>> No.20496974

>that the Rockies aren't in town
There is no /n/ in Wash Park, they can get fucked, this is basically an anti-EV neighborhood; I have neighbors that drive shit like GT3 RSes and G-wagons are a dime a dozen
There's a good /o/ contingent so yes

>> No.20496975

Sounds based

>> No.20497005

Yeah who doesn’t love a curry shop on every corner! We sure are happy about the millions of Indians coming over every year!

>> No.20497007

One of my buddies from Portland came down to visit during covid (at least, when Portland was still worrying about it) and he marveled about how we could sit outside, at a restaurant, having a drink on a Friday night and not see someone taking a shit or shooting some heroin.
He and I went to check out the grassy knoll and the museum, and as we walked around that area we saw some parts that were a little less maintained, but they would have been nice residential neighborhoods in Portland. I was born and raised there, spent the first 40 years of my life there, and I don't go back except to visit friends and family now. It's just such a difference, in a good way.

>> No.20497018

Is it worth the 5 hour drive from San Antonio?

>> No.20497022

It's like, half based
Everyone lives based lifestyles and does based shit, but it's still Denver, so they can't espouse it, or they'll get cancelled
There was a cull of geese and one lady went on Nextdoor and she freaked out and told people to bring her all the geese
This is a violation of the Migratory Bird Act Treaty, I have never seen so many lights and sirens
They were all over the street from all the way from Canada
Actual fucking mounties
Bitches bein' bitches
How would you like to be the husband
>honey there are some men here with badges
Seriously she had, like, 80 fucking geese in her garage
Every level of government in two countries was involved, it took two days for the cars to go away

>> No.20497044
File: 35 KB, 630x630, 1594616733357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is grapevine lake not flooded right now?

nice lol I'm on the other side of the city

>> No.20497062

Just some of the boat ramps as far as i'm tracking. The parks should be business as usual.

>> No.20497072

is anyone from the Huntsville area going that I could catch a ride with? I'd like to attend and I can contribute but I don't have a car at the moment

>> No.20497100

Not at all, people bring their boats all the time. Mexicans have loud ass parties out here regularly. It's a good place for some food and chilling

>> No.20497147

No, unless you have other business in DFW, like eating superior Tex-Mex yo whatever garbage is served in San Antonio.

>> No.20497182

how do I get to the Brisbane airport from the park I live in?

>> No.20497198

why is the Mexican food so bad in SA tho?
from west texas and it was consistently great in most towns as long as you know the good places, but here near SA it's all ass

>> No.20497205

I'd go but
1. I don't want my photos taken but I know they will be
2. I'm not white

>> No.20497225

San Antonio has a lot of california techie transplants and major air force base that makes the demand for bland food high.

>> No.20497240
File: 623 KB, 4500x4334, 1715838962750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr why is your meet up so far from a big city??
>having it right outside of downtown Dallas is the best option

Hey retard, Grapevine is 30 minutes away from downtown Dallas with gold traffic. Why didn't you open up Google maps and take a look for yourself before spouting off and making 2 back to back retarded posts, you dumb Canadian dog. Also, you've clearly never been to DFW, otherwise you'd know that 99% of well adjusted people over the age of 25 don't live in the downtown areas of Dallas or Fort worth, we live in the suburbs, like well adjusted adults. I'm willing to bet most of us who post on /ck/ live north of Richardson.

>> No.20497250
File: 221 KB, 1366x768, no sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live like 20 minutes away and say it's better to stay out of Dallas as a good thing.

>> No.20497258

nty I don't want to be fed cum brownies by you bastards.

>> No.20497266

>putting things in your body given to you by an anon
never in my fucking life, the thought of being around you fuckers is frightening enough.

>> No.20497270

>why yes anon I'd like to speedrun getting murder-raped.

>> No.20497296
File: 147 KB, 1211x799, IMG_2325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, the San Antonio Mex was some of the absolute worst shit I’ve ever tasted in my life. Not even spicy. Almost like it was meant for all the big10 folk coming down for the Alamobowl or something.


I hope Leafren comes

>> No.20497311

>I'm not white
Don't go then for sure

>> No.20497317
File: 2.94 MB, 1242x2003, Quantas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20497454

david foster-wallace

>> No.20497467

too bad gringoid, I'm goin

>> No.20497656

how do I get to Melbourne airport from the park in Brisbane that I live in? Australian states are not small like texas

>> No.20497680


>> No.20497739

I’m from indiana and preferred it up there. They see me and stop seasoning the food so I don’t come back. Bland eggs and bland beef. Have to get a coworker to order in Spanish for me so I get the stuff.

Fucking racist Mexicans…

>> No.20497743

>not even spicy
Did you order spicy? Contrary to popular belief, Mexicans can’t read minds and don’t know what you want.

>> No.20497792

>t. Bean

>> No.20498014

i think this guy is a bigger faggot than op, didn't think that was possible...

>> No.20498039
File: 41 KB, 718x646, the-west-has-fallen-v0-d58wunuz15ta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's definitely obsession. Not that /pol/cels shit up every board with off topic garbage. You are just the new furries at this point.

>> No.20498059

Can yall rec me some good Foreign restaurants? I'm in Hunt county. But I've been itching to munch on some Euro and MENA stuff

>> No.20498142

u can't bring this tx isnt a free state

>> No.20498144

Sorry I'm getting married that day.

>> No.20498225

i could fly in for less than $200 but no meme is worth the airport

>> No.20498240
File: 62 KB, 778x774, IMG_9313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u can't bring this tx isnt a free state

>> No.20498490

>t. faggot

>> No.20498545

Hitchhike, to the airport and then fly to Melbourne

>> No.20498550
File: 171 KB, 1636x853, Fhuuggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing changed, you did, though.

>> No.20498555

Shut up, lurk more, shut up, newfag.

>> No.20498605

poop cookies

>> No.20498615

I'm going to put my poop particles on all the food. Hope you guys like eating men's poop

>> No.20498624
File: 137 KB, 1004x1071, 1715529367888336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing how you are the one shitting up the thread and chimping out because someone made fun of your club. Keep politics out of non political boards, sperg

>> No.20498679

At least he's not wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.

>> No.20498715
File: 1019 KB, 1350x1728, TonyB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing more political that food
Was he correct? I think so.

>> No.20498728
File: 65 KB, 554x554, IMG_0739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too far for me, never any meetups in Ohio

>> No.20498736

Most pot smokers I know are either roasties with attitude problems and tramp stamps or boring black dudes.

>> No.20498741

He’s a dick but I’ll give him that. People get really territorial about cuisine.

>> No.20498747

I'll have to start up my diet that I use in my fart fetish vids, you all will suffer. The smell of my intestines will be in your nose.

>> No.20498755

go shit up an altchan and leave us alone

>> No.20498761

rifle club parties are awesome if they are good ones. $100 or so will get you and your wife in, which is also a lottery ticket for up to $5k with 20 winners jackpot going down obviously. pull tabs which are illegal lottery tickets.. and the best part is the 'free' food and drinks. usually open kegs at the least for free and sometimes open bar.
covid ruined it for us.. we used to do ribeye sandwiches for the meal but the prices went thru the moon

>> No.20499977

can we have a roll call, how many people are going?

>> No.20499979


>> No.20499981

I'm in NY, I'll try to make it

>> No.20499989

Checked and me obviously

>> No.20500092

Reporting in, be there 100%.

>> No.20500096


>> No.20500102

I guess

>> No.20500111

I'll be there if I can get a lift and if I'm not in rehab

>> No.20500114

get drunk with me then appease ur mom by going to rehab after

>> No.20500137

>2nd year med student at TCOM
Ewwww, you're at a DO school. My dumb brother goes to TCOM.
>t. MD McGovern chad

>> No.20500171

she died a few weeks ago but thanks

>> No.20500380

i'll go if my parole officer stops hounding me

>> No.20500391

Great, all the tard wranglers will be there because anons didn't take their meds.

>> No.20500395

if anyone shows up please post pics so I can laugh at you guys.

>> No.20500400

would be cool if it really happens

>> No.20500888


>> No.20500894

So... no rehab!

>> No.20501236

I'm going to make brownies. Definitely not pot brownies.

>> No.20501243


The Brownies.

>> No.20501366

No fucking way i would ever eat food made by 4channers. Itd probably have cum or pureed baby squirrels or both in it.

>> No.20501482

Enjoy your kidney stones

>> No.20501544

Why would you puree a squirrel? You clean it and stew it, basically dissolves in your mouth.

>> No.20501575

Which turned out to be a hoax.

Which means you should probably not trust future batches of brownies.
And definitely avoid the blondies.

The average Anon is pretty normal, if high IQ and slightly bored

>> No.20501609

A lift from where?

>> No.20501655

>but I'll give him that
So to suck dead celebrity dick you've thrown away the principal used to make your previous reply. Polwhiners really are something else

>> No.20501987

diets coming along well the, lots of fermented food (pickled eggs, pickled raddishes) thrown in my body, already getting some pretty rancid farts, and some good bloat.

>> No.20502048

Is eating the only thing on your mind? Get out of your house and meet people.

>> No.20502070

This. Touch grass, catch a bass, meet frens

>> No.20502125

No. I have anxiety.

>> No.20502206

seventeen mile rocks

>> No.20502216

No worries dude i'll call an uber for you :)

>> No.20502230

yeah i have to be there unfortunately

>> No.20502238
File: 77 KB, 756x756, 1696451797600159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll post pictures of this?
I'm a bong but I want to see it.

>> No.20502328

Hopefully you can arrest some more boomers violently assaulting democracy by peacefully assembling.

>> No.20502337

it's one of the bullet points! haha

>> No.20502344
File: 101 KB, 823x900, 1606937854973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact, the infamous /k/ meetup where someone gave everyone shit brownies happened in my very own state of Georgia
That one story is more than enough to keep me from eating any food you niggers cook

>> No.20502392

>shit brownies
they were cum brownies

>> No.20502413

Not to mention the other /k/ meetup where some troon nailed a severed goats head to a tree and ruined the friendship that allowed them to get private land access, iirc.

>> No.20502418

It was fake and gay
Go, you don't have to eat, bring a cigar and make new friends

>> No.20502430

>It was fake and gay
Prove it

>> No.20502526

blue cheese and natto pizza down the hatch, pants unbuttoned, going to down some more guiness

>> No.20502577

>Not "wala"
Whoever made this image is not from /ck/.

>> No.20502723

Ok look I’ll come to the meetup and I won’t even do gay shit to the food if you retards don’t do any gay shit to me. I mean it I will fucking kill toy literally I’m unhinged.

>> No.20502729

Fucking autocorrect I mean I myself will literally kill you if you mess with my food and I find out.

>> No.20502768
File: 375 KB, 459x459, 1631993881434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fish on the lake? If so what fish are in there? Catch and release or nah?
I might come just to fish. Maybe we can co/ck/ our catches too.

>> No.20502787

i like you had to say prepackaged brownies.. you guys sure you dont want a repeat of the last 4chan meet up

>> No.20502991

I did a Halloween meet-up with some /x/ members back in 2011. It was pretty chill.

>> No.20503144


>> No.20503165

Find a way to legitimize this further before I drive 12 hours for an empty ass park and some lonely bass huntin

>> No.20503199

I can’t wait for the first I’m gonna show up and beat the shit out of all of you pussy holes.

>> No.20503236

Uhhh none of you are black right? I don’t want any darkies showing up for my free stuff.

>> No.20503318

Yes, that anon realized their views were incorrect and changed them accordingly. You, however, will stubbornly continue to be wrong and assume a sense of superiority from your ignorance. Coincidentally, that is the foundation of Conservatism.

>> No.20503595
File: 191 KB, 410x360, 1708628444663383.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want pictures of you godless fatbodies and alcoholics having a great time and feasting on one another's meat

>> No.20503691

you really want the feds to have an excuse to go waco?

>> No.20503743

The burden of truth is on you for sharing a story.

>> No.20503852
File: 207 KB, 600x600, 1706322810184093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any girls going? I don't want to be the only one

>> No.20504016

>check flights
>150 bucks round trip
I could fly half way across the country to Texas, take a train to a public park, loudly call you all niggers, and then be back in my home state the same day. All for less than the price of a really fancy dinner. The miracles of modern travel.

>> No.20504026

I predict body odor and food poisoning

>> No.20504034
File: 135 KB, 828x907, IMG_9411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cops don’t care about a lil weed

>> No.20504158

I’m going. Bringing cheese balls and zappos chips

>> No.20504311 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20504392

In other words you cant prove shit
Not coming out to your cum tasting festival pal

>> No.20505819

eggsalad eaten, couple of jugs of milk, and some bean burritos from taco bell, finishing off with a little bit of kombucha, I can't even describe how much bloat I have gained. You are all in for one unique olfactory experience.

>> No.20505838

The proof is in the original screencap

>> No.20506128


>> No.20506184

Why does she seem familiar to me?

>> No.20506211

>150 bucks round trip
Same here, I thought about it but can’t think of any food from the northwest this time of year that’s worth passing through airport X-rays to share.

>> No.20506656

but doing faggy shit to you is okay?

>> No.20506700

>Open carrying a pistol is cool and all
100% ILLEGAL IN TEXAS PUBLIC PARKS unless you have a license to carry

>> No.20506727

Will be there from Irving

>> No.20506755

Not sure but she looks like Kira Kosarin and if she's showing up then I'll make an effort to show up.

>> No.20506761

Just remember that Charlie don't surf!

>> No.20506817

Wow! Will you be inviting all of us? Wouldn't that be something? /ck/ meetup at some anon's wedding.

>> No.20506838

I'm all for that, it a great excuse to wear my way to small Hawaiian shirt and get blackout drunk.

>> No.20506954

Everyone is invited as long as you bring the beers

>> No.20506966

I think we'd need some big dudes to protect the Bride's purse, some snarky fuck might try to run off with it, like from one of those Godfather movies.

>> No.20506980

as long as i get the wedding bouquet to make a Lei out of it for that guy >>20506838, i take care of it

>> No.20506988

Damn I would go If I wasn't in a europoor

>> No.20507016

As long as you get rice thrown at you, then you're clear. If you get hit by rice then it means that you're the next wedding recipient.

>> No.20507036

is that a proposal? sounds kinda gay. i hope you are atleast a twink and a good cook.

>> No.20507044

I've worn those Hawaiian shirts to weddings before, the shirts are expensive as all heck. I could pay for the whole wedding for the cost of a couple of those shirts, cool shirts they are.

>> No.20507049

No I'm straight. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.20507066

what kind of seltzers should i bring, white claw or topochico?

>> No.20507079

Sure, I'll be getting married at the US Capitol Building. Come right in

>> No.20507110
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Hope it goes better than last time.
Bit of a disappointment.

>> No.20507121

dutchbread, bacon, sausage and baked beans? the fuck is that sandwich

>> No.20507167

Gonna pick up some stuff at Winco before I head over there. Thinking of buying stuff for tacos

All prepackaed: carne asada/al pastor, corn tortillas, pre diced onions, cilantro, and some salsa.

>inb4 just go to fiesta for the meat
no fuck off. I always find bone fragments in all of their meat.

Can anyone confirm that some anon will be bringing a BBQ on that day?

I don't use Arch btw

>> No.20507207

>dutchbread, bacon, sausage and baked beans? the fuck is that sandwich
10/10 in bongland

>> No.20507242

/pol/ here, gonna bring some of my klansbros along as well.

>> No.20507544

Would rather nail the sandwich than the slag

>> No.20507554

couldn't catch me dead in texas

>> No.20507564

Good because we all hate your gay ass here.

>> No.20507597

Any guys attending or will it be all girls?

>> No.20507612

I do

>> No.20507638
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If I lived in the area I would probably show up to this. I would wait in my car in the parking lot and look at the group of attendees before deciding if I wanted to join in or just drive off

I kind of envy you southern bros for having the gumption to do something like this. Up here in New England such a meetup would never happen

>> No.20507651
File: 680 KB, 1541x5406, CUMCAKES at -k-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but I dunno.
looks like pudding not Cum.
I hope you guys WIN and have a great time.

>> No.20507656

I can't begin to imagine what you people look like

>> No.20507669

Imagine being the crust officer.
Imagine going into a job, thinking you could help people, do something meaningful for the community. Then you get assigned a case, your cheerful, happy to prove yourself. You read the case file and realize the implications.
You have to have unprotected gay sex with hairy, stinky, crusty men. The assholes loose from all the fisting, the stench is impossible to comprehend, a mix of shit, sweat, bad breath, semen, more shit, weed and other drugs, hairy assholes, prolapsed ani, gay men slurping jizz from the floor, grunting, humping, ever more so grunting, calling you a pozz pig, a slut, a faggot, sticking their unwashed penis in your hairy manhole, using you until the pain transforms into pleasure until you orgasm yellow spunk into some perverted married fat mans face.

Try writing a report on that

>> No.20507677

are ck w*man really that sexy?

>> No.20507695 [DELETED] 

>I would wait in my car in the parking lot and look at the group of attendees before deciding if I wanted to join in or just drive off
LOL, this is what I'm imagining. Around the designated meetup area, there are 40 dudes "casually" strolling around, whistling with hands in pockets, pretending to be normal visitors while scoping the scene.
>Oh, how coincidental to see you here, fellow 4channer! Do I like mudkips? Well, OK, I guess I could eat one brownie...
Try to adopt a "gray man" wardrobe. (Hint: it does not include hentai t-shirts.) Also, you guys need a special signal to recognize each other, kind of like other "special" groups who meet at the public park for "anonymous" activities.

>> No.20507699

REMINDER: I will be charging everyone $24.95 per parking space and handing out parking tickets. Please remember to be NICE and COURTEOUS when parking. Thank you.

>> No.20507731

if you dont wear jeans short shorts i will not respect you

>> No.20508106

Just go to any 'faces of /int/' thread on the international board to get a general idea of the fauna that inhabit this place.

>> No.20508360

One thing that really confused me moving to the US is why they insist on having all beef hot dogs. Pork would be both cheaper and juicier. But i guess it's not kosher so here i am paying for overpriced beef dogs with 15% meat content that doesn't even have real skin. Grim.

>> No.20508370

Because beef is the 'murican meat of choice, and when hotdogs here aren't "All Beef" they're pork plus chicken which isn't very good.

>> No.20508377

I was able to find some pretty good pork sausages up in washington that were german style but down in texas it's mostly some unholy pork, chicken and turkey mix which is basically all the waste products and taste awful. Also bothers me that back in sweden the sausages usually labeled the meat percentage on the packets but here you have no idea.

>> No.20508397

If that was a /ck/ meetup we all missed out.

>> No.20508416

I forgot about the turkey, but yeah those are bad. It's just the cheapest shit they can stuff in an artificial casing. For the most part Texans simply prefer beef over pork and so I guess all pork dogs never caught on, which is too bad.
I don't know how close they are to actual German style sausages, but Johnsonville "brats" are pretty common around here.

>> No.20508418

>around here
Meaning DFW area grocery stores

>> No.20508631
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That’s only because you don’t practice being frenly enough. I bet if you tried it, something would happen.

>> No.20508987

will anons actually show up?

>> No.20509091

Don't be uncharitable

>> No.20509234

I still intend to! I'll be a few minutes later than noon, give it a good few and either stay to fish or head out if I don't see anyone. A map pin or lat/long for which side of the lake would be stellar though.

>> No.20509238

>One thing that really confused me moving to the US is why they insist on having all beef hot dogs.
Well there's always the Bar-S brand if that's your thing.
Non beef hot dogs have all the other left over shit that could not be sold ground up and combined. like pig asshole, chicken feet, etc.

>> No.20509248

>A map pin or lat/long
check the OP

>> No.20509489

Here in BumfuckCorntopia there's a local town of >1000 that's got a surprisingly decent grocery store and kitchen. Despite the small town population and not a whole lot of people just on farms, there are always people in it and they seem to do OK.

I always go there for their homemade meats, which include like 8 varieties of stuffed pork sausage they make. The standard and braut-style are good, the vegetable-filled ones a bit watery but not bad, but the winner is the heartburn inducing pizza sausage, which even has some pepperoni flavoring and a melty cheese.

Long tangent but yeah a good pork sausage is quite nice for a meal.

>> No.20510541

They can't explain how /pol/ got worse after the subreddit r/thedonald got banned. I still wonder where all those missing redditors went off to.

>> No.20510551

I can’t wait to go grab a free hot dog from the grill and chat with all of the r/thedonald frens about how Trump is going to win the election.

>> No.20510573

Have you done this before? I am deathly afraid of eating anything you all might have.

>> No.20510583
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Been to plenty of pot lucks at nudist resorts, always a fun time.

>> No.20510598

Can I get an expected age range for this? I don't want to get arrested, especially with the FBI there.

>> No.20510797

Can I butcher and roast a whole hog there or are you a bunch of vegan babies

>> No.20510899

The meet up: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLptLQtn/

>> No.20510934

if the /ck/ DFW meet up is successful I will do a /ck/ Houston meet up

>> No.20510955

Houston city limits? Herman park I guess.
Outer Houston? George Bush Park on the west side. Fishing for /out/, gun range for /k/, you can set up a tent.
Big Dick Energy/Rent a Car Poor Boy Near Houston: The beach. Across the ferry is kinda the tourist way to go. Crystal Beach is classy. But Surfside is just so much more chill and easier to get to. Either way you can just drive your car on the beach and set up camp and have bonfires.

>> No.20510963

I imagine parking would be better at George Bush park so probably there

>> No.20511120
File: 1.09 MB, 1242x1308, IMG_0591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good things are happening!

>> No.20511241

For me it's shilling the McChicken

>> No.20511250

I'd probably get a boner watching you do that and ask you to plow me

>> No.20511252

That's in some DFW park? I'm surprised that your not being attacked by drugged out zombies and illegals.

>> No.20511258

I'm 21, please don't rape me

>> No.20511262

Nah, it’s just someone using a public grill. There are no more public grills at this park in Grapevine.

>> No.20511273

The secrete ingredient is going to be cum.

>> No.20511281

Do I have your word that you didn't fuck it beforehand?
EVERYONE is going to be 21 and over, right? Right?!

>> No.20511283

I'll keep politics off non political boards when people stop crying and reporting me for racism.

>> No.20511334

would you go to one in Chicago?

>> No.20511536

No, I've been to chicago before for work. Luckily it was day trips, there's nothing desirable about chicago, they're nothing but annoying jealous hacks that can't even write decent code.

>> No.20511562

can we just do this in houston so I dont have to drive 4 hours one way to see people I dont know?

>> No.20511566

Get sn airplane and expence it, why are you driving idiot long distances?

>> No.20511571

I live in houston. Its an hour away from houston. I regularly drive upwards of 4 hours a day for work here in houston but atleast im still in just houston. To dallas is a long drive 1 direction which is stupid.

>> No.20511581

That's pretty bizzaro, you drive four hours in Houston from Houston. That's supposed to be the energy city, check out the movie Roller Ball.

>> No.20511586

job to job they are across town most of the time.

>> No.20511627

Airports arent really as time saving as you think for that distance. You need to factor in security checks, boaring, taxi before takeoff, getting the plane you the gate after it lands, possible delays and all the time spent walking around in the airports even if you don't have checked luggage to grab.

I'd rather drive. If it was Houston to LA or some shit yeah I'd take the plane.

>> No.20511644

I know what your saying, I have a brother that lives near Atlanta, GA and it takes him about four hours to get from one county to another, it's plain weird. That's just to a destination, it's not including getting back.

>> No.20511667

Yeh, in NYC for instance you have to know timings to go up and down avenues and to just walk east or west. Getting caught in some stupid traffic going east or west in Manhattan during certain times during so called "rush" hours is just plain annoying and why walking is so valuable. That's why I don't live in NYC anymore, the whole place is an annoying shithole.

>> No.20511685

ironically I guess, I am originally from that nightmare zone too. drive time = not actually working time.

>> No.20511697

Bill those bitch companies for travel time :-)
They bill eveyone else, why not bill them too?

>> No.20511704

My company mostly avoided taking jobs for the city of Dallas because they have some really stupid regulations for the way things need to be done on construction sites but the few times I did it was still OK because if i got stuck in traffic i was using my work truck and i clocked in as soon as i left home so i was getting paid to be stuck in traffic and the company paid for gas too. Being stuck unpaid? Yeah that sucks.

>> No.20511714

why is everyone ignoring the most important question in this entire thread?

>> No.20511718

my 2022 truck i got at the end of 2023 has 50k already. I got the truck with 7

>> No.20511735

Yeah i was stacking miles and hours on my truck too. Especially when i had job sites in Rockwall, Rowlett, Plano and Frisco for weeks straight coming out from the Euless area south of DFW airpoirt. A lot of driving.

>> No.20511740

Is that distance or sitting in traffic?

>> No.20511744

its annoying because i like to just do my job but how do i argue all that OT and miles doing nothing?
uhh, miles are miles bro

>> No.20511745

But how many hours were included dropping your jeans and showing your ass to lonely housewives?

>> No.20511756

For me it was pretty easy as a contractor because it's billable time so the clients paid for it, not my company. If you ask your boss to pay you company money? There's a good chance they say no.
Sadly not many. I do miss convoys in the army because you'd get girls flashing their tits at you every now and then when you were on the highways.

>> No.20511768

im hourly. Just how it be.

>> No.20511797
File: 692 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_1048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 4 hour drive is nothing. You 4wheeler normies are such disappointments.

t /o/

>> No.20511817

your an idiot and learn to read.

>> No.20511825

It’s a 4 hour drive from Houston to Grapevine. You could do this and still get back in time late at night.

Dallas to Houston is nothing. Quit being a normie.

>> No.20511831

your lack of awareness involved is actually offensive. leave this board redditor

>> No.20511838

Just drive 4 hours to the meet up, stay a few and then drive 4 hours back. It’s literally a 10-12 hour day

>> No.20511846
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>> No.20511854

just too much driving in my week to want to do that
go back reddit

>> No.20511855

how do those two have the same shoes

>> No.20511875
File: 10 KB, 236x254, IN2deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normie can’t drive 4 hours for an adventure. Sad!

>> No.20511887

reddit leave.

>> No.20511996

Those fags need to make sure to bring their darth vader light sabers and do some heavy breathing

>> No.20512017
File: 375 KB, 1200x900, parks-closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys need a banner to cordon off your designated cooking street.....

>> No.20512038

Lmao this is great

>> No.20512376

Okay but I had a Bad Time at the /k/ meetup years ago so I am slow to trust fucking 4chan.


>> No.20512390

Fukken saved

>> No.20512522

Townsend..,, Kek!

>> No.20512560
File: 49 KB, 480x600, IMG_1059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s bringing fish?

>> No.20512591
File: 52 KB, 638x359, Fish_Dinner-Airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want some fish dicks?

>> No.20512676

I want this to happen near me but it’s Chicago. I’d bring a 24 rack of Old Style, maybe a bottle of Malört, my famous homemade greek salad, and a couple bulletproof vests.

>> No.20513360
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Kek it’s perfect anon

>> No.20513454
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>> No.20513469

Who the hell wants to be coked out in a hot park

>> No.20513522

The heat of the park cooks the meth.

>> No.20513567

wheres ja/ck/
perfect otherwise

>> No.20513631

quality shit

>> No.20513637

Just ran out of room, /ck/ has too many meme-celebs.

>> No.20513716

You won't