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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20510976 No.20510976 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever dieted before?
And I don't mean "diet" in the sense of "eating less", I'm talking about keto, Jenny Craig, those types.

>> No.20510980

>two glasses of wine for lunch
What are you my mother?

>> No.20510982

Also you will definitely lose weight doing this because of the terrible diarrhea you are sure to get.

>> No.20510987

I have to limit my intake of green vegetables and avoid certain fruits. Coumadin diet, I guess.

>> No.20510991

Yeah, something happened a long while back that made it so I couldn't eat carbs, some kind of gut bacteria problem, so I had to do keto for like, a year
I was a little overweight and lost about 10 maybe 15 pounds in the first few months but had to stay on it for a long-ass while
Part of why it works is because it gets really, really boring, and you don't even want to eat, it's soo repetitive

>> No.20510992

fad diets like you listed are still just diets. diets = fewer calories. it's all just self control. what are you getting at with this question

>> No.20510995

I guess. I went through basic training that's like a 3 month strict diet.

>> No.20511005

>what are you getting at with this question
not every question has a point, anon; you can just be curious for the heck of it

>> No.20511008

guess I just don't see the point in asking a yes/no question with no discussion

>> No.20511012

there's been discussion this whole time, what are you talking about?
if you reply "yes" and say nothing else then yeah, there's no discussion there, but that's on you

>> No.20511082

I did that "super fat smash" diet that they advertised on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club (circa ~2003 I think). It worked really well.

>> No.20511124

not doing any weird shit, just lean bulking at a calorie deficit
maybe it'll work out, maybe not, we'll see
I'm getting stronger and lifting heavier weights each week, so I must be doing something right
I started out at 50 kilos, went to 60 after bulking, now I'm down to 57
I'd imagine I'm losing the fat and other shit and gaining muscle
/fit/ bros recommended me 1500 calories a day, but I'm trying to eat a little less
I don't really count, but I eat 1 chicken breast a day + 1 liter of milk + 3 eggs, that amounts to about 1100 calories and 100 grams of protein, and I eat some light snacks from time to time and maybe a banana or two or some carbs that have fiber, like buckwheat, and surprisingly, pasta
apparently, pasta has a good amount of fiber, learned about it when I had (WARNING) diarrhea, plain cooked spaghetti without sauce is great for diarrhea

>> No.20511157

OMAD is the easiest and most effective diet. doing anything else is a waste of time and effort

>> No.20511905
File: 21 KB, 152x254, Mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White wine zombie moms are my fetish

>> No.20511918

Did keto for a few months and lost over 70lbs. Works a treat for eating only 1500cal a day and not feeling hungry.

>> No.20511951

So how long can I safely do this diet without suffering serious damage/side effects? Cause that's already like half my weekend.

>> No.20512307

I was on a keto diet once.
It might have not been a real keto diet because I thought that sugarless soda is keto friendly and that I could still eat maxium of 50 grams of carbs (i.e. a packet of nuggets) a day but according to a buddy of mine that isn't true.
I lost 10kg in a month though, but that might have just been from not being able to think of anything keto friendly to eat.

>> No.20512661

Even becoming somewhat ketogenic causes the body to break down body fat into energy. You're essentially training your body to use fat tissue as an energy source on keto.

It's kind of easy to fuck things up on keto by eating too much fat though. A stick of butter in your coffee and boiled eggs for lunch is fine but eating a stick of butter every hour is not.

>> No.20512689

I did paleo for a year or so because I was living with a guy with celiac. Didn't really notice much of a change.

Also not really a diet, but about a year ago I was poor and eating ramen almost exclusively for about 6 months. Lost 30 or 40 pounds. Now I have a job and I'm fat again.

>> No.20512691

no. although my BMI does hover around 25 these days, i've still never been more than ~15 lbs overweight and thus have never felt compelled to do so. i have had family and friends find success with keto, though

>> No.20513432

Grilled chicken and steamed broccoli almost every day, dunno the name but fills your belly and heals your body.

>> No.20513440

Broccoli is soaked in pesticides. The reason why lean cuts of meat work so well in diets is it forces your body to become ketogenic assuming low carb/sugar intake. It uses fat for fuel and if it can't get it from your diet it will become upset but eventually use the one from your body.

>> No.20514412

I did keto once and all of my hair fell out. It's a very common side effect. Even women and children go bald from keto.

>> No.20514550

Wait until you find out high carb/sugar diets do to you long term.

>> No.20514570

Wait until you die from following meme diets pushed by grifters on tiktok

>> No.20516311


>> No.20516359

I tried keto for a week and was scared by how I had no appetite so stopped.