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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 428 KB, 1442x2048, super size me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20505622 No.20505622 [Reply] [Original]

>If you eat unhealthy fast food for a month you become... unhealthy...

It's a miracle that this film even caused a scandal with McDonalds.

>> No.20505625

Also, the guy was going through alcohol withdrawal for a lot of the movie.

>> No.20505659

I kinda like the movie solely because it was about eating and going around places seeing food.

>> No.20505663

lmao was he really?

>> No.20505698

yeah he had fatty liver from drinking lol

>> No.20505703

Yea and he turned out to be a diddler or some shit and ruined his career. It all came out during the me too

>> No.20505713
File: 15 KB, 263x379, FatHeadPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20505776

It was a movie done to control a narrative done by a leftist who did underhanded things in the sequel, and got approved because of course he was an ally, until the MePoo movement targetted him (dont know for what reason and i dont trust people to being honest about it and i am not gonna try to figure it out), and then he pretty much dissapeared.

What i wanna know is, was this movie accurate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs

>> No.20505812

Regular reminder that the bit at the end where the doctor tells him he is hurting himself and should stop, was actually filmed at the start. Go back and watch it and jump between the two scenes. The doctor is wearing the same clothes, has the same level of hair growth and stubble, is sat in the same position and has the same things on his desk in the same place, with Spurlocks reaction shot being a completely different room.

The man filmed his own alcoholism diagnosis and used it in his fake documentary to make money and shill his girlfriends weightless business

>> No.20505849


Holy. Fucking. Shit. Immediately after he's on the phone to his mother who is asking about his health and theres a small but noticable edit where she's talking about "the damage done" and how if he "changes his habits" his liver will be OK and he can have part of hers if he needs it and it's played off as a joke. What an absolute psychopath.

>> No.20505967

Yeah it's a scam of a movie. if you watch it knowing he was withdrawing it's obvious. Mods is still terrible for you through but your not going to be puking after a week.

>> No.20505968

you can eat mcdonalds your entire life and be healthy if you stay within healthy calorie amounts and never get a sugar drink, but this disingenuous faggot pretends like the same result wouldn't happen if you have coke at home with huge amounts of homemade food (and were an alcoholic)

>> No.20505972

>Another decade of people missing the point that he ate like a "super user" of McDonald's explicitly
He was a vegan alcoholic but physically active before the experiment. He super sized everything and continued his normal life and things were worse. You cannot convince me that a "super user" like he wanted to portray didn't also drink alcohol excessively.

>> No.20505982

>That scene where he gets a black woman's hair in his parfait
Seemed excessively racist even for the time honestly

>> No.20506013


Just to clarify before I declare you a retard, do you think any actual person, "super user" or otherwise, continues to shove food and drink down their throat even when they are full and are actively choking and gagging on it, unless they are either making a point or severely mentally ill?

>> No.20506022
File: 3.97 MB, 1280x720, 1703043340427577.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obesity is a mental illness caused usually by childhood food pushing or scarcity, so yes.

>> No.20506028

Afraid so

>> No.20506033

has his arm been amputated yet?

>> No.20506036


>only the mentally ill or people making a point eat until they are physically sick
>Spurlock wasn't mentally ill


>> No.20506328
File: 79 KB, 541x549, Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 02-25-37 McDonald's Press Releases Section - Press Release August 2004 Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be McDonald spokesman
>tell people to stop eating there everyday
>utterly destroys the movie
Actually hilarious that McDonald's acted against their own self-interest just to own Spurdock.
It has a pretty comfy early 2000s feel to it.

>> No.20507545
File: 145 KB, 1013x789, ebwf5qybgwb21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's had been doing the "seriously, responsibly eat our food and there's no problem" campaign for decades by the time Spurlock did it. You can't blame a company for selling a product, it's a "you" problem at some point.

>> No.20507567

i literally ate wcdonald's for lunch for 2 years....
in those 2 years i was working retail and moving heavy boxes and stacks of food and drinks. and i walked at least 20 mins to/from work. i am a SEA monky btw and not white. maybe helpes in not being lazy?

maybe he shouldn't supersize and sit on his ass every day while doing it?

>> No.20507574

Meanwhile Jack in the Box concurrently was running an ad campaign that was "yeah you know this shit's slop but it's cheap, come get it bitch"

sucks to be the industry leader sometimes

>> No.20507974

by now its pretty much a fact that copious amounts of sugar cause non alcoholic fatty liver. for all we know it could have been the gallons of soda he downed every single day

>> No.20507984

A single month of eating like shit isn't going to fuck you up that badly.

>> No.20507992

what he did is the equivalent of a 30 day bender. thats acute damage, not chronic
i mean not like he pisses all that fructose out

>> No.20508033

>if you're a lying alcoholic you can make a hit piece on american fast food

>> No.20508155


>> No.20508157

If he actually did PT he could bring it back but he's depressed

>> No.20508188

I experience that whooshing feeling he told the doctor about.

>> No.20508193

This movie should be held up as proof that not only can you survive by eating at McDonald's three times a day, but you actually SHOULD be doing that (don't forget to use the app for discounts, because they will charge you full price otherwise). And drinking alcohol to excess is bad for you.